1000 resultados para wood transport
Isolated nonperfused rabbit renal proximal tubules were used to investigate the basolateral step of transport of the organic cation N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN). NMN accumulation was highest and saturable in S2 and S3 segments, but lowest and nonsaturable in S1 segments. In S1 segments, accumulation of [3H]-NMN (0.5-8 microM in the bath) resulted in an average tubular water/medium concentration ratio (T/M) of 8.2, whereas in S2 and S3 segments T/M averaged 19.5 and 18.6, respectively. At these concentrations, about 30% of the label was attached in all segments to a metabolite comigrating with nicotinamide. KCN (10(-2) M) or ouabain (10(-4) M) reduced T/M to about 8 for all segments. NMN accumulation was inhibited (to a T/M of about 3 with mepiperphenidol) by other organic cations (10(-5)-10(-3) M) with the potency sequence mepiperphenidol greater than tetraethylammonium = quinine greater than morphine, these organic cations having no effect on p-aminohippurate accumulation, except for the highest concentration of quinine (10(-3) M). After correction for metabolism, NMN accumulation could be accounted for by simple electrochemical equilibrium across the basolateral membrane. The basolateral step of NMN transport appears therefore to be a carrier-mediated diffusion, in opposition to the active basolateral accumulation described for tetraethylammonium.
A Monte Carlo procedure to simulate the penetration and energy loss of low¿energy electron beams through solids is presented. Elastic collisions are described by using the method of partial waves for the screened Coulomb field of the nucleus. The atomic charge density is approximated by an analytical expression with parameters determined from the Dirac¿Hartree¿Fock¿Slater self¿consistent density obtained under Wigner¿Seitz boundary conditions in order to account for solid¿state effects; exchange effects are also accounted for by an energy¿dependent local correction. Elastic differential cross sections are then easily computed by combining the WKB and Born approximations to evaluate the phase shifts. Inelastic collisions are treated on the basis of a generalized oscillator strength model which gives inelastic mean free paths and stopping powers in good agreement with experimental data. This scattering model is accurate in the energy range from a few hundred eV up to about 50 keV. The reliability of the simulation method is analyzed by comparing simulation results and experimental data from backscattering and transmission measurements.
Ion channels and transporters play a critical role in ion and fluid homeostasis and thus in normal animal physiology and pathology. Tight regulation of these transmembrane proteins is therefore essential. In recent years, many studies have focused their attention on the role of the ubiquitin system in regulating ion channels and transporters, initialed by the discoveries of the role of this system in processing of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR), and in regulating endocytosis of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) by the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases (mainly Nedd4-2). In this review, we discuss the role of the ubiquitin system in ER Associated Degradation (ERAD) of ion channels, and in the regulation of endocytosis and lysosomal sorting of ion channels and transporters, focusing primarily in mammalian cells. We also briefly discuss the role of ubiquitin like molecules (such as SUMO) in such regulation, for which much less is known so far.
Kinesins and myosins transport cargos to specific locations along microtubules and actin filaments, respectively. The relative contribution of the two transport systems for cell polarization varies extensively in different cell types, with some cells relying exclusively on actin-based transport while others mainly use microtubules. Using fission yeast, we asked whether one transport system can substitute for the other. In this organism, microtubules and actin cables both contribute to polarized growth by transporting cargos to cell poles, but with distinct roles: microtubules transport landmarks to label cell poles for growth and actin assembly but do not directly contribute to the growth process [1]. Actin cables serve as tracks for myosin V delivery of growth vesicles to cell poles [2-4]. We engineered a chimera between the motor domain of the kinesin 7 Tea2 and the globular tail of the myosin V Myo52, which we show transports Ypt3, a myosin cargo receptor, to cell poles along microtubules. Remarkably, this chimera restores polarized growth and viability to cells lacking actin cables. It also bypasses the normal microtubule-dependent marking of cell poles for polarized growth, but not for other functions. Thus, a synthetic motor protein successfully redirects cargos along a distinct cytoskeletal route.
The recent identification of several additional members of the family of sugar transport facilitators (gene symbol SLC2A, protein symbol GLUT) has created a heterogeneous and, in part, confusing nomenclature. Therefore, this letter provides a summary of the family members and suggests a systematic nomenclature for SLC2A and GLUT symbols.
The concept of tripartite synapse suggests that astrocytes make up a functional synapse with pre- and postsynaptic neuronal elements to modulate synaptic transmission through the regulated release of neuromodulators called gliotransmitters. Release of gliotransmitters such as glutamate or D-serine has been shown to depend on Ca21-dependent exocytosis. However, the origin (cytosolic versus vesicular) of the released gliotransmitter is still a matter of debate. The existence of Ca21-regulated exocytosis in astrocytes has been questioned mostly because the nature of secretory organelles which are loaded with gliotransmitters is unknown. Here we show the existence of a population of vesicles that uptakes and stores glutamate and D-serine in astrocytes which are present in situ. Immunoisolated glial organelles expressing synaptobrevin 2 (Sb2) display morphological and biochemical features very similar to synaptic vesicles. We demonstrate that these organelles not only contain and uptake glutamate but also display a glia-specific transport activity for D-serine. Furthermore, we report that the uptake of D-serine is energized by a H1-ATPase present on the immunoisolated vesicles and that cytosolic chloride ions modulate the uptake of D-serine. Finally, we show that serine racemase (SR), the synthesizing enzyme for D-serine, is anchored to the membrane of glial organelles allowing a local and efficient concentration of the gliotransmitter to be transported. We conclude that vesicles in astrocytes do exist with the goal to store and release D-serine, glutamate and most likely other neuromodulators.
The lung possesses specific transport systems that intra- and extracellularly maintain salt and fluid balance necessary for its function. At birth, the lungs rapidly transform into a fluid (Na(+))-absorbing organ to enable efficient gas exchange. Alveolar fluid clearance, which mainly depends on sodium transport in alveolar epithelial cells, is an important mechanism by which excess water in the alveoli is reabsorbed during the resolution of pulmonary edema. In this review, we will focus and summarize on the role of ENaC in alveolar lung liquid clearance and discuss recent data from mouse models with altered activity of epithelial sodium channel function in the lung, and more specifically in alveolar fluid clearance. Recent data studying mice with hyperactivity of ENaC or mice with reduced ENaC activity clearly illustrate the impaired lung fluid clearance in these adult mice. Further understanding of the physiological role of ENaC and its regulatory proteins implicated in salt and water balance in the alveolar cells may therefore help to develop new therapeutic strategies to improve gas exchange in pulmonary edema.
The banding pattern (G-, C-, AgNOR-staining) was described in karyotypes of Apodemus alpicola Heinrich, 1952 and A. microps Kratochvil et Rosicky, 1952 collected from the Alps and central Europe, Distinct differences between the two species were revealed in the distribution of C-heterochromatic regions in autosomes and the sex chromosomes, and the distribution of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). Extensive variation in the distribution pattern of C-heterochromatin and NORs obviously exists among the wood mice of the subgenus Sylvaemus, and individual species can be distinguished according to a specific variation pattern. However, it seems premature to designate individual karyotypic forms as separate species, because the extent of overall geographical interpopulation variation is still not sufficiently known.
Identifying transport pathways in fractured rock is extremely challenging as flow is often organized in a few fractures that occupy a very small portion of the rock volume. We demonstrate that saline tracer experiments combined with single-hole ground penetrating radar (GPR) reflection imaging can be used to monitor saline tracer movement within mm-aperture fractures. A dipole tracer test was performed in a granitic aquifer by injecting a saline solution in a known fracture, while repeatedly acquiring single-hole GPR sections in the pumping borehole located 6 m away. The final depth-migrated difference sections make it possible to identify consistent temporal changes over a 30 m depth interval at locations corresponding to fractures previously imaged in GPR sections acquired under natural flow and tracer-free conditions. The experiment allows determining the dominant flow paths of the injected tracer and the velocity (0.4-0.7 m/min) of the tracer front. Citation: Dorn, C., N. Linde, T. Le Borgne, O. Bour, and L. Baron (2011), Single-hole GPR reflection imaging of solute transport in a granitic aquifer, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L08401, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047152.