886 resultados para volleyball spike


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A microcosm system was developed to investigate transfers of organic xenobiotics in air-soil-plant systems. This was validated using 14C labelled 1,2-dichlorobenzene (DCB) as a model compound. Trapping efficiency was 106 ± 3% for volatile compounds and 93.0 ± 2.2% for carbon dioxide in a blank microcosm arrangement. Recovery of 1,2-dichlorobenzene spiked to grassed and unplanted soils was > 90% after 1 week. The predominant DCB loss process was volatilisation with no evidence for mineralisation over 1 week and 20-30% of the added spike remained in soil. Although there was no evidence for root uptake and translocation of added label, foliar uptake of soil volatilised compound was detected. The microcosm showed good potential for study of 14C labelled and unlabelled organic xenobiotic transfers in air-soil-plant systems with single plants and also intact planted cores.


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Paired Associative Stimulation (PAS) has come to prominence as a potential therapeutic intervention for the treatment of brain injury/disease, and as an experimental method with which to investigate Hebbian principles of neural plasticity in humans. Prototypically, a single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in advance of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) delivered to the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1). Repeated pairing of the stimuli (i.e., association) over an extended period may increase or decrease the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, in manner that depends on the interstimulus interval (ISI). It has been suggested that these effects represent a form of associative long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) that bears resemblance to spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) as it has been elaborated in animal models. With a large body of empirical evidence having emerged since the cardinal features of PAS were first described, and in light of the variations from the original protocols that have been implemented, it is opportune to consider whether the phenomenology of PAS remains consistent with the characteristic features that were initially disclosed. This assessment necessarily has bearing upon interpretation of the effects of PAS in relation to the specific cellular pathways that are putatively engaged, including those that adhere to the rules of STDP. The balance of evidence suggests that the mechanisms that contribute to the LTP- and LTD-type responses to PAS differ depending on the precise nature of the induction protocol that is used. In addition to emphasizing the requirement for additional explanatory models, in the present analysis we highlight the key features of the PAS phenomenology that require interpretation.


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O metano é um gás de estufa potente e uma importante fonte de energia. A importância global e impacto em zonas costeiras de acumulações e escape de gás metano são ainda pouco conhecidas. Esta tese investiga acumulações e escape de gás em canais de maré da Ria de Aveiro com dados de cinco campanhas de reflexão sísmica de alta resolução realizadas em 1986, 1999, 2002 e 2003. Estas incluem três campanhas de Chirp (RIAV99, RIAV02 e RIAV02A) e duas campanhas de Boomer (VOUGA86 e RIAV03). O processamento dos dados de navegação incluíram filtros de erros, correcções de sincronização de relógios de sistemas de aquisição de dados, ajuste de “layback” e estimativa da posição de “midpoint”. O processamento do sinal sísmico consistiu na correcção das amplitudes, remoção de ruído do tipo “burst”, correcções estáticas, correcção do “normal move-out”, filtragem passabanda, desconvolução da assinatura e migração Stolt F-K. A análise da regularidade do trajecto de navegação, dos desfasamentos entre horizontes e dos modelos de superfícies foi utilizada para controlo de qualidade, e permitiu a revisão e melhoria dos parâmetros de processamento. A heterogeneidade da cobertura sísmica, da qualidade do sinal, da penetração e da resolução, no seu conjunto constrangeram o uso dos dados a interpretações detalhadas, mas locais, de objectos geológicos da Ria. É apresentado um procedimento para determinar a escolha de escalas adequadas para modelar os objectos geológicos, baseado na resolução sísmica, erros de posicionamento conhecidos e desfasamentos médios entre horizontes. As evidências de acumulação e escape de gás na Ria de Aveiro incluem turbidez acústica, reflexões reforçadas, cortinas acústicas, domas, “pockmarks” e alinhamentos de “pockmarks” enterradas, horizontes perturbados e plumas acústicas na coluna de água (flares). A estratigrafia e a estrutura geológica controlam a distribuição e extensão das acumulações e escape de gás. Ainda assim, nestes sistemas de baixa profundidade de água, as variações da altura de maré têm um impacto significativo na detecção de gás com métodos acústicos, através de alterações nas amplitudes originais de reflexões reforçadas, turbidez acústica e branqueamento acústico em zonas com gás. Os padrões encontrados confirmam que o escape de bolhas de gás é desencadeado pela descida da maré. Há acumulações de gás em sedimentos Holocénicos e no substrato de argilas e calcários do Mesozóico. Evidências directas de escape de gás em sondagens em zonas vizinhas, mostraram gás essencialmente biogénico. A maioria do gás na área deve ter sido gerado em sedimentos lagunares Holocénicos. No entanto, a localização e geometria de estruturas de escape de fluidos em alguns canais de maré, seguem o padrão de fracturas do substrato Mesozóico, indicando uma possível fonte mais profunda de gás e que estas fracturas funcionam como condutas preferenciais de migração dos fluidos e exercem um controlo estrutural na ocorrência de gás na Ria.


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This co-written chapter was included in an edited book featuring invited authors from different countries and different areas of museum research and practice. The chapter uses a theory of play by Johan Huizinga (1938) to frame case studies of play-based interactive experiences in museums in various countries. The aim was to use theory to ground museum practice, in order to evaluate existing practical implementations as well as to inform the design of new ones. The book was nominated as one of the 10 best museum education books of 2011 by Museum Education Monitor, and the chapter led to a subsequent technology residency the author undertook in the Spike Island gallery, Bristol in 2012, funded by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, Arts and Humanities Research Council and Arts Council England. It also informed his subsequent postgraduate teaching, an example of which is a recent MA project, which deconstructs play from a computational perspective. Collaborations have continued with the co-author, which have resulted in a number of invited lectures. In this chapter the authors explore play as a structure for supporting visitor learning, drawing from international research in museums and interaction design. Four aspects of play first proposed by Huizinga are explored – the free-choice aspect of play, play as distinct from real life, play as an ordering structure, and the role of play in bridging communities. The chapter argues that play provides museums with ready-made structures and concepts, which can help planning for visitor learning. The research was equally divided between the co-authors, who developed the conceptual and theoretical aspects of the article by drawing on their own research alongside key examples of museum design and digital media.


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The most biologically-inspired artificial neurons are those of the third generation, and are termed spiking neurons, as individual pulses or spikes are the means by which stimuli are communicated. In essence, a spike is a short-term change in electrical potential and is the basis of communication between biological neurons. Unlike previous generations of artificial neurons, spiking neurons operate in the temporal domain, and exploit time as a resource in their computation. In 1952, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley produced the first model of a spiking neuron; their model describes the complex electro-chemical process that enables spikes to propagate through, and hence be communicated by, spiking neurons. Since this time, improvements in experimental procedures in neurobiology, particularly with in vivo experiments, have provided an increasingly more complex understanding of biological neurons. For example, it is now well-understood that the propagation of spikes between neurons requires neurotransmitter, which is typically of limited supply. When the supply is exhausted neurons become unresponsive. The morphology of neurons, number of receptor sites, amongst many other factors, means that neurons consume the supply of neurotransmitter at different rates. This in turn produces variations over time in the responsiveness of neurons, yielding various computational capabilities. Such improvements in the understanding of the biological neuron have culminated in a wide range of different neuron models, ranging from the computationally efficient to the biologically realistic. These models enable the modeling of neural circuits found in the brain.


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The most biologically-inspired artificial neurons are those of the third generation, and are termed spiking neurons, as individual pulses or spikes are the means by which stimuli are communicated. In essence, a spike is a short-term change in electrical potential and is the basis of communication between biological neurons. Unlike previous generations of artificial neurons, spiking neurons operate in the temporal domain, and exploit time as a resource in their computation. In 1952, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley produced the first model of a spiking neuron; their model describes the complex electro-chemical process that enables spikes to propagate through, and hence be communicated by, spiking neurons. Since this time, improvements in experimental procedures in neurobiology, particularly with in vivo experiments, have provided an increasingly more complex understanding of biological neurons. For example, it is now well understood that the propagation of spikes between neurons requires neurotransmitter, which is typically of limited supply. When the supply is exhausted neurons become unresponsive. The morphology of neurons, number of receptor sites, amongst many other factors, means that neurons consume the supply of neurotransmitter at different rates. This in turn produces variations over time in the responsiveness of neurons, yielding various computational capabilities. Such improvements in the understanding of the biological neuron have culminated in a wide range of different neuron models, ranging from the computationally efficient to the biologically realistic. These models enable the modelling of neural circuits found in the brain. In recent years, much of the focus in neuron modelling has moved to the study of the connectivity of spiking neural networks. Spiking neural networks provide a vehicle to understand from a computational perspective, aspects of the brain’s neural circuitry. This understanding can then be used to tackle some of the historically intractable issues with artificial neurons, such as scalability and lack of variable binding. Current knowledge of feed-forward, lateral, and recurrent connectivity of spiking neurons, and the interplay between excitatory and inhibitory neurons is beginning to shed light on these issues, by improved understanding of the temporal processing capabilities and synchronous behaviour of biological neurons. This research topic aims to amalgamate current research aimed at tackling these phenomena.


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One of the basic aspects of some neural networks is their attempt to approximate as much as possible their biological counterparts. The goal is to achieve a simple and robust network, easy to understand and able of simulating the human brain at a computational level. Recently a third generation of neural networks (NN) [1], called Spiking Neural Networks(SNN) was appeared. This new kind of networks use the time of a electrical pulse, or spike, to encode the information. In the first and second generation of NN analog values are used in the communication between neurons.


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As the profile of disability sport has risen, so has the emphasis grown beyond participation to include the development of a high performance environment. This book is the first to take an in-depth look at the role of coaches and coaching in facilitating the professionalisation of disability sport, in raising performance standards, and as an important vector for the implementation of significant political, socio-cultural and technological change. Using in-depth case studies of elite disability sport coaches from around the world, the book offers a framework for critical reflection on coaching practice as well as the reader’s own experiences of disability sport. The book also evaluates the vital role of the coach in raising the bar of performance in a variety of elite level disability sports, including athletics, basketball, boccia, equestrian sport, rowing, soccer, skiing, swimming and volleyball. Providing a valuable evidence-based learning resource to support coaches and students in developing their own practice, High Performance Disability Sport Coaching is essential reading for all those interested in disability sport, coaching practice, elite sport development and the Paralympic Games.


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As the profile of disability sport has risen, so has the emphasis grown beyond participation to include the development of a high performance environment. This book is the first to take an in-depth look at the role of coaches and coaching in facilitating the professionalisation of disability sport, in raising performance standards, and as an important vector for the implementation of significant political, socio-cultural and technological change. Using in-depth case studies of elite disability sport coaches from around the world, the book offers a framework for critical reflection on coaching practice as well as the reader’s own experiences of disability sport. The book also evaluates the vital role of the coach in raising the bar of performance in a variety of elite level disability sports, including athletics, basketball, boccia, equestrian sport, rowing, soccer, skiing, swimming and volleyball. Providing a valuable evidence-based learning resource to support coaches and students in developing their own practice, High Performance Disability Sport Coaching is essential reading for all those interested in disability sport, coaching practice, elite sport development and the Paralympic Games.


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As the profile of disability sport has risen, so has the emphasis grown beyond participation to include the development of a high performance environment. This book is the first to take an in-depth look at the role of coaches and coaching in facilitating the professionalisation of disability sport, in raising performance standards, and as an important vector for the implementation of significant political, socio-cultural and technological change. Using in-depth case studies of elite disability sport coaches from around the world, the book offers a framework for critical reflection on coaching practice as well as the reader’s own experiences of disability sport. The book also evaluates the vital role of the coach in raising the bar of performance in a variety of elite level disability sports, including athletics, basketball, boccia, equestrian sport, rowing, soccer, skiing, swimming and volleyball. Providing a valuable evidence-based learning resource to support coaches and students in developing their own practice, High Performance Disability Sport Coaching is essential reading for all those interested in disability sport, coaching practice, elite sport development and the Paralympic Games.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Accurate perception of the order of occurrence of sensory information is critical for the building up of coherent representations of the external world from ongoing flows of sensory inputs. While some psychophysical evidence reports that performance on temporal perception can improve, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unresolved. Using electrical neuroimaging analyses of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), we identified the brain dynamics and mechanism supporting improvements in auditory temporal order judgment (TOJ) during the course of the first vs. latter half of the experiment. Training-induced changes in brain activity were first evident 43-76 ms post stimulus onset and followed from topographic, rather than pure strength, AEP modulations. Improvements in auditory TOJ accuracy thus followed from changes in the configuration of the underlying brain networks during the initial stages of sensory processing. Source estimations revealed an increase in the lateralization of initially bilateral posterior sylvian region (PSR) responses at the beginning of the experiment to left-hemisphere dominance at its end. Further supporting the critical role of left and right PSR in auditory TOJ proficiency, as the experiment progressed, responses in the left and right PSR went from being correlated to un-correlated. These collective findings provide insights on the neurophysiologic mechanism and plasticity of temporal processing of sounds and are consistent with models based on spike timing dependent plasticity.


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Brock Women's Volleyball in a 1977 match.


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Brock Women's Volleyball in a 1978 match. Pictured here are Marcia Upper (#7) and Kelly Fahlenblock (#2). The two others remain unknown.


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Brock Women's Volleyball in a March 1977 match. Pictured here are Nancy Barclay (#7), Linda Gause (#14), Gail Cort (#1), and Gladys Zymelka (#2).