992 resultados para virtual assembly


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L’augment de la utilització de les noves tecnologies a la nostra societat permet a les empreses arribar al client d’una forma més rapida i facilitant la informació de manera àgil i ordenada. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha creat una botiga virtual que serà la part visible als usuaris i clients de l’empresa PRINTONER S.L , dedicada al sector dels consumibles, especialment els reciclats. Per l’empresa un dels objectius principals és oferir al client la possibilitat de comprar els seus productes de manera còmode a través d’Internet, ja que accedint amb un nom d’usuari i una contrasenya podrà obtenir totes les referències de les que es disposa, podrà tramitar les comandes i controlar-ne l’estat fins el moment de l’entrega. A part de les seccions destinades a usuaris i clients s’ha creat una zona d’administració, on els responsables de l’empresa podran gestionar tots els productes, modificar i visualitzar les comandes. A més aprofitant que aquestes quedaran guardades a una base de dades juntament amb els productes venuts, s’integrarà el sistema de facturació de l’empresa, cosa que fins el moment es feia de manera manual i maldestre. També es programarà una part on els responsables podran insertar reparacions i vendes informàtiques que s’hagin de facturar o per fer-ne un us estadístic en un futur. Tot això ens portarà a implementar un sistema d’usuaris registrats amb diferents permisos i diferents nivells d’accés a l’aplicació, fins a un total de 5. S’ha intentat fer de l’aplicació, un sistema a mida i que compleixi tots els requisits que l’empresa ens ha demanat, amb la previsió que més endavant s’hi pugui implementar un sistema de gestió d’estocs i altres millores per oferir als seus clients un servei inigualable. Per tal de portar a terme tot aquest treball s’ha utilitzat una tecnologia de lliure distribució com és el llenguatge PHP i la base de dades MySQL, aquesta opció a part d’una filosofia es produeix per intentar minimitzar els costos de l’aplicatiu. La finalitat de l’empresa amb aquest projecte és oferir millor imatge i servei, efectivitat i rapidesa en tot el procés de vendes, així com reduir costos de facturació i també de publicitat, ja que es podrà potenciar molt més la pàgina web via internet.


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L'objectiu de la realització d'aquest treball és la creació d'un teclat virtual destinat a ajudar a persones amb mobilitat reduïda, que no poden utilitzar el teclat físic de l'ordinador, a escriure intentant aconseguir una velocitat d'escriptura raonable per a textos de qualsevol mida. Per aconseguir aquesta velocitat d'escriptura raonable s'ha implementat un sistema de predicció del llenguatge que té dos aspectes. D'una banda es prediuen paraules segons la seva freqüència d'ús en un determinat diccionari i, d'altra banda, es prediuen paraules seguint les regles d'escriptura de la gramàtica catalana. Un altre aspecte important era que el programa creat es pogués utilitzar en diferents sistemes operatius ja que només hi havia versions específiques per a cada un d'ells. El programa creat es pot executar en els sistemes operatius Windows XP, Mac OS i Ubuntu Linux. El programa creat pretén ser una base per a posteriors millores i ampliacions en diferents parts del seu conjunt. No obstant això, com a resultat s'ha obtingut un programa que permet escriure raonablement ràpid i permet a l'usuari gestionar diccionaris i els dos tipus de predicció que s'han implementat.


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Understanding how communities of living organisms assemble has been a central question in ecology since the early days of the discipline. Disentangling the different processes involved in community assembly is not only interesting in itself but also crucial for an understanding of how communities will behave under future environmental scenarios. The traditional concept of assembly rules reflects the notion that species do not co-occur randomly but are restricted in their co-occurrence by interspecific competition. This concept can be redefined in a more general framework where the co-occurrence of species is a product of chance, historical patterns of speciation and migration, dispersal, abiotic environmental factors, and biotic interactions, with none of these processes being mutually exclusive. Here we present a survey and meta-analyses of 59 papers that compare observed patterns in plant communities with null models simulating random patterns of species assembly. According to the type of data under study and the different methods that are applied to detect community assembly, we distinguish four main types of approach in the published literature: species co-occurrence, niche limitation, guild proportionality and limiting similarity. Results from our meta-analyses suggest that non-random co-occurrence of plant species is not a widespread phenomenon. However, whether this finding reflects the individualistic nature of plant communities or is caused by methodological shortcomings associated with the studies considered cannot be discerned from the available metadata. We advocate that more thorough surveys be conducted using a set of standardized methods to test for the existence of assembly rules in data sets spanning larger biological and geographical scales than have been considered until now. We underpin this general advice with guidelines that should be considered in future assembly rules research. This will enable us to draw more accurate and general conclusions about the non-random aspect of assembly in plant communities.


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Introduction and summary Iowa Code § 8D.10 requires certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2009, the DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system. Therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report. Pursuant to Iowa Code § II 84 Acts and Joint Resolutions Enacted at the 1994 Regular Session of the 75th General Assembly of the State of Iowa Iowa Code §8D.10 Report of Savings by State Agencies


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Evidence-based information on travel associated mortality is scarce. Perception, intuition and the availability of interventions such as vaccinations and chemoprophylaxis often guide pre-travel advice. Important risks including accidents and cardiovascular events are not routinely included in pre-travel consultations although they cause more fatalities and costs than infectious diseases. The increased risk of sustaining a road accident in poor economy countries should always be mentioned. The general practitioner is further best placed to discuss possible problems of travellers with chronic diseases before travel.


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Calendar-year annual report to the Iowa Legislature on the Iowa Streamlined Sales Tax Advisory Council members, meetings, significant developments, issues, pending issues, and statutory responsibilities discharged.


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Calendar-year annual report to the Iowa Legislature on the Iowa Streamlined Sales Tax Advisory Council members, meetings, significant developments, issues, pending issues, and statutory responsibilities discharged.


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Calendar-year annual report to the Iowa Legislature on the Iowa Streamlined Sales Tax Advisory Council members, meetings, significant developments, issues, pending issues, and statutory responsibilities discharged.


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La elección de un programa de gestión de bibliotecas se ve afectada muchas veces por una serie de condiciones sociales, económicas y políticas que hacen que la elección no sea la más adecuada para las necesidades, características y funciones de la biblioteca. El software libre está siendo una de las soluciones más optadas, por sus libertades de copia, modificación y distribución, además de la libertad de licencias y las posibilidades de interoperación con otras aplicaciones. Esta nueva tendencia hacia el software libre en bibliotecas se refleja también en los estudios de biblioteconomía y documentación, en los que desde diferentes asignaturas se aportan conocimientos sobre programas de automatización, de gestión de repositorios, incluso del sistema operativo Linux/GNU, entre otros. Esta combinación entre las necesidades de los centros y la tendencia al uso de software libre, es la que un grupo de profesores de la Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació (Universitat de Barcelona) y estudiantes, miembros del Grup de Treball sobre Programari Lliure per als Professionals de la Informació (Cobdc), han querido aportar a la comunidad profesional, creando un laboratorio virtual para el uso de software libre de aplicación en bibliotecas.


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Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the library’s needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repositorymanagement, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.


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We have studied the disassembly and assembly of two morphologically and functionally distinct parts of the Golgi complex, the cis/middle and trans cisterna/trans network compartments. For this purpose we have followed the redistribution of three cis/middle- (GMPc-1, GMPc-2, MG 160) and two trans- (GMPt-1 and GMPt-2) Golgi membrane proteins during and after treatment of normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with brefeldin A (BFA). BFA induced complete disassembly of the cis/middle- and trans-Golgi complex and translocation of GMPc and GMPt to the ER. Cells treated for short times (3 min) with BFA showed extensive disorganization of both cis/middle- and trans-Golgi complexes. However, complete disorganization of the trans part required much longer incubations with the drug. Upon removal of BFA the Golgi complex was reassembled by a process consisting of three steps: (a) exist of cis/middle proteins from the ER and their accumulation into vesicular structures scattered throughout the cytoplasm; (b) gradual relocation and accumulation of the trans proteins in the vesicles containing the cis/middle proteins; and (c) assembly of the cisternae, and reconstruction of the Golgi complex within an area located in the vicinity of the centrosome from which the ER was excluded. Reconstruction of the cis/middle-Golgi complex occurred under temperature conditions inhibitory of the reorganization of the trans-Golgi complex, and was dependent on microtubules. Reconstruction of the trans-Golgi complex, disrupted with nocodazole after selective fusion of the cis/middle-Golgi complex with the ER, occurred after the release of cis/middle-Golgi proteins from the ER and the assembly of the cis/middle cisternae.


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Cholesterol regulates plasma membrane (PM) association and functioning of syntaxin-4 and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein 23 (SNAP23) in the secretory pathway. However, the molecular mechanism and cellular cholesterol pools that determine the localization and assembly of these target membrane SNAP receptors (t-SNAREs) are largely unknown. We recently demonstrated that high levels of annexin A6 (AnxA6) induce accumulation of cholesterol in late endosomes, thereby reducing cholesterol in the Golgi and PM. This leads to an impaired supply of cholesterol needed for cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) to drive Golgi vesiculation and caveolin transport to the cell surface. Using AnxA6-overexpressing cells as a model for cellular cholesterol imbalance, we identify impaired cholesterol egress from late endosomes and diminution of Golgi cholesterol as correlating with the sequestration of SNAP23/syntaxin-4 in Golgi membranes. Pharmacological accumulation of late endosomal cholesterol and cPLA2 inhibition induces a similar phenotype in control cells with low AnxA6 levels. Ectopic expression of Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) or exogenous cholesterol restores the location of SNAP23 and syntaxin-4 within the PM. Importantly, AnxA6-mediated mislocalization of these t-SNAREs correlates with reduced secretion of cargo via the SNAP23/syntaxin-4¿dependent constitutive exocytic pathway. We thus conclude that inhibition of late endosomal export and Golgi cholesterol depletion modulate t-SNARE localization and functioning along the exocytic pathway.