960 resultados para university extension activities
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
This document covers the physical, emotional, social and developmental changes that can occur in preteens and young teenagers.
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
The Competine Creek watershed is a 24,956 acre sub-watershed of Cedar Creek. The creek traverses portions of three counties, slicing through rich and highly productive Southern lowa Drift Plain soils. The watershed is suffering from excessive sediment delivery and frequent flash floods that have been exacerbated by recent high rainfall events. Assessment data reveals soil erosion estimated to be 38,435 tons/year and sediment delivery to the creek at 15,847 tons/year. The Competine Creek Partnership Project is seeking WIRB funds to merge with IDALS-DSC funds and local funds, all targeted for structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the 2,760 acres of High Priority Areas (HPAs) identified by the assessment process. The BMPs will include grade stabilization structures, water and sediment basins, tile-outlet terraces, CRP, and urban storm water conservation practices. In addition, Iowa State University Extension-Iowa Learning Farm is investing in the project by facilitating a crop sampling program utilizing fall stalk nitrate, phosphorous index, and soil conditioning index testing. These tests will be used by producers as measures of performance to refine nutrient and soil loss management and to determine effective alternatives to reduce sediment and nutrient delivery to Competine Creek.
Lower Coldwater and Palmer Creeks in Butler and Floyd counties are subwatersheds of the Cedar River, which provides drinking water to Cedar Rapids, IA. The increasing concentration of nitrate+nitrate in the river is of concern to the Cedar Rapids water utility, and IDNR snapshot monitoring shows Coldwater and Palmer to be significant potential sources (above the 90th percentile for subwatersheds monitored). Both creeks are also on the Iowa Section 303(d) list of impaired waters (aquatic life). Citizens of these predominantly agricultural watersheds organized the Coldwater-Palmer Watershed Improvement Association to deal proactively with nonpoint source pollutants from crop and livestock operations through a performance-based environmental management program. The locally-adapted program implemented by the Coldwater-Palmer watershed council rewards participants for environmental accomplishments - soil quality improvement and nutrient source reduction as measured by accepted, scientifically-based tests and models. Most of the locallyappropriate BMPs used to improve performance are undertaken voluntarily at participants' initiative. WIRB funds will be combined with funding from the Iowa Com Growers Association and significant in-kind support from the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition, Iowa State University Extension and other partners. The project will result in sustainable reduction in nutrient loading achieved with voluntary participation of a majority of watershed farm operators.
This manual was developed for individuals preparing to become certified in Iowa as Commercial Pesticide Applicators in category 7A, General and Household Pest Management. It includes information on inspections, identification and treatment of various pest infestations. Pesticide safety is also covered.
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture