956 resultados para underground installations
Inversors però, principalment professionals de l'àmbit agrari, per tal de buscar una diversificació de l'activitat agrícola i ramadera que desenvolupen a les seves finques, sobretot joves emprenedors, poden estar interessats en produccions alternatives com la producció d'ànecs per a foie-gras, per tal de complementar la seva renda agrària. Actualment cal augmentar la competitivitat de les finques agrícoles per tal que aquestes siguin econòmicament viables. L’objectiu de l'estudi és determinar la viabilitat econòmica d’una explotació ramadera d’ànecs per a la producció de foie-gras, en el terme municipal de Fontanals de Cerdanya, analitzant les diverses alternatives en quant a dimensionament i disseny de les instal·lacions, segons el cicle productiu de l’animal. L'alternativa escollida per realitzar l'estudi es la de semi-integració (cria, engreix i embocat), de règim semi-intensiu (durant l'etapa de l'engreix), amb animals mascles de la raça híbrida Mulard. Les instal·lacions tindran una capacitat de 6.500 animals, amb lots de 250 caps. Aquest dimensionament permet, durant la fase d'embocat, en la qual es requereix més dedicació, que la demanda de mà d'obra pugui ser satisfeta per un únic treballador. La principal conclusió que es pot extreure de l'estudi és que la inversió projectada és massa elevada i que aquesta econòmicament no és viable o rendible, ja que la despesa és massa elevada. Es mouen uns fluxos de caixa molt elevats i el marge comercial és molt reduït. Únicament si l'objectiu del promotor és obtenir una remuneració per la seva feina, sempre i quan és produeixi un augment del preu actual de la carn i una disminució del preu del pinso, es podria recomanar que es portés a terme la implantació de l'explotació, intentant, però, reduir la despesa d'execució de construccions i instal·lacions.
Wind power is the fastest growing source of energy in the nation. New installations have expanded total U.S. generating capacity by 45 percent and injected over $9 billion in new investments into the economy in 2007. These new wind projects accounted for about 30 percent of the entire new power-producing capacity added nationally in 2007. According to our figures at the American Wind Energy Association, installed wind power capacity in the U.S. is now over 16,800 megawatts, and the future looks bright. With every wind turbine that goes up, America’s dependence on fossil fuels for power generation goes down. Wind energy represents a tremendous opportunity to use a non-polluting, inexhaustible source to meet our electric power needs.
Avant - Propos Le feu et la protection incendie Quel que soit l'usage d'un bâtiment, chaque étape de la construction est soumise à l'application de normes. Certaines, utilisées par les architectes et les ingénieurs, concernent le gros oeuvre ; en simplifiant leur rôle, elles assurent la solidité et la stabilité de l'immeuble. Si celui-ci est ouvert au public, des aménagements particuliers concernant la sécurité des personnes sont imposés. D'autres comme les prescriptions sur les installations électriques intérieures, précisent la manière de construire une alimentation, le type de matériel utilisable en fonction du courant et de la tension, les sécurités destinées à éviter toute détérioration des circuits et tout risque d'électrocution, etc. Enfin, les prescriptions en matière de protection incendie jouent évidemment un rôle préventif et, dans le domaine judiciaire, servent de références pour qualifier une éventuelle infraction ; elles évitent qu'une source de chaleur installée dans un bâtiment - tel qu'un appareil de chauffage ou des plaques de cuisson - ou susceptible d'apparaître consécutivement à l'usure d'un matériau ou à son vieillissement - disparition d'un isolant thermique, défaut d'étanchéité d'un conduit transportant les gaz chauds de combustion, par exemple - ne communiquent une partie de l'énergie calorifique dégagée à un combustible et ne l'enflamme. Le concept de protection incendie implique d'exposer et de développer les principales notions relatives à l'inflammation d'un matériau, à sa combustion ainsi qu'au transport de l'énergie calorifique. Fréquemment, le milieu dans lequel le générateur de chaleur est installé joue un rôle dans la phase d'allumage de l'incendie. Il est évident que les prescriptions de protection incendie s'appliquent à chaque élément de construction et, par conséquent, doivent être respectées par toute personne participant à la réalisation d'un ouvrage : le chauffagiste, l'électricien, l'installateur sanitaire, le constructeur de cuisine, mais également le maçon qui construit la cheminée, le peintre et le décorateur qui posent des revêtements ou des garnitures inflammables, le menuisier qui utilise le bois pour dissimuler des conduites de fumée, etc. Dès lors, tout sinistre, hormis celui qui est perpétré délibérément, ne peut s'expliquer que par : - le non-respect ou le défaut d'application d'une prescription de protection incendie; - une lacune de la norme qui ignore une source d'échauffement et/ou un mode de transfert de l'énergie calorifique. Le but premier de ce travail consiste à : - analyser les sinistres survenus durant les années 1999 à 2005 dans plusieurs cantons suisses qui ont fait l'objet d'une investigation de la part d'un service technique de la police ou d'un expert ; - examiner les éléments retenus pour expliquer la cause de l'incendie à la norme afin de répondre à la question : « l'application d'une ou de plusieurs directives lors de l'installation ou de l'utilisation du générateur d'énergie calorifique aurait-elle évité à ce dernier de communiquer une partie de la chaleur dégagée à un combustible et à l'enflammer ? » Le second objectif visé est d'apporter une solution à la question précédente : - si la norme existe, c'est un défaut d'installation ou d'utilisation de la source de chaleur qui est à l'origine de l'incendie. Il importe donc de connaître la raison pour laquelle la prescription a été ignorée ou appliquée de manière erronée ou lacunaire; - si la norme n'existe pas, ce sont les prescriptions en matière de protection incendie qui doivent être complétées. Le chapitre suivant abordera ces thèmes en proposant divers postulats destinés à évaluer l'efficacité actuelle du concept de protection incendie en Suisse.
Per legislative requirement, attached is the Iowa Department of Transportation’s summary of project status for infrastructure projects that have been appropriated revenue from various funds including Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure, Health Restricted Capitals, Bridge Safety, Revenue Bonds Capitals, and Revenue Bonds Capitals II. Although a status report for the Bridge Safety Fund was already submitted to the directors of LSA and DOM, a status report on those projects is also included within this attachment for consistency with last year’s reporting. In addition, per request from LSA, status reports for the FY 2011 passenger rail appropriation from the Underground Storage Tank Fund and the FY 2010 Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure appropriation from the General Fund are also listed in this report.
Eighteen Pisolithus basidiomes were collected from Eucalyptus plantations in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. These basidiomes were characterized morphologically and molecularly. The basidiomes varied in shape, color and size. One of them was found underground, indicating a hypogeous fungus. The main morphological distinctive characteristic was spore ornamentation, which distinguished two groups. One group with short and erect spines was identified as Pisolithus microcarpus, and the other with long and curved spines as Pisolithus marmoratus, after analyzing the cladogram obtained by phylogenetic relationship based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA of these isolates.
Per legislative requirement, attached is the Iowa Department of Transportation’s summary of project status for infrastructure projects that have been appropriated revenue from various funds including Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure, Health Restricted Capitals, Bridge Safety, Revenue Bonds Capitals, and Revenue Bonds Capitals II. In addition, we have included status reports for the FY11 passenger rail appropriation from the Underground Storage Tank Fund and the FY2010 Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure appropriation from the General Fund.
Detailed knowledge on water percolation into the soil in irrigated areas is fundamental for solving problems of drainage, pollution and the recharge of underground aquifers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the percolation estimated by time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) in a drainage lysimeter. We used Darcy's law with K(θ) functions determined by field and laboratory methods and by the change in water storage in the soil profile at 16 points of moisture measurement at different time intervals. A sandy clay soil was saturated and covered with plastic sheet to prevent evaporation and an internal drainage trial in a drainage lysimeter was installed. The relationship between the observed and estimated percolation values was evaluated by linear regression analysis. The results suggest that percolation in the field or laboratory can be estimated based on continuous monitoring with TDR, and at short time intervals, of the variations in soil water storage. The precision and accuracy of this approach are similar to those of the lysimeter and it has advantages over the other evaluated methods, of which the most relevant are the possibility of estimating percolation in short time intervals and exemption from the predetermination of soil hydraulic properties such as water retention and hydraulic conductivity. The estimates obtained by the Darcy-Buckingham equation for percolation levels using function K(θ) predicted by the method of Hillel et al. (1972) provided compatible water percolation estimates with those obtained in the lysimeter at time intervals greater than 1 h. The methods of Libardi et al. (1980), Sisson et al. (1980) and van Genuchten (1980) underestimated water percolation.
Per legislative requirement, attached is the Iowa Department of Transportation’s summary of project status for infrastructure projects that have been appropriated revenue from various funds including Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure, Health Restricted Capitals, Bridge Safety, Revenue Bonds Capitals, and Revenue Bonds Capitals II. In addition, we have included status reports for the FY11 passenger rail appropriation from the Underground Storage Tank Fund and the FY2010 Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure appropriation from the General Fund.
Iowa’s first annual Energy Independence Plan kicks off a new era of state leadership in energy transformation. Supported by Governor Chet Culver, Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge, and the General Assembly, the Office of Energy Independence was established in 2007 to coordinate state activities for energy independence. The commitment of the state to lead by example creates opportunities for state government to move boldly to achieve its goals, track its progress, measure the results, and report the findings. In moving to energy independence, the active engagement of every Iowan will be sought as the state works in partnership with others in achieving the goals. While leading ongoing efforts within the state, Iowa can also show the nation how to effectively address the critical, complex challenges of shifting to a secure energy future of affordable energy, cost-effective efficiency, reliance on sustainable energy, and enhanced natural resources and environment. In accordance with House File 918, “the plan shall provide cost effective options and strategies for reducing the state’s consumption of energy, dependence on foreign sources of energy, use of fossil fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions. The options and strategies developed in the plan shall provide for achieving energy independence from foreign sources of energy by the year 2025.” Energy independence is a term which means different things to different people. We use the term to mean that we are charting our own course in the emerging energy economy. Iowa can chart its own course by taking advantage of its resources: a well-educated population and an abundance of natural resources, including rich soil, abundant surface and underground water, and consistent wind patterns. Charting our own course also includes further developing our in-state industry, capturing renewable energy, and working toward improved energy efficiency. Charting our own course will allow Iowa to manage its economic destiny while protecting our environment, while creating new, “green collar” industries in every corner of Iowa. Today Iowa is in a remarkable position to capitalize on the current situation globally and at home. Energy drives the economy and has impacts on the environment, undeniable links that are integral for energy security and independence. With the resources available within the state, the combination of significant global changes in energy and research leading to new technologies that continue to drive down the costs of sustainable energy, Iowa can take bold strides toward the goal of energy independence by 2025. The Office of Energy Independence, with able assistance from hundreds of individuals, organizations, agencies, and advisors, presents its plan for Iowa’s Energy Independence.
There are approximately 800 installations of destination lighting at secondary road intersections in Iowa. Approximately 90% of these have only a single luminaire. The other installations have two luminaires. No warrants currently exist for justifying the use of this type of lighting. Previous research has examined the safety benefits from full lighting of rural intersections that generally serve substantially higher traffic volumes than secondary road intersections in Iowa. However, the safety benefit of destination lighting at intersections carrying relatively low volumes has not been the subject of previous research. The research reported here, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, was undertaken to identify locations where destination lighting could be expected to improve highway safety. If destination lighting were shown to reduce accident frequency, warrants for its use on secondary roads could be developed. An inventory of secondary road lighting installations in Iowa was assembled. From this inventory, two samples were constituted that would permit two separate comparisons of the accident experience with and without destination lighting. Before and after comparisons were made for the same locations if accident records were available for at least one full year both preceding and following the installation of destination lighting. Accident records for this purpose were available from a statewide computerized record system covering the period from 1977 through 1982. The accident experience at locations having destination lighting installed before 1978 was compared with a sample of comparable locations not having destination lighting. The sample of secondary road intersections used for the before and after comparison included 91 locations. The sample of continuously lighted locations included 102 intersections. Accident experience at these locations was compared with the experience at 102 intersections that were not lighted. The intersections included in these samples averaged only 0.31 accidents per year. The accident rate at secondary road intersections that had destination lighting did not differ significantly from the accident rate at intersections that were not lighted. This conclusion was derived from both comparisons, the before and after experience and the comparison of experience at intersections that were continuously lighted with that at unlighted locations. Furthermore, no significant differences were noted between lighted and unlighted locations in the proportion of accidents that occurred at night. The distribution of accidents by type also did not differ between unlighted intersections and those having destination lighting. It was not possible to formulate warrants for destination lighting since analyses directed toward identifying specific characteristics of an intersection that could be correlated with highway safety did not yield any useful relationships. However, it was noted that the average damages for night accidents that occurred at lighted intersections were lower than for accidents at unlighted intersections. Even in the absence of a more definitive demonstration of beneficial effects, destination lighting is perceived by officials in most of the counties having such installations as yielding desirable effects and is recognized as helpful to motorists in performing the guidance function in driving. Given this benefit and a relatively low cost (an average of $74 per year for one luminaire), and given that the subjective criteria that have been used in the past to justify the installation of destination lighting have led to a high degree of public acceptance and satisfaction, it is recommended that the same subjective criteria continue to be used in lieu of definitive warrants.
Since 1978 the concept of longitudinal edge drains along Iowa primary and Interstate highways has been accepted as a cost-effective way of prolonging pavement life. Edge-drain installations have increased over the years, reaching a total of nearly 3,000 mi by 1989. With so many miles of edge drain installed, the development of a system for inspection and evaluation of the drains became essential. Equipment was purchased to evaluate 4-in.-diameter and geocomposite edge drains. Initial evaluations at various sites supported the need for a postconstruction inspection program to ensure that edge-drain installations were in accord with plans and specifications. Information disclosed by video inspections in edge drains and in culverts was compiled on videotape to be used as an informative tool for personnel in the design, construction, and maintenance departments. Video evaluations have influenced changes in maintenance, design, and construction inspection for highway drainage systems in Iowa.
Rumble strips are patches of specially treated pavement surfaces which are designed to produce aural and tactile stimuli inside vehicles. The intent is to alert drivers and when desirable, cause them to slow down or come to a stop. Installations were made in a three-county area in Iowa to study rumble strip effectiveness as an accident reducing measure. The investigation of accidents at the various test sites showed that rumble strips were effective in reducing certain types of intersection accidents. Although no statistically significant effect of the saturation use was found on total accidents, there are indications that accidents may be reduced when used in low density i.e., rural type areas.
Research was undertaken, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, to identify specific locations where rumble strips could be expected to improve highway safety. The objective of the research was to recommend warrants for their use on rural highways. An inventory of rumble strip installations on the rural highway systems in the state was conducted in 1981. A total of 685 installations was reported on secondary roads and 147 on primary highways. Over 97 percent of these were in advance of stop signs at. intersections. Most of the other installations were in advance of railroad grade crossings. The accident experience with and without rumble strips was compared in two ways. A before-and-after comparison was made for the same location if accident records were available for at least one full year both preceding and following the installation of rumble strips. Accident records for this purpose were available from a statewide computerized record system covering the period from 1977 through 1980. The accident experience at locations having rumble strips installed before 1978 was compared with a sample of comparable locations not having rumble strips.
Résumé La réalisation d'une seconde ligne de métro (M2) dès 2004, passant dans le centre ville de Lausanne, a été l'opportunité de développer une méthodologie concernant des campagnes microgravimétriques dans un environnement urbain perturbé. Les corrections topographiques prennent une dimension particulière dans un tel milieu, car de nombreux objets non géologiques d'origine anthropogénique comme toutes sortes de sous-sols vides viennent perturber les mesures gravimétriques. Les études de génie civil d'avant projet de ce métro nous ont fournis une quantité importante d'informations cadastrales, notamment sur les contours des bâtiments, sur la position prévue du tube du M2, sur des profondeurs de sous-sol au voisinage du tube, mais aussi sur la géologie rencontré le long du corridor du M2 (issue des données lithologiques de forages géotechniques). La planimétrie des sous-sols a été traitée à l'aide des contours des bâtiments dans un SIG (Système d'Information Géographique), alors qu'une enquête de voisinage fut nécessaire pour mesurer la hauteur des sous-sols. Il a été alors possible, à partir d'un MNT (Modèle Numérique de Terrain) existant sur une grille au mètre, de mettre à jour celui ci avec les vides que représentent ces sous-sols. Les cycles de mesures gravimétriques ont été traités dans des bases de données Ac¬cess, pour permettre un plus grand contrôle des données, une plus grande rapidité de traitement, et une correction de relief rétroactive plus facile, notamment lorsque des mises à jour de la topographie ont lieu durant les travaux. Le quartier Caroline (entre le pont Bessières et la place de l'Ours) a été choisi comme zone d'étude. Le choix s'est porté sur ce quartier du fait que, durant ce travail de thèse, nous avions chronologiquement les phases pré et post creusement du tunnel du M2. Cela nous a permis d'effectuer deux campagnes gravimétriques (avant le creu¬sement durant l'été 2005 et après le creusement durant l'été 2007). Ces réitérations nous ont permis de tester notre modélisation du tunnel. En effet, en comparant les mesures des deux campagnes et la réponse gravifique du modèle du tube discrétisé en prismes rectangulaires, nous avons pu valider notre méthode de modélisation. La modélisation que nous avons développée nous permet de construire avec détail la forme de l'objet considéré avec la possibilité de recouper plusieurs fois des interfaces de terrains géologiques et la surface topographique. Ce type de modélisation peut s'appliquer à toutes constructions anthropogéniques de formes linéaires. Abstract The realization of a second underground (M2) in 2004, in downtown Lausanne, was the opportunity to develop a methodology of microgravity in urban environment. Terrain corrections take on special meaning in such environment. Many non-geologic anthropogenic objects like basements act as perturbation of gravity measurements. Civil engineering provided a large amount of cadastral informations, including out¬lines of buildings, M2 tube position, depths of some basements in the vicinity of the M2 corridor, and also on the geology encountered along the M2 corridor (from the lithological data from boreholes). Geometry of basements was deduced from building outlines in a GIS (Geographic Information System). Field investigation was carried out to measure or estimate heights of basements. A DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of the city of Lausanne is updated from voids of basements. Gravity cycles have been processed in Access database, to enable greater control of data, enhance speed processing, and retroactive terrain correction easier, when update of topographic surface are available. Caroline area (between the bridge Saint-Martin and Place de l'Ours) was chosen as the study area. This area was in particular interest because it was before and after digging in this thesis. This allowed us to conduct two gravity surveys (before excavation during summer 2005 and after excavation during summer 2007). These re-occupations enable us to test our modélisation of the tube. Actually, by comparing the difference of measurements between the both surveys and the gravity response of our model (by rectangular prisms), we were able to validate our modeling. The modeling method we developed allows us to construct detailed shape of an object with possibility to cross land geological interfaces and surface topography. This type of modélisation can be applied to all anthropogenic structures.