926 resultados para twist of sawn timber


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In the present work, we quantify the fraction of trajectories that reach a specific region of the phase space when we vary a control parameter using two symplectic maps: one non-twist and another one twist. The two maps were studied with and without a robust torus. We compare the obtained patterns and we identify the effect of the robust torus on the dynamical transport. We show that the effect of meandering-like barriers loses importance in blocking the radial transport when the robust torus is present.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR7190:1997 for timber structures design, adopts a first degree equation to describe the influence of wood moisture content. Periodically, when necessary, the referred standard is revised in order to analyze inconsistencies and to adopt considerations according new realities verified. So, the present paper aims to examine the adequacy of its equation which corrects to 12% of moisture the values of rigidity properties obtained on experimental tests. To quantify the moisture influence on modulus of elasticity, it was applied tests of compression parallel to the grain for six specimens of different strength classes, considering nominal moisture of 12; 20; 25; 30%. As results, modulus of elasticity in the moisture range 25-30% showed statistically equivalents, and was obtained a first degree equation to correlate the studied variables which leads to statically equivalent estimations when compared with results by ABNT NBR7190:1997 equation. However, it was indicated to maintain the current expression for the next text of the referred document review, without prejudice to statistical significance of the estimates.


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This work present a study of glulam beams reinforced with FRP. It was developed a theoretical model that calculates strength and stiffness of the beams. The model allows for the calculation of the bending moment, the hypothetical distribution of linear strains along the height of the beam, and considers the wood has a linear elastic fragile behavior in tension parallel to the fibers and bilinear in compression parallel to the fibers, initially elastic and subsequently inelastic, with a negative decline in the stress-strain diagram. The stiffness was calculated by the transformed section method. Twelve non-reinforced and fiberglass reinforced glulam beams were evaluated experimentally to validate the proposed theoretical model. The results obtained indicate good congruence between the experimental and theoretical values.


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Over the past few years there have significantly been increased the articles that approach the constructions in wood or with structure in wood in the specialized Brazilian magazines. This increase brings up indications that the incorporated values to these habitations are modifying, however it is not so simple to conclude that these issues can be associated to the development of incorporated technologies to the constructive system. The work presents, firstly, a survey performed in these publications that had the objective to verify which the constructive systems in wood is being more executed, under which cultural and technician standards. From that survey it was performed a study of the habitations constructed in mixing system whose structures are timbers and walls in masonry. The aesthetic and cultural questions involved are argued considering mainly that these habitations belong to a social class whose purchasing power increased.


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The majority of the Brazilian schools of Civil Engineering have taught the subject works with wood in the traditional only by disciplines of Metallic Structures and Wood at a topic in the content of the program on disciplines at the Materials of Civil Construction. To extend of the wood studies is being made possible that all the pupils have a wider understanding of this material and its adapted use is the goal of the proposal, that by the means of the education modality e-learning, disclosing the first one: Module I - Introduction to the Study of the Wood. This methodology tries to use the theoretical beddings in projects that are related to the pupil daily tasks and its practical professional. The article presents the theoretical bases of the conception proposal and its structure, and at the conclusions, the problems found during its application are displayed. Basically, the methodology considers that the professor and the pupil must share the learning, and adopt it as main in the interdisciplinary.


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This study evaluated the Eucalyptus grandis drying defects acting on boards diametrical position and on log steaming. Half of the logs, with diameter from 20 to <25, 25 to <30 and 30 to <35cm, were steamed during 20 hours at 90°C of temperature. Subsequently, the logs (control and steamed) were sawn. The boards were dried in the dry-kiln pilot and the resulting defects from the drying process were measured. The results indicate that: (1) the boards coming from control logs presented different magnitude defects in function of the diametrical position. The split and spring to increase in direction to pith, the bow to increase in direction to bark and cupping were bigger in intermediary boards; (2) the boards coming from steamed logs presented a reduction from drying defects in function of logs diameter and its more homogeneous index in the pith-bark direction.


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We study hadronic annihilation decays of B mesons within the perturbative QCD at collinear approximation. The regulation of endpoint divergences is performed with the help of an infrared finite gluon propagator characterized by a non-perturbative dynamical gluon mass. The divergences at twist-3 are regulated by a dynamical quark mass. Our results fit quite well the existent data of B 0→D s-K + and B 0→ D s-*K + for the expected range of dynamical gluon masses. We also make predictions for the rare decays B 0→K -K +, B s0→π -π +, π 0π 0, B +→D s(*) +K̄ 0, B 0→D s±(*)K ± and B s0 →D±(*) π ±, D 0π 0. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Hardness is a property largely used in material specifications, mechanical and metallurgical research and quality control of several materials. Specifically for timber, Janka hardness is a simple, quick and easy test, with good correlations with the compression parallel to grain strength, a strong reference in structural classification for this material. More recently, international studies have reported the use of Brinell hardness for timber assessment which resumes the advantages previously mentioned for Janka hardness and make it easier to be performed in the field, especially because of the lower magnitude of the involved loads. A first generation of an equipment for field evaluation of hardness in wood - Portable Hardness tester for wood - based on Brinell hardness has already been developed by the Research Group on Forest Products from FCA/UNESP, Brazil, with very good correlations between the evaluated hardness and several other mechanical properties of the material when performing tests with different species of native and reforested wood (traditionally used as ties - sleepers - in railways). This paper presents results obtained in the experimental program with the first generation of this equipment and preliminary tests with its second generation, which uses accelerometers to substitute the indentation measurements in wood. For the first generation of the equipment functional and calibration tests were carried out using 16 native and reforestation timber lots, among there E. citriodora, E. tereticornis, E. saligna, E. urophylla, E. grandis, Goupia glabra and Bagassa guianenses, with different origins and ages. The results obtained confirm its potential in the classification of specimens, with inclusion errors varying from 4.5% to 16.6%.


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Two discussions are imposed to the designers of wood constructions. The first one deals with the technical knowledge to project and execute buildings; the second one is concerned with the preservation of the environment, use of the wood in a sustainable way. The work presents the tendencies of the wood used in the Brazilian habitation architecture characterizing the used woods; how the construction technical solutions have developed and discusses about the necessity of using the wood in a conscious way, knowing its origin and control, sustainable use of the forests resources. It focalizes, mainly, the search of the designers to harmonize the use of the wood and the preservation of the forest biodiversity, when it deals with the native forest.


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More than 80% of the 29600 km of the Brazilian railroad mesh employs wooden sleepers. The problem of hard availability of native wood for this purpose leads to the alternative use of reforestation species to produce sleepers. Considering the great difficulty to, in field condition, evaluate characteristics that are of major importance to define its suitability to sleeper production the Research Group on Forest Products from FCA/UNESP - Brazil had developed equipment for field evaluation of hardness in wood - Portable Hardness Tester. This paper reports the functional validation tests, performed with different species of Eucalyptus. Results revealed the equipment great functionality, easy-to-use characteristics and applicability to Eucalyptus wood. Moderate to strong relationships between laboratory and validated values of hardness were found. The best validation model was obtained using the data provided by the experimental dispositive 3 (R2=0.74 and SSE= 7.71 kJ/m2) while the experimental dispositive 1 gave the worse validation (R2=0.55 and SSE= 13.46 kJ/m2).


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The objective of this study was evaluate the effect of the log steaming on the chemical properties and decay resistance of Eucalyptus grandis wood. Logs with diameter between 20 and 22 cm were studied. Half of logs were kept in its on original condition, and the other half was steamed at 90°C for 13 hours. The holocellulosc, Klason lignin, total extractives content and the weight loss caused by the decay fungus Pycnoporus sanguineous were characterized. The results showed that the log steaming of E. grandis wood cause: (l)a significantly decreased in holocellulose content; (2) an increase of 4.8% and 4.4% in total extractives and lignin content, respectively; and (3) a decrease in its durability against the decay fungus P. sanguineus in order of 13.03%. Copyright © (2012) by WCTE 2012 Committee.


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We study the local properties of a class of codimension-2 defects of the 6d N = (2, 0) theories of type J = A, D, E labeled by nilpotent orbits of a Lie algebra $g, where g is determined by J and the outer-automorphism twist around the defect. This class is a natural generalization of the defects of the six-dimensional (6d) theory of type SU(N) labeled by a Young diagram with N boxes. For any of these defects, we determine its contribution to the dimension of the Higgs branch, to the Coulomb branch operators and their scaling dimensions, to the four-dimensional (4d) central charges a and c and to the flavor central charge k. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Entre as neoplasias malignas que ocorrem na boca, 95% são representadas pelo carcinoma epidermóide de boca (ceb). no brasil, as estimativas para o ano de 2014, segundo o inca, apontam mais de 15.290 novos casos. esses dados mostram que o ceb representa um problema de saúde pública em razão de a morbidade afastar, na maioria dos casos, grande número de cidadãos do mercado de trabalho, além de onerar os custos com a saúde no estado, fruto dos dias de internação e do tratamento aplicado. a patogênese do ceb está relacionada a fatores genéticos além de agentes químicos, como o consumo de tabaco e álcool, físicos e biológicos, considerados carcinogênicos. o fator de transcrição twist foi recentemente apontado como um importante regulador da tem durante a progressão tumoral e metástase e vem se tornando um importante marcador diagnóstico e prognóstico para pacientes devido ao fato de sua sobre-regulação positiva e metilação do gene estarem sendo implicados em vários tipos de câncer. apesar de muitos estudos fornecerem importantes insights sobre a compreensão da biologia dos tumores malignos bem como dos genes envolvidos na tem, os mecanismos de twist na tumorigênese e na transição epitelial-mesenquimal do carcinoma epidermóide bucal ainda precisam ser elucidados. neste estudo nós investigamos o padrão de expressão da proteína twist através da técnica de imuno-histoquímica em 59 amostras carcinoma epidermóide bucal (ceb) provenientes de pacientes usuários do sistema único de saúde do estado do pará e avaliamos a existência de associação dos resultados com características clínico-patológicas dos tumores estudados e com a sobrevida dos pacientes. os resultados mostraram uma associação estatisticamente significante entre o consumo de álcool e os sítios mais afetados pelo ceb, sugerindo que o etanol pode desempenhar um papel potencializador dos agentes do tabaco nos sítios que recebem maior exposição dessas substâncias. a expressão da proteína twist também mostrou uma diminuição na média de sobrevida dos indivíduos. apesar dessa diminuição não ter apresentado significância estatística em nossos estudos, acreditamos que ela deve ser mais amplamente estudada, visando o melhor entendimento do papel desta no carcinoma epidermóide bucal. a positividade de marcação da proteína demonstrou relação com o tabagismo, onde 87,8% dos pacientes fumantes, apresentaram marcação positiva para a proteína, corroborarando o fato de que o fumo pode modular a expressão de marcadores tem incluindo twist. em síntese, os resultados deste estudo evidenciam algumas correlações intrigantes, que no nosso entender merecem especial atenção, no intuito de serem esclarecidas. assim como a localização intracelular da proteína observada neste estudo, que possivelmente está relacionada a algum processo oncogênico ainda não descrito.


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In this paper we present a set of generic results on Hamiltonian non-linear dynamics. We show the necessary conditions for a Hamiltonian system to present a non-twist scenario and from that we introduce the isochronous resonances. The generality of these resonances is shown from the Hamiltonian given by the Birkhof-Gustavson normal form, which can be considered a toy model, and from an optic system governed by the non-linear map of the annular billiard. We also define a special kind of transport barrier called robust torus. The meanders and shearless curves are also presented and we show the most robust shearless barrier associated with the rotation numbers.