536 resultados para traction
This chapter provides the reader with practical information to be applied to the various remaining causes of macular edema. Some clinical cases of macular edema linked to ocular diseases like postradiotherapy for ocular melanomas remained of poor functional prognosis due to the primary disease. On the contrary, macular edema occurring after retinal detachment or after diverse systemic or local treatment use is often temporary. Macular edema associated with epiretinal membranes or vitreomacular traction is the main cause of poor functional recovery. In other cases, as in tractional myopic vitreoschisis, the delay to observe a significant improvement of the vision after surgery should be long. Finally, macular edema associated with hemangiomas or macroaneurysms should be treated, if symptomatic, using the same current treatment as in diabetic macular edema or exudative macular degeneration.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether orally administered misoprostol during the third stage of labor is efficient in reducing postpartum blood loss. METHODS: In a double-masked trial, during vaginal delivery women were randomly assigned to receive a single oral dose of misoprostol (600 microg) or placebo in third stage of labor, immediately after cord clamping. The third stage of labor was managed routinely by early cord clamping and controlled cord traction; oxytocin was administered only if blood loss seemed more than usual. Blood loss was estimated by the delivering physician and differences in hematocrit were measured before and after delivery. RESULTS: Mean (+/- standard error of the mean) estimated blood loss (345 +/- 19.5 mL versus 417 +/- 25.9 mL, P = .031) and hematocrit difference (4.5 +/- 0.9% versus 7.9 +/- 1.2%, P = .014) were significantly lower in women who received misoprostol than those who received placebo. Fewer women in the misoprostol group had postpartum hemorrhage (blood loss of at least 500 mL), but that difference was not statistically significant (7% versus 15%, P = .43). Additional oxytocin before or after placental separation was used less often in the misoprostol group (16% versus 38%, P = .047). There were no differences in the length of third stage of labor (8 +/- 0.9 minutes versus 9 +/- 1 minutes, P = .947). There were no differences in pain during third stage of labor, postpartum fever, or diarrhea, but shivering was more frequent in the misoprostol group. CONCLUSION: Oral misoprostol administered in the third stage of labor reduced postpartum blood loss and might be effective in reducing incidence of postpartum hemorrhage.
Chronic rotator cuff tendon tears lead to fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy with impaired physiological functions of the affected muscles. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms of corresponding pathophysiological processes remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to characterize the expression pattern of adipogenic (PPARgamma, C/EBPbeta) and myogenic (myostatin, myogenin, Myf-5) transcription factors in infraspinatus muscle of sheep after tenotomy, implantation of a tension device, refixation of the tendon, and rehabilitation, reflecting a model of chronic rotator cuff tears. In contrast to human patients, the presented sheep model allows a temporal evaluation of the expression of a given marker in the same individual over time. Semiquantitative RT/PCR analysis of PPARgammaã, myostatin, myogenin, Myf-5, and C/EBPbeta transcript levels was carried out with sheep muscle biopsy-derived total RNA. We found a significantly increased expression of Myf-5 and PPARgamma after tenotomy and a significant change for Myf-5 and C/EBPbeta after continuous traction and refixation. This experimental sheep model allows the molecular analysis of pathomechanisms of muscular changes after rotator cuff tear. The results point to a crucial role of the transcription factors PPARgamma, C/EBPbeta, and Myf-5 in impairment and regeneration of rotator cuff muscles after tendon tears in sheep.
Die personalintensive manuelle Durchführung notwendiger Handhabungsaufgaben im Materialfluss ist bedingt durch die oftmals vielfältig auftretenden charakteristischen Eigenschaften der zu behandelnden Stückgutobjekte. Typische Beispiele hierfür sind die Tätigkeiten des Kommissionierens und Sortierens, geprägt durch einen hohen Anteil manueller Tätigkeiten zur Handhabung wie: Vereinzeln, Greifen, Bewegen, Auf- und Abstapeln, Ordnen, Beladen und Ähnliche. Innovative Greifersysteme zur Stückguthandhabung eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten zur weiteren Automatisierung auch in diesem Bereich. Ein Lösungsansatz zur Entwicklung neuer Greifsysteme ist es, gezielt Friktionskräfte in Oberflächenbereiche des zu greifenden Objektes einzubringen und diese für den Handhabungsvorgang z.B. als Haltekräfte zu nutzen. Bei guten Reibwerten und entsprechender Anordnung der Wirkelemente können Objekte auch dann rein reibschlüssig gegriffen werden, wenn deren Oberfläche nur seitlich und von oben zugänglich ist, wie etwa Kartons im Packmusterverbund auf der Palette.
Es sollen hochfeste, gewichtreduzierte Zug- und Tragmittel aus hochmodularen (HM) und hochfesten (HT) Fasern validiert und dabei sowohl runde als auch flache, riemenartige Strukturen untersucht werden. Dadurch sind effizientere Fördersysteme und die Überwindung technischer Grenzen möglich. Darüber hinaus soll das Hauptkriterium für ein breites Anwendungsspektrum geschaffen werden: ein anerkanntes, zerstörungsfreies Prüfverfahren, mit dem der Austausch- bzw. Wartungszeitpunkt des textilen Tragmittels bestimmt werden kann. Können die o. g. Punkte erfolgreich bearbeitet werden, erfolgt eine Ausdehnung der textilen Strukturen in den Bereich kraftübertragender Maschinenelemente. Anhand von Feldversuchen in fördertechnischen Anlagen im Bergbau/ Intralogistik soll erstmals der vollständige Nachweis geführt werden, dass derartige textile Strukturen in technischen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden können. Der Nachweis umfasst die Validierung einer Vielzahl von Einzelschwerpunkten wie die Entwicklung einer Endlos-Herstellungstechnologie bzw. Endverbindung, die Tragmitteldimensionierung, die Erbringung von Festigkeitsnachweisen, die Erarbeitung von Vorschriften und die Erprobung der Verfahren zur Zustandsüberwachung.
Energieeffiziente und leistungsfähige Zug- und Tragmittel aus hochmoduligen (HM) und hochfesten (HT) Fasern rücken seit einigen Jahren in den Fokus von Aufzugherstellern und Betreibern. Hauptgrund dafür ist, das die bisher eingesetzten Stahldrahtseile auf Grund ihrer vergleichsweise hohen Eigenmasse an technische Grenzen stoßen. Seile aus hochfesten Polymerfasern haben gegenüber Stahldrahtseilen eine vergleichbare oder sogar höhere Zugfestigkeit und ein vier- bis sechsfach geringeres Gewicht. Um das Potential dieser Fasern optimal auszunutzen, sind sowohl die Anordnung der Fasern als auch die Schmierstoffeinbringung zu untersuchen. Diesbezüglich wurden verschiedenen Seilkonstruktions- und Schmierstoffvarianten entwickelt und im Dauerbiegeversuch validiert.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the therapy is mechanical and functional stabilization of high dislocated hips with dysplasia coxarthrosis using total hip arthroplasty (THA). INDICATIONS Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in adults, symptomatic dysplasia coxarthrosis, high hip dislocation according to Crowe type III/IV, and symptomatic leg length inequality. CONTRAINDICATIONS Cerebrospinal dysfunction, muscular dystrophy, apparent disturbance of bone metabolism, acute or chronic infections, and immunocompromised patients. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE With the patient in a lateral decubitus position an incision is made between the anterior border of the gluteus maximus muscle and the posterior border of the gluteus medius muscle (Gibson interval). Identification of the sciatic nerve to protect the nerve from traction disorders by visual control. After performing trochanter flip osteotomy, preparation of the true actetabulum if possible. Implantation of the reinforcement ring, preparation of the femur and if necessary for mobilization, resection until the trochanter minor. Test repositioning under control of the sciatic nerve. Finally, refixation of the trochanteric crest. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT During hospital stay, intensive mobilization of the hip joint using a continuous passive motion machine with maximum flexion of 70°. No active abduction and passive adduction over the body midline. Maximum weight bearing 10-15 kg for 8 weeks, subsequently, first clinical and radiographic follow-up and deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis until full weight bearing. RESULTS From 1995 to 2012, 28 THAs of a Crow type IV high hip-dislocation were performed in our institute. Until now 14 patients have been analyzed during a follow-up of 8 years in 2012. Mid-term results showed an improvement of the postoperative clinical score (Merle d'Aubigné score) in 86 % of patients. Good to excellent results were obtained in 79 % of cases. Long-term results are not yet available. In one case an iatrogenic neuropraxia of the sciatic nerve was observed and after trauma a redislocation of the arthroplasty appeared in another case. In 2 cases an infection of the THA appeared 8 and 15 months after index surgery. No pseudoarthrosis of the trochanter or aseptic loosening was noticed.
PURPOSE Geographic atrophy (GA) is the end-stage manifestation of atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease progresses slowly over time, eventually causing loss of central vision. Its cause and pathomechanism are not fully known. Previous studies have suggested that vitreoretinal traction (VRT) may contribute to the progression of neovascular AMD. The aim of this study was to examine whether an association between changes at the vitreoretinal interface (VRI), in particular traction (VRT), and the characteristics and progression of GA in eyes with dry AMD can be established. DESIGN Clinic-based prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS A total of 97 patients (age range, 61-90 years; mean, 78.4 years) with GA secondary to dry AMD were enrolled. Patients exhibiting neovascular signs on fluorescein angiography in either eye were excluded. METHODS The VRI changes were examined using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Characteristics of GA were examined using fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging. All imaging was performed using a Spectralis SLO+OCT device (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany); GA area was measured using the Region Finder (Heidelberg Engineering) software native to the Spectralis platform. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Area and increase in area of GA. RESULTS A total of 97 eyes were examined. Vitreoretinal traction was found in 39 eyes (40%). The GA area at baseline was 6.65±5.64 mm(2) in eyes with VRT and 5.73±4.72 mm(2) in eyes with no VRT. The annual rate of progression of GA area progression was 2.99±0.66 mm(2) in eyes with VRT and 1.45±0.67mm(2) in eyes without VRT. Differences between groups in both parameters were statistically significant (n = 97 total number of eyes; P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis confirmed this finding (B = 0.714, P<0.001; F3,93 = 72.542, P<0.001; adjusted R(2) = 0.691) CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate an association between VRT and an increased rate of progression of GA area in dry AMD. Monitoring VRT may contribute to an improved estimate of the prospective time of visual loss and to a better timing of emerging therapies in dry AMD.
We report the fabrication, functionalization and testing of microdevices for cell culture and cell traction force measurements in three-dimensions (3D). The devices are composed of bent cantilevers patterned with cell-adhesive spots not lying on the same plane, and thus suspending cells in 3D. The cantilevers are soft enough to undergo micrometric deflections when cells pull on them, allowing cell forces to be measured by means of optical microscopy. Since individual cantilevers are mechanically independent of each other, cell traction forces are determined directly from cantilever deflections. This proves the potential of these new devices as a tool for the quantification of cell mechanics in a system with well-defined 3D geometry and mechanical properties.
X-ray imaging is one of the most commonly used medical imaging modality. Albeit X-ray radiographs provide important clinical information for diagnosis, planning and post-operative follow-up, the challenging interpretation due to its 2D projection characteristics and the unknown magnification factor constrain the full benefit of X-ray imaging. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we proposed here an easy-to-use X-ray calibration object and developed an optimization method to robustly find correspondences between the 3D fiducials of the calibration object and their 2D projections. In this work we present all the details of this outlined concept. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential of using such a method to precisely extract information from calibrated X-ray radiographs for two different orthopedic applications: post-operative acetabular cup implant orientation measurement and 3D vertebral body displacement measurement during preoperative traction tests. In the first application, we have achieved a clinically acceptable accuracy of below 1° for both anteversion and inclination angles, where in the second application an average displacement of 8.06±3.71 mm was measured. The results of both applications indicate the importance of using X-ray calibration in the clinical routine.
AIM Preparation of the lamina during osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) design is complex, and its longevity and watertightness important. To date, only acrylic bone cements have been used for bonding the optical cylinder to the tooth dentine. Our aim was to evaluate different dental adhesives for OOKP preparation. METHODS Specimens of bovine teeth were produced by preparing 1.5-mm thick dentine slices with holes having a diameter of 3.5 mm. Each group (n=10 per group) was luted with either classic poly-(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) bone cement, universal resin cement or glass ionomer cement. All specimens underwent force measurement using a uniaxial traction machine. RESULTS The highest mean force required to break the bond was measured for PMMA bone cement (128.2 N) followed by universal resin cement (127.9 N), with no statistically significant difference. Glass ionomer cement showed significantly lower force resistance (78.1 N). CONCLUSIONS Excellent bonding strength combined with easy application was found for universal resin cement, and thus, it is a potential alternative to acrylic bone cement in OOKP preparation.
Lumbar spinal instability (LSI) is a common spinal disorder and can be associated with substantial disability. The concept of defining clinically relevant classifications of disease or 'target condition' is used in diagnostic research. Applying this concept to LSI we hypothesize that a set of clinical and radiological criteria can be developed to identify patients with this target condition who are at high risk of 'irreversible' decompensated LSI for whom surgery becomes the treatment of choice. In LSI, structural deterioration of the lumbar disc initiates a degenerative cascade of segmental instability. Over time, radiographic signs become visible: traction spurs, facet joint degeneration, misalignment, stenosis, olisthesis and de novo scoliosis. Ligaments, joint capsules, local and distant musculature are the functional elements of the lumbar motion segment. Influenced by non-functional factors, these functional elements allow a compensation of degeneration of the motion segment. Compensation may happen on each step of the degenerative cascade but cannot reverse it. However, compensation of LSI may lead to an alleviation or resolution of clinical symptoms. In return, the target condition of decompensation of LSI may cause the new occurrence of symptoms and pain. Functional compensation and decompensation are subject to numerous factors that can change which makes estimation of an individual's long-term prognosis difficult. Compensation and decompensation may influence radiographic signs of degeneration, e.g. the degree of misalignment and segmental angulation caused by LSI is influenced by the tonus of the local musculature. This conceptual model of compensation/decompensation may help solve the debate on functional and psychosocial factors that influence low back pain and to establish a new definition of non-specific low back pain. Individual differences of identical structural disorders could be explained by compensated or decompensated LSI leading to changes in clinical symptoms and pain. Future spine surgery will have to carefully define and measure functional aspects of LSI, e.g. to identify a point of no return where multidisciplinary interventions do not allow a re-compensation and surgery becomes the treatment of choice.
Purpose. For accurate resection of nonpalpable malignant breast lesions with a tumor-free resection rim, an exact and stable wire localization is essential. We tested the resistance towards traction force of different localization devices used in our clinic for breast lesions in two types of tissue. Materials and Methods. Eight different commercially available hook-wire devices were examined for resistance towards traction force using an analogue spring scale. Results. Most systems showed a high level of movement already under small traction force. Retractable systems with round hooks such as the Bard DuaLok , the Fil d'Ariane, and the RPLN Breast Localization Device withstood less traction force than the other systems. However, the Bard DuaLok system was very resistant towards a small traction force of 50 g when compared to the other systems. The Ultrawire Breast Localization Device withstood the most traction force in softer tissue and Kopans Breast Lesion Localization Needle withstood the most force in harder tissue. Conclusion. The Ultrawire Breast Localization Device and Kopans Breast Lesion Localization Needle withstood the most traction force. In general retractable systems withstand less traction force than nonretractable systems.
Reinforcement inclusions have been advocated to alleviate wear, compaction, and unstable surfaces in sports fields, but little research on the effects of these materials has been conducted in the USA. Experiments were established on a native silt loam and a sand rootzone matrix, seeded with a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) blend, at the Joseph Troll Turf Research Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA to determine the effects of reinforcement inclusions on wear, surface hardness, traction, ball roll, ball bounce resilience, water infiltration rate, soil bulk density, air porosity, total porosity, and root weights. Three types of reinforcement inclusions (Sportgrass, Netlon, Turfgrids) were tested along with a non-reinforced control in a three year study. The treatments were set out in a randomized complete block design with four replications in both soils. No inclusion provided less wear or greater infiltration or air-filled porosity relative to the control. Reinforcement inclusions showed significant differences, however, in surface hardness, traction, and ball roll relative to the control, although this varied with the time of year. Infiltration rates, airfilled porosity, total pore space, bulk density, hardness, traction, ball roll, and ball rebound were greater on the sand rootzone than on the silt loam. Significant correlations were present between soil bulk density, surface hardness, traction, and ball roll. Based on our study, the use of reinforcement inclusions to provide better wear tolerance for sand or native soil athletic fields is not warranted. Certain playing surface characteristics, however, may be slightly improved with the use of reinforcement inclusions. The use of sands for sports surfaces is justified based upon the improvement in playing quality characteristics and soil physical properties important to a good playing surface.
Heavy (magnetic & non-magnetic) minerals are found concentrated by natural processes in many fluvial, estuarine, coastal and shelf environments with a potential to form economic placer deposits. Understanding the processes of heavy mineral transport and enrichment is prerequisite to interpret sediment magnetic properties in terms of hydro- and sediment dynamics. In this study, we combine rock magnetic and sedimentological laboratory measurements with numerical 3D discrete element models to investigate differential grain entrainment and transport rates of magnetic minerals in a range of coastal environments (riverbed, mouth, estuary, beach and near-shore). We analyzed grain-size distributions of representative bulk samples and their magnetic mineral fractions to relate grain-size modes to respective transport modes (traction, saltation, suspension). Rock magnetic measurements showed that distribution shapes, population sizes and grain-size offsets of bulk and magnetic mineral fractions hold information on the transport conditions and enrichment process in each depositional environment. A downstream decrease in magnetite grain size and an increase in magnetite concentration was observed from riverine source to marine sink environments. Lower flow velocities permit differential settling of light and heavy mineral grains creating heavy mineral enriched zones in estuary settings, while lighter minerals are washed out further into the sea. Numerical model results showed that higher heavy mineral concentrations in the bed increased the erosion rate and enhancing heavy mineral enrichment. In beach environments where sediments contained light and heavy mineral grains of equivalent grain sizes, the bed was found to be more stable with negligible amount of erosion compared to other bed compositions. Heavy mineral transport rates calculated for four different bed compositions showed that increasing heavy mineral content in the bed decreased the transport rate. There is always a lag in transport between light and heavy minerals which increases with higher heavy mineral concentration in all tested bed compositions. The results of laboratory experiments were validated by numerical models and showed good agreement. We demonstrate that the presented approach bears the potential to investigate heavy mineral enrichment processes in a wide range of sedimentary settings.