895 resultados para test retest reliability
Common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), produce a wide variety of vocal emissions for communication and echolocation, of which the pulsed repertoire has been the most difficult to categorize. Packets of high repetition, broadband pulses are still largely reported under a general designation of burst-pulses, and traditional attempts to classify these emissions rely mainly in their aural characteristics and in graphical aspects of spectrograms. Here, we present a quantitative analysis of pulsed signals emitted by wild bottlenose dolphins, in the Sado estuary, Portugal (2011-2014), and test the reliability of a traditional classification approach. Acoustic parameters (minimum frequency, maximum frequency, peak frequency, duration, repetition rate and inter-click-interval) were extracted from 930 pulsed signals, previously categorized using a traditional approach. Discriminant function analysis revealed a high reliability of the traditional classification approach (93.5% of pulsed signals were consistently assigned to their aurally based categories). According to the discriminant function analysis (Wilk's Λ = 0.11, F3, 2.41 = 282.75, P < 0.001), repetition rate is the feature that best enables the discrimination of different pulsed signals (structure coefficient = 0.98). Classification using hierarchical cluster analysis led to a similar categorization pattern: two main signal types with distinct magnitudes of repetition rate were clustered into five groups. The pulsed signals, here described, present significant differences in their time-frequency features, especially repetition rate (P < 0.001), inter-click-interval (P < 0.001) and duration (P < 0.001). We document the occurrence of a distinct signal type-short burst-pulses, and highlight the existence of a diverse repertoire of pulsed vocalizations emitted in graded sequences. The use of quantitative analysis of pulsed signals is essential to improve classifications and to better assess the contexts of emission, geographic variation and the functional significance of pulsed signals.
Fundamento. Adaptar y estudiar las propiedades psicométricas en población española del Perception of Restraint Use Questionnaire (PRUQ), que mide la importancia que dan los profesionales al uso de restricciones físicas en personas mayores. Material y métodos. Tras un proceso de traducción-retrotraducción y de adaptación lingüística, se obtuvo una versión en español. A continuación, se realizó un estudio multicéntrico, descriptivo y transversal para evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas. Mediante un muestreo no probabilístico se seleccionaron 20 centros de tres comunidades autónomas; aceptaron participar 830 profesionales. Resultados. De los 17 ítems del cuestionario, 15 pudieron traducirse de manera literal; en dos hubo que realizar modificaciones menores. Un panel de expertos consideró todos aceptables (índice de validez de contenido de 0,89); un estudio piloto confirmó la adecuada factibilidad del cuestionario. El análisis en componentes principales identificó tres dimensiones que explicaban el 66,2% de la varianza. El análisis factorial confirmatorio de este modelo tridimensional mostró un ajuste aceptable [CFI = 0,936; RMSEA = 0,080], siendo las cargas y las correlaciones factoriales estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,001). La consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach) de la puntuación total fue de 0,92, y la fiabilidad test-retest (CCIa) de 0,87 (IC 95%: 0,78 a 0,92) en un intervalo de tres semanas. Conclusiones. La versión española del PRUQ muestra buenas propiedades psicométricas y se adapta al contexto cultural de este país. Puede considerarse útil para evaluar en qué situaciones se consideran más necesarias las restricciones físicas, lo que ayudaría a diseñar actividades de formación encaminadas a racionalizar su aplicación.
Fundamento. Los instrumentos de medida de salud son esenciales en la actividad clínica diaria. Sin embargo, es necesario un proceso de validación para poder certificar la validez y fiabilidad de los mismos. En la actualidad no existe ninguno que permita evaluar la repercusión del dolor en la productividad laboral de los pacientes. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es validar un cuestionario para evaluar las consecuencias del dolor en dicha productividad. Método. En base al Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire - General Health hemos creado una versión modificada denominada WPAI:Pain con el fin obtener un cuestionario que pudiera medir las consecuencias del dolor en la productividad laboral. El estudio se realizó siguiendo las pautas habituales de validación de pruebas, omitiéndose las fases de redacción y validez de contenido ya que se modificaba un cuestionario existente. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 577 cuestionarios en dos hospitales universitarios españoles. Se comprobó la capacidad discriminante del cuestionario mediante prueba de U de Mann-Whitney. Se realizaron los test de fiabilidad obteniéndose un alfa de Cronbach de 0,896 con un test de dos mitades de Guttman de 0,921. Se comprobó la estabilidad con un test-retest estadísticamente significativo. La validez de constructo se estableció mediante correlación de Pearson comparando los resultados del cuestionario con el dolor en escala visual analógica, que resultó estadísticamente significativa para todos los valores. Conclusiones. El cuestionario WPAI:Pain es un instrumento de medida válido para determinar las consecuencias del dolor en la productividad laboral de los pacientes, siendo el único validado en español. Sin embargo, se requieren estudios de mayor envergadura para poder confirmar una validez universal.
Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de disfrute por el ejercicio físico (PACES) en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad. Métodos: participaron 139 adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad: 91 niñas (edad = 13,85 ± 1,92 años; índice de masa corporal [IMC] = 26,83 ± 3,16 kg/m²) y 48 niños (edad = 14,29 ± 1,62 años; IMC = 28,31 ± 3,74 kg/m²). Para analizar el disfrute por la actividad física se empleó el cuestionario Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES). Resultados: los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio han mostrado una estructura de dos factores; a su vez el PACES presenta una consistencia interna muy alta (alfa de Cronbach = 0,908). La fiabilidad test-retest indica una buena concordancia temporal (Spearman rho = 0,815, p < 0,001). Por último, el PACES en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad manifiesta una validez convergente adecuada con la intencionalidad de ser activo (MIFA), la atracción por la actividad física (CAPA), la resistencia cardiorrespiratoria y los pliegues suprailiaco y subescapular. Conclusión: los resultados confirman que el PACES es una medida válida y fiable del disfrute por la actividad física en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad. El disfrute por la actividad física puede ser relevante en la participación de los adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad en estas actividades.
Dissertação Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
To investigate the validity and reliability of surface electromyography (EMG) as a new non-invasive determinant of the metabolic response to incremental exercise in elite cyclists. The relation between EMG activity and other more conventional methods for analysing the aerobic-anaerobic transition such as blood lactate measurements (lactate threshold (LT) and onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)) and ventilatory parameters (ventilatory thresholds 1 and 2 (VT1 and VT2)) was studied.Twenty eight elite road cyclists (age 24 (4) years; VO2MAX 69.9 (6.4) ml/kg/min; values mean (SD)) were selected as subjects. Each of them performed a ramp protocol (starting at 0 W, with increases of 5 W every 12 seconds) on a cycle ergometer (validity study). In addition, 15 of them performed the same test twice (reliability study). During the tests, data on gas exchange and blood lactate levels were collected to determine VT1, VT2, LT, and OBLA. The root mean squares of EMG signals (rms-EMG) were recorded from both the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris at each intensity using surface electrodes. Results - A two threshold response was detected in the rms-EMG recordings from both muscles in 90% of subjects, with two breakpoints, EMG(T1) and EMG(T2), at around 60-70% and 80-90% of VO2MAX respectively. The results of the reliability study showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) between mean values of EMG(T1) and EMG(T2) obtained in both tests. Furthermore, no significant differences (p > 0.05) existed between mean values of EMG(T1), in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, and VT1 and LT (62.8 (14.5) and 69.0 (6.2) and 64.6 (6.4) and 68.7 (8.2)% of VO2MAX respectively), or between mean values of EMG(T2), in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, and VT2 and OBLA (86.9 (9.0) and 88.0 (6.2) and 84.6 (6.5) and 87.7 (6.4)% of VO2MAX respectively). Rms-EMG may be a useful complementary non-invasive method for analysing the aerobic-anaerobic transition (ventilatory and lactate thresholds) in elite cyclists.
Introduction: The Health Belief Scale is a questionnaire used to assess a wide range of beliefs related to health. The objective of this study was to undertake construction and culturally adapt the Health Belief Scale (HBS) to the Portuguese language and to test its reliability and validity. Methods: This new version was obtained with forward/backward translations, consensus panels and a pre-test, having been inspired by some of the items from “Canada’s Health Promotion Survey” and the “European Health and Behaviour Survey”, with the inclusion of new items about food-related beliefs. The Portuguese version of Health Belief Scale and a form for the characteristics of the participants were applied to 849 Portuguese adolescents. Results: Reliability was good with a Cronbach’s alpha coeficient of 0.867, and an intraclass correlation coeficient (ICC) of 0.95. Corrected item-total coeficients ranged from 0.301 to 0.620 and weighted kappa coeficients ranged from 0.72 to 0.93 for the total scale items. We obtained a scale composed of 13 items divided into ive factors (smoking and alcohol belief, food belief, sexual belief, physical and sporting belief, and social belief), which explain 57.97% of the total variance. Conclusions: The scale exhibited suitable psychometric properties, in terms of internal consistency, reproducibility and construct validity. It can be used in various areas of research.
Many patients with Chagas disease live in remote communities that lack both equipment and trained personnel to perform a diagnosis by conventional serology (CS). Thus, reliable tests suitable for use under difficult conditions are required. In this study, we evaluated the ability of personnel with and without laboratory skills to perform immunochromatographic (IC) tests to detect Chagas disease at a primary health care centre (PHCC). We examined whole blood samples from 241 patients and serum samples from 238 patients. Then, we calculated the percentage of overall agreement (POA) between the two groups of operators for the sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp) and positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values of IC tests compared to CS tests. We also evaluated the level of agreement between ELISAs and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests. The readings of the IC test results showed 100% agreement (POA = 1). The IC test on whole blood showed the following values: S = 87.3%; Sp = 98.8%; PPV = 96.9% and NPV = 95.9%. Additionally, the IC test on serum displayed the following results: S = 95.7%; Sp = 100%; PPV = 100% and NPV = 98.2%. Using whole blood, the agreement with ELISA was 96.3% and the agreement with IHA was 94.1%. Using serum, the agreement with ELISA was 97.8% and the agreement with IHA was 96.6%. The IC test performance with serum samples was excellent and demonstrated its usefulness in a PHCC with minimal equipment. If the IC test S value and NPV with whole blood are improved, then this test could also be used in areas lacking laboratories or specialised personnel.
The Iowa State Highway Commission purchased a Conrad automatic freeze and thaw machine and placed it in operation during October 1961. There were a few problems, but considering, the many electrical and mechanical devices used in the automatic system it has always functioned quite well. Rapid freezing and thawing of 4"x4"xl8" concrete beams has been conducted primarily in accordance with ASTM C-29l (now ASTM C-666 procedure B) at the rate of one beam per day. Over 4000 beams have been tested since 1961, with determination of the resulting durability factors. Various methods of curing were used and a standard 90 day moist cure was selected. This cure seemed to yield durability factors that correlated very well with ratings of coarse aggregates based on service records. Some concrete beams had been made using the same coarse aggregate and the durability factors compared relatively well with previous tests. Durability factors seemed to yield reasonable results until large variations in durability factors were noted from beams of identical concrete mix proportions in research projects R-234 and R-247. This then presents the question "How reliable is the durability as determined by ASTM C-666?" This question became increasingly more important when a specification requiring a minimum durability factor for P.C. concrete made from coarse aggregates was incorporated into the 1972 Standard Specification for coarse aggregates for concrete.
BACKGROUND: Excessive drinking is a major problem in Western countries. AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) is a 10-item questionnaire developed as a transcultural screening tool to detect excessive alcohol consumption and dependence in primary health care settings. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to validate a French version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). METHODS: We conducted a validation cross-sectional study in three French-speaking areas (Paris, Geneva and Lausanne). We examined psychometric properties of AUDIT as its internal consistency, and its capacity to correctly diagnose alcohol abuse or dependence as defined by DSM-IV and to detect hazardous drinking (defined as alcohol intake >30 g pure ethanol per day for men and >20 g of pure ethanol per day for women). We calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and Receiver Operator Characteristic curves. Finally, we compared the ability of AUDIT to accurately detect "alcohol abuse/dependence" with that of CAGE and MAST. RESULTS: 1207 patients presenting to outpatient clinics (Switzerland, n = 580) or general practitioners' (France, n = 627) successively completed CAGE, MAST and AUDIT self-administered questionnaires, and were independently interviewed by a trained addiction specialist. AUDIT showed a good capacity to discriminate dependent patients (with AUDIT > or =13 for males, sensitivity 70.1%, specificity 95.2%, PPV 85.7%, NPV 94.7% and for females sensitivity 94.7%, specificity 98.2%, PPV 100%, NPV 99.8%); and hazardous drinkers (with AUDIT > or =7, for males sensitivity 83.5%, specificity 79.9%, PPV 55.0%, NPV 82.7% and with AUDIT > or =6 for females, sensitivity 81.2%, specificity 93.7%, PPV 64.0%, NPV 72.0%). AUDIT gives better results than MAST and CAGE for detecting "Alcohol abuse/dependence" as showed on the comparative ROC curves. CONCLUSIONS: The AUDIT questionnaire remains a good screening instrument for French-speaking primary care.
Studies on the assessment of heart rate variability threshold (HRVT) during walking are scarce. We determined the reliability and validity of HRVT assessment during the incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) in healthy subjects. Thirty-one participants aged 57 ± 9 years (17 females) performed 3 ISWTs. During the 1st and 2nd ISWTs, instantaneous heart rate variability was calculated every 30 s and HRVT was measured. Walking velocity at HRVT in these tests (WV-HRVT1 and WV-HRVT2) was registered. During the 3rd ISWT, physiological responses were assessed. The ventilatory equivalents were used to determine ventilatory threshold (VT) and the WV at VT (WV-VT) was recorded. The difference between WV-HRVT1 and WV-HRVT2 was not statistically significant (median and interquartile range = 4.8; 4.8 to 5.4 vs4.8; 4.2 to 5.4 km/h); the correlation between WV-HRVT1 and WV-HRVT2 was significant (r = 0.84); the intraclass correlation coefficient was high (0.92; 0.82 to 0.96), and the agreement was acceptable (-0.08 km/h; -0.92 to 0.87). The difference between WV-VT and WV-HRVT2 was not statistically significant (4.8; 4.8 to 5.4 vs 4.8; 4.2 to 5.4 km/h) and the agreement was acceptable (0.04 km/h; -1.28 to 1.36). HRVT assessment during walking is a reliable measure and permits the estimation of VT in adults. We suggest the use of the ISWT for the assessment of exercise capacity in middle-aged and older adults.
To date there is no documented procedure to extrapolate findings of an isometric nature to a whole body performance setting. The purpose of this study was to quantify the reliability of perceived exertion to control neuromuscular output during an isometric contraction. 21 varsity athletes completed a maximal voluntary contraction and a 2 min constant force contraction at both the start and end of the study. Between pre and post testing all participants completed a 2 min constant perceived exertion contraction once a day for 4 days. Intra-class correlation coefficient (R=O.949) and standard error of measurement (SEM=5.12 Nm) concluded that the isometric contraction was reliable. Limits of agreement demonstrated only moderate initial reliability, yet with smaller limits towards the end of 4 training sessions. In conclusion, athlete's na"ive to a constant effort isometric contraction will produce reliable and acceptably stable results after 1 familiarization sessions has been completed.
This paper discusses a study undertaken to determine whether a normal hearing person or hearing impaired person can reliably select a threshold of intelligibility and if so, whether this can be considered a valid measurement.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)