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La aprobación de la Constitución de Montecristi en al año 2008 trajo consigo varios retos para la implementación progresiva de los derechos que esta reconoció. En este contexto, se visibiliza en la Constitución una amplia gama de derechos que están direccionados a proteger el estilo de vida de la Comunidad LGBTI y sus proyectos de vida. A pesar de la amplitud del nuevo catálogo de derechos, los mismos todavía representan estereotipos de género provenientes de la concepción patriarcal de la sociedad y en especial de la familia; es así, que se analizará este fenómeno como origen y causante de la discriminación de la Constitución al matrimonio igualitario. En este orden de ideas, la Constitución protege de manera individual la orientación sexual y la identidad de género, sin embargo cuando se pretende ejercerlos como relaciones de pareja desde una perspectiva familiar, la Constitución introdujo en el último párrafo de su artículo 67 la restricción del derecho al matrimonio a personas del mismo sexo. En este contexto, el presente trabajo interpreta de manera integral la aplicación del principio de igualdad y no discriminación contenido en la Constitución que ampara a la población LGBTI, para que a la luz de esta se pueda evidenciar la contradicción existente entre el artículo 67 y el resto de la Constitución y así constatar la existencia de discriminación de jure.
When it comes to human rights, the first thoughts that come to mind are the rights to life, liberty or equality, among others, which possess the concept of being fundamental. Commonly, culture and heritage are not usually considered as rights; however, as well as there is the right to own legal identity, there is also the right to enjoy a cultural identity. This paper deals precisely with the study of culture and cultural heritage as a human right. Cultural heritage’s meaning concept is analyzed, its enclosure between fundamental rights and the way that it should be protected, essentially by the State. The Ecuadorian case is also analyzed around their legislation and cultural management, in order to assess the treatment that this right has been received in the country.
The aim is to discuss the main legal criteria developed in Argentina in regard to cultural and architectural heritage protection through the analysis of five court decisions and their main protection techniques. The goal is to raise awareness about the critical role of civil society in the protection and promotion of heritage and cultural values. The attempt is to highlight the importance of judge’s active role as a major figure in the field.
The contents of this article analyze the right to private property after the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case “Salvador Chiriboga vs. Ecuador”. The author´s concern is the fact that this case represents the most expensive sentence inside the Inter-American protection system due to the violation of the right to private property (art. 21.2 AC); judicial guarantees (art. 8.1 AC) and judicial protection (art. 25.1 CA). This subject has special relevance since Ecuador is facing a judicial reform process and it is necessary to consider that the diffusion of this decision among judges could prevent the commission of the same mistakes; specially, those related to denial of justice as it occurred in the present case study.
The mineral sector has an extreme strategic relevance for the social and economic development of any country. Therefore, proper management of existing mineral resources in a given area is closely linked to the full exercise of sovereignty. Thus, in pretending to guarantee efficient control of resources, the majority of the countries classify mineral resources as state property; however, because of the high cost and the risk involved, the economic exploitation of these resources is more efficient when driven by private initiative. Hence, the basic resource exploitation model is a modern legal concept in which the control over resources belongs to the State, but the direct economic exploitation of this heritage belongs to some individuals according to law and by offering the necessary social and economic counterparts.
Since the Ecuador Constitution regulations study on community indigenous peoples rights, the loss of traditional knowledge is focused, as scenery caused from historical processes, government policies and several distinct phenomena these native people have been subdued to, such as the lifestyle change and the territory restriction. The absence of values and law protection the judicial Ecuadorian organization requires directed towards their conservation, are the present study fundaments supported by indigenous vision of the world and the reality for two local communities in the province of Sucumbíos, the Cofán Dureno and Secoya (Siekopai) San Pablo, the Applying rule to Decision 391, the related Andean norms and Biologic diversity Agreement. The article concludes with a proposal of principles that conciliate values which identify these people. The analysis ends with a propensity of principles that conciliate values that identify these people.
The text shows the heterogeneous views of various Latin American countries, like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, in terms of their analyses of and studies about foreign policy. This paper aims to make clear the different images that China generates as a rising power in the world economy, particularly as a major trade partner of these countries. The goal of this article is to provide elements for analysis about policy coordination vis-àvis China. The central argument states that there should be coordination between regional integration strategies and foreign policies in relation to China. However, these heterogeneous visions can work against that goal as well.
This paper analyzes the People’s Republic of China economic and political ascendance in the 21st century, focusing on the evolution of its sui géneris economic development model and its significance for the relationship between China and the developing countries of the peripheral ‘Global South.’ The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between China and Latin America in the 21st century, characterizing it as a new Center-periphery global power network based on trade and investment, which is often referred to as the ‘Asian Consensus’. The article will give special attention to the Brazilian case.
In the last decade, the presence of China in Latin America has been characterized by a model of economic cooperation based on pragmatic principles of complementarity and mutual benefits. Latin America is presented as a “paradise” of natural resources and expanding markets, while China stands as the main financier and investor in the region. In this scenario, particularly since 2009, Ecuador has become one of the top recipients of Chinese funding and investment, mainly in strategic sectors such as energy and infrastructure. The presence of China in the country has been the subject of extensive discussions about the true benefits and costs behind its model of economic cooperation.
This paper states that even though the Antarctic Treaty is a remarkable instrument for peaceful collaboration and scientific research, it is, basically, a by-product of the Cold War that reaffirms a particular status quo. This paper explores whether the ATS will meet the needs of an emerging world order. Particularly, the paper evaluates the ATS in the face of new global challenges, both internal and external to the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) itself, as well as power shifting processes on a world scale, climate change and the changing interests of new states. China is a key component in understanding this issue because its Antarctic engagement is entering a new phase one that challenges current multilateral provisions. China’s Antarctic program will be analyzed within the framework of International Relations approaches and theories.
Este trabalho constitui-se em um estudo acerca da construção do conhecimento do tema Marketing Metrics dentro da disciplina de marketing, centrando-se na linha de pesquisa de Valor do Cliente, uma das cinco principais que estão sendo trabalhadas sobre o tema. Assim, o autor deste trabalho realizou um estudo exploratório dividido em duas etapas, uma de análise da bibliografia acerca do Marketing Metrics em diversos centros acadêmicos e outra de verificação empresarial para analisar o grau de conhecimento e avaliação da importância do tema na visão empresarial. Ao final, o autor chega a um modelo sobre a construção de conhecimento do tema pesquisado e suposições a serem futuramente testadas, incluindo a influência de fatores como a natureza do negócio em que está inserida, o tamanho da base de clientes, a necessidade de uso do produto ou serviço, as barreiras de saída e o tamanho da empresa no grau de necessidade de relacionamento com os clientes, bem como a influência deste na busca do conhecimento acadêmico.
Constata-se, com freqüência, que planos e projetos bem elaborados, com recursos suficiente e adequados, não conseguem ser implementados com sucesso, ainda que tenha havido uma previa e cuidadosa identificação dos elementos que poderiam ter influência no processo de implementação. Isto decorre do fato de que qualquer implementação seria ê afetada por inumeros eventos imprevisíveis, o que" a torna uma tarefa imensamente difícil, mesmo sob as melhores condições. Nesta dissertação, um estudo de caso, abordamos a implementação da Política de Terminalidade Antecipada no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Há alguns anos atrás, o Rio de Janeiro lançou-se ã implementação da Política de Terminalidade Antecipada buscando adequar currículos, metodos e duração da educação básica ã sociedade agrícola do interior do Estado. Tal Política foi iniciada em condições aparentemente as mais auspiciosas e parecia não envolver nenhum elemento dramático. Prudentemente, decidiu-se concentrar a implementação, num primeiro momento, em Cordeiro e municípios vizinhos. Com base no experimento, a Política seria extendida a outras áreas do Estado. Previa-se, no decorrer da implementação, uma ação integrada das Secretarias de Estado de Agricultura, de Educaçao e Cultura, e de Saude. O processo de implementação desenvolveu-se durante dois Governos Estaduais sucessivos e está entrando em um terceiro.