972 resultados para solid-phase synthesis


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We describe a one-step bio-refinery process for shrimp composites by-products. Its originality lies in a simple rapid (6 h) biotechnological cuticle fragmentation process that recovers all major compounds (chitins, peptides and minerals in particular calcium). The process consists of a controlled exogenous enzymatic proteolysis in a food-grade acidic medium allowing chitin purification (solid phase), and recovery of peptides and minerals (liquid phase). At a pH of between 3.5 and 4, protease activity is effective, and peptides are preserved. Solid phase demineralization kinetics were followed for phosphoric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic and citric acids with pKa ranging from 2.1 to 4.76. Formic acid met the initial aim of (i) 99 % of demineralization yield and (ii) 95 % deproteinization yield at a pH close to 3.5 and a molar ratio of 1.5. The proposed one-step process is proven to be efficient. To formalize the necessary elements for the future optimization of the process, two models to predict shell demineralization kinetics were studied, one based on simplified physical considerations and a second empirical one. The first model did not accurately describe the kinetics for times exceeding 30 minutes, the empirical one performed adequately.


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Aiming to introduce a multiresidue analysis for the trace detection of pesticide residues belonging to organophosphorus and triazine classes from olive oil samples, a new sample preparation methodology comprising the use of a dual layer of “tailor-made” molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) SPE for the simultaneous extraction of both pesticides in a single procedure has been attempted. This work has focused on the implementation of a dual MIP-layer SPE procedure (DL-MISPE) encompassing the use of two MIP layers as specific sorbents. In order to achieve higher recovery rates, the amount of MIP layers has been optimized as well as the influence of MIP packaging order. The optimized DL-MISPE approach has been used in the preconcentration of spiked organic olive oil samples with concentrations of dimethoate and terbuthylazine similar to the maximum residue limits and further quantification by HPLC. High recovery rates for dimethoate (95%) and terbuthylazine (94%) have been achieved with good accuracy and precision. Overall, this work constitutes the first attempt on the development of a dual pesticide residue methodology for the trace analysis of pesticide residues based on molecular imprinting technology. Thus, DL-MISPE constitutes a reliable, robust, and sensitive sample preparation methodology that enables preconcentration of the target pesticides in complex olive oil samples, even at levels similar to the maximum residue limits enforced by the legislation.


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Mercury is not an essential element for plant or animal life and it is a potential environmental toxic because of its tendency to form covalent bonds with organic molecules and the high stability of the Hg-C bond. Reports estimate a total mercury concentration in natural waters ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng L-1. Due to this fact, highly sensitive methods are required for direct determination of such extremely low levels. In this work, a rapid and simple method was developed for separation and preconcentration of mercury by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating retention of the analyte onto the mini column filled with a mesoporous silica functionalized with 1,5 bis (di-2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohydrazide. The main aim of this work was to develop a precise and accurate method for the determination of the Hg. Under the optima conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the detection limit obtained was 0.009 μg L-1, with RSDs 3.7 % for 0.2 μg L-1, 4.8 % for 1 μg L-1 and enrichment factor 4, Furthermore, the method proposed has permitted the determination of Hg with a reduction in the analysis time, the sample throughput was about 18 h-1, low consumption of reagents and sample volume. The method was applied to the determination of Hg in sea water and river water. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake, and LGC6187 River sediment was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.


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The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been restricted to applications having high sample concentrations because of its low sensitivity caused by small injection volumes and, when ultraviolet (UV) detection is used, the short optical path length. Sensitivity in CE can be improved by using more sensitive detection systems, or by preconcentration techniques which are based on chromatographic and/or electrophoretic principles. One of the promising strategies to improve sensitivity is solid phase extraction (SPE). Solid Phase Extraction utilizes high sample volumes and a variety of complex matrixes to facilitate trace detection. To increase the specificity of the SPE a selective solid phase must be chosen. Immunosorbents, which are a combination of an antibody and a solid support, have proven to be an excellent option because of high selectivity of the antibody. This thesis is an exploratory study of the application of immunosorbent-SPE combined with CE for trace concentration of benzodiazepines. This research describes the immobilization and performance evaluation of an immunosorbent prepared by immobilizing a benzodiazepine-specific antibody on aminopropyl silica. The binding capacity of the immunosorbent, measured as µg of benzodiazepine/ gram of immunosorbent, was 39 ± 10. The long term stability of the prepared immunosorbent has been improved by capping the remaining aminopropyl groups by reaction with acetic anhydride. The capped immunosorbent retained its binding capacity after several uses.


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Zipper examined: High-quality boron nitride nanoribbons (BNNRs) can be produced directly during nanotube synthesis without post-treatment. These BNNRs are typically several micrometers long and tens of nanometers wide. Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure investigations indicated that the BNNRs are of high chemical purity and crystallinity.


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The velvet antler polypeptide CNT14 was extracted and purified by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and RP C, which showed a single peak in HPLC chromatography and a single band in SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight measured by MALDI/TOF/MS spectrum was 1479. 9028. The polypeptide consisted mostly of Glu, Leu, Val, Pro. The amino acid sequence of the polypeptide was detected with ESI-MS/ MS, and the sequence was E-P-T-V-L-D-E-V-C-L-A-H-G-P. The experiments of biological activity of polypeptide CNT14 in vivo were carried out, and the results show that CNT14 has stimulant effects on the growth of rat HT22 cells. Then we produced the polypeptide CNT14 according the amino acid sequence by solid phase synthesis, confirmed the sequence of the polypeptide to be consistent with the amino acid sequence of polypeptide CNT14 which was separated from the velvet antler.


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The increasing emergence of multidrug-resistant micro-organisms presents one of the greatest challenges in the clinical management of infectious diseases. Therefore, novel antimicrobial agents are urgently required to address this issue. In this report, we describe the solid phase synthesis, characterization, microbiological and toxicological evaluation of a library of ultrashort cationic antimicrobial lipopeptides based on the previously described tetrapeptide amide H-Orn-Orn-Trp-Trp-NH2 conjugated with saturated fatty acids which have inherent antimicrobial activity. The microbiological activity of these ultrashort cationic lipopeptides, which exhibit excellent, broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a number of clinically important pathogenic bacteria and fungi, including multidrug resistant micro-organisms in both planktonic and sessile (biofilm) cultures is reported.


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(A) Most azobenzene-based photoswitches require UV light for photoisomerization, which limit their applications in biological systems due to possible photodamage. Cyclic azobenzene derivatives, on the other hand, can undergo cis-trans isomerization when exposed to visible light. A shortened synthetic scheme was developed for the preparation of a building block containing cyclic azobenzene and D-threoninol (cAB-Thr). trans-Cyclic azobenzene was found to thermally isomerize back to the cis-form in a temperature-dependent manner. cAB-Thr was transformed into the corresponding phosphoramidite and subsequently incorporated into oligonucleotides by solid phase synthesis. Melting temperature measurement suggested that incorporation of cis-cAB into oligonucleotides destabilizes DNA duplexes, these findings corroborate with circular dichroism measurement. Finally, Fluorescent Energy Resonance Transfer experiments indicated that trans-cAB can be accommodated in DNA duplexes. (B) Inverse Electron Demand Diels-Alder reactions (IEDDA) between trans-olefins and tetrazines provide a powerful alternative to existing ligation chemistries due to its fast reaction rate, bioorthogonality and mutual orthogonality with other click reactions. In this project, an attempt was pursued to synthesize trans-cyclooctene building blocks for oligonucleotide labeling by reacting with BODIPY-tetrazine. Rel-(1R-4E-pR)-cyclooct-4-enol and rel-(1R,8S,9S,4E)-Bicyclo[6.1.0]non-4-ene-9-ylmethanol were synthesized and then transformed into the corresponding propargyl ether. Subsequent Sonogashira reactions between these propargylated compounds with DMT-protected 5-iododeoxyuridine failed to give the desired products. Finally a methodology was pursued for the synthesis of BODIPY-tetrazine conjugates that will be used in future IEDDA reactions with trans-cyclooctene modified oligonucleotides.


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Neuf maladies neurodégénératives sont le produit de l’expression de gènes mutés, dans lesquels le codon CAG est répété au-delà d’un seuil pathologique. Ceci produit des protéines mutantes dans lesquelles sont insérés des segments de polyglutamines (polyGln), qui perdent leur activité et acquièrent une nouvelle fonction, ce qui est toxique pour le neurone. Ces altérations sont attribuables aux propriétés particulières de la polyGln. En effet, ces dernières possèdent la capacité de s’assembler pour former des corps d’inclusion intracellulaires. Cette propension à l’agrégation de la polyGln rend difficile l’étude de ces pathologies. C’est ainsi que l’utilisation de peptides peut s’avérer une approche avantageuse. Toutefois, la synthèse de polyGln est associée à de nombreuses délétions et nécessite l’ajout de groupements chargés afin de permettre leur purification. Cependant, ce prérequis donne lieu à des interactions électrostatiques qui biaisent la structure et la cinétique d’agrégation de ces peptides, en plus d’interférer avec l’évaluation d’éventuels agents thérapeutiques. L’objectif du projet est de développer un système permettant l’étude de la polyGln en s’affranchissant des effets de charges. Pour ce faire, deux approches ont été explorées, la première utilise la polyGln non chargée et la seconde utilise une structure polyGln-morpholine ayant des charges labiles en fonction du pH. Ces peptides ont été produits en utilisant une approche linéaire de synthèse peptidique sur support solide avec protection maximale des chaînes latérales. La purification a été effectuée par chromatographie de haute performance en phase inverse en milieu acide. Ces stratégies ont permis de produire des peptides de polyGln de grande pureté avec des rendements acceptables. Une procédure de solubilisation des peptides alliant sonication et lyophilisation a été développée afin d’étudier chacun de ces peptides à l’aide de diverses techniques physicochimiques, telles que la diffusion de la lumière, la spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire, Raman et UV-visible, le dichroïsme circulaire et la microscopie optique polarisée. La polyGln non chargée solubilisée dans le trifluoroéthanol-eau a montré que la taille des particules et la vitesse d’agrégation sont proportionnelles à la fraction volumique en eau. De plus, la structure secondaire en solution est à prédominance alpha et semble être peu sensible à la fraction d’eau jusqu’à un certain seuil (25%) après lequel la structure aléatoire prédomine. L’analyse des agrégats à l’état solide montre des structures hélicoïdales > aléatoires et ont les caractéristiques des fibrilles amyloïdes. Le peptide de polyGln-morpholines a un pKa de 7,3 en milieu aqueux. Il demeure en solution lorsque le pH < pKa et à faible force ionique, alors qu’il s’autoassemble lorsque ces conditions ne sont pas respectées. Ceci suggère que la répulsion électrostatique est responsable de la stabilisation du peptide en solution. La dimension fractale nous indique que le peptide forme des agrégats compacts dont les constituants ont une taille de 2,5 nm, compatibles avec une conformation aléatoire compacte, en coude bêta ou hélicoïdale. Ceci est en accord avec l’étude structurale des peptides en solution qui a montré des espèces aléatoires > bêta > alpha. De plus, en RMN, l’élargissement des signaux du 1Hγ en cours d’agrégation suggère une interaction via les chaînes latérales. Les analyses en phase solide ont plutôt montré une prédominance de structures bêta et alpha. L’inhibition de l’agrégation à pH 8 varie selon rouge de Congo > tréhalose, alors que le peptide liant la polyGln 1 et la thioflavine T ne semble pas avoir d’effet. Ces approches ont donc permis pour la première fois de s’affranchir des effets de charges auparavant inhérents à l’étude de la polyGln en solution et par conséquent d’obtenir des informations inédites quant à la solubilité, la structure et la cinétique d’agrégation. Enfin, le dispositif à charges labiles permet d’évaluer l’efficacité d’éventuels agents thérapeutiques à pH quasi physiologique.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Synthetic vaccines constitute the most promising tools for controlling and preventing infectious diseases. When synthetic immunogens are designed from the pathogen native sequences, these are normally poorly immunogenic and do not induce protection, as demonstrated in our research. After attempting many synthetic strategies for improving the immunogenicity properties of these sequences, the approach consisting of identifying high binding motifs present in those, and then performing specific changes on amino-acids belonging to such motifs, has proven to be a workable strategy. In addition, other strategies consisting of chemically introducing non-natural constraints to the backbone topology of the molecule and modifying the a-carbon asymmetry are becoming valuable tools to be considered in this pursuit. Non-natural structural constraints to the peptide backbone can be achieved by introducing peptide bond isosters such as reduced amides, partially retro or retro-inverso modifications or even including urea motifs. The second can be obtained by strategically replacing L-amino-acids with their enantiomeric forms for obtaining both structurally site-directed designed immunogens as potential vaccine candidates and their Ig structural molecular images, both having immunotherapeutic effects for preventing and controlling malaria.


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En aquesta tesi doctoral es va estudiar la preparació de pèptids biarílics en fase sòlida. En primer lloc, es varen borilar residus de fenilalanina o tirosina presents a la seqüència peptídica a través d’una reacció de Miyaura. A continuació, es varen arilar els boronats resultants a través d’una reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura sota irradiació de microones, utilitzant diversos halurs d’aril i haloaminoàcids. La metodologia trobada es va estendre a la preparació de pèptids biarílics cíclics. Aquesta aproximació presenta l’avantatge d’evitar la síntesi en dissolució i la purificació del boronoaminoàcid. A més, permet la preparació d’una àmplia diversitat de pèptids biarílics a partir d’un únic boronopèptid. L’avaluació de l’activitat biològica dels pèptids sintetitzats va permetre idenficar seqüències actives enfront dels bacteris Erwinia amylovora, Xanthomonas vesicatoria, i Pseudomonas syringae, que són responsables de malalties greus en plantes d’interès econòmic com pereres i pomeres, i que varen resultar ser molt poc tòxics enfront cèl•lules eucariotes.