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Public Health undergraduate students studying the unit Women’s Health undertook a teaching and learning exercise which required them to learn to create and use a wiki website for reflective learning purposes. The Women’s Health wiki provided an online shared, collaborative, and creative space wherein the students’ perceptions of women's health issues could be discussed, reflected upon, and debated. We analysed the content developed on the Women’s Health wiki using a social constructivist theoretical framework and provided a theoretical model for how the wiki worked to aid reflective and critical thinking, as well as developing technological and communicative skills amongst students.
The election of an Australian Labor Government in Australia in 2007 saw ‘social inclusion’ emerge as the official and overarching social policy agenda. Being ‘included’ was subsequently defined by the ALP Government as being able to ‘have the resources, opportunities and capabilities needed to learn, work, engage and have a voice’. Various researchers in Australia demonstrated an interest in social inclusion, as it enabled them to construct a multi-dimensional framework for measuring disadvantage. This research program resulted in various forms of statistical modelling based on some agreement about what it means to be included in society. The multi-dimensional approach taken by academic researchers, however, did not necessarily translate to a new model of social policy development or implementation. We argue that, similar to the experience of the UK, Australia’s social inclusion policy agenda was for the most part narrowly and individually defined by politicians and policy makers, particularly in terms of equating being employed with being included. We conclude with discussion about the need to strengthen the social inclusion framework by adopting an understanding of social inequality and social justice that is more relational and less categorical.
This study identified the common factors that influence social care practice across disciplines (such as social work and psychology), practice fields, and geographical contexts and further developed the Practice Domain Framework as an empirically-based conceptual framework to assist practitioners in understanding practice complexities. The framework has application in critical reflection, professional supervision, interdisciplinary understanding, teamwork, management, teaching and research. A mixed-methods design was used to identify the components and structure of the refined framework. Eighteen influential factors were identified and organised into eight domains: the Societal, Structural, Organisational, Practice Field, Professional Practice, Accountable Practice, Community of Place, and Personal.
Previous research into young people’s drinking behaviour has studied how social practices influence their actions and how they negotiate drinking-related identities. Here, adopting the perspective of discursive psychology we examine how, for young people, social influences are bound up with issues of drinking and of identity. We conducted 19 focus groups with undergraduate students in Australia aged between 18 and 24 years. Thematic analysis of participants’ accounts for why they drink or do not drink was used to identify passages of talk that referred to social influence, paying particular attention to terms such as ‘pressure’ and ‘choice’. These passages were then analysed in fine-grained detail, using discourse analysis, to study how participants accounted for social influence. Participants treated their behaviour as accountable and produced three forms of account that: (1) minimised the choice available to them, (2) explained drinking as culture and (3) described resisting peer pressure. They also negotiated gendered social dynamics related to drinking. These forms of account allowed the participants to avoid individual responsibility for drinking or not drinking. These findings demonstrate that the effects of social influence on young people’s drinking behaviour cannot be assumed, as social influence itself becomes negotiable within local contexts of talk about drinking.
This qualitative study of parent-child communication examined the views of parents and children in a province of Saudi Arabia concerning how family interactions, parental authority and children’s behaviours are affected by the globalising influences of media and technology. Impacts reported include how tension in family communication arises as children develop a hybrid culture through accessing Western ideas and ideologies that are profoundly challenging to traditional Islamic culture.
Background This study investigated the prevalence and socio-cultural correlates of postnatal mood disturbance amongst women 18–45 years old in Central Vietnam. Son preference and traditional confinement practices were explored as well as factors such as poverty, parity, family and intimate partner relationships and infant health. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in twelve randomly selected Commune Health Centres from urban and rural districts of Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. Mother-infant dyads one to six months postpartum were invited to participate. Questionnaires from 431 mothers (urban n = 216; rural n = 215) assessed demographic and family characteristics, traditional confinement practices, son preference, infant health and social capital. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and WHO5 Wellbeing Index indicated depressive symptoms and emotional wellbeing. Data were analysed using general linear models. Results Using an EPDS cut-off of 12/13, 18.1 % (n = 78, 95 % CI 14.6 - 22.1) of women had depressive symptoms (20.4 % urban; 15.8 % rural). Contrary to predictions, infant gender and traditional confinement were unrelated to depressive symptoms. Poverty, food insecurity, being frightened of family members, and intimate partner violence increased both depressive symptoms and lowered wellbeing. The first model accounted for 30.2 % of the variance in EPDS score and found being frightened of one’s husband, husband’s unemployment, breastfeeding difficulties, infant diarrhoea, and cognitive social capital were associated with higher EPDS scores. The second model had accounted for 22 % of the variance in WHO5 score. Living in Hue city, low education, poor maternal competence and a negative family response to the baby lowered maternal wellbeing. Conclusions Traditional confinement practices and son preference were not linked to depressive symptoms among mothers, but were correlates of family relationships and wellbeing. Poverty, food insecurity, violence, infant ill health, and discordant intimate and family relationships were linked with depressive symptoms in Central Vietnam.
This thesis evaluates a chronic condition self-management program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in urban south-east Queensland who have or are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Outcomes showed short-term improvements for some anthropometry measures which could be a trend for improvement in other anthropometry indicators over the longer term. The program was of particular benefit for participants who had several social and emotional wellbeing conditions. The use of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander conceptual framework was critical in undertaking culturally competent quantitative research in this project.
The present study aimed to understand spirituality and its relationships with socioeconomic status (SES), religious background, social support, and mental health among Indian university students. It was hypothesized that: - (1) female university students will be more spiritual than male university students, - (2) four domains of spirituality will differ significantly across socioeconomic and religious background of the university students in addition to social support, and; - (3) there will be a positive relationship between spirituality and mental health of university students, irrespective of gender. A group of 475 postgraduate students aged 20–27 years, 241 males and 234 females, from various disciplines of Pondicherry University, India, participated in the study. Students’ background was collected using a structured questionnaire. Overall spirituality and its four dimensions were measured using the Spirituality Attitude Inventory, while mental health status was estimated based on scores of the psychological subscale of the WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire. Female students were significantly more spiritual than male students, particularly in spiritual practice and sense of purpose/connection. Hindu religion and lower family income were associated with lower spirituality. Higher spirituality was associated with congenial family environment and more support from teachers and classmates. There was a strong association between overall spirituality and two spirituality domains (spiritual belief and sense of purpose/connection) with better mental health. Findings suggest an opportunity for open dialogue on spirituality for university students as part of their mental health and support services that fosters a positive mind set and enhancement of resilience.
Information exchange (IE) is a critical component of the complex collaborative medication process in residential aged care facilities (RACFs). Designing information and communication technology (ICT) to support complex processes requires a profound understanding of the IE that underpins their execution. There is little existing research that investigates the complexity of IE in RACFs and its impact on ICT design. The aim of this study was thus to undertake an in-depth exploration of the IE process involved in medication management to identify its implications for the design of ICT. The study was undertaken at a large metropolitan facility in NSW, Australia. A total of three focus groups, eleven interviews and two observation sessions were conducted between July to August 2010. Process modelling was undertaken by translating the qualitative data via in-depth iterative inductive analysis. The findings highlight the complexity and collaborative nature of IE in RACF medication management. These models emphasize the need to: a) deal with temporal complexity; b) rely on an interdependent set of coordinative artefacts; and c) use synchronous communication channels for coordination. Taken together these are crucial aspects of the IE process in RACF medication management that need to be catered for when designing ICT in this critical area. This study provides important new evidence of the advantages of viewing process as a part of a system rather than as segregated tasks as a means of identifying the latent requirements for ICT design and that is able to support complex collaborative processes like medication management in RACFs. © 2012 IEEE.
Background Diabetic foot disease (DFD) is the leading cause of hospitalisation and lower extremity amputation (LEA) in people with diabetes. Many studies have established the relationship between DFD and clinical risk factors, such as peripheral neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease. Other studies have identified the relationship between diabetes and non-clinical risk factors termed social determinants of health (SDoH), such as socioeconomic status. However, it appears very few studies have investigated the relationship between DFD and SDoH. This paper aims to review the existing literature investigating the relationship between DFD and the SDoH factors socioeconomic status (SES), race and geographical remoteness (remoteness). Process Electronic databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PubMed) were searched for studies reporting SES, race (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in Australia) and remoteness and their relationship to DFD and LEA. Exclusion criteria were studies conducted in developing countries and studies published prior to 2000. Findings Forty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed; 10 in Australia. Overall, 28 (58%) studies investigated LEA, 10 (21%) DFD, and 10 (21%) DFD and LEA as the DFD-related outcome. Thirty-six (75%) studies investigated the SDoH risk factor of race, 22 (46%) SES, and 20 (42%) remoteness. SES, race and remoteness were found to be individually associated with LEA and DFD in the majority of studies. Only four studies investigated interactions between SES, race and remoteness and DFD with contrasting findings. All four studies used only LEA as their investigated outcome. No Australian studies investigate the interaction of all three SDoH risk factors on DFD outcomes. Conclusions The SDoH risk factors of SES, race and GR appear to be individually associated with DFD. However, only few studies investigated the interaction of these three major SDoH risk factors and DFD outcomes with contrasting results. There is a clear gap in this area of DFD research and particularly in Australia. Until urgent future research is performed, current practice and policy does not adequately take into consideration the implication of SDoH on DFD.
Considerable empirical research substantiates the importance of social networks on health and well-being in later life. A study of ethnic minority elders living in two low income public housing buildings in East Harlem was undertaken to gain an understanding of the relationship between their health status and social networks. Findings demonstrate that elders with supportive housing had better psychological outcomes and used significantly more informal supports when in need. However, elders with serious health problems had poorer outcomes regardless of their level of social support. This study highlights the potential of supportive living environments to foster social integration and to optimise formal and informal networks.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo reconhecer as experiências de inserção do assistente social na Saúde da Família e as tendências da prática profissional nessa área. Diante das repercussões da contrarreforma na política e nas práticas de saúde, questionamos como o Serviço Social tem pautado suas experiências de inserção frente às contradições da Saúde da Família. Para isso, a pesquisa é baseada no referencial crítico dialético, em que utilizamos a metodologia da pesquisa documental com levantamento quanti-qualitativo. A análise foi realizada a partir das comunicações com referência à Saúde da Família do Congresso Brasileiro de Assistentes Sociais (CBAS) e Congresso Nacional de Serviço Social em Saúde (CONASSS) entre os anos de 2000 a 2009. Nos trabalhos foram identificados três eixos temáticos: Análise da Estratégia, Relato de experiência e Reflexão das possibilidades de inserção. A partir desses eixos buscamos reconhecer a dimensão teórico-metodológica, ético-política e técnico-operativa. Os resultados apontam que os assistentes sociais têm ocupado predominantemente funções de suporte em equipes de referência e que esta tem se apresentado como a possibilidade de inserção oficial através do NASF. Nas abordagens reconhecemos que as experiências pautadas na perspectiva crítica contam com histórico de articulação com os movimentos sociais, com referência à Reforma Sanitária e as discussões da categoria, e na prática, esses conceitos direcionam o processo de trabalho. Verificamos que há uma tendência majoritária de incorporação do discurso do Ministério da Saúde quanto à estrutura e processo de trabalho em Saúde da Família, o que tem contribuído para a incorporação de instrumentais construídos pela Estratégia na prática profissional. Essa tendência aponta que a inserção dos assistentes sociais na Saúde da Família tem recebido influências de vertentes neoconservadoras e sofrido os impactos da contrarreforma na política de saúde.
Esta dissertação analisa o trabalho do Assistente Social no Programa Saúde da Família PSF, tomando por base o município de Ipatinga-MG. Buscou-se mostrar a concepção de parte da gestão local da Política de Saúde e dos profissionais da equipe básica do programa sobre o trabalho do Assistente Social na saúde e no PSF, e se esse profissional tem conseguido realizar um trabalho que contribua para a efetivação do programa enquanto estratégia de reorientação do modelo assistencial na atenção básica. O estudo foi desenvolvido através da metodologia de estudo caso, com enfoque qualitativo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de consultas documentais e bibliográficas sobre a Política de Saúde e PSF a nível nacional e municipal; visitas às unidades básicas de saúde e a realização de entrevistas com uma porcentagem dos gerentes, dos profissionais da equipe básica e com os Assistentes Sociais. O estudo apontou que, o profissional de Serviço Social não vem conseguindo realizar um trabalho em conjunto com o Saúde da Família, se limitando aos atendimentos de casos isolados, assumindo papel complementar e subsidiário aos profissionais da equipe básica, não conseguindo, assim, contribuir para a concretização do programa enquanto estratégia que traga mudanças na organização dos serviços de atenção básica em saúde no município.
Em meio a toda a turbulência que configura um cenário desastroso para as políticas sociais, a população idosa aumenta; com ela, aumenta a demanda por estudos que avaliem os avanços e os impactos derivados desse processo. Mas como o Serviço Social vem se posicionando perante a esta demanda? O que temos produzido sobre a temática? Poderíamos dizer que, em termo de produções, verificamos mais avanços ou retrocessos? Para analisar a produção acadêmica do Serviço Social, utilizei como referenciais as produções Dissertações e Teses sobre o idoso _ dos programas de pós-graduação em Serviço Social de três das principais Universidades públicas do estado do Rio de Janeiro UFF, UFRJ e UERJ_ devido ao fato de elas possuírem programas consolidados desde 2001, motivo pelo qual analisei as obras no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2009 . Busco evidenciar a importância da categoria neste debate, que pressupõe a capacidade teórico-metodológica para analisar seus determinantes, compreendendo o envelhecimento como um processo que possui um grande potencial a ser explorado em estudos e pesquisas, além de constituir-se num instigante desafio intelectual, social e político.
A presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o trato teórico dado à categoria pobreza pelo Serviço Social. Para tanto, após caracterizar os fundamentos do fenômeno em questão, discutimos as diferentes concepções nas diversas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas e suas propostas de enfrentamento. Sustentados nessa análise, estudamos a abordagem da pobreza no debate do Serviço Social, partindo da hipótese que as formas de concepção da pobreza e seu enfrentamento vinculam-se às perspectivas e compromissos que os profissionais têm assumido. Organizamos o trabalho em três partes. A primeira que trata brevemente dos fundamentos do Modo de Produção Capitalistas e das determinações da sua fase imperialista/monopolista, considerando as particularidades da industrialização no Brasil, para entender a gênese da pobreza e suas manifestações nesse contexto. A segunda parte apresenta as perspectivas teórico-metodológicas liberal, marxista, pós-moderna , através de alguns autores que são referências para a compreensão do fenômeno; a partir do qual analisamos o que entendemos como equívocos nessa discussão. Finalmente, na terceira parte, nos dedicamos ao estudo das formas com que se debate a pobreza e seu enfrentamento no Serviço Social. A análise da produção do Serviço Social foi realizada a partir de um duplo caminho. No primeiro consideramos a bibliografia produzida no âmbito da profissão, onde a pobreza é vinculada a conceitos como: subalternidade, carência, exclusão, popular, risco social, cidadania (invertida, ou não-cidadania), ou referênciada na Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista. No segundo caminho analisamos os 235 artigos que tratam da questão da pobreza, na Revista Serviço Social & Sociedade (da Cortez Editora). Por fim, reforçamos a importância de repor o debate sobre a pobreza no Serviço Social como resultado da contradição inerente à sociedade capitalista: socialização da produção e apropriação privada da riqueza produzida. Trata-se de uma resistência à substituição dessa categoria, dessa relação e desses fundamentos, por conceitos como a exclusão, subalternidade, vulnerabilidade e risco. Contudo, mesmo considerando que estes ampliam as determinações diversas das manifestações da pobreza, reafirmamos que não esclarecem os fundamentos e causas daquela.