985 resultados para smectic liquid crystals


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The twist elastic constant, K2, and the rotational viscosity coefficient, γ1, are of importance when the response lime for the in-plane switching mode is studied. Since adding dopants is one technique to improve the response characteristics, the effect of dopants on these physical properties is significant. The effect on K2 and γ1 of adding alkyl(alkoxy) phenylcyclopentenones and alkyl(alkoxy) cyanobiphenyls to the base mixture ZLI-4792 together with their temperature dependence have been investigated using different temperature scales. The reduced temperature scale showed the effect of these dopants on K2 is small. On the other hand, the temperature dependence of γ1 depends on both the absolute temperature scale and the reduced temperature scale. Therefore, it is clear that the choice of temperature scale with which to compare γ1 for different systems raises fundamental questions which way not have a unique answer. 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint.


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In order to develop materials that exhibit enhanced flexoelectric switching in the chiral nematic phase we have identified mesogenic units that display inherently strong flexoelectric coupling capabilities. Here we examine the oxycyanobiphenyl (OCB) moiety: homologues from the nOCB series exhibit significant electro-optic switching effects when doped with a highly chiral additive. Here we have examined lower dielectric anisotropy materials, since they allow the flexoelectric response to be extended to high field amplitudes. We show that dielectric coupling strength can be low in symmetric bimesogenic molecules. The flexoelectric response of such a molecular structure is tested by doping a homologue from the series CBOnOCB with a chiral additive: very significantly we find that the optic axis is rotated through 2φ=45° in <50 μs on reversing the polarity of the field (amplitude E=±6 V μm-1). Subsequently we have synthesized room temperature chiral nematic materials that exhibit 2φ≥90° at E≈10 V μm-1. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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The photoisomerisation of a flexoelectric chiral nematic bimesogen system dyed with an azo dye has been investigated. The host material has a pitch and field dependent tilt angle that are temperature independent. Upon illumination by ultra violet, the azo dye molecules undergo a shape change from their trans to cis isomer. The effect of the shape change of the dye on the mixture is to decrease the I-N* transition temperatures, to increase the response times and to decrease the transmitted optical intensity. For the same reduced temperatures, the tilt angles, pitch and threshold voltages for the transition from focal conic to homeotropic textures are unchanged. The macroscopic parameters observed suggest that the orientational order parameter of the system is reduced by UV illumination. The cis isomers do not appear to separate from the host material or significantly change the flexoelectric coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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In a chiral nematic liquid crystal, the flexoelectric effect consists of a fast and linear coupling with an applied electric field. One difficulty to overcome is the unwinding of the helix that occurs at higher fields due to dielectric coupling. The use of bimesogens, which possess very low molecular dielectric anisotropy can improve flexoelectric characteristics. New bimesogen compounds have recently been synthesised that exhibit switching angles of 45° for applied fields of about 9 V.μm-1. In this paper, results from dielectric, electro-optic and dynamic light scattering measurements are reported for the new bimesogenic mixture. The dielectric anisotropy Δε changes sign with temperature and its values range between -0.2 and 0.3 for the temperature range studied. For Δε weakly positive, no electric field Freedericksz transition could be induced but Williams domains are observed instead. The large decrease in the bend elastic constant to viscosity coefficient ratio is attributed to a large increase in the bend viscosity coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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New 2-arylidene-p-menthane-3-ones containing the ether bridging group in the arylidene fragment have been synthesized and studied as chiral dopants in ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures. The ferroelectric properties of these compositions were compared with those for compositions including chiral dopants that do not contain any bridging group. The influence of bridging group and terminal alkyl substituent length in the dopant molecule on the ferroelectric parameters of systems studied is discussed. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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The excitation as well as relaxation dynamics of dye-doped nematic liquid crystal cells has been explored both experimentally and theoretically. Overshoots in the build up of the probe signal diffracted from gratings written onto dye-doped liquid crystal systems have often been observed. The overshoot behaviour makes the accurate measurement of nonlinear optical (NLO) response magnitude difficult and ambiguous. Moreover, it complicates the understanding of the dynamics and the physics of the NLO processes. On the basis of the system with trans-cis isomerisation as a mechanism of the NLO effect the quantitative model has been built to describe the experimental results which we observe. The two unknown material parameters: diffusion coefficient and cis species lifetime are calculated from the relaxation data. A quantitative model of the signal build-up uses these parameters. The calculated dynamic behaviour based on this model correlates very well with the experimental data. The model is used to predict the performance of the system with various dopant diffusion properties.


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It is known that bimesogenic liquid crystals exhibit a marked "odd-even" effect in the flexoelastic ratio (the effective flexoelectric coefficient to the average elastic coefficient), with the ratio being higher for the "odd-spaced" bimesogens (those with an odd number of alkyl groups in the spacer chain) than their neighboring even-spaced counterparts. To determine the contribution of each property to the flexoelastic ratio, we present experimental results on the flexoelectric and elastic coefficients of two homologous nonsymmetric bimesogens which possess odd and even alkyl spacers. Our results show that, although there are differences in the flexoelectric coefficients, there are substantially larger differences in the effective elastic coefficient. Specifically, the odd bimesogen is found to have both a low splay elastic coefficient and a very low bend elastic coefficient which, when combined, results in a significantly lower effective elastic coefficient and consequently a higher flexoelastic ratio.


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An ultrasmall tunable microlens with a diameter of 1.5 μm is fabricated using nematic liquid crystals (electrically tunable medium) and vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (CNFs, electrodes). Individual CNFs are grown at the center of circular dielectric regions. This allows the CNFs to produce a more Gaussian electric field profile and hence more uniformity in lens array switching.


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It is known that bimesogenic liquid crystals exhibit a marked "odd-even" effect in the flexoelastic ratio (the effective flexoelectric coefficient to the average elastic coefficient), with the ratio being higher for the "odd-spaced" bimesogens (those with an odd number of alkyl groups in the spacer chain) than their neighboring even-spaced counterparts. To determine the contribution of each property to the flexoelastic ratio, we present experimental results on the flexoelectric and elastic coefficients of two homologous nonsymmetric bimesogens which possess odd and even alkyl spacers. Our results show that, although there are differences in the flexoelectric coefficients, there are substantially larger differences in the effective elastic coefficient. Specifically, the odd bimesogen is found to have both a low splay elastic coefficient and a very low bend elastic coefficient which, when combined, results in a significantly lower effective elastic coefficient and consequently a higher flexoelastic ratio.


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CdS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals were prepared from an aqueous/alcohol medium. A red shift of the absorption spectrum and an increase of the room temperature photoluminescence intensity accompanied shell growth.


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CdS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals were prepared from an aqueous/alcohol medium. A red shift of the absorption spectrum and an increase of the room temperature photoluminescence intensity accompanied shell growth.