964 resultados para seed viability
The objective of the study was to characterize annual ryegrass seed population dynamics, managed for natural re-sowing, in no til systems in rotation with soybean, in different chronosequences An area was cultivated for two years with soybean, left as fallow land for the next two years and then cultivated again with soybean for the next two years. The four chronosequences represented different management periods, two with soybean (6 and 8 years old) and the other two resting (3 and 9 years old). Soil samples were taken every month during one year and divided into two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm). Vegetation dynamics were also evaluated (number of plants, inflorescences and seedlings). Soil seed bank (SSB) dynamics showed structural patterns in time, with a "storage period" in summer, an "exhausting period" during autumn and a "transition period" in winter and spring. Pasture establishment by natural re-sowing was totally dependent on the annual recruitment of seeds from the soil. The influence of the management practices on the SSB was more important than the number of years that these practices had been implemented. Places where soybean was sown showed the largest SSBs. Most of the seeds overcame dormancy and germinated at the end of the summer and beginning of the autumn, showing a typically transitory SSB, but with a small proportion of persistent seeds
Breeding soybean for high seed quality is an important approach for developing cultivars for tropical regions, and the lignin content in the seed coat is one of the screening parameters for this trait. Considering that many breeding lines are evaluated in each growing season using the presently recommended method for lignin determination, a long period is required for the evaluation of the whole breeding program. This time limitation may influence lignin content assessment, if lignin is degraded during storage. This research reported was designed to determine whether lignin was degraded in the seed coat of soybean seed cultivars stored for one year in a controlled environment (10°C temperature and 50% air relative humidity). Seeds of 12 selected soybean cultivars that had a range in seed coat lignin content were evaluated. Seeds were hand harvested just after physiological maturity and evaluated for seed coat lignin content at harvest and after one year of storage in a cold room (10°C and 50% RH). The lignin content in seed coats differed significantly among cultivars in both analyses, but for both results the sequence of cultivar classification and the lignin content values of each cultivar did not change. A regression analysis of lignin content at harvest and after one year of storage indicated a direct relationship between both lignin determinations suggesting no differences between the lignin content of each cultivar due to prolonged storage (r² = 0.98***). This indicates that the lignin determination in the soybean seed coat can be performed over a long time period without any bias due to change in its content.
Seeds of Magnolia ovata were dried to different water contents to assess the viability and transcript abundance of genes related to seed development, cell cycle, cytoskeleton and desiccation tolerance.The expression of development, cell cycle and cytoskeleton relative genes (ABI3, CDC2-like and ACT2) alone could not explain the germination behaviour of M. ovata seeds in relation to drying damage. Irrespective of their initial water content, the seeds performed in the same way during the initial period of germination and the deleterious effects of desiccation only occurred in later stages. Expression of PKABA1, sHSP17.5 and 2-Cys-PRX did not show a relationship with desiccation. However, the expression patterns of PKABA1 and sHSP17.5 suggested the participation of these genes in protective mechanisms during the imbibition of M. ovata seeds.
Soybeans grown under water stress associated with high temperatures during seed maturation and pre-harvest may produce green seed (GS) with expressive reduction in seed quality. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the response of different soybean cultivars grown under these stressful conditions regarding their susceptibility to GS production and to determine the chlorophyll retention levels and the chlorophyllase activity in the seeds. Seeds of four soybean cultivars [BRS 133, CD 206, MG/BR 46 (Conquista) and BRSMG 251 (Robusta)] were grown under greenhouse conditions until R5.5. At R6, the plants were transferred to phytotrons under temperature stress (from 28ºC to 36ºC) and with water stresses of 10% gravimetric moisture, no water and normal supply. Seeds were harvested at R9 when the percentage of GS and weight of 100 seeds were determined. The contents of a, b and total chlorophylls and the chlorophyllase activity were also determined. The expression of GS production under these conditions varied among cultivars: Conquista and Robusta were considered more susceptible to the production of GS compared to 'BRS 133' and 'CD 206'. These cultivars produced lower GS levels, lower chlorophyll retention and higher chlorophyllase activity compared to Robusta and Conquista. Soybean plants submitted to water and temperature stresses produced high levels of GS, which were small, light and had high chlorophyll contents and low chlorophyllase activity. The contents of a, b and total chlorophylls in GS were inversely proportional to the chlorophyllase activity.
The occurrence of green seeded soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is a problem closely related to unfavorable climatic conditions, mainly drought, that occurs during the final stages of seed maturation. This problem causes serious losses to soybean seed quality in Brazil. In these seeds, chlorophyll is not properly degraded during maturation, drastically reducing seed quality. Using the chlorophyll fluorescence technique, it is possible to remove green seeds from the seed lot, improving seed quality in several species in which the occurrence of green seeds is also a problem. The objective of this research was to study the use of the chlorophyll fluorescence technique in sorting green seeds from soybean seed samples and its effects on quality. Five seed samples of soybean, cultivar TMG 113 RR, with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of green seeds were used in this study. Seeds from each sample were sorted into two fractions based on the chlorophyll fluorescence signals and then compared to the control (non-sorted seeds). The sorting process showed great differences between the low and high chlorophyll fluorescence fractions. It was concluded that: green seeds of soybeans present high chlorophyll fluorescence and that this characteristic affects the quality of the seeds; it is possible to improve the quality of soybean seed by removing green seeds using the chlorophyll fluorescence sorting technique.
This study was done to evaluate the physiological and enzymatic alterations in papaya (Carica papaya L.) seeds during storage period. Seeds were extracted from mature fruits of Formosa group papaya hybrid Tainung 01. The sarcotesta was removed by rubbing the seeds on a wire screen under running water and then dried to the moisture content (MC) of 5, 8 or 11% The seeds were packed in multilayer paper bags, polyethylene bags, aluminum foil pouch and metallic canisters and stored for 15 months under laboratory conditions. Seeds were evaluated, at three month interval, for MC, germination, and the activity of acid phosphotase (AP) and malate dehyrogenase (MDH) was evaluated with the use of amide gel (12%) electrophoresis. The fresh seeds had post-harvest dormancy, which was broken after six month storage. Independent of the package type, the seeds could be stored for 12 months with 8 or 11% MC under ambient conditions. There was no association between seed deterioration and alterations in AP and MDH activity.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of temperature, substrate and pre-germinative treatments on T. triangulare seeds. Four temperatures (constant 20, 25, 30 °C and alternate 20-30 °C) and two types of seeding (on paper and between paper), with light, were evaluated. The pre-germinative treatments evaluated included: immersion in water (24 hours), immersion in 6% hypochlorite solution (1 hour), immersion in 0.2% potassium nitrate solution (24 hours), immersion in 0.05% gibberellin solution (24 hours) and the control (untreated seeds). The highest germination percentage was observed at the alternate temperatures of 20-30 ºC, but with no significant difference between the substrates at this temperature. Soaking seeds in KNO3 gave the highest percentage germination and germination speed index (GSI), which differed from the other treatments except for soaking in water. Pre-soaking of T. triangulare seeds favors germination and may be done only in pure water, resulting in a more rapid and uniform germination.
Seed vigor is one of the factors that determines the speed and uniformity of seedling emergence and initial plant growth, which are crucial aspects in the competition against weeds. The objective of this study was to verify the direct effects of soybean seed vigor on weed competition and grain yield. A field experiment was conducted with three seed lots of the "Conquista" cultivar, previously characterized by physiological tests as having high, intermediate and low vigor. The experiment was divided into weeded and unweeded plots with six treatments. Crop plant height, weed dry mass accumulation and crop grain yield data were recorded. Seed vigor did not affect plant height and grain yield. Plants which developed from seeds with high and intermediate vigor showed the best results for competition against weeds, reducing weed dry mass accumulation. Plants which developed from high vigor seeds give the best results for grain yield for both weeded and unweeded treatments.
The pearl millet seed is small and its size varies, making sowing more difficult. The pelleting technique increases and homogenizes seed size, but it is essential to determine the physical and physiological characteristics of pelleted seeds. The physiological analysis consisted of: first germination count, final germination, speed emergence index, and seedling emergence. Physical analysis consisted of determining the 1000-seed weight, 1000-seed volume and fragmentation. The control treatment did not receive any coating, and the other 36 treatments combined four binders: bentonite, polyvinyl acetate (PVA), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and methyl cellulose (Methocel®), and nine powder coating products: microcellulose, plaster, vermiculite, magnesium thermophosphate (Yoorin®), phytic acid, dicalcium phosphate, super simple phosphate (SS), monoamonic phosphate (MAP) and reactive phosphate. Among the materials used to form the pearl millet pellet, the most efficient binders were the polyvinyl acetate and the methyl cellulose, and as coaters, the vermiculite and the microcellulose.
The effect of constant temperature on the germination rate and percentage of two cotton seed lots was determined using a thermogradient plate. A gradient of 10 ºC to 40 ºC was established across the plate so that temperatures changed 2 ºC for each 5 cm increment in length, resulting in sixteen different temperature treatments. The optimal temperature zone for germination was 28 ºC to 30 ºC. As temperature decreased from the optimal zone, the rate of germination also decreased but germination percentages during the 10-day period were significantly lower only below 20 ºC. As temperature increased above the optimal zone, the rate of germination decreased and the percentage of germination sharply decreased above 32 ºC - 34 ºC. As expected, high quality cotton seed performed better than medium quality seed for a low temperature range (16 ºC to 22 ºC), but the most intriguing results were observed for the high temperatures range (36 ºC to38 ºC). The germination of medium quality cotton seed was consistently higher than for high quality seed, especially at 38 ºC after the second day of evaluation. This response has not been reported in the literature and further research is needed to better understand the germination physiology of cotton seed at high temperatures.
The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in canola yield components and seed physiological quality in response to different sowing densities. The study was made in a greenhouse at the REIPESOL Company Technological Center, Madrid - Spain, with the commercial "Toccata" hybrid variety. The initial sowing density was 360,000 plants/ha and the plant population was later thinned down to include treatments of 250 and 180 thousand plants/ha. Harvested seeds were sent to the Seed Technology Center Laboratory (CATES) at the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) to evaluate changes in plant architecture and yield components, as well as the seed physiological quality of different plant parts. Results demonstrated that canola plants showed changes in morphology and yield components in response to different sowing densities. The population of 250,000 plants/ha showed the best seed yield demonstrating that maximum yield is directly related to a correct sowing density. The number of pods/plant was the most important component for increased seed yield/plant and seed yield/area. The spatial distribution of canola seeds in the plant and canola sowing density did not affect seed physiological quality.
The development of new procedures for quickly obtaining accurate information on the physiological potential of seed lots is essential for developing quality control programs for the seed industry. In this study, the effectiveness of an automated system of seedling image analysis (Seed Vigor Imaging System - SVIS) in determining the physiological potential of sun hemp seeds and its relationship with electrical conductivity tests, were evaluated. SVIS evaluations were performed three and four days after sowing and data on the vigor index and the length and uniformity of seedling growth were collected. The electrical conductivity test was made on 50 seed replicates placed in containers with 75 mL of deionised water at 25 ºC and readings were taken after 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 hours of imbibition. Electrical conductivity measurements at 4 or 8 hours and the use of the SVIS on 3-day old seedlings can effectively detect differences in vigor between different sun hemp seed lots.
Most soybean pathogens are seed transmitted, deserving emphasis the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which has been presenting worrying levels of field incidence in some soybean cropping areas in several Brazilian states. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of different methods for detecting S. sclerotiorum on soybean seeds artificially infected in the laboratory and from field production areas with a historical disease incidence. Seed samples of seven different cultivars collected from naturally infested fields, and one seed sample artificially inoculated in the laboratory were used. The following detection methods recommended in the literature were compared: Blotter test at 7 ºC, 14 ºC, and 21 ºC; Rolled Paper; and Neon-S. Results demonstrated that these methods showed no repeatability and had a low sensitivity for detecting the pathogen in seeds from areas with disease incidence. They were effective, however, for its detection on artificially inoculated seeds. In the Blotter test method at 7 ºC, there was a lower incidence of other fungi considered undesirable during seed analysis.
The main objective of seed coating technology using polymers is to improve the physical, physiological and sanitary characteristics of seed performance. The objectives of the present study were to determine: the plantability of corn seeds treated with insecticide, fungicide and graphite, covered with a film coating; the dust retention on treated corn seeds; and the leaching of applied products on corn seeds covered by a film coating. Seed plantability was determined by counting the skips and double seeds; dust was determined by using fiberglass paper in mg.100 g-1 of seeds; and the leaching was determined by collecting the material leached in a 10 cm layer of sand after irrigation. The following conclusions were made: seeds covered with film coating effectively reduce skips and double seeds; film coating effectively reduces the formation of dust from the seeds; film coated seeds minimize the leaching of the insecticide applied in seed treatment; and there are differences in effectiveness related to film coating type and dosage.
The correlation of soil fertility x seed physiological potential is very important in the area of seed technology but results published with that theme are contradictory. For this reason, this study to evaluate the correlations between soil chemical properties and physiological potential of soybean seeds. On georeferenced points, both soil and seeds were sampled for analysis of soil fertility and seed physiological potential. Data were assessed by the following analyses: descriptive statistics; Pearson's linear correlation; and geostatistics. The adjusted parameters of the semivariograms were used to produce maps of spatial distribution for each variable. Organic matter content, Mn and Cu showed significant effects on seed germination. Most variables studied presented moderate to high spatial dependence. Germination and accelerated aging of seeds, and P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu and Zn showed a better fit to spherical semivariogram: organic matter, pH and K had a better fit to Gaussian model; and V% and Fe showed a better fit to the linear model. The values for range of spatial dependence varied from 89.9 m for P until 651.4 m for Fe. These values should be considered when new samples are collected for assessing soil fertility in this production area.