998 resultados para reverse characteristics


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Usage of new smart materials in retrofitting of structures has become popular within last decade. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) has been widely used in retrofitting and strengthening of concrete structures and its usage in metallic structures is still in the developing stage. The variation of mechanical properties of CFRP and the consequent effects on strengthening and retrofitting CFRP systems are yet to be investigated under different loading and environmental conditions. This paper presents the results of CFRP strengthened and retrofitted corroded steel plate double strap joints under tension. An accelerated corrosion cell has been developed to accelerate the corrosion of the steel samples and CFRP strengthened samples. The results show a direct comparison of bond characteristics of CFRP strengthened and retrofitted steel double strap joints.


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The firing and delay characteristics of a simple coaxial type of triggered vacuum gap (TVG) are described and compared with the planar type. The designs are new and differ from those reported earlier. By analogy with gaseous breakdown the statistical and formative time lags have been determined.


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Grain feeding low bodyweight, cast-for-age (CFA) sheep from pastoral areas of eastern Australia at the end of the growing season can enable critical carcass weight grades to be achieved and thus yield better economic returns. The aim of this work was to compare growth and carcass characteristics for CFA Merino ewes consuming either simple diets based on whole sorghum grain or commercial feed pellets. The experiment also compared various sources of additional nitrogen (N) for inclusion in sorghum diets and evaluated several introductory regimes. Seventeen ewes were killed initially to provide baseline carcass data and the remaining 301 ewes were gradually introduced to the concentrate diets over 14 days before being fed concentrates and wheaten hay ad libitum for 33 or 68 days. Concentrate treatments were: (i) commercial feed pellets, (ii) sorghum mix (SM; whole sorghum grain, limestone, salt and molasses) + urea and ammonium sulfate (SMU), (iii) SMU + whole cottonseed at 286 g/kg of concentrate dry matter (DM), (iv) SM + cottonseed meal at 139 g/kg of concentrate DM, (v) SMU + virginiamycin (20 mg/kg of concentrate) for the first 21 days of feeding, and (vi) whole cottonseed gradually replaced by SMU over the first 14 days of feeding. The target carcass weight of 18 kg was achieved after only 33 days on feed for the pellets and the SM + cottonseed meal diet. All other whole grain sorghum diets required between 33 and 68 days on feed to achieve the target carcass weight. Concentrates based on whole sorghum grain generally produced significantly (P < 0.05) lower carcass weight and fat score than pellets and this may have been linked to the significantly (P < 0.05) higher faecal starch concentrations for ewes consuming sorghum-based diets (270 v. 72 g/kg DM on day 51 of feeding for sorghum-based diets and pellets, respectively). Source of N in whole grain sorghum rations and special introductory regimes had no significant (P > 0.05) effects on carcass weight or fat score of ewes with the exception of carcass weight for SMU + whole cottonseed being significantly lower than SM + cottonseed meal at day 33. Ewes finished on all diets produced acceptable carcasses although muscle pH was high in all ewe carcasses (average 5.8 and 5.7 at 33 and 68 days, respectively). There were no significant (P > 0.05) differences between diets in concentrate DM intake, rumen fluid pH, meat colour score, fat colour score, eye muscle area, meat pH or meat temperature.


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The region around Waclakkancheri, in the province of Kerala, India, which lies in the vicinity of Palghat-Cauvery ;hear zone (within the Precambrian crystalline terrain), has been a site of microseismic activity since 1989. Earlier studies had identified a prominent WNW-ESE structure overprinting on the E-W trending lineaments associated with Palghat-Cauvery shear zone. We have mapped this structure, located in a chamockite quarry near Desamangalam, Waclakkancheri, which we identify as a ca. 30 km-long south dipping reverse fault. This article presents the characteristics of this fault zone exposed on the exhumed crystalline basement and discusses its significance in understanding the earthquake potential of the region. This brittle deformation zone consists of fracture sets with small-scale displacement and slip planes with embedded fault gouges. The macroscopic as well as the microscopic studies of this fault zone indicate that it evolved through different episodes of faulting in the presence of fluids. The distinct zones within consolidated gouge and the cross cutting relationship of fractures indicate episodic fault activity. At least four faulting episodes can be recognized based on the sequential development of different structural elements in the fault rocks. The repeated ruptures are evident along this shear zone and the cyclic behavior of this fault consists of co-seismic ruptures alternating with inter-seismic periods, which is characterized by the sealed fractures and consolidated gouge. The fault zone shows a minimum accumulated dip/oblique slip of 2.1 m in the reverse direction with a possible characteristic slip of 52 cm (for each event). The ESR dating of fault gouge indicates that the deformation zone records a major event in the Middle Quaternary. The empirical relationships between fault length and slip show that this fault may generate events M >= 6. The above factors suggest that this fault may be characterized as potentially active. Our study offers some new pointers that can be used in other slow deforming cratonic hinterlands in exploring the discrete active faults.


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An in-depth knowledge about the characteristics of lightning generated currents will facilitate evaluation of the interception efficacy of lightning protection systems. In addition, it would aid in extraction of valuable statistics (from measured current data) on local lightning parameters. Incidentally, present day knowledge on characteristics of lightning induced current in typical lightning protection systems is rather limited. This is particularly true with closely interconnected protection systems, like the one employed in Indian Satellite Launch Pad-II. This system is taken as a specific example in the present study. Various aspects suggest that theoretical modelling would be the best possible approach for the intended work. From the survey of pertinent literature, it is concluded that electromagnetic modelling of lightning return-stroke with current source at the channel base is best suited for this study. Numerical electromagnetic code was used for the required electromagnetic field solution and Fourier transform techniques were employed for computing time-domain results. A validation for the numerical modelling is provided by laborator experiments on a reduced scale model of the system. Apart from ascertaining the influence of various parameters, salient characteristics of tower base currents for different kinds of events are deduced. This knowledge can be used in identifying the type of event, as well as its approximate location. A method for estimation of injected stroke current has also been proposed.


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Neural stem cell characteristics affected by oncogenic pathways and in a human motoneuron disease Stem cells provide the self-renewing cell pool for developing or regenerating organs. The mechanisms underlying the decisions of a stem or progenitor cell to either self-renew and maintain multipotentiality or alternatively to differentiate are incompletely understood. In this thesis work, I have approached this question by investigating the role of the proto-oncogene Myc in the regulatory functions of neural progenitor cell (NPC) self-renewal, proliferation and differentiation. By using a retroviral transduction technique to create overexpression models in embryonic NPCs cultured as neurospheres, I show that activated levels of Myc increase NPC self-renewal. Furthermore, several mechanisms that regulate the activity of Myc were identified. Myc induced self-renewal is signalled through binding to the transcription factor Miz-1 as shown by the inhibited capacity of a Myc mutant (MycV394D), deficient in binding to Miz-1, to increase self-renewal in NPCs. Furthermore, overexpression of the newly identified proto-oncogene CIP2A recapitulates the effects of Myc overexpression in NPCs. Also the expression levels and in vivo expression patterns of Myc and CIP2A were linked together. CIP2A stabilizes Myc protein levels in several cancer types by inhibiting its degradation and our results suggest the same function for CIP2A in NPCs. Our results also support the conception of self-renewal and proliferation being two separately regulated cellular functions. Finally, I suggest that Myc regulates NPC self-renewal by influencing the way stem and progenitor cells react to the environmental cues that normally dictate the cellular identity of tissues containing self-renewing cells. Neurosphere cultures were also utilised in order to characterise functional defects in a human disease. Neural stem cell cultures obtained post-mortem from foetuses of lethal congenital contracture syndrome (LCCS) were used to reveal possible cell autonomous differentiation defects of patient NPCs. However, LCCS derived NPCs were able to differentiate normally in vitro although several transcriptional differences were identified by using microarray analysis. Proliferation rate of the patient NPCs was also increased as compared to NPCs of age-matched control foetuses.


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The identification of molecular networks at the system level in mammals is accelerated by next-generation mammalian genetics without crossing, which requires both the efficient production of whole-body biallelic knockout (KO) mice in a single generation and high-performance phenotype analyses. Here, we show that the triple targeting of a single gene using the CRISPR/Cas9 system achieves almost perfect KO efficiency (96%–100%). In addition, we developed a respiration-based fully automated noninvasive sleep phenotyping system, the Snappy Sleep Stager (SSS), for high-performance (95.3% accuracy) sleep/wake staging. Using the triple-target CRISPR and SSS in tandem, we reliably obtained sleep/wake phenotypes, even in double-KO mice. By using this system to comprehensively analyze all of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor family members, we found Nr3a as a short-sleeper gene, which is verified by an independent set of triple-target CRISPR. These results demonstrate the application of mammalian reverse genetics without crossing to organism-level systems biology in sleep research.


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A circuit capable of producing bipolar square pulses of voltages up to +or-400 V, employing an integrated circuit timer and two mercury wetted relays is described. The frequency of the pulses can be varied from a cycle min-1 to 2 kHz. A variable temperature sample chamber and the temperature control and measurement circuits are also described. The performance of the circuit is evaluated using samples of TGS and NaNO2.


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We present a unified approach to repulsion in ionic and van der Waals solids based on a compressible-ion/atom model. Earlier studies have shown that repulsion in ionic crystals can be viewed as arising from the compression energy of ions, described by two parameters per ion. Here we obtain the compression parameters of the rare-gas atoms Ne. Ar. Kr and Xe by interpolation using the known parameters of related equi-electronic ions (e.g. Ar from S2-. Cl-, K- and Ca2-). These parameters fit the experimental zero-temperature interatomic distances and compressibilities of the rare-gas crystals satisfactorily. A hightemperature equation of state based on an Einstein model of thermal motions is used to calculate the thermal expansivities, compressibilities and their temperature derivatives for Ar. Kr and Xe. It is argued that an instability at higher temperatures represents the limit to which the solid can be superheated. beyond which sublimation must occur.


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Some tribological properties of a mica-dispersed Al-4%Cu-1.5%Mg alloy cast by a conventional foundry technique are reported. The effect of mica dispersion on the wear rate and journal bearing performance of the matrix alloy was studied under different pressures and under different interface friction conditions. The dispersion of mica was found (a) to increase the wear rate of the base alloy, (b) to decrease the temperature rise during wear and (c) to improve the ability of the alloy to resist seizure.


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Reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) is an important function of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the protection of atherosclerosis. RCT is the process by which HDL stimulates cholesterol removal from peripheral cells and transports it to the liver for excretion. Premenopausal women have a reduced risk for atherosclerosis compared to age-matched men and there exists a positive correlation for serum 17β-estradiol (E2) and HDL levels in premenopausal women supporting the role of E2 in atherosclerosis prevention. In premenopausal women, E2 associates with HDL as E2 fatty acyl esters. Discovery of the cellular targets, metabolism, and assessment of the macrophage cholesterol efflux potential of these HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl esters were the major objectives of this thesis (study I, III, and IV). Soy phytoestrogens, which are related to E2 in both structure and function, have been proposed to be protective against atherosclerosis but the evidence to support these claims is conflicting. Therefore, another objective of this thesis was to assess the ability of serum from postmenopausal women, treated with isoflavone supplements (compared to placebo), to promote macrophage cholesterol efflux (study II). The scope of this thesis was to cover the roles that HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl esters have in the cellular aspects of RCT and to determine if soy isoflavones can also influence RCT mechanisms. SR-BI was a pivotal cellular receptor, responsible for hepatic and macrophage uptake and macrophage cholesterol efflux potential of HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl esters. Functional SR-BI was also critical for proper LCAT esterification activity which could impact HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl ester assembly and its function. In hepatic cells, LDL receptors also contributed to HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl esters uptake and in macrophage cells, estrogen receptors (ERs) were necessary for both HDL-associated E2 ester-specific uptake and cholesterol efflux potential. HDL-containing E2 fatty acyl esters (E2-FAE) stimulated enhanced cholesterol efflux compared to male HDL (which are deficient in E2) demonstrating the importance of the E2 ester in this process. To support this, premenopausal female HDL, which naturally contains E2, showed greater macrophage cholesterol efflux compared to males. Additionally, hepatic and macrophage cells hydrolyzed the HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl ester into unesterified E2. This could have important biological ramifications because E2, not the esterified form, has potent cellular effects which may influence RCT mechanisms. Lastly, soy isoflavone supplementation in postmenopausal women did not modulate ABCA1-specific macrophage cholesterol efflux but did increase production of plasma pre-β HDL levels, a subclass of HDL. Therefore, the impact of isoflavones on RCT and cardiovascular health needs to be further investigated. Taken as a whole, HDL-associated E2 fatty acyl esters from premenopausal women and soy phytoestrogen treatment in postmenopausal women may be important factors that increase the efficiency of RCT through cellular lipoprotein-related processes and may have direct implications on the cardiovascular health of women.


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Project aims to develop reverse genetics resources for sorghum, including a large mutant population and a Natural Diversity Library (DNA of a world-representative sorghum germplasm sub-set). Additionally, inter specific wide crosses will be studied.