1000 resultados para recharge factor


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To measure the contribution of individual transactions inside the total risk of a credit portfolio is a major issue in financial institutions. VaR Contributions (VaRC) and Expected Shortfall Contributions (ESC) have become two popular ways of quantifying the risks. However, the usual Monte Carlo (MC) approach is known to be a very time consuming method for computing these risk contributions. In this paper we consider the Wavelet Approximation (WA) method for Value at Risk (VaR) computation presented in [Mas10] in order to calculate the Expected Shortfall (ES) and the risk contributions under the Vasicek one-factor model framework. We decompose the VaR and the ES as a sum of sensitivities representing the marginal impact on the total portfolio risk. Moreover, we present technical improvements in the Wavelet Approximation (WA) that considerably reduce the computational effort in the approximation while, at the same time, the accuracy increases.


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PSIP1 (PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1) encodes two splice variants: lens epithelium-derived growth factor or p75 (LEDGF/p75) and p52. PSIP1 gene products were shown to be involved in transcriptional regulation, affecting a plethora of cellular processes, including cell proliferation, cell survival, and stress response. Furthermore, LEDGF/p75 has implications for various diseases and infections, including autoimmunity, leukemia, embryo development, psoriasis, and human immunodeficiency virus integration. Here, we reported the first characterization of the PSIP1 promoter. Using 5' RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends, we identified novel transcription start sites in different cell types. Using a luciferase reporter system, we identified regulatory elements controlling the expression of LEDGF/p75 and p52. These include (i) minimal promoters (-112/+59 and +609/+781) that drive the basal expression of LEDGF/p75 and of the shorter splice variant p52, respectively; (ii) a sequence (+319/+397) that may control the ratio of LEDGF/p75 expression to p52 expression; and (iii) a strong enhancer (-320/-207) implicated in the modulation of LEDGF/p75 transcriptional activity. Computational, biochemical, and genetic approaches enabled us to identify the transcription factor Sp1 as a key modulator of the PSIP1 promoter, controlling LEDGF/p75 transcription through two binding sites at -72/-64 and -46/-36. Overall, our results provide initial data concerning LEDGF/p75 promoter regulation, giving new insights to further understand its biological function and opening the door for new therapeutic strategies in which LEDGF/p75 is involved.


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Recent studies have led to the discovery of a mediator that acts as an endogenous counter-regulator of glucocorticoid action within the immune system. Isolated as a product of anterior pituitary cells, this protein was found to have the sequence of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), one of the first cytokine activities to be described. Macrophages and T cells release MIF in response both to various inflammatory stimuli and upon incubation with low concentrations of glucocorticoids. The glucocorticoid-induced secretion of MIF is tightly regulated and decreases at high, anti-inflammatory steroid concentrations. Once secreted, MIF "overrides" the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of steroids on macrophage and T-cell cytokine production. The physiological role of MIF thus appears to be to counter-balance steroid inhibition of the inflammatory response. Anti-MIF antibodies fully protect animals from experimentally induced gram-negative or gram-positive septic shock, an effect that may be the result of the increased anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids after neutralization of endogenous MIF. Anti-MIF therapeutic strategies are presently under development and may prove to be a means to modulate cytokine production in septic shock as well as in other inflammatory disease states.


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Pro-inflammatory cytokines are believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of dengue infection. This study reports cytokine levels in a total of 54 patients examined in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Five out of eight patients who had hemorrhagic manifestations presented tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) levels in sera which were statistically higher than those recorded for controls. In contrast, only one out of 16 patients with mild manifestations had elevated TNF-alpha levels. The levels of interleukin-6 (IL), IL-1beta tested in 24 samples and IL-12 in 30 samples were not significantly increased. Interferon-g was present in 10 out of 30 patients with dengue. The data support the concept that the increased level of TNF-alpha is related to the severity of the disease. Soluble TNF receptor p75 was found in most patients but it is unlikely to be related to severity since it was found with an equivalent frequency and levels in 15 patients with dengue fever and another 15 with dengue hemorrhagic fever.


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Aggregating cell cultures prepared from fetal rat telencephalon express the two subunits [cerebellar soluble lectins (CSL) 1 and 2] of a soluble, mannose-specific endogenous lectin (CSL) in a development-dependent manner. Increased CSL synthesis was found at an early postmitotic stage as well as during the period of maximal myelination. Repetitive treatment of early cultures with epidermal growth factor (EGF, 3nM) caused a great stimulation of CSL biosynthesis. Immunocytochemical studies revealed particularly intense CSL-specific staining in small, EGF-responsive cells, presumably glial cells. Large quantities of CSL-immunoreactive material were found also in the extracellular space and on the external side of the plasma membrane, indicating abundant release of CSL. The present findings suggest that EGF or EGF-related factors in the brain are able to regulate the expression of an endogenous lectin, affecting brain ontogeny.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, interleukins (IL) 2, 4, 6, and 10, and IgG oligoclonal bands (IgG OB) in vitro production was assessed, after whole-blood stimulation with lipopolysaccharide or concanavalin A, in 61 patients presenting with relapsing-remitting, relapsing-progressive, or chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis patients were receiving no treatment or azathioprine (AZA), cyclosporin, cyclophosphamide, subcutaneous interferon (IFN) beta 1 a, or corticosteroids (CST). Statistical correlations significantly showed that: (a) AZA lowers TNF-alpha (P = 0.002) and increases IL-4 production (P = 0.0024), and IFN-beta 1 a increases TNF-alpha and decreases IL-4 levels; (b) CST has a negative effect on TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-4 synthesis; and (c) AZA, IFN-beta 1 a, and CST diminish IgG OB synthesis (P = 0.001). Although our study of the dynamics of TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 in vitro production generally found no statistically significant correlations (partly explained by the limited number of values in the various groups), IL-6 was shown to drop during the periods surrounding relapse (P = 0.05) in the absence of treatment, while TNF-alpha (P = 0.04) and IL-6 (P < 0.05) dropped before exacerbation in the presence of AZA. In vitro production of TNF-alpha was closely and positively correlated with that of IL-6, independently of clinical features. The enhanced production of IL-10 detected before or at relapse with AZA and IFN-beta 1 a (trends) may interfere with initiation of the immune reaction and with the development of new CNS lesions. Some discrepancies with previously published results stress the difficulties in studying the state of stimulation of different populations of leukocytes by using a variety of in vitro stimuli and in establishing a correlation between mRNA studies and the amount of final or active protein produced.


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OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is an important regulator of fetal growth and its bioavailability depends on insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs). Genes coding for IGF-I and IGFBP3 are polymorphic. We hypothesized that either amniotic fluid protein concentration at the beginning of the second trimester or genotype of one of these two genes could be predictive of abnormal fetal growth. STUDY DESIGN: Amniotic fluid samples (14-18 weeks of pregnancy) from 123 patients with appropriate for gestational age (AGA) fetuses, 39 patients with small for gestational age (SGA) fetuses and 34 patients with large for gestational age (LGA) were analyzed. Protein concentrations were evaluated by ELISA and gene polymorphisms by PCR. RESULTS: Amniotic fluid IGFBP3 concentrations were significantly higher in SGA compared to AGA group (P=0.030), and this was even more significant when adjusted to gestational age at the time of amniocentesis and other covariates (ANCOVA analysis: P=0.009). Genotypic distribution of IGF-I variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism was significantly different in SGA compared to AGA group (P=0.029). 19CA/20CA genotype frequency was threefold decreased in SGA compared to AGA group and the risk of SGA occurrence of this genotype was decreased accordingly: OR=0.289, 95%CI=0.1-0.9, P=0.032. Genotype distribution of IGFBP3(A-202C) polymorphism was similar in all three groups. CONCLUSIONS: High IGFBP3 concentrations in amniotic fluid at the beginning of the second trimester are associated with increased risks of SGA while 19CA/20CA genotype at IGF-I VNTR polymorphism is associated with reduced risks of SGA. Neither IGFBP3 concentrations, nor IGF-I/IGFBP3 polymorphisms are associated with modified risks of LGA.


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In a Walrasian labor market, the labor income share is constant under the assumptions of a Cobb-Douglas production function and perfect competition. Given the observed decline of the labor share in recent decades, this paper relaxes these assumptions, proposes a time-series calculation of the aggregate price mark-up reflecting the degree of imperfect competition in the product market, and provides estimates of the elasticity of substitution under such product market imperfections. We focus on Spain and the U.S. and show that the elasticity of substitution is above one in Spain and below one in the U.S. We also show that the price markup drives the elasticity of substitution away from one, upwards in Spain, downwards in the U.S. These results are used to explain the declining path of the labor income share, common to both economies, and their contrasted patterns in terms of capital deepening.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the replicability of Zuckerman's revised Alternative Five-factor model in a French-speaking context by validating the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ) simultaneously in 4 French-speaking countries. The total sample was made up of 1,497 subjects from Belgium, Canada, France, and Switzerland. The internal consistencies for all countries were generally similar to those found for the normative U.S. and Spanish samples. A factor analysis confirmed that the normative structure replicated well and was stable within this French-speaking context. Moreover, multigroup confirmatory factor analyses have shown that the ZKA-PQ reaches scalar invariance across these 4 countries. Mean scores were slightly different for women and men, with women scoring higher on Neuroticism but lower on Sensation Seeking. Globally, mean score differences across countries were small. Overall, the ZKA-PQ seems an interesting alternative to assess both lower and higher order personality traits for applied or research purposes.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the involvement of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB in the interleukin (IL)-1 beta-mediated macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene activation. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Human reproduction research laboratory. PATIENT(S): Nine women with endometriotic lesions. INTERVENTION(S): Endometriotic lesions were obtained during laparoscopic surgery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The MIF protein secretion was analyzed by ELISA, MIF mRNA expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), NF-kappaB translocation into the nucleus by electrophoresis mobility shift assay, I kappaB phosphorylation and degradation by Western blot, and human MIF promoter activity by transient cell transfection. RESULT(S): This study showed a significant dose-dependent increase of MIF protein secretion and mRNA expression, the NF-kappaB translocation into the nucleus, I kappaB phosphorylation, I kappaB degradation, and human MIF promoter activity in endometriotic stromal cells in response to IL-1 beta. Curcumin (NF-kappaB inhibitor) significantly inhibited all these IL-1 beta-mediated effects. Analysis of the activity of deletion constructs of the human MIF promoter and a computer search localized two putative regulatory elements corresponding to NF-kappaB binding sites at positions -2538/-2528 bp and -1389/-1380 bp. CONCLUSION(S): This study suggests the involvement of the nuclear transcription factor NF-kappaB in MIF gene activation in ectopic endometrial cells in response to IL-1 beta and identifies a possible pathway of endometriosis-associated inflammation and ectopic cell growth.


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L’objectiu de l’estudi va ser determinar si la força de prensió manual (FPM) era factor pronòstic de mortalitat en malalts amb càncer avançant ingressats a una Unitat de cures pal•liatives (UCP). Es va determinar la força de prensió a l’ingrés i l’evolució de la FPM els primers 12 dies mitjançant un dinamòmetre. Ni la FPM inicial ni a l’evolució va demostrar diferències significatives entre els malalts donats d’alta vius i els que van morir a la UCP. Conclusions: la determinació de FPM no va ser factor pronòstic de supervivència en malalts ingressats per càncer en una UCP.


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El paper del fenomen angiogènic en els diferents tumors sòlids ha estat l’objectiu de nombrosos estudis en els darrers anys. La importància d’aquest procés en les neoplàsies d’origen hematològic encara és bastant desconeguda. En aquest treball hem estudiat l’expressió immunohistoquímica del factor de creixement de l’endoteli vascular (VEGF) en els “tissue microarrays” (TMA) de 252 pacients diagnosticats de limfoma de Hodgkin tractats de forma homogènia (poliquimioteràpia esquema ADVD amb o sense radioteràpia) entre els anys 1978 i 2003. Els resultats s’han correlacionat amb l’evolució dels pacients i s’ha avaluat la seva importància en la supervivència lliure de malaltia i supervivencia global de la sèrie.


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Glucose-induced thermogenesis was studied in 12 overweight patients (9F and 3M) before (mean body weight +/- s.e.m. 83 +/- 2 kg) and after weight loss (68 +/- 2 kg), and in eight of the same patients following relapse of body weight gain (84 +/- 5 kg). Expressed as a percentage of the energy content of the 100 g oral glucose load, glucose-induced thermogenesis was lower in the overweight before weight loss (6.5 +/- 0.5 per cent, P less than 0.05), after weight loss (3.9 +/- 0.6 per cent, P less than 0.01) and after weight regain (6.3 +/- 0.9 per cent, P less than 0.05) than in a group of lean control subjects, matched for sex and age (8.3 +/- 0.5 per cent). Basal energy expenditure was lower after weight reduction than before (1.16 +/- 0.04 vs 1.41 +/- 0.08 kcal/min, P less than 0.01). In the formerly overweight patients, the combined effect of a decreased basal energy expenditure and an attenuation of glucose induced thermogenesis resulted in a postprandial energy expenditure which was markedly lower than in the overweight state (P less than 0.001). Following relapse of obesity, glucose-induced thermogenesis remained attenuated compared to control subjects. These results suggest that a lowered basal energy expenditure and a reduced glucose-induced thermogenesis contribute to the positive energy balance which results in relapse of body weight gain after cessation of a hypocaloric diet.