938 resultados para quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica
O desenvolvimento de pré-eclâmpsia ou eclâmpsia antes da 20ª semana deve levar à suspeita de mola hidatiforme. Descrevemos um caso de mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) e eclâmpsia concomitante em paciente com 20 anos que apresentava sangramento genital, anemia, tamanho uterino excessivo e cistos de ovário, associados a hipertensão arterial e proteinúria. Os níveis de b-hCG estavam elevados e a função tiroidiana, alterada. A ultra-sonografia mostrou-se compatível com MHC. Após o esvaziamento uterino apresentou cefaléia e alterações visuais, seguidas por convulsões tônico-clônicas que cessaram com sulfato de magnésio hepta-hidratado a 50%. No seguimento pós-molar foi diagnosticado tumor trofoblástico gestacional (TTG) prontamente tratado com quimioterapia. A associação de MHC e eclâmpsia determina esvaziamento uterino imediato e seguimento pós-molar rigoroso, pelo risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de TTG.
OBJETIVOS: avaliar o grau de aderências pélvicas em função do tempo e da utilização de diferentes substâncias empregadas na sua profilaxia. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo com 120 ratas Wistar, albinas, virgens, 3 a 4 meses de idade, pesando aproximadamente 250 gramas, divididas aleatoriamente em 10 grupos de 12 animais cada: controle, sem lesão; lesões e sem tratamento; lesões + solução fisiológica 0,9%; lesões + Ringer-lactato; lesões + dextrano 70 a 32%; lesões + Ringer-lactato/heparina; lesões + Ringer-lactato/dexametasona; lesões + Ringer-lactato/hidrocortisona/dexametasona/ampicilina; lesões + Ringer-lactato/albumina e lesões + carboximetilcelulose 1%. Após anestesiados os animais, realizaram-se dois tipos de lesões nos cornos uterinos (escarificação e eletrocauterização), seguidos de tratamento profilático intraperitoneal com as soluções citadas. No 7º, 14º e 28º dia pós-operatório, momentos M1, M2 e M3, respectivamente, avaliaram-se quatro ratas de cada grupo quanto à presença de aderências. Os métodos empregados na quantificação das aderências encontradas basearam-se na classificação de Cohen, com escores variando de 0 a 4+ de acordo com a quantidade, características e localização das aderências. Foram usadas provas paramétricas para análise da variância e Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: os melhores tratamentos para prevenção de aderência pélvica em ratas foram: Ringer-lactato/dexametasona (predomínio do escore 1+), dextrano 70 a 32% (predomínio do escore 2+) e Ringer-lactato/hidrocortisona/dexametasona/ampicilina (predomínio do escore 2+). O período pós-operatório, representado pelo momento M3, e a técnica cirúrgica, predominantemente com escore 0, influíram na adesiólise e manutenção de aderências pélvicas em ratas. CONCLUSÕES: a prevenção de aderências pélvicas em ratas inicia-se no processo cirúrgico de baixo dano tecidual; o uso de substâncias profiláticas (soluções) tem eficácia variada, sendo que algumas mostraram-se mais eficazes que outras.
Objetivos: construir a curva de regressão do b-hCG pós-mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) com remissão espontânea e comparar com a curva de regressão pós-MHC com tumor trofoblástico gestacional (TTG). Análise comparativa da curva de regressão do b-hCG das portadoras de MHC, acompanhadas no Serviço, com a curva de regressão observada por outros autores1-3. Métodos: foi realizada avaliação clínica e laboratorial (dosagem sérica de b-hCG), na admissão e no segmento pós-molar, de todas as pacientes com MHC, atendidas entre 1990 e 1998 no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu - Unesp. O resultado da determinação seriada do b-hCG foi analisado em curvas log de regressão. A evolução da curva de regressão do b-hCG foi analisada e comparada em MHC com remissão espontânea e MHC com TTG numa curva log de regressão, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. A curva log de regressão do grupo de remissão espontânea foi comparada com curvas consideradas padrão1,2. Foram construídas curvas log individuais de todas as pacientes e classificadas de acordo com os quatro tipos de curva (I, II, III e IV), propostos para o seguimento pós-molar³. Resultados: 61 pacientes com MHC tiveram seguimento pós-molar completo, 50 (82%) apresentaram remissão espontânea e 11 (18%) desenvolveram TTG. No grupo de pacientes com MHC e remissão espontânea, o tempo para alcançar a normalização dos níveis do b-hCG, após o esvaziamento molar, foi até 20 semanas. As pacientes que desenvolveram TTG apresentaram desvio precoce da curva de regressão normal do b-hCG, 4 a 6 semanas após o esvaziamento molar. Nestas pacientes, a quimioterapia foi introduzida em média na 9ª semana pós-esvaziamento molar. Conclusões: a curva de regressão do b-hCG pós-MHC com remissão espontânea apresentou declínio log exponencial, semelhante ao observado por outros autores1,2, e diferente das MHC com TTG. Foram identificados três tipos de curvas de regressão do b-hCG, semelhantes aos de Goldstein³, I, II e IV, e outros dois tipos diferentes de regressão do b-hCG: V (regressão normal) e VI (regressão anormal).
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança e a efetividade do uso do 5-fluoruracila (5-FU) como tratamento adjuvante do pterígio, aplicado sob a forma de infiltração subconjuntival, no período intraoperatório. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados prospectivamente 125 indivíduos (125 olhos) portadores de pterígio. Os indivíduos foram operados segundo a técnica de retalho de deslizamento e receberam, ao final do procedimento, injeção subconjuntival de 0,2 mL de 5-FU (25 mg/mL). Foram anotados os dados do paciente como idade, sexo, profissão, características da lesão (primário ou recidivado, tamanho, carnoso ou involutivo) e feito seguimento pós-operatório, aos 7, 21, 60 e 180 dias. Os dados foram submetidos à avaliação estatística. RESULTADOS: Não foram observados casos de complicação decorrente do uso do 5-FU em injeção no intraoperatório do pterígio. A taxa de recidiva geral observada aos 180 dias de pós-operatório foi de 35,8%, sendo de 35,7% para os pterígios primários e de 36,4% para os recidivados. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação do 5-FU no período intraoperatório sob a forma de infiltração subconjuntival é segura. Entretanto, ainda resulta em altas taxas de recidiva e novos estudos devem ser realizados a fim de conhecer a concentração/dose ideal que permitirá menores chances de recidiva da lesão.
Snake venoms have been used as antineoplastic substances in several experimental models. We demonstrated in previous studies that Bothrops jararaca venom (BjV) induces inhibition of Ehrlich ascites tumor ( EAT) growth accompanied by an increase of mononuclear (MN) leukocytes in all groups inoculated with EAT and/or venom. The objective of the present study was to characterize the subpopulations of MN leukocytes involved in the inhibition of EAT growth by treatment with BjV. Swiss mice were inoculated with 1.0 x 10(3) EAT cells by the intraperitoneal route and treated with 0.4 mg/kg of BjV by the same route ( Group TV). Treatment was started 24 h after tumor cell inoculation and consisted of five intraperitoneal injections performed at 72 h intervals. After 2, 8 and 14 days, groups of animals were sacrificed and the number of B, TCD4 and TCD8 lymphocytes, macrophages and natural killer cells present in the peritoneal cavity was determined by flow cytometry. The control group consisted of animals inoculated with EAT and treated with 0.1 ml of saline under the same conditions as the experimental group ( Group T). Two additional control groups consisted of animals not inoculated with EAT and treated with saline or venom. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal - Wallis nonparametric test for independent samples. on the 2nd and 8th day we observed a difference between groups T and TV ( group T > group TV) for all cell types, except natural killer cells, that only differed on the 2nd day. However, on the 14th day there was no difference in MN cells among groups. These data suggest that the inhibition of EAT is related to the toxic action of BjV on tumor cells and/or to the proteolytic effect of the venom on the mediators produced by the cells for growth modulation.
Various studies have shown that lycopene, a non-provitamin A carotenoid, exerts antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities in different in vitro and in vivo systems. However, the results concerning its chemopreventive potential on rat hepatocarcinogenesis are ambiguous. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antigenotoxic and anticarcinogenic effects of dietary tomato oleoresin adjusted to lycopene concentration at 30, 100 or 300ppm (administered 2 weeks before and during or 8 weeks after carcinogen exposure) on liver of male Wistar rats treated with a single intraperitoneal dose of 20 or 100 mg/kg of diethylnitrosamine (DEN), respectively. The level of DNA damage in liver cells and the development of putative preneoplastic single hepatocytes, minifoci and foci of altered hepatocytes (FHA) positive for glutathione S-transferase (GST-P) were used as endpoints. Significant reduction of DNA damage was detected when the highest lycopene concentration was administered before and during the DEN exposure (20 mg/kg). However, the results also showed that lycopene consumption did not reduce cell proliferation in normal hepatocytes or the growth of initiated hepatocytes into minifoci positive for GST-P during early regenerative response after 70% partial hepatectomy, or the number and area of GST-P positive FHA induced by DEN (100 mg/ kg) at the end of week 10. Taken together, the data suggest a chemopreventive effect of tomato oleoresin against DNA damage induced by DEN but no clear effectiveness in initiating or promoting phases of rat hepatocarcinogenesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Equine antivenom is considered the only treatment for animal-generated envenomations, but it is costly. The study aimed to produce Apis mellifera (Africanized honeybee) and Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t.) antivenoms using nanostructured silica (SBA-15) as adjuvant and cobalt-60 (60Co)-detoxified venoms utilizing young sheep. Natural and 60Co-irradiated venoms were employed in four different hyperimmunization protocols. Thus, 8 groups of 60- to 90-d-old sheep were hyperimmunized, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serum titers collected every 14 d were assessed clinically daily, and individual weight were measured, until d 84. Incomplete Freund's (IFA) and nanostructured silica (SBA15) adjuvants were compared. The lethal dose (LD50) for both venoms was determined following intraperitoneal (ip) administration to mice. High-performance liquid chromatography on reversed phase (HPLC-RP) was used also to measure the 60Co irradiation effects on Apis venom. At the end of the study, sheep were killed in a slaughterhouse. Kidneys were histologically analyzed. LD50 was 5.97 mg/kg Apis and 0.07 mg/kg C.d.t. for native compared to 13.44 mg/kg Apis and 0.35 mg/kg C.d.t. for irradiated venoms. HPLC revealed significant differences in chromatographic profiles between native and irradiated Apis venoms. Native venom plus IFA compared with SBA-15 showed significantly higher antibody titers for both venoms. Apis-irradiated venom plus IFA or SBA-15 displayed similar antibody titers but were significantly lower when compared with native venom plus IFA. Weight gain did not differ significantly among all groups. 60Co irradiation decreased toxicity and maintained venom immunogenic capacity, while IFA produced higher antibody titers. SBA-15 was able to act as an adjuvant without producing adverse effects. Hyperimmunization did not affect sheep weight gain, which would considerably reduce the cost of antiserum production, as these sheep were still approved for human consumption even after being subjected to hyperimmunization.
Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (GI, GII, GIII e GIV), constituídos por quatro animais, recebendo cada grupo o seguinte inóculo por via intraperitoneal: GI (100 X 10(7) unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de Escherichia coli diluídos em 500ml de salina 0,9%); GII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500ml de salina 0,9%); GIII (100 X 10(7) UFC de E. coli associados a 100 X 10(7) UFC de B. fragilis diluídos em 500ml de salina 0,9%); GIV (testemunho - 500ml de salina 0,9%). Aumento da sensibilidade e tensão da parede abdominal, diarréia, diminuição dos sons intestinais e aumento da freqüência cardíaca foram os sinais mais freqüentemente observados nos eqüinos inoculados com cepas bacterianas. Eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras de E. coli ou B. fragilis apresentaram peritonites brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto que os inoculados com a associação dessas bactérias apresentaram sinais de maior intensidade e duração.
Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram aleatoriamente divididos em quatro grupos de quatro animais que receberam inoculação intraperitoneal das seguintes suspenções: grupo I, 100×10(7) unidades formadoras de colônias (CFU) de E. coli diluídas em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo II, 100×10(7) CFU de Bacteroides fragilis em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo III, 100×10(7) CFU de E. coli combinados com 100×10(7) CFU de B. fragilis em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo IV, 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%. Observou-se aumento significativo do número de leucócitos no líquido peritoneal quatro horas após as inoculações dos animais dos grupos I e II, e oito horas após as inoculações dos animais do grupo III. A contagem mais elevada foi de 516×10³ leucócitos/mm³. Aumentos significativos nas concentrações de fibrinogênio (1g/dl) e proteína total (9,1%) foram também observados. Eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras, tanto de E. coli quanto de B. fragilis, apresentaram peritonites mais brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto que eqüinos inoculados com associação das duas bactérias apresentaram alterações laboratoriais com maior intensidade e duração.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Peripheral treatment with cholinergic or adrenergic agonists results in salivation and the possibility of synergy between cholinergic and adrenergic efferent mechanisms in the control of salivation has been proposed. Central injections of the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine also induce salivation, while the effects of central injections of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) are not known. Here (a) the effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of noradrenaline on the salivation induced by icv or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of pilocarpine and (b) the receptors involved in the effects of central noradrenaline on pilocarpine-induced salivation were investigated. Male Holtzman rats with a stainless-steel guide cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle were used. Rats were anaesthetized with tribromoethanol (200 mg/kg body weight) and saliva was collected on small, preweighed cotton balls inserted into the animal's mouth. Noradrenaline (40, 80 and 160 nmol/l mul) injected icv reduced the salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine (0.5 mumol/l mul) injected icv. Noradrenaline (80 and 160 nmol/l mul) injected icv also reduced the salivation induced by pilocarpine (4 mumol/kg) injected i.p. Previous treatment with the alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor antagonists RX 821002 (40, 80 and 160 nmol/l mul) or yohimbine (160 and 320 nmol/l mul) abolished the inhibitory effect produced by icv injection of noradrenaline on pilocarpine-induced salivation in rats. Prazosin (alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor antagonist) injected icv did not change the effect of noradrenaline on pilocarpine-induced salivation. Prior icv injection of only RX 821002 (80 or 160 nmol/l mul) or yohimbine (320 nmol/l mul) increased pilocarpine-induced salivation. The results show that (1) contrary to its peripheral effects, noradrenaline acting centrally inhibits cholinergic-induced salivation in rats; (2) central mechanisms involving alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Salivation induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of pilocarpine (cholinergic agonist) is reduced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of moxonidine (alpha(2) adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonist). In the present study, we investigated the involvement of central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors in the inhibitory effect of i.c.v. moxonidine on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Saliva was collected using pre-weighted small cotton balls inserted into the animal's mouth under ketamine (100 mg kg(-1)) anesthesia. Salivation was induced by i.p. injection of pilocarpine (4 mu mol kg(-1)). Pilocarpine-induced salivation was reduced by i.c.v. injection of moxonidine (10 nmol) and enhanced by i.c.v. injections of either RX 821002 (160 nmol) or yohimbine (320 nmol). The inhibitory effect of i.c.v. moxonidine on pilocarpine-induced salivation was abolished by prior i.c.v. injections of the alpha(2) adrenergic receptor antagonists, RX 821002 (160 nmol) or yohimbine (160 and 320 nmol). The alpha(1) adrenergic receptor antagonist prazosin (320 nmol) injected i.c.v. did not change the effect of moxonidine on pilocarpine-induced salivation. The results suggest that moxonidine acts on central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors to inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation, and that this salivation is tonically inhibited by central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cholinergic, agonists activate salivation and the alpha (2)-adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonists induce opposite effects. In the present study, we investigated the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of moxonidine (an a-adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonist) on the salivation induced by the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine. Male Holtzman rats wish stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. In rats anesthetized with tribromoethanol (200 mg kg(-1)), saliva was collected using pre-weighed small cotton balls inserted in the animal's mouth. The treatment with moxonidine (5, 10 and 20 nmol in 1 mul) injected,i.c.v. reduced the salivation induced by pilocarpine (1 mg kg(-1)) injected i.p. (48 +/- 5, 17 +/- 2 and 15 +/- 2 mg min(-1) vs. control, 73 +/- 7 mg min(-1)). The same doses of moxonidine injected i.c.v. also reduced the salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine (500 nmol in 1 mul). injected i.c.v. (44 +/- 1, 14 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 3 mg min(-1) vs. control, 51 +/- 2 mg min(-1)). Injection of moxonidine (20 nmol in 0.1 ml) i.p. produced no chance on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation (58 +/- 4 mg min(-1) vs. control, 50 +/- 4 mg min(-1)). The results show that central, but not peripheral, injection of moxonidine inhibit,. pilocarpine-induced salivation, suggesting that central mechanisms activated by alpha (2)-adrenergic/imidazoline agonists inhibit cholinergic-induced salivation in rats. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present study we investigated the effects of electrolytic lesions of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) in the salivation induced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine. Rats with sham or LH lesions and stainless steel cannulas implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. In rats anesthetized with urethane (1.25 mg/kg of body weight) saliva was collected using pre-weighed cotton balls inserted in the animal mouth during a period of 7 min following i.c.v. or i.p. injection of pilocarpine. Injection of pilocarpine (1 mg/kg of body weight) i.p. in sham-operated rats (6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days after the surgery) induced salivation (497+/-24, 452+/-26, 476+/-30, and 560+/-75 mg/7 min, respectively). The effects of i.p. pilocarpine was reduced 6 h, 2 and 7 days after LH lesions (162+/-37, 190+/-32, and 229+/-27mg/7 min, respectively), not 15 days after LH lesions (416+/-89mg/7 min). Injection of pilocarpine (120 mug/mul) i.c.v., in sham-operated rats (6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days after the surgery) also produced salivation (473 20, 382 16, 396 14, and 427 47 mg/7 min, respectively). The salivation induced by i.c.v. pilocarpine was also reduced 6 h, 2 and 7 days after LH lesions (243+/-19, 278+/-24, and 295+/-27 mg/7 min, respectively), not 15 days after LH lesions (385 48 mg/7 min). The present results show the participation of the LH in the salivation induced by central or peripheral injection of pilocarpine in rats, reinforcing the involvement of central mechanisms on pilocarpine-induced salivation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peripheral treatment with the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine induces intense salivation that is inhibited by central injections of the alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor agonist moxonidine. Salivary gland blood flow controlled by sympathetic and parasympathetic systems may affect salivation. We investigated the changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and in the vascular resistance in the submandibular/sublingual gland (SSG) artery, superior mesenteric (SM) artery and low abdominal aorta (hindlimb) in rats treated with intraperitoneal (i.p.) pilocarpine alone or combined with intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) moxonidine. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannula. implanted into lateral ventricle (LV) and anesthetized with urethane were used. Pilocarpine (4 mumol/kg of body weight) i.p. reduced SSG vascular resistance (-50 +/- 13% vs. vehicle: 5 +/- 3%). Pilocarpine i.p. also increased mesenteric vascular resistance (15 +/- 5% vs. vehicle: 2 +/- 3%) and MAP (16 +/- 3 mmHg, vs. vehicle: 2 +/- 3 mmHg). Moxonidine (20 nmol) i.c.v. increased SSG vascular resistance (88 +/- 12% vs. vehicle: 7 +/- 4%). When injected 15 min following i.c.v. moxonidine, pilocarpine i.p. produced no change on SSG vascular resistance. Pilocarpine-induced pressor responses and increase in mesenteric vascular resistance were not modified by i.c.v. moxonidine. The treatments produced no change in heart rate (HR) and hindlimb vascular resistance. The results show that (1) i.p. pilocarpine increases mesenteric vascular resistance and MAP and reduces salivary gland vascular resistance and (2) central moxonidine increases salivary gland vascular resistance and impairs pilocarpine-induced salivary gland vasodilatation. Therefore, the increase in salivary gland vascular resistance may play a role in the anti-salivatory response to central moxonidine. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.