563 resultados para posttraumatic depreciation


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The aim of this article is to study the supervised apprenticeship in a bachelor degree, more specifically the Literature and Language degree in São Paulo State University (UNESP), in Araraquara. Many students conclude their courses with no idea about what they’ll face in public schools. The reality has shown us that our bachelor degrees aren’t reaching their objectives. Looking for a theoretical support, it’s possible to infer this is not a recent problem, but an ancient one that has been discussed for a long time. In a wide context that involves the depreciation of bachelor degree, the aim of this article is to study the supervised apprenticeship in a bachelor degree, considering the opinion of the undergraduates, teachers from public school, who receive the undergraduates in their classroom and professors who are responsible for training them at the university. The supervised apprenticeship will receive more emphasis in the context it’s insert, with the intent of centralize the study in a very important part of the teacher training. Meanwhile, it’s the only responsible for the faults on pedagogical training of the teacher. It’s necessary to rethink the bachelor degree, not only as a project in the pedagogical area, but as responsibility of all the professors involved. Undergraduate a Language teacher is a project that must involve every area.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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The swine culture potentially generates waste with high organic load and pollutants, being responsible for the spread of pathogens, contamination of rivers, groundwater and soils, besides it produces foul odors and emit greenhouse gases. However, the high amount of organic matter, which expresses the amount of pollutant load, reflects the energetic potential of these wastes used as raw material in biogas generation through technology of digesters. The properly use of theses digesters provides the production of clean energy and promotes the conservation of the environment. The economic viability of the implantation of an Indian model digester on a small swine farm was verified based on the value from initial investments of deployment, maintenance costs, depreciation, and on the interest and revenues arising from the system. Besides, the amount of biogas produced daily and the average consumption of biogas by the most common used devices such as refrigerator, stove, water heater, and generator of electricity was calculated.. For a backdrop of 10 years, the results of economic indicators NPV of BRL 57,598.95, IRR of 48.38%, Simple Payback of 2.06 years, and Discounted Payback of 2.3 years, demonstrated a favorable outlook for the use of this technology, with the possibility to generate economic, social and environmental benefits.


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This paper analyzed the energy flow of a route currently designed to transport ethanol from the Midwest region of Brazil for exportation, more precisely from the city of Aparecida do Taboado (MS) to the port of São Sebastiao (SP). The route studied a single modal combined into two pieces, duct - duct. The direct and indirect energy, involved in the operations were used to account for the inputs and outputs of energy from and into the system. The energy input and output were the variables, diesel fuel, lubricants, greases, indirect energy consumption of machinery and equipment, power consumption of labor, the energy consumption and energy consumption in depreciation and maintenance of roads. We found that this route has specific energy consumption of 0,14 MJ km-1 m-3 . The Net Energy Gain (GEl), the Energy Efficiency global (EEg) and Renewable Energy Balance (BEr), which were the energy indicators adopted in this study were obtained respectively: 1.585.958.977,00 MJ; 200,72 and 1.593.900.000,00MJ.


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This study aimed to account the energy balance of six different farming systems: CMT (minimum tillage with transgenic corn); CMNT (minimum tillage with non-transgenic corn); PCT (conventional tillage with transgenic corn); PCNT (conventional tillage with non-transgenic corn); PDT (no-tillage system with transgenic corn) and PDNT (no-tillage system with non-transgenic corn). The study was carried out at the Experimental Farm Lageado FCA/Unesp, Botucatu - SP. The energy balance was performed by subtracting the total energy inputs by the total energy output. Energy efficiency was calculated by dividing the total energy output by the total energy inputs. The total values ​​of energy inputs and outputs were expressed in MJ.ha-1 (mega joules per hectare). To calculate the energy inputs were accounted the fuel consumption and lubricants, depreciation energy of machinery and implements, manpower and agricultural inputs. The energy outputs were calculated according to the maize yield. The result shows that the system PDT was the system that had better energy efficiency and the system that had the lowest efficiency was the PCT system. The system with lower energy demand was the PDT and the greatest demand was PCNT.


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The present work is about a comparative study of two methodologies (MIALHE and ASABE), used to calculate the cost per hectare in the tillage operation in the culture of corn. The methodology of ASABE presents a higher cost per hectare in relation to the MIALHE proposal, being that the methodologies presents similar costs related to the depreciation expenses, accommodation and insurance. The differences were that in the ASABE proposal, the biggest expenses involved the payment of interest, fuel, lube and handwork, while in the MIALHE methodology, only the expense regarding to maintenance was more. The methodology of ASABE most suitable for management costs per hectare.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...


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Given the current energy crisis experienced in our country with the lack of rain in some areas, the energy distributors were forced to resort to thermal power plants to complement their energy production; raising the cost of electricity generation, they have been forced to repass this value to the customers through the Tariff Flags. Concerned about a substantial increase in their electric bill, some consumers were forced to look for alternatives so that their results are not affected. The use of diesel generation at peak hours is a relatively simple and inexpensive alternative that has been widely used for several industrial, commercial and service customers. In this present work, we conducted a feasibility study of the use of diesel generators at peak hours in a medium-sized hospital, calculating the depreciation period for the investment through savings in electricity bills


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This extension circular is an income statement form that covers the following areas: Cash Farm Income (grain/hay sales, livestock sales, livestock product sales, government payments, custom work); Cash Farm Expenses (cash operating, breeding livestock purchases, gross cash farm expenses); Adjustment (inventory, machinery/equipment depreciation, fixed farm improvements depreciation, capital gain or loss on machinery/equipment, gross sales of machinery/equipment, real estate sold); and Non-Farm Income (operators's wage, wife's wage, interest/dividend income, gifts/inheritances, gain or loss on security, non-farm inventory change, net income on other farms owned and non-farm real estate).


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After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...


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Given the current energy crisis experienced in our country with the lack of rain in some areas, the energy distributors were forced to resort to thermal power plants to complement their energy production; raising the cost of electricity generation, they have been forced to repass this value to the customers through the Tariff Flags. Concerned about a substantial increase in their electric bill, some consumers were forced to look for alternatives so that their results are not affected. The use of diesel generation at peak hours is a relatively simple and inexpensive alternative that has been widely used for several industrial, commercial and service customers. In this present work, we conducted a feasibility study of the use of diesel generators at peak hours in a medium-sized hospital, calculating the depreciation period for the investment through savings in electricity bills


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Objective: Neuroimaging studies have highlighted important issues related to structural and functional brain changes found in sufferers of psychological trauma that may influence their ability to synthesize, categorize, and integrate traumatic memories. Methods: Literature review and critical analysis and synthesis. Results: Traumatic memories are diagnostic symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the dual representation theory posits separate memory systems subserving vivid re-experiencing (non-hippocampally dependent) versus declarative autobiographical memories of trauma (hippocampally dependent). But the psychopathological signs of trauma are not static over time, nor is the expression of traumatic memories. Multiple memory systems are activated simultaneously and in parallel on various occasions. Neural circuitry interaction is a crucial aspect in the development of a psychotherapeutic approach that may favour an integrative translation of the sensory fragments of the traumatic memory into a declarative memory system. Conclusion: The relationship between neuroimaging findings and psychological approaches is discussed for greater efficacy in the treatment of psychologically traumatized patients.