968 resultados para plane table
Black and white tintype of an unidentified woman seated with hand-colored red detail on her scarf and the tablecloth. The date, location and photographer are unknown. This tintype was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. Relatives of the Bell - Sloman families include former slaves from the United States who escaped to Canada. They later settled in the London and St. Catharines areas of southern Ontario."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html
Concerning the request of the petitioners, former residents of Newark (present-day Niagara-on-the-Lake) in Upper Canada, for relief for the loss of their property when they were compelled to flee Canada after having aided the United States Army in the War of 1812.
A table indicating the vintage, full bloom, notes on climate conditions and history for three types of wine. Also a rating for each vintage and drinkability (quality) rating on first page.
A photograph of Dorothy Rungeling in front of a plane with the Mack Trucks and Buses logo. This photograph is from her personal scrapbooks, the page is labelled "1956 International Air Race Hamilton to Havana".
A photograph of Dorothy Rungeling inside her fifth and last plane (as written in her scrapbook). The airplane is described as a 1956 Beech Bonanza, 4 seat, retractable gear, 225 Continental engine.
A photograph of Dorothy Rungeling in front of a plane (likely the second plane she owned). This photograph later appeared in the Canadian general interest magazine "Saturday Night". Mrs. Rungeling was featured in the "Canadian Personalities" section for her latest accomplishment, receiving her commercial pilot's licence.
Printed blank from Grand Trunk Railway for shipping to St. Catharines from Buffalo for table, 1888.
Bill from Geoghegan and Co. Importers of Table Linen and Shirt and Stock Makers for clothing including cravats and hosiery, June 23, 1847 attached to receipt for Receipt from Family Linen Drapery, Shirt and Stock Warehouse, London England for payment on account, July 7, 1847.
Le protestant a la réputation de ne pas savoir profiter de la vie. Ainsi, autour d'une table "interconfessionnelle", il aurait tendance à être le rabat-joie, celui qui, sérieux comme un pape(!), pontifie dans son coin, alors que les autres se réjouissent, boivent et mangent! Évidemment, la caricature ne résiste pas à l'analyse, comme le démontre cette auto-interview.
Ce mémoire traite des Saturnales de Macrobe, haut fonctionnaire du 5ième siècle après J.C. et encyclopédiste latin. Malgré l’opinion reçue, selon laquelle les Saturnales dépendraient presque exclusivement d’un nombre très restreint de sources, souvent copiées mot à mot, on a reconnu depuis longtemps que Macrobe remanie de son propre chef l’une de ces sources, les Propos de Table de Plutarque, dans son septième livre. Ce mémoire démontre que ce modèle, tout comme les sources mineures, latines et grecques, avec lesquelles Macrobe le complète, lui était assez familier pour servir à l’articulation d’une vision propre; les Saturnales ne peuvent donc être cités comme preuve de la décadence de leur époque. Ce mémoire fournit une traduction et un commentaire des chapitres 7.1-3 des Saturnales, avec une explication de leurs rapports avec les Propos de Table 1.1 et 2.1 de Plutarque ainsi que des éléments propre à Macrobe, afin de reconstruire sa méthode de composition et de déterminer ses attentes par rapport à son lecteur de l’empire tardif. Le commentaire est précédé d’une introduction de l’auteur, de l’œuvre, et du septième livre.