973 resultados para phosphotyrosine phosphatase
One of the major regulators of mitosis in somatic cells is cdc25B. cdc25B is tightly regulated at multiple levels. The final activation step involves the regulated binding of 14-3-3 proteins. Previous studies have demonstrated that Ser-323 is a primary 14-3-3 binding site in cdc25B, which influences its activity and cellular localization. 14-3-3 binding to this site appeared to interact with the N-terminal domain of cdc25B to regulate its activity. The presence of consensus 14-3-3 binding sites in the N-terminal domain suggested that the interaction is through direct binding of the 14-3-3 dimer to sites in the N-terminal domain. We have identified Ser-151 and Ser-230 in the N-terminal domain as functional 14-3-3 binding sites utilized by cdc25B in vivo. These low affinity sites cooperate to bind the 14-3-3 dimer bound to the high affinity Ser-323 site, thus forming an intramolecular bridge that constrains cdc25B structure to prevent access of the catalytic site. Loss of 14-3-3 binding to either N-terminal site relaxes cdc25B structure sufficiently to permit access to the catalytic site, and the nuclear export sequence located in the N-terminal domain. Mutation of the Ser-323 site was functionally equivalent to the mutation of all three sites, resulting in the complete loss of 14-3-3 binding, increased access of the catalytic site, and access to nuclear localization sequence.
Ataxia-telangiectasia Mutated (ATM), mutated in the human disorder ataxia-telangiectasia, is rapidly activated by DNA double strand breaks. The mechanism of activation remains unresolved, and it is uncertain whether autophosphorylation contributes to activation. We describe an in vitro immunoprecipitation system demonstrating activation of ATM kinase from unirradiated extracts by preincubation with ATP. Activation is both time- and ATP concentration-dependent, other nucleotides fail to activate ATM, and DNA is not required. ATP activation is specific for ATM since it is not observed with kinase-dead ATM, it requires Mn2+, and it is inhibited by wortmannin. Exposure of activated ATM to phosphatase abrogates activity, and repeat cycles of ATP and phosphatase treatment reveal a requirement for autophosphorylation in the activation process. Phosphopeptide mapping revealed similarities between the patterns of autophosphorylation for irradiated and ATP-treated ATM. Caffeine inhibited ATM kinase activity for substrates but did not interfere with ATM autophosphorylation. ATP failed to activate either A-T and rad3-related protein (ATR) or DNA-dependent protein kinase under these conditions, supporting the specificity for ATM. These data demonstrate that ATP can specifically induce activation of ATM by a mechanism involving autophosphorylation. The relationship of this activation to DNA damage activation remains unclear but represents a useful model for understanding in vivo activation.
Abnormalities of calcium and vitamin D metabolism in cystic fibrosis (CF) are well documented. We tested the hypothesis that alterations in calcium metabolism are related to vitamin D deficiency, and that bone resorption is increased relative to accretion in patients with CF. Calcitropic hormones, electrolytes, osteocalcin (OC) and bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), (markers of bone mineralisation), urinary deoxypyridinoline [total (t) Dpd, a marker of bone resorption] and lumbar spine bone mineral density (LS BMD), expressed as a z-score, were measured in 149 (81 M) CF and 141 (61 M) control children aged 5.3-10.99 years, adolescents aged 11-17.99 years and adults aged 18-55.9 years. Data were analysed by multiple regression to adjust for age. In patients, FEV1% predicted and CRP (as disease severity markers), genotype and pancreatic status (PS) were recorded. The distribution of PTH differed between groups (P
O leite é um alimento de grande importância na alimentação humana e amplamente consumido. Desta forma, justifica-se o estudo de suas características e a avaliação de procedimentos higiênicos durante toda a sua cadeia produtiva, desde a ordenha até o seu processamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar laticínios localizados no estado do Espírito Santo, bem como avaliar as características de qualidade do leite cru e do leite pasteurizado de quatro estabelecimentos. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas: 1) seleção de dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Federal (SIF) e dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Estadual (SIE); 2) Elaboração de questionário para coleta de dados; 3) coleta de amostras de leite cru refrigerado e leite pasteurizado nos laticínios selecionados e avaliação da qualidade da matéria-prima e; 4) caracterização dos quatro laticínios e avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos (aplicação questionário elaborado e da Lista de Verificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação - check-list – presente na RDC nº 275 / 2002 da Anvisa).Os resultados obtidos com as análises de composição centesimal, acidez titulável, pH e Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) das amostras dos laticínios SIF 1, SIF 2, SIE 1 e SIE 2 indicaram conformidade com o padrão exigido pela Instrução Normativa nº 62/2011 do MAPA. Com relação ao teste do alizarol, todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram coloração parda avermelhada sem coagulação, indicando conformidade com a exigência da legislação. Para o teste de detecção de antibiótico da classe β-lactâmicos, todas as amostras de leite dos quatro laticínios analisadas nas três coletas tiveram ausência pelo método utilizado. Em uma das amostras coletadas da indústria SIF 1 foi verificada a presença da enzima fosfatase alcalina em leite pasteurizado, indicando que o tratamento térmico não foi adequado e que, portanto, poderia haver presença de microrganismos patogênicos na amostra, ou que a enzima se renaturou, apresentando um resultado falso positivo para o teste. Além disso, foi verificado que duas amostras de leite coletadas do laticínio SIE 1 apresentaram ausência da enzima lactoperoxidase,O leite é um alimento de grande importância na alimentação humana e amplamente consumido. Desta forma, justifica-se o estudo de suas características e a avaliação de procedimentos higiênicos durante toda a sua cadeia produtiva, desde a ordenha até o seu processamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar laticínios localizados no estado do Espírito Santo, bem como avaliar as características de qualidade do leite cru e do leite pasteurizado de quatro estabelecimentos. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas: 1) seleção de dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Federal (SIF) e dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Estadual (SIE); 2) Elaboração de questionário para coleta de dados; 3) coleta de amostras de leite cru refrigerado e leite pasteurizado nos laticínios selecionados e avaliação da qualidade da matéria-prima e; 4) caracterização dos quatro laticínios e avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos (aplicação questionário elaborado e da Lista de Verificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação - check-list – presente na RDC nº 275 / 2002 da Anvisa).Os resultados obtidos com as análises de composição centesimal, acidez titulável, pH e Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) das amostras dos laticínios SIF 1, SIF 2, SIE 1 e SIE 2 indicaram conformidade com o padrão exigido pela Instrução Normativa nº 62/2011 do MAPA. Com relação ao teste do alizarol, todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram coloração parda avermelhada sem coagulação, indicando conformidade com a exigência da legislação. Para o teste de detecção de antibiótico da classe β-lactâmicos, todas as amostras de leite dos quatro laticínios analisadas nas três coletas tiveram ausência pelo método utilizado. Em uma das amostras coletadas da indústria SIF 1 foi verificada a presença da enzima fosfatase alcalina em leite pasteurizado, indicando que o tratamento térmico não foi adequado e que, portanto, poderia haver presença de microrganismos patogênicos na amostra, ou que a enzima se renaturou, apresentando um resultado falso positivo para o teste. Além disso, foi verificado que duas amostras de leite coletadas do laticínio SIE 1 apresentaram ausência da enzima lactoperoxidase,O leite é um alimento de grande importância na alimentação humana e amplamente consumido. Desta forma, justifica-se o estudo de suas características e a avaliação de procedimentos higiênicos durante toda a sua cadeia produtiva, desde a ordenha até o seu processamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar laticínios localizados no estado do Espírito Santo, bem como avaliar as características de qualidade do leite cru e do leite pasteurizado de quatro estabelecimentos. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas: 1) seleção de dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Federal (SIF) e dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Estadual (SIE); 2) Elaboração de questionário para coleta de dados; 3) coleta de amostras de leite cru refrigerado e leite pasteurizado nos laticínios selecionados e avaliação da qualidade da matéria-prima e; 4) caracterização dos quatro laticínios e avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos (aplicação questionário elaborado e da Lista de Verificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação - check-list – presente na RDC nº 275 / 2002 da Anvisa).Os resultados obtidos com as análises de composição centesimal, acidez titulável, pH e Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) das amostras dos laticínios SIF 1, SIF 2, SIE 1 e SIE 2 indicaram conformidade com o padrão exigido pela Instrução Normativa nº 62/2011 do MAPA. Com relação ao teste do alizarol, todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram coloração parda avermelhada sem coagulação, indicando conformidade com a exigência da legislação. Para o teste de detecção de antibiótico da classe β-lactâmicos, todas as amostras de leite dos quatro laticínios analisadas nas três coletas tiveram ausência pelo método utilizado. Em uma das amostras coletadas da indústria SIF 1 foi verificada a presença da enzima fosfatase alcalina em leite pasteurizado, indicando que o tratamento térmico não foi adequado e que, portanto, poderia haver presença de microrganismos patogênicos na amostra, ou que a enzima se renaturou, apresentando um resultado falso positivo para o teste. Além disso, foi verificado que duas amostras de leite coletadas do laticínio SIE 1 apresentaram ausência da enzima lactoperoxidase,indicando a sua desnaturação devido à superpasteurização do leite. Para as análises microbiológicas de contagem bacteriana total e bactérias psicrotróficas, foi verificado uma contagem acima do estabelecido pela legislação. Além disso, os maiores valores médios de Contagem Bacteriana Total (CBT), contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos e coliformes totais nas amostras de leite cru refrigerado foram verificados entre os laticínios com SIF, podendo ter como causa o uso de tanques comunitários pelos produtores, tempo de transporte para coleta de leite maior do que a média dos laticínios com SIE, a falta de adoção das Boas Práticas de Ordenha e o maior volume de leite coletado de diferentes produtores. Com relação à CBT e à contagem de coliformes totais em leite pasteurizado, os maiores valores médios foram verificados também nos laticínios SIF 1 e SIF 2. Os laticínios que apresentaram maior porcentagem de adequação aos requisitos das BPF foram os laticínios SIF 1 (87,82 %) e SIF 2 (80,66 %), os quais já possuíam os POP’s (Procedimento Operacional Padronizado), CIP (Controle Integrado de Pragas) e BPF (Boas Práticas de Fabricação) implantados ou em fase final de implantação. A análise dos resultados das análises microbiológicas, da aplicação do check-list e da aplicação do questionário permitiu a conclusão de que as empresas que possuíam SIF, apesar de apresentarem uma maior porcentagem de adequação aos requisitos de boas práticas de fabricação, possuíam uma qualidade da matéria-prima menor do que as indústrias com SIE. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o estudo de laticínios no estado do Espírito Santo possibilitou o conhecimento do setor e de seus problemas, contribuindo para o emprego de ações de melhoria e prevenção de futuros problemas.
The aim of this work is to use the MANCOVA model to study the influence of the phenotype of an enzyme - Acid phosphatase - and a genetic factor - Haptoglobin genotype - on two dependent variables - Activity of Acid Phosphatase (ACP1) and the Body Mass Index (BMI). Therefore it's used a general linear model, namely a multivariate analysis of covariance (Two-way MANCOVA). The covariate is the age of the subject. This covariate works as control variable for the independent factors, serving to reduce the error term in the model. The main results showed that only the ACP1 phenotype has a significant effect on the activity of ACP1 and the covariate has a significant effect in both dependent variables. The univariate analysis showed that ACP1 phenotype accounts for about 12.5% of the variability in the activity of ACP1. In respect to this covariate it can be seen that accounts for about 4.6% of the variability in the activity of ACP1 and 37.3% in the BMI.
Despite its rigid structure, bone is a dynamic tissue that is in constant remodeling. This process requires the action of the bone-resorbing osteoclasts and the bone-synthesing osteoblasts. One of the adverse effects attributed to some antihypertensive agents is the ability to alter normal bone metabolism. However, their effective actions on human bone cells remain to be clarified. In this work, the effects of five calcium channel blockers, a class of antihypertensive drugs (AHDs), were investigated on osteoclastic differentiation. Osteoclastic cell cultures were established from precursor cells isolated from human peripheral blood, and were maintained in the absence (control) or in the presence of 10-8-10-4 M of different AHDs (amlodipine, felodipine, diltiazem, lercanidipine and nifedipine). Cell cultures were characterized throughout a 21 day period for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, number of TRAP+ multinucleated cells, presence of cells with actin rings and expressing vitronectin and calcitonin receptors, and apoptosis rate. Also, the involvement of several signaling pathways on the cellular response was addressed. It was observed that the tested AHDs had the ability to differentially affect osteoclastogenesis. At low doses, amlodipine and felodipine caused an increase on osteoclastic differentiation, while the other drugs inhibited it. At higher doses, all the molecules caused a decrease on the process. The tested AHDs also showed different effects on the analysed signaling pathways. In conclusion, AHDs appeared to have a direct effect on human osteoclast precursor cells, affecting their differentiation. Interestingly, some of them increased while others inhibited the process. Unraveling the mechanisms beneath these observations might help to explain the adverse effects on bone tissue described for this drug class.
Bone is constantly being molded and shaped by the action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. A proper equilibrium between both cell types metabolic activities is required to ensure an adequate skeletal tissue structure, and it involves resorption of old bone and formation of new bone tissue. It is reported that treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can elicit alterations in skeletal structure, in particular in bone mineral density. Nevertheless, the knowledge regarding the effects of AEDs on bone cells are still scarce, particularly on osteoclastic behaviour. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of five different AEDs on human osteoclastic cells. Osteoclastic cell cultures were established from precursor cells isolated from human peripheral blood, and were maintained in the absence (control) or in the presence of 10-8-10-4 M of different AEDs (valproate, carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine and topiramate). Cell cultures were characterized throughout a 21-day period for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, number of TRAP+ multinucleated cells, presence of cells with actin rings and expressing vitronectin and calcitonin receptors, and apoptosis rate. Also, the involvement of several signaling pathways on the cellular response was addressed. All the tested drugs were able to affect osteoclastic cell development, although with different profiles on their osteoclastogenic modulation properties. Globally, the tendency was to inhibit the process. Furthermore, the signaling pathways involved in the process also seemed to be differentially affected by the AEDs, suggesting that the different drugs may affect osteoclastogenesis through different mechanisms. In conclusion, the present study showed that the different AEDs had the ability to negatively modulate the osteoclastogenesis process, shedding new light towards a better understanding of how these drugs can affect bone tissue.
REDCAT: Natural Products and related Redox Catalysts: Basic Research and Applications in Medicine and Agriculture, Aveiro, 25-27 Novembro de 2012.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Celiac disease is a gluten-induced autoimmune enteropathy characterized by the presence of tissue tranglutaminase (tTG) autoantibodies. A disposable electrochemical immunosensor (EI) for the detection of IgA and IgG type anti-tTG autoantibodies in real patient’s samples is presented. Screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCE) nanostructurized with carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles were used as the transducer surface. This transducer exhibits the excellent characteristics of carbon–metal nanoparticle hybrid conjugation and led to the amplification of the immunological interaction. The immunosensing strategy consisted of the immobilization of tTG on the nanostructured electrode surface followed by the electrochemical detection of the autoantibodies present in the samples using an alkaline phosphatase (AP) labelled anti-human IgA or IgG antibody. The analytical signal was based on the anodic redissolution of enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The results obtained were corroborated with a commercial ELISA kit indicating that the electrochemical immunosensor is a trustful analytical screening tool.
Antibodies against gliadin are used to detect celiac disease (CD) in patients. An electrochemical immunosensor for the voltammetric detection of human anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) IgA and AGA IgG in real serum samples is proposed. The transducer surface consists of screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with a carbon nanotube/gold nanoparticle hybrid system, which provides a very useful surface for the amplification of the immunological interactions. The immunosensing strategy is based on the immobilization of gliadin, the antigen for the autoantibodies of interest, onto the nanostructured surface. The antigen–antibody interaction is recorded using alkaline phosphatase labeled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions (3-IP/Ag+) was used as the substrate. The analytical signal is based on the anodic redissolution of the enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical behavior of this immunosensor was carefully evaluated assessing aspects as sensitivity, non-specific binding and matrix effects, and repeatability and reproducibility. The results were supported with a commercial ELISA test.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
YAP4, a member of the yeast activator protein (YAP) gene family, is induced in response to osmotic shock in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The null mutant displays mild and moderate growth sensitivity at 0.4 M and 0.8 M NaCl respectively, a fact that led us to analyse YAP4 mRNA levels in the hog1 (high osmolarity glycerol) mutant. The data obtained show a complete abolition of YAP4 gene expression in this mutant, placing YAP4 under the HOG response pathway. YAP4 overexpression not only suppresses the osmosensitivity phenotype of the yap4 mutant but also relieves that of the hog1 mutant. Induction, under the conditions tested so far, requires the presence of the transcription factor Msn2p, but not of Msn4p, as YAP4 mRNA levels are depleted by at least 75% in the msn2 mutant. This result was further substantiated by the fact that full YAP4 induction requires the two more proximal stress response elements. Furthermore we find that GCY1, encoding a putative glycerol dehydrogenase, GPP2, encoding a NAD-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase, and DCS2, a homologue to a decapping enzyme, have decreased mRNA levels in the yap4 -deleted strain. Our data point to a possible, as yet not entirely understood, role of the YAP4 in osmotic stress response.
Thiodicarb, a carbamate pesticide widely used on crops, may pose several environmental and health concerns. This study aimed to explore its toxicological profile on male rats using hematological, biochemical, histopathological, and flow cytometry markers. Exposed animals were dosed daily at 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg/body weight (group A, B, and C, respectively) during 30 d. No significant changes were observed in hematological parameters among all groups. After 10 d, a decrease of total cholesterol levels was noted in rats exposed to 40 mg/kg. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity increased (group A at 20 d; groups A and B at 30 d) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (group B at 30 d) activity significantly reduced. At 30 d a decrease of some of the other evaluated parameters was observed with total cholesterol and urea levels in group A as well as total protein and creatinine levels in groups A and B. Histological results demonstrated multi-organ dose-related damage in thiodicarb-exposed animals, evidenced as hemorrhagic and diffuse vacuolation in hepatic tissue; renal histology showed disorganized glomeruli and tubular cell degeneration; spleen was ruptured with white pulp and clusters of iron deposits within red pulp; significant cellular loss was noted at the cortex of thymus; and degenerative changes were observed within testis. The histopathologic alterations were most prominent in the high-dose group. Concerning flow cytometry studies, an increase of lymphocyte number, especially T lymphocytes, was seen in blood samples from animals exposed to the highest dose. Taken together, these results indicate marked systemic organ toxicity in rats after subacute exposure to thiodicarb.
Celiac disease (CD) is a gluten-induced autoimmune enteropathy characterized by the presence of antibodies against gliadin (AGA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies. A disposable electrochemical dual immunosensor for the simultaneous detection of IgA and IgG type AGA and antitTG antibodies in real patient’s samples is presented. The proposed immunosensor is based on a dual screen-printed carbon electrode, with two working electrodes, nanostructured with a carbon–metal hybrid system that worked as the transducer surface. The immunosensing strategy consisted of the immobilization of gliadin and tTG (i.e. CD specific antigens) on the nanostructured electrode surface. The electrochemical detection of the human antibodies present in the assayed serum samples was carried out through the antigen–antibody interaction and recorded using alkaline phosphatase labelled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions was used as the substrate. The analytical signal was based on the anodic redissolution of enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The results obtained were corroborated with commercial ELISA kits indicating that the developed sensor can be a good alternative to the traditional methods allowing a decentralization of the analyses towards a point-of-care strategy.