978 resultados para ornamental


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Rhapis excelsa, originária do sul da China, é uma das palmeiras ornamentais mais cultivadas no mundo, principalmente em vaso. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa investigar a influência da altura do vaso no desenvolvimento da espécie. Para tanto, mudas de dois anos de idade, apresentando 10 cm de altura e sistema radicular com 10 cm de comprimento, foram transplantadas para recipientes de PVC com 10 cm de diâmetro e 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40 cm de altura, que se constituíram em tratamentos. O substrato utilizado foi uma mistura de casca de pinho, vermiculita e solo argiloso (2:1:1), adubado com 45 g de Osmocote (15:10:10). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: altura da planta, diâmetro do colo, número de folhas, número de perfilhos emitidos, avaliados aos 6, 12 e 18 meses após a instalação do experimento. Aos 18 meses foram tomados também o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e o peso da matéria seca das raízes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições com duas plantas. Houve diferença significativa para a variável altura de plantas, aos 6 meses, sendo que o recipiente de 40 cm de altura apresentou o pior resultado. Não houve diferença significativa entre as variáveis analisadas aos 12 meses de investigação. Já aos 18 meses, houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis altura da planta e diâmetro do colo, sendo o recipiente de 40 cm inferior aos demais em relação à altura da planta e o de 25 cm superior quanto ao diâmetro do colo. A utilização do recipiente com 25 cm de altura revelou-se interessante pela qualidade das plantas formadas e em relação a aspectos econômicos da produção.


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O potencial genético para o crescimento de qualquer espécie animal depende das condições ambientais em que são cultivados, como competição por espaço, alimentos e oxigênio. O presente experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho produtivo de alevinos de tricogaster (Trichogaster trichopterus), uma espécie de peixe ornamental, submetidos a diferentes densidades de estocagem e índices alimentares. Os peixes (com peso médio de 0,56 g ± 0,09 e 0,96 g ± 0,13) foram divididos em dois blocos, submetidos às densidades de 5, 10 e 15 peixes/aquário e alimentados a taxas de 3, 6 e 9% do peso vivo/dia. Os peixes foram alimentados, uma vez ao dia, com ração comercial moída e mantidos em aquários (com capacidade para 100 L) dotados de filtro biológico e aeração, com renovação parcial da água. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água mantiveram-se dentro da faixa de conforto para a espécie, com diminuição do pH e da condutividade no final do período experimental, para a maior densidade (15 peixes/aquário) e índice alimentar mais elevado (9% p.v./dia). A taxa de arraçoamento afetou significativamente o comprimento final, peso final, ganho de peso, a taxa de crescimento específico e o fator de condição. Os peixes alimentados à base de 9% p.v./dia apresentaram os melhores resultados. Para as diferentes densidades de estocagem, apenas o fator de condição apresentou diferença significativa, com os melhores resultados para os peixes cultivados à densidade de 10 peixes/aquário, em relação aos cultivados à densidade de 15 peixes/aquário. Não foram observadas interações significativas entre os índices alimentares e as densidades de estocagem.


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Avaliaram-se as exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare). Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, com três níveis de proteína bruta (26, 30 e 34%), dois de energia digestível (3.100 e 3.300 kcal/kg de ração) e três repetições. Juvenis com peso médio de 2,33 ± 0,26 g foram distribuídos em aquários contendo 25 litros de água, temperatura controlada (26 ± 1ºC) e filtro biológico, na densidade de estocagem de seis animais por aquário. Os peixes foram alimentados à vontade às 9, 14 e 16h30. Na análise do desempenho produtivo, foram avaliados o peso final, o comprimento final, o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar, a taxa de crescimento específico, a taxa de eficiência protéica e o fator de condição. As dietas contendo 26% PB proporcionaram maiores valores para taxa de eficiência protéica apenas em relação às dietas contendo 34% PB. As exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira podem ser atendidas com dietas contendo 26% PB e 3.100 kcal ED/kg.


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Syagrus schizophylla (Mart.) Glass. belongs to the Arecaccae family. This palm is native of Brazil and presents great potential for use in gardens and cultivation in pot. Palms species, with relatively few exceptions, can only be propagated from seeds; even so, there are no reports in the literature about the germination of this palm seeds. The seed maturity is a factor that interferes in the success of the germination process. For some species, studies showed that palm seeds germinated better when the fruits were completely ripe (showing full color) and for other, when they were with green coloration. Several species of the Arecaccae family presents physical dormancy of seeds in varied degrees, demanding treatments for improve germination. The objective of this work was to study the effects of maturation and of the scarification on seed germination of S. schizophylla. The experimental design used was a factorial 3 x 2 (3 maturation stadiums: green, half-ripe - yellow and completely ripe - red; and mechanical scarification: with and without), entirely casualized, with four replications of 15 seeds per plot. The seeds (with 32,43% of humidity) were placed in plastic boxes with sand (60% of humidity, placing water according to weight in each three days), under controlled conditions of alternated temperature of 25-35 degrees C, photoperiod of 12 hours. The percentage of germination and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated until 79 days. It was observed that, so much for germination percentage as for SGI, there was not significant difference for the interaction among the two factors, maturation stadium and scarification, however, there were significant differences among the maturation stadiums and between seeds scarified or not. The seeds from green fruits presented lower germination percentage and slower germination when compared with seeds from yellow or red fruits; the seeds from yellow or red fruits didn't differ statistically to each other. To seeds scarificated, independently of the maturation stadium, presented germination percentage significantly larger and the germination was significantly faster when compared with the seeds without scarification.


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Palms of the Syagrus genus have several natural hybrids in Brazil. They are widely cultivated around the world as ornamental palm. S. romanzoffiana is the parental of natural hybrids with other Syagrus species that are potentially useful as palm cultivated for heart of palm production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the pollen grains viability got from plants grown in the Experimental Nursery of the FCAVJ/UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Pollen grains were sampled from inflorescence in three occasions: in the right day of anthesis, one day before and one day after anthesis. For each day, the inflorescence was subdivided in epical, medium and basal portions where pollen grains were collected. The results shown that: a) for S. coronata there was no statistical differences in pollen viability (pollen viability average = 92.89%); b) for S. romanzoffiana the average pollen viability was 87.27%, 87.47% e 86.85% before, during and after the anthesis, respectively. The basal portion pollen grains had lower viability (85.19% - p<0.01) than those from the medium (88.17%) and the apical (88.46%) portion of the inflorescence. These results shown that both species have no problems with pollen viability and can be used as parental of hybrids with other Syagrus species.


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Despite their spiny nature, Aiphanes palms are popular as ornamentals. They can be grown in various soil conditions, but achieve fast, luxuriant growth in sheltered positions with plenty of water. Shaded conditions are the best when plants are young. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fruit maturation stage and light on the germination of seeds of A. aculeata. Fruits were collected at three different maturation stages: (1) yellow, (2) red, (3) collected on the ground without the fleshy mesocarp (removed by birds and insects). The fleshy mesocarp was also removed in treatments (1) and (2). All fruits were then treated with thiram and 25 seeds per plot were seeded in trays full of sand. The treatments (2) and (3) were subdivided in two other treatments: (a) 12 h photoperiod, (b) continuous darkness. The temperature was maintained at 30 degrees C. Seed germination began 34 days after sowing. After 160 days, the final germination percentage was (1) 54,67%, (2a) 61,33%, (2b) 65,33%, (3a) 38,00% and (3b) 45,33%. The best treatment was (2) independently of the light conditions.


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S. elegans (Eriocaulaceae) is known in Brazil as star flower and is used economically for ornamental purposes. The fact that there is no control over its collection, brings about great damage to its population. Thus the importance of phenologic data for the conservation of the species. This paper reports the marking of 60 individuals in three different phases of development and the collection of monthly data about their phenology. S. elegans is a perennial plant with a rhizomatous stem that characterizes its vegetative growth. The pubescent leaves present in plants can prevent heat loss and their pigments can raise the ultra-violet radiation absorption. The young leaves present in plants during the begining of the dry season use rhizome reserves. Hydric scarcity may be the main reason for the mortality of the species. Vegetative growth and sexual reproduction are very important for the population's survival.,The blooming period in S. elegans occurs from om February to July and the dispersal of seeds occurs from August to December.


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The Syagrus romanzoffiana is a specie of the Arecaccae family, native of Brazil, frequently used in landscape architecture. Its propagation is by seeds, however, there is little information in the literature about seed germination of this ornamental palm. The objective of this work was to study the effects of temperatures on seed germination of Syagrus romanzoffliana. The experimental design used was entirely randomized, with six temperatures (20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C, constant and 20-30 degrees C and 25-35 degrees C alternated), photoperiod of 12 hours, and five replications of 20 seeds each. The seeds were placed in plastic boxes with sand, counting daily germination until 43(th) day. The percentage of seed germination (43(th) day) and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated. The conclusion was that there was no germination at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and in the alternated temperature of 20-30 degrees C; the higher germination percentages were verified in the constant temperatures of 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C that didn't differ statistically from the temperature of 25-35 degrees C. The germination was faster at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C.


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Comm indica L. is an herbaceous species with ornamental and medicinal value, having seeds with a hard seed coat. This study aimed to test the influence of constant temperatures ranging from 5 to 45 C, at 5 C intervals, on the germination of scarified seeds. Data obtained were analyzed through the model of enthalpy of activation in order to obtain the optimum temperature range for germination. The species showed seed germinability in a wide temperature range (10-40 degrees C) being the optimal temperature range between 13.84 and 34.41 degrees C, determined by the enthalpy of activation.


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Lady palm, [Rhapis excelsa (Thunberg) Henry ex. Rehder] is one of the most cultivated ornamental palms in the world, for use as a vase plant or in shaded landscapes. Because limited information exists on lady palm response to fertilizers, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different types of fertilization and substrates on lady palm seedling growth and development. Three year old lady palms were planted in 8-L pots, filled with a mix of soil, manure, and sand 1:1:1 (v:v:v), placed under a 50% shade, and irrigated with microspray. Treatments were substrate fertilization with 500 g P(2)O(5) and 100 g K(2)O per m(3); fertilization with 1.8 kg of P(2)O(5) (simple superphosphate) per m3; 50 g of nitrogen (N), P(2)O(5), and K(2)O of a granulated fertilizer (10:10:10) per m(3), control (without fertilization), and a foliar fertilization in addition to these treatments using the commercial product Biofert (8:9:9). Treatments were replicated four times in a randomized block design. Each treatment plot consisted of four plants. Data were collected at 140, 170, 200, 230, 260, and 290 days after transplanting (DAT) for plant heights, stem diameter at substrate level, number of leaves, shoots, and canopy, roots fresh and dry matter samples were harvest at 290 days. Foliar fertilization resulted in significantly greater plant height in a 140, 120, 200, and 230 DAT and plant diameter on the 140, 260, and 290 DAT. There was interaction among factors for number of leaves with fertilization based on P(2)O(5) and K(2)O when leaf fertilizer was added that resulted in a greater number of leaves.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)