972 resultados para orchard pests


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Estudi sobre el tractament biològic amb Pantoea agglomerans EPS125 per tal d'evitar la podridura de la fruita


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L’objectiu del treball és per una banda determinar la dinàmica d’esporulació i emissió de conidis de Stemphylium vesicarium en finques comercials de perera, i per altra banda determinar la viabilitat de la capacitat infectiva i germinativa d’aquests conidis al llarg del temps segons diferents condicions ambientals


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Estudi de la Cydia pomonella (L.), corc de les pomes i de les peres que és una plaga molt important en tot l’àmbit estatal i del control que cal fer-ne per tal d’evitar la pèrdua total o parcial de la collita


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Estudi de la fase asexual del fong deuteromicet Stemphylium vesicarium causant de l’estemfilosi de la perera


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L’estemsiliosi de la perera és una malaltia fúngica d’una gran importància econòmica a la zona del centre i sud d’Europa. És comparable al motejat de la pomera i pot arribar a assolir el 90 % de pèrdues en pressions elevades de la malaltia. S’ha comprovat que els tractaments amb fungicides presenten una eficàcia de control limitada, i que les mesures sanitàries i de control biològic generen resultats que plantegem com a una eina més a utilitzar en en la integració de mètodes de control. L’objectiu del treball és determinar l’eficàcia de control de Stemphylium vesicarium a partir de diferents soques de Bacilus subtilis en assatjos en situacions controlades


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This study evaluated the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fresh fruits and vegetables as biocontrol agents against the phytopathogenic and spoilage bacteria and fungi, Xanthomonas campestris, Erwinia carotovora, Penicillium expansum, Monilinia laxa, and Botrytis cinerea. The antagonistic activity of 496 LAB strains was tested in vitro and all tested microorganisms except P. expansum were inhibited by at least one isolate. The 496 isolates were also analyzed for the inhibition of P. expansum infection in wounds of Golden Delicious apples. Four strains (TC97, AC318, TM319, and FF441) reduced the fungal rot diameter of the apples by 20%; only Weissella cibaria strain TM128 decreased infection levels by 50%. Cell-free supernatants of selected antagonistic bacteria were studied to determine the nature of the antimicrobial compounds produced. Organic acids were the preferred mediators of inhibition but hydrogen peroxide was also detected when strains BC48, TM128, PM141 and FF441 were tested against E. carotovora. While previous reports of antifungal activity by LAB are scarce, our results support the potential of LAB as biocontrol agents against postharvest rot. [Int Microbiol 2008; 11(4):231-236]


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Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e was selected during a screening procedure for its high efficacy in controlling infections by Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight disease, on different plant materials. In field trials carried out in pear trees during bloom, EPS62e colonized flowers until the carrying capacity, providing a moderate efficacy of fire-blight control. The putative mechanisms of EPS62e antagonism against E. amylovora were studied. EPS62e did not produce antimicrobial compounds described in P. fluorescens species and only developed antagonism in King’s B medium, where it produced siderophores. Interaction experiments in culture plate wells including a membrane filter, which physically separated the cultures, confirmed that inhibition of E. amylovora requires cell-to-cell contact. The spectrum of nutrient assimilation indicated that EPS62e used significantly more or different carbon sources than the pathogen. The maximum growth rate and affinity for nutrients in immature fruit extract were higher in EPS62e than in E. amylovora, but the cell yield was similar. The fitness of EPS62e and E. amylovora was studied upon inoculation in immature pear fruit wounds and hypanthia of intact flowers under controlled-environment conditions. When inoculated separately, EPS62e grew faster in flowers, whereas E. amylovora grew faster in fruit wounds because of its rapid spread to adjacent tissues. However, in preventive inoculations of EPS62e, subsequent growth of EPS101 was significantly inhibited. It is concluded that cell-to-cell interference as well as differences in growth potential and the spectrum and efficiency of nutrient use are mechanisms of antagonism of EPS62e against E. amylovora


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Four methods were tested to assess the fire-blight disease response on grafted pear plants. The leaves of the plants were inoculated with Erwinia amylovora suspensions by pricking with clamps, cutting with scissors, local infiltration, and painting a bacterial suspension onto the leaves with a paintbrush. The effects of the inoculation methods were studied in dose-time-response experiments carried out in climate chambers under quarantine conditions. A modified Gompertz model was used to analyze the disease-time relatiobbnships and provided information on the rate of infection progression (rg) and time delay to the start of symptoms (t0). The disease-pathogen-dose relationships were analyzed according to a hyperbolic saturation model in which the median effective dose (ED50) of the pathogen and maximum disease level (ymax) were determined. Localized infiltration into the leaf mesophile resulted in the early (short t0) but slow (low rg) development of infection whereas in leaves pricked with clamps disease symptoms developed late (long t0) but rapidly (high rg). Paintbrush inoculation of the plants resulted in an incubation period of medium length, a moderate rate of infection progression, and low ymax values. In leaves inoculated with scissors, fire-blight symptoms developed early (short t0) and rapidly (high rg), and with the lowest ED50 and the highest ymax


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1 Insect pests, biological invasions and climate change are considered to representmajor threats to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, agriculture and forestry.Deriving hypothesis of contemporary and/or future potential distributions of insectpests and invasive species is becoming an important tool for predicting the spatialstructure of potential threats.2 The western corn rootworm (WCR) Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is apest of maize in North America that has invaded Europe in recent years, resultingin economic costs in terms of maize yields in both continents. The present studyaimed to estimate the dynamics of potential areas of invasion by the WCR under aclimate change scenario in the Northern Hemisphere. The areas at risk under thisscenario were assessed by comparing, using complementary approaches, the spatialprojections of current and future areas of climatic favourability of the WCR. Spatialhypothesis were generated with respect to the presence records in the native rangeof the WCR and physiological thresholds from previous empirical studies.3 We used a previously developed protocol specifically designed to estimatethe climatic favourability of the WCR. We selected the most biologicallyrelevant climatic predictors and then used multidimensional envelope (MDE) andMahalanobis distances (MD) approaches to derive potential distributions for currentand future climatic conditions.4 The results obtained showed a northward advancement of the upper physiologicallimit as a result of climate change, which might increase the strength of outbreaksat higher latitudes. In addition, both MDE and MD outputs predict the stability ofclimatic favourability for the WCR in the core of the already invaded area in Europe,which suggests that this zone would continue to experience damage from this pestin Europe.


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O tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) é uma das principais hortícolas produzidas na Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde. Com o objectivo de se identificar as principais pragas associadas a esta cultura e de se acompanhar a evolução ao longo do ciclo fenológico, instalaram-se parcelas experimentais em São Jorge dos Órgãos, São Domingos e Tarrafal. No presente trabalho caracterizou-se a agricultura cabo-verdiana e ilustrou-se a importância do sector hortícola na agricultura. Descreveu-se sucintamente a cultura do tomate e as variedades utilizadas. Apresentou-se uma revisão bibliográfica para as pragas referenciadas neste país e para as potenciais, incidindo-se principalmente nos meios de protecção. Para a concretização dos objectivos propostos realizaram-se amostragens semanais nas parcelas instaladas. Identificaram-se algumas espécies anteriormente referenciadas como pragas e outras que foram observadas a infestar a cultura: Aphis sp., Brachycaudus sp., cicadelídeo, Megalurothrips sp. e Tuta absoluta. Acompanhou-se a evolução da incidência e da população de tripes, mosquinhas-brancas, lagartas, minas de larvas mineiras, afídeos e mirídeos no período de observação e analisou-se a sua distribuição vertical na planta. Identificou-se Tuta absoluta em campos de agricultores e avaliaram-se os estragos provocados por esta praga, através da realização de inquéritos por questionário aos agricultores afectados.


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RESUMO Objetivo Compreender as percepções de docentes, trabalhadores e estudantes sobre a articulação da educação interprofissional com as práticas na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método Qualitativo compreensivo e interpretativo, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada de 2012 a 2013, por meio de 18 entrevistas semiestruturadas com docentes e quatro sessões de grupos focais homogêneos com estudantes, docentes e trabalhadores da Atenção Primária. Resultados A triangulação dos resultados possibilitou a construção de duas categorias: prática colaborativa centrada no usuário e barreiras para educação interprofissional. A primeira indicou a necessidade de mudança do modelo de atenção e de formação dos profissionais de saúde, e a segunda apontou dificuldades percebidas pelos diferentes atores sociais no que se refere à implementação da educação interprofissional. Conclusão A educação interprofissional é incipiente no Brasil e sinaliza possibilidades de mudança em direção à prática colaborativa, mas requer maiores investimentos na articulação ensino-serviço.


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Evaluation of insect-pest infestation associated to potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and the accumulated amount of free aminoacids in Achat and Monalisa cultivars. The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurence of insect-pests on potato plants influenced by dosages of nitrogen and potassium accumulated in plant organs. A total of 169 plants of the Achat and Monalisa cultivars were evaluated to determine the presence-absence of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 and Agrotis ipsilon Hüfnagel, 1767. The experiment was carried out and executed at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, and the delineation was complete randomized block design, with four replication and nine treatments, using three fertilization level (0; 75 and 150 Kg/ha) with N-urea + KCl. The aminoacid levels were adjusted by the Leucine standard-curve (µg/l), using the Ninhydrin method, at 570 nm. The results showed that the tubercles of Monalisa accumulated high free aminoacid levels with 7,95% in the treatment N1K2 and 7,75% in the N2K1.These treatments, induced the infestation by D. speciosa larvae in 27,03%, when the aminoacid level was 2,01 ± 0,58% (X ± EP), with probability of 0,0196


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Fecundity and longevity of Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera, Aphididae) at different temperatures and commercial chrysanthemum cultivars (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev). The aphid A. gossypii is one of the main pests in a number of crops both under field and protected conditions. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fecundity and longevity of A. gossypii under different temperatures and commercial chrysanthemum cultivars (Yellow Snowdon, White Reagan and Dark Splendid Reagan) with different trichomes densities (11.3; 16.6 and 21.6 trichome/mm² of the leaf, respectively) The trials were carried out in climatic chambers, at four temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30 ±1 °C), 70 ± 10% RH and photophase 10h. The reproductive period significantly decreased with increase of temperature in the three cultivars. In Yellow Snowdon cultivar average duration of the reproductive period was 14.3 days at 25 °C. The maximum fecundity was obtained at the temperature of 25 ºC with 3,1; 2,8 and 3,6 nymphs/female/day in the Yellow Snowdon, White Reagan and Dark S. Reagan cultivars, respectively. The total fecundity was reduced by extreme temperatures (15 and 30 °C), and was obtained at 25 °C with 35,9 nymphs/female. Females maintained in Yellow Snowdon cultivar significantly showed superiority (30,7 nymphs/female) in total fecundity in relation to White Reagan (22,1 nymphs/female) and Dark S. Reagan (22,9 nymphs/female). The Yellow Snowdon cultivar (with a lower trichome density) had a significant influence in daily and total capacity of nymphs production, showing a higher fecundity of A. gossypii females. The aphid's longevity was affected by cultivars and temperature, and this longevity decreased whit increase of temperature. The results showed that there was an interaction between the temperature and host plant on reproductive parameters of A. gossypii.


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Analysis of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) fauna richness in natural remnants of the Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) of Descalvado, SP. A survey of the Braconidae fauna on fragmentary natural environments at northeast São Paulo State was conducted using Malaise traps installed in five sites of Área de Proteção Ambiental of Descalvado. A total of 2,262 specimens, representing 22 subfamilies and 94 genera, was sampled throughout a period of sixteen months (from May, 1999 to August, 2000). Biological data were obtained from current literature and behavior patterns of host utilization for the studied fauna, mainly Braconidae which have been successful in control of agricultural insect pests. Statistical analyses indicated that the asymptote of the genera richness has been approached using this sampling method. This is the most complete survey yet available from natural fragmentary areas of the Descalvado Braconidae fauna. Patterns of distribution and richness of the Braconidae genera were established. Cluster Analysis was adopted taking as attribute the number of Braconidae genera.


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The minute pirate bugs, Orius spp., are known as predators on several pests as thrips, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. Orius insidiosus is an important thrips predator, commercially used around the world. However, one of the main problems on biological control of thrips in temperate regions is the occurrence of reproductive diapause in Orius species. This characteristic promotes the interruption of biological control strategies when predators are exposed to short photoperiods. This research had as objective to evaluate the influence of different photoperiod conditions on eggs/nymphs and adults of O. insidiosus in laboratory. The trials were carried out through the combination of eggs/nymphs and adults reared under the photoperiods 10L:14D; 11L:13D; 12L:12D and 13L:11D, at 25±2ºC and 70±10% RH. The predators were maintained during their pre-imaginal development time under one of the photoperiods and, after being emerged as adults transferred to another photoperiod regime. The predator had a tendency to present longer development time under photoperiod 13L:11D. There was no influence of the different photoperiods conditions on the reproduction of O. insidiosus. The females laid eggs normally during all their lifetime. O. insidiosus is not sensitive to photoperiod evaluated and do not enter in reproductive diapause.