969 resultados para nonlinear I-V


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This study was undertaken to assess in conscious normotensive rats the effects of beta-adrenoceptor stimulation on plasma neuropeptide Y (NPY) levels. Wistar rats were subjected to adrenal demedullation on the right side and were either adrenalectomized or sham-operated on the left side. Eleven days later, the conscious rats were infused i.v. for 30 min with either isoproterenol (10 ng/min) or its vehicle. Plasma NPY levels were significantly lower (23.8 +/- 2.6 pM, means +/- S.E.M., n = 12, P < 0.01) in vehicle-treated medullectomized rats than in corresponding sham-operated controls (36.7 +/- 4.1 pM, n = 12). The medullectomized rats infused with isoproterenol showed plasma NPY levels (36.7 +/- 3.3 pM, n = 11) comparable to those of sham-operated rats having received the vehicle. These data therefore demonstrate that plasma NPY levels are lower in rats without adrenal medulla and that in these animals isoproterenol increases NPY release, most likely by activating pre-synaptic beta-adrenoceptors.


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The photoproduction of η′η′-mesons off different nuclei has been measured with the CBELSA/TAPS detector system for incident photon energies between 15002200 MeV. The transparency ratio has been deduced and compared to theoretical calculations describing the propagation of η′η′-mesons in nuclei. The comparison indicates a width of the η′η′-meson of the order of Γ=1525 MeVΓ=1525 MeV at ρ=ρ0ρ=ρ0 for an average momentum pη′=1050 MeV/cpη′=1050 MeV/c, at which the η′η′-meson is produced in the nuclear rest frame. The inelastic η′Nη′N cross section is estimated to be 310 mb. Parameterizing the photoproduction cross section of η′η′-mesons by σ(A)=σ0Aασ(A)=σ0Aα, a value of α=0.84±0.03α=0.84±0.03 has been deduced.


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Introduction: Le glucose est le principal substrat énergétique cérébral. Sa concentration dans le cerveau est étroitement liée à la glycémie. Chez le patient neurolésé, du fait de l'augmentation des besoins énergétiques, les réserves cérébrales de glucose sont limitées. Une glycémie suffisamment élevée paraît nécessaire pour assurer un apport adéquat de glucose au cerveau. Objectifs : Le but de cette étude est de mieux comprendre la relation entre glucose cérébral et glycémie lors de lésion cérébrale en analysant la physiologie cérébrale chez des patients neurolésés. Plus précisément nous investiguerons: La relation entre le glucose cérébral et le glucose systémique et son association avec le pronostic vital, l'association entre la neuroglucopénie et différents paramètres cérébraux tel que l'hypertension intracrânienne (HTIC) ou la dysfonction énergétique et finalement l'effet d'une perfusion de glucose 10% sur le glucose cérébral lors d'état de neuroglucopénie. Méthodologie : Analyse d'une base de données prospective comportant des patients souffrant d'un traumatisme crânio-cérébral (TCC) ou une hémorragie sous- arachnoïdienne (HSA) sévères. Les patients comateux sont monitorés par un dispositif intra-parenchymateux avancé, comprenant un cathéter de microdialyse cérébrale et un capteur de PbO2. Résultats : 34 patients consécutifs (moyenne d'âge 42 ans, moyenne de temps jusqu'au début du monitoring : 1.5 jours ± 1 ; moyenne de la durée maximale du monitoring : 6 jours ± 3) ont été étudiés, 25 patients souffrant d'un TCC et 9 patients avec une HSA. Nous avons obtenu une corrélation individuelle entre le glucose cérébral et la glycémie chez 52.9 % des patients. Lorsque la glycémie est inférieure à 5 mmol/l, on observe plus fréquemment des épisodes de neuroglucopénie en comparaison aux valeurs intermédiaires de glycémie (5 - 9.9 mmol/l). Les épisodes d'HTIC (pression intracrânienne (PIC) > 20 mmHg) sont plus fréquemment associés à des épisodes de neuroglucopénie que lorsque la pression intracrânienne est normale 75 % vs. 35%. La dysfonction énergétique est plus souvent associés à des épisodes de neuroglucopénie que lorsque le LPR est normal: 55% contre 36%. Un coefficient de corrélation entre glucose cérébral et glycémie significativement plus élevé a été obtenu chez les survivants que chez les non-survivants (0.1 [interquartile range 0.02- 0.3] contre 0.32 [0.17-0.61]). Chez les patients neuroglucopéniques ayant une corrélation entre glucose cérébral et glycémie, la perfusion de glucose i.v. fait monter le glucose cérébral jusqu'à l'arrêt de la perfusion. Conclusion : Malgré une étroite relation entre glycémie et glucose cérébral en conditions stables, cette relation peut être altérée par des causes cérébrales chez les patients neurolésés montrant que la diminution de la disponibilité du glucose extracellulaire ne résulte pas uniquement d'une hypoglycémie relative mais également de causes cérébrales tel que l'hypoperfusion, l'HTIC ou la dysfonction énergétique.


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Background and Aims: The three anti-TNF agents infliximab (IFX), adalimumab (ADA) andcertolizumab pegol (CZP) have demonstrated similar efficacy in induction and maintenanceof response and remission in Crohn's disease (CD) treatment. Given the comparability ofthese drugs, patient's preferences may influence the choice of the product. However, dataon patient's preferences for choosing anti-TNF agents are lacking. We therefore aimed toassess the CD patient's appraisal to select the drug of his choice and to identify factorsguiding this decision.Methods: A prospective survey among anti-TNF-naive CD patientswas performed. Patients were provided a description of the three anti-TNF agents focusingon indication, application mode (s.c. vs. i.v.), application time intervals, setting of application(hospital vs. private practice vs. patient's home), average time to apply the medication permonth, typical side effects, and the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety available for everydrug. Patients answered a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions, covering demographic,disease-specific, and medication data.Results: Hundred patients (47f/53m, mean age 45±16years) completed the questionnaire. Disease duration was <1year in 7%, 1-5 years in 31%,and >5 years in 62% of patients. Disease location was ileal in 33%, colonic in 40%, andileocolonic in 27%. Disease phenotype was inflammatory in 68%, stenosing in 29%, andinternally fistulizing in 3% of patients. Additionally, 20% had perianal fistulizing disease.Patients were already treated with the following drugs: mesalamines 61%, budesonide 44%,prednisone 97%, thiopurines 78%, methotrexate 16%. In total, 30% had already heardabout IFX, 20% about ADA, and 11% about CZP. Thirty-six percent voted for treatmentwith ADA, 28% for CZP, and 25% for IFX, whereas 11% were undecided. The followingfactors influenced the patient's decision for choosing a specific anti-TNF drug (severalanswers possible): side effects 76%, physician's recommendation 66%, application mode54%, efficacy experience 52%, time to spend for therapy 27%, patient's recommendations21%, interactions with other medications 12%. The single most important factor for choosinga specific anti-TNF was (1 answer): side effect profile 35%, physician's recommendation22%, efficacy experience 21%, application mode 13%, patient's recommendations 5%, timespent for therapy 3%, interaction with other medications 1%.Conclusions: The majority ofpatients preferred anti-TNF syringes to infusions. The safety profile of the drugs and thephysician's recommendation are major factors influencing the patient's choice for a specificanti-TNF drug. Patient's issues about safety and lifestyle habits should be taken into accountwhen prescribing specific anti-TNF formulations.


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Background and Objectives: Precursor lesions of oesophagus adenocarcinoma constitute a clinical dilemma. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective treatment for this indication, but it is difficult to optimise without an appropriate animal model. For this reason, we assessed the sheep model for PDT in the oesophagus with the photosensitiser meta-(tetra-hydroxyphenyl) chlorin (mTHPC). Materials and Methods: Twelve sheep underwent intravenous mTHPC injection, blood sampling and fluorescence measurements. mTHPC's pharmacokinetics was measured in vivo and in plasma by fluorescence spectroscopy. Biopsies of sheep oesophagus were compared to corresponding human tissue, and the mTHPC's biodistribution was studied under fluorescence microscopy. Finally, the sheep oesophageal mucosa was irradiated, 4 days after mTHPC's injection. Results: Histologically, the sheep and human oesophagus were closely comparable, with the exception of additional fatty tissue in the sheep oesophagus. mTHPC's pharmacokinetics in sheep and human plasmas were similar, with a maximum of concentration in the sheep 10 hours after i.v. injection. mTHPC's pharmacokinetics in vivo reached its maximum after 30-50 hours, then decreased to background levels, as in humans under similar conditions. Two days after injection, mTHPC was mainly distributed in the lamina propria, followed by a penetration into the epithelium. The sheep and human tissue sensitivity to mTHPC PDT was similar. Conclusion: In conclusion, this model showed many similarities with humans as to mTHPC's plasma and tissue pharmacokinetics, and for tissue PDT response, making it suitable to optimise oesophagus PDT. Lasers Surg. Med. 41:643-652,2009. (C) 2009Wiley-Liss,Inc.


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BACKGROUND: MDL 100,240 (pyrido[2,1-a] [2]benzazepine-4-carboxylic acid,7-[[2-(acetylthio)-1-oxo-3-phenylpropyl]amino]-1,2,3,4,6,7,8, 12b-octahydro-6-oxo, [4S-[4alpha,7alpha(R(*)),12bbeta]]-) is a molecule possessing an inhibiting ability on both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase, the enzyme responsible for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) degradation. Such a dual mechanism of action presents a potential clinical interest for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the bioavailability of MDL 100,240 and its accumulation over repeated oral administration, using ACE inhibition as a surrogate for plasma drug level and determining its profile after oral and i.v. administration. METHODS: First, in an open, one-period, single-dose study, the ACE inhibition profile was characterised following a 12.5 mg MDL 100,240 i.v. infusion. Second, in a three-group, parallel, randomised, double-blind study, each group of four subjects received q.d., over 8 days, 2.5, 10 or 20 mg of MDL 100,240 orally. The ACE inhibition profile was determined on day 1 and day 8. Trough plasma ACE was measured on days 2, 3 and 4. The recovery of ACE activity was monitored up to 72 h after the last dose of MDL 100,240. RESULTS: ACE inhibition profile was similar on day 1 and day 8, and trough inhibition remained unchanged after the 8 days of treatment with 10 mg or 20 mg. Following repeated 2.5-mg ingestion, trough inhibition increased from 33% to 44% after the eighth dose. The oral bioavailability of MDL 100,240 was estimated at 85%, not statistically different from 100%. The accumulation ratio at steady state was estimated at 112%. Expressing the accumulation ratio in terms of half-life, a t(1/2) of 0.31 days or 7. 5 h was estimated. CONCLUSION: MDL 100,240 (oral solution) has a good bioavailability, as estimated by ACE inhibition, and no drug accumulation seems to occur over 8 days with the 10-mg and 20-mg doses, but a slight rise in the trough level is observed with the 2. 5-mg dose.


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Se realizó un estudio de seguimiento de un año de duración a un gmpo de 50 pacientes alcohólicos crónicos en régimen de abstinencia completa. Se practicaron tres tipos de potenciales evocados, auditivos de tronco cerebral (PEATC), visuales en la modalidad de pattern (PEVP) y auditivos de latencia larga (LAEPs). Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la posible reversibilidad de las alteraciones provocadas por el consumo crónico de alcohol en el sistema nervioso. Al mes de abstinencia los alcohólicos presentaron alteraciones en diversos parametros de PES. Al año de abstinencia se mantuvieron alterados P3 y NI-P2 de LAEPs, y 111-V y I-V de PEATC, mientrasse normalizaron PI00 de PEVP y N2 de LAEPs. Durante este primer aiio se produjo una recuperación parcial de las alteraciones funcionales provocadas por el consumo crónico de alcohol, dependiendo el grado de recuperación del sistema neural explorado.


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Acute normocapnic hypoxemia can cause functional renal insufficiency by increasing renal vascular resistance (RVR), leading to renal hypoperfusion and decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) activity is low in fetuses and newborns and further decreases during hypoxia. IGF-1 administration to humans and adult animals induces pre- and postglomerular vasodilation, thereby increasing GFR and renal blood flow (RBF). A potential protective effect of IGF-1 on renal function was evaluated in newborn rabbits with hypoxemia-induced renal insufficiency. Renal function and hemodynamic parameters were assessed in 17 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated newborn rabbits. After hypoxemia stabilization, saline solution (time control) or IGF-1 (1 mg/kg) was given as an intravenous (i.v.) bolus, and renal function was determined for six 30-min periods. Normocapnic hypoxemia significantly increased RVR (+16%), leading to decreased GFR (-14%), RBF (-19%) and diuresis (-12%), with an increased filtration fraction (FF). Saline solution resulted in a worsening of parameters affected by hypoxemia. Contrarily, although mean blood pressure decreased slightly but significantly, IGF-1 prevented a further increase in RVR, with subsequent improvement of GFR, RBF and diuresis. FF indicated relative postglomerular vasodilation. Although hypoxemia-induced acute renal failure was not completely prevented, IGF-1 elicited efferent vasodilation, thereby precluding a further decline in renal function.


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PURPOSE: A misleading blood tacrolimus concentration (BTC) value caused by the contamination of a central venous catheter previously used for tacrolimus administration is described. SUMMARY: A 59-year-old woman with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease successfully underwent double lung transplantation. In the intensive care unit, she received a continuous i.v. infusion of tacrolimus from days 1 to 5 after transplantation through the distal lumen of a polyurethane triple-lumen central venous catheter. The catheter lumen was flushed twice a day with 0.9% sodium chloride injection. The proximal lumen was used for blood sampling after being flushed; the first 10 mL of blood was discarded. BTCs determined in whole blood one, four, and five days after transplantation were within the therapeutic range of 5-15 ng/mL. On day five the patient was transferred to the thoracic surgery ward and was switched to oral tacrolimus 1.5 mg twice daily. The BTC on day 6 was unexpectedly high at 134.5 ng/mL. The patient's clinical status was normal, and no signs of tacrolimus toxicity were observed. On day 7, blood samples were drawn from a peripheral vein and simultaneously through the central venous catheter. Although the central venous catheter had not been exposed to tacrolimus during the preceding two days, it yielded blood with a BTC eight times higher than the BTC in blood from the peripheral vein (41.4 ng/mL versus 5.1 ng/mL). CONCLUSION: The collection of blood from a central venous catheter lumen that had been used for tacrolimus administration resulted in a BTC about eight times higher than what was measured in peripheral blood.


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OBJECTIVES: Etravirine (ETV) is a novel nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) with reduced cross-resistance to first-generation NNRTIs, which has been primarily studied in randomized clinical trials and not in routine clinical settings. METHODS: ETV resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) were investigated by analysing 6072 genotypic tests. The antiviral activity of ETV was predicted using different interpretation systems: International AIDS Society-USA (IAS-USA), Stanford, Rega and Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida et les hépatites virales (ANRS). RESULTS: The prevalence of ETV RAMs was higher in NNRTI-exposed patients [44.9%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 41.0-48.9%] than in treatment-naïve patients (9.6%, 95% CI 8.5-10.7%). ETV RAMs in treatment-naïve patients mainly represent polymorphism, as prevalence estimates in genotypic tests for treatment-naïve patients with documented recent (<1 year) infection, who had acquired HIV before the introduction of NNRTIs, were almost identical (9.8%, 95% CI 3.3-21.4). Discontinuation of NNRTI treatment led to a marked drop in the detection of ETV RAMs, from 51.7% (95% CI 40.8-62.6%) to 34.5% (95% CI 24.6-45.4%, P=0.032). Differences in prevalence among subtypes were found for V90I and V179T (P<0.001). Estimates of restricted virological response to ETV varied among algorithms in patients with exposure to efavirenz (EFV)/nevirapine (NVP), ranging from 3.8% (95% CI 2.5-5.6%) for ANRS to 56.2% (95% CI 52.2-60.1%) for Stanford. The predicted activity of ETV decreased as the sensitivity of potential optimized background regimens decreased. The presence of major IAS-USA mutations (L100I, K101E/H/P and Y181C/I/V) reduced the treatment response at week 24. CONCLUSIONS: Most ETV RAMs in drug-naïve patients are polymorphisms rather than transmitted RAMs. Uncertainty regarding predictions of antiviral activity for ETV in NNRTI-treated patients remains high. The lowest activity was predicted for patients harbouring extensive multidrug-resistant viruses, thus limiting ETV use in those who are most in need.


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The major problems associated with the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of ocular diseases are their poor intraocular penetration to the posterior segment when administered locally and their secondary side effects when given systemically. To circumvent these problems more efficient methods and techniques of local delivery are being developed. The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the pharmacokinetics of intraocular penetration of hemisuccinate methyl prednisolone (HMP) after its delivery using the transscleral Coulomb controlled iontophoresis (CCI) system applied to the eye or after intravenous (i.v.) injection in the rabbit, (2) to test the safety of the CCI system for the treated eyes and (3) to compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of HMP intraocular distribution after CCI delivery to i.v. injection. For each parameter evaluated, six rabbit eyes were used. For the CCI system, two concentrations of HMP (62.5 and 150mg ml(-1)), various intensities of current and duration of treatment were analyzed. In rabbits serving as controls the HMP was infused in the CCI device but without applied electric current. For the i.v. delivery, HMP at 10mg kg(-1)as a 62.5mg ml(-1)solution was used. The rabbits were observed clinically for evidence of ocular toxicity. At various time points after the administration of drug, rabbits were killed and intraocular fluids and tissues were sampled for methylprednisolone (MP) concentrations by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Histology examinations were performed on six eyes of each group. Among groups that received CCI, the concentrations of MP increased in all ocular tissues and fluids in relation to the intensities of current used (0.4, 1.0 and 2.0mA/0.5cm(2)) and its duration (4 and 10min). Sustained and highest levels of MP were achieved in the choroid and the retina of rabbit eyes treated with the highest current and 10min duration of CCI. No clinical toxicity or histological lesions were observed following CCI. Negligible amounts of MP were found in ocular tissues in the CCI control group without application of current. Compared to i.v. administration, CCI achieved higher and more sustained tissue concentrations with negligible systemic absorption. These data demonstrate that high levels of MP can be safely achieved in intraocular tissues and fluids of the rabbit eye, using CCI. With this system, intraocular tissues levels of MP are higher than those achieved after i.v. injection. Furthermore, if needed, the drug levels achieved with CCI can be modulated as a function of current intensity and duration of treatment. CCI could therefore be used as an alternative method for the delivery of high levels of MP to the intraocular tissues of both the anterior and posterior segments.


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We investigated in conscious normotensive rats the effect of SKF64139 (2 mg i.v.), a potent phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) inhibitor, on blood pressure responses to norepinephrine (40, 80, and 160 ng i.v.); methoxamine (2.5, 5 and 10 micrograms i.v.), a directly active sympathomimetic agent that is not taken up by adrenergic nerves; and tyramine (20, 40, and 80 micrograms i.v.), an indirectly acting sympathomimetic amine. The pressor effect of norepinephrine was not changed by 2 mg of SKF64139, while those of methoxamine and tyramine were significantly reduced. The dose-response curve to exogenous norepinephrine was also evaluated following blockade of norepinephrine uptake in the nerve endings using 0.25 mg desipramine i.v. This dose of desipramine had no effect on blood pressure increase induced by methoxamine. In rats pretreated with the neuronal uptake inhibitor desipramine in a dose that did not affect alpha-adrenoceptors, SKF64139 significantly decreased the pressor responses to norepinephrine. Increasing the dose of SKF64139 to 8 mg i.v. resulted in a significant fall in base-line blood pressure and in a blunted blood pressure response to norepinephrine. These data demonstrate that in vivo the PNMT inhibitor SKF64139 blocks alpha-adrenoceptors and inhibits neuronal uptake. The alpha-adrenoceptor blocking properties of SKF65139 are masked by simultaneous blockade of norepinephrine uptake when agonists with affinity for the uptake system are used. These findings need to be taken into account when interpreting cardiovascular effects of the PNMT inhibitor SKF64139.


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Goal: To validate oral vatgancictovir (VGC) in the prophylaxis of CMV infection in Lung (Lu) and Liver (L) recipients and in the treatment of CMV infection/disease in solid organ transplant recipients, using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies in comparison with i/v gancicLovir (GCV). Methods: patients undergoing organ transpLantation donor or recipient CMV-seropositive receiving VGC prophylaxis for a period of 3 months (D+/R- Lung recipients, 6 months) were enroLLed. Heart (H), Lu, and L recipients received 900mg VGC q.d., adjusted to kidney (K) function. No K recipients received more than 450mg of VGC q.d. GCV trough (Ctrough) and peak (Cpeak = 3 hours after drug administration) LeveLs, and CMV DNA were measured at 7, 30, and 60 days post-transpLant (prophyLactic study). Patients who developed CMV infection/disease after stopping prophylaxis were treated with VGC (1800mg per day adjusted to K function and GCV blood LeveLs). GCV trough and peak LeveLs, and CMV DNA were measured weekly for the first 3 weeks and biweekly thereafter, until therapy cessation (therapeutic study). PLasma concentration of GCV is measured by HPLC. Results: In the first 8 prophyLaxed patients (6 K, and 1 L and 1 H transplant recipient) of 450mg VGC q.d., the average GCV concentration was 0.5±0.3 mg/t at trough, and 3.9±l.0mg/t 3 hours after administration. Inter-patient variability was substantiaL, especiaLLy for Ctrough (63% of total variance), which correlated with the patient's estimated gtomerutar filtration rate (r square = 42%). No CMV DNA was detected during VGC prophy- Laxis. Two patients (1 H and 1 L) were treated for Late CMV disease. Average GCV Cpeak were 8.9±2.3 mg/L and 4.6±0.5 rag/L, and GCV Ctrough were 2.0±0.9 mg/t and 1.6±0.2 mg/t respectively in each patient during induction phase. VGC treatment afforded a decrease in CMV DNA from 5.2 and 4.4 Log copies/10E6 cettutes at week 0, to 3.9 and 3.0 at week 1, and 3.3 and 2.1 at week 3, respectively.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of propranolol administered either by i.v. infusion or by prolonged oral administration (4 days) during the first 3 weeks following burns. The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of 10 non-infected fasting burned patients (TBSA: 28 per cent, range 18-37 per cent) was determined four times consecutively by indirect calorimetry (open circuit hood system) following: (1) i.v. physiological saline; (2) i.v. propranolol infusion (2 micrograms/kg/min following a bolus of 80 micrograms/kg); (3) oral propranolol (40 mg q.i.d. during 4 +/- 1 days); and (4) in control patients. All patients showed large increases in both RMR (144 +/- 2 per cent of reference values) and in urinary catecholamine excretion (three to four times as compared to control values). The infusion of propranolol induced a significant decrease in RMR to 135 +/- 2 per cent and oral propranolol to 129 +/- 3 per cent of reference values. A decrease in lipid oxidation but no change in carbohydrate and protein oxidation were observed during propranolol administration. It is concluded that the decrease in RMR induced by propranolol was not influenced by the route of administration. The magnitude of the decrease in energy expenditure suggests that beta-adrenergic hyperactivity represents only one of the mediators of the hypermetabolic response to burn injury.


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BACKGROUND: Data suggest that esomeprazole decreases gastric secretion. AIMS: To assess the effect of a single i.v. esomeprazole dose on gastric secretion volume 3 h after drug administration, as a primary endpoint, and to evaluate, as secondary endpoints, the reduction 1 and 5 h after dosing; time when the gastric pH was <2.5 and esomeprazole's safety. METHODS: In all, 23 healthy Helicobacter pylori-negative volunteers (10 men, 13 women, mean age 28.2 +/- 6) participated in this single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-way, single-dose cross-over study. In different sessions, volunteers received i.v. either esomeprazole 40 mg or placebo. An inserted double-lumen nasogastric tube perfused and aspirated gastric liquid. Mechanical fractioned aspiration measured secretion volume; aliquot spectrophotometry assessed gastric secretion volume lost to the duodenum. RESULTS: Three hours post-i.v. esomeprazole, average gastric secretion decreased by 77.6% (vs. baseline) compared to placebo. Values 1 and 5 h after dosing were 73.5% and 74.5%. Five hours after esomeprazole, the gastric pH was <2.5 3.9% of the time and 73.3% after placebo (P < 0.002). Esomeprazole was well-tolerated. No serious adverse events occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous esomeprazole decreases gastric secretions. The potential clinical impact in averting bronchoaspiration during anaesthesia induction and in intensive care patients should be investigated in further studies.