999 resultados para moment closure approximation


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To save finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) computing time, several methods are proposed to convert the time domain FDTD output into frequency domain. The Padé approximation with Baker's algorithm and the program are introduced to simulate photonic crystal structures. For a simple pole system with frequency 160THz and quality factor of 5000,the intensity spectrum obtained by the Padé approximation from a 28-item sequence output is more exact than that obtained by fast Fourier transformation from a 220-item sequence output. The mode frequencies and quality factors are calculated at different wave vectors for the photonic crystal slab from a much shorter FDTD output than that required by the FFT method,and then the band diagrams are obatined. In addition,mode frequencies and Q-factors are calculated for photonic crystal microcavity.


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A novel and accurate finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations on unstructured grid in plane geometry. In addition to the volume integrated average (VIA moment) for each mesh cell, the point values (PV moment) defined on cell boundary are also treated as the model variables. The volume integrated average is updated via a finite volume formulation, and thus is numerically conserved, while the point value is computed by a point-wise Riemann solver. The cell-wise local interpolation reconstruction is built based on both the VIA and the PV moments, which results in a scheme of almost third order accuracy. Efforts have also been made to formulate the source term of the bottom topography in a way to balance the numerical flux function to satisfy the so-called C-property. The proposed numerical model is validated by numerical tests in comparison with other methods reported in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel accurate numerical model for shallow water equations on sphere have been developed by implementing the high order multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method on the icosahedral geodesic grid. High order reconstructions are conducted cell-wisely by making use of the point values as the unknowns distributed within each triangular cell element. The time evolution equations to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constrained conditions for two types of moments, i.e. the point values on the cell boundary edges and the cell-integrated average. The numerical conservation is rigorously guaranteed. in the present model, all unknowns or computational variables are point values and no numerical quadrature is involved, which particularly benefits the computational accuracy and efficiency in handling the spherical geometry, such as coordinate transformation and curved surface. Numerical formulations of third and fourth order accuracy are presented in detail. The proposed numerical model has been validated by widely used benchmark tests and competitive results are obtained. The present numerical framework provides a promising and practical base for further development of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The properties of nuclei belonging to the alpha-decay chain of superheavy element (295)118 have been studied in the framework of axially deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) theory with the parameter set of NL-Z2 in the blocked BCS approximation. Some ground state properties such as binding energies, deformations, and alpha-decay energies Q(alpha) have been obtained and agree well with those from finite-range droplet model (FRDM). The single-particle spectra of nuclei in (295)118 alpha-decay chain show that the shell gaps present obviously nucleon number dependence. The root-mean-square (rms) radii of proton, neutron and matter distributions change slowly from (283)112 to (295)118 but dramatically from (279)110 to (283)112, which may be due to the subshell closure at Z = 110 in (279)110. The alpha-decay half-lives in (295)118 decay chain are evaluated by employing the cluster model and the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM), and the overall agreement is found when they are compared with the known experimental data. The alpha-decay lifetimes obtained from the cluster model are slightly larger than those of GLDM ones. Finally, we predict the alpha-decay half-lives of Z = 118, 116, 114, 112 isotopes using the cluster model and GLDM, which also indicate these two models can corroborate each other in studies on superheavy nuclei. The results from GLDM are always lower than those obtained from the cluster model.


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The isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR) in nuclei is studied in the framework of a fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA). In this method the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single particle Green's function technique. The negative energy states in the Dirac sea are also included in the single particle Green's function in the no-sea approximation. The single particle Green's function is calculated numerically by a proper product of the regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation. The strength distributions in the RCRPA calculations, the inverse energy-weighted sum rule m(-1) and the centroid energy of the ISGMR in Sn-120 and Pb-208 are analysed. Numerical results of the RCRPA are checked with the constrained relativistic mean field model and relativistic random phase approximation with a discretized spectrum in the continuum. Good agreement between them is achieved.


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In this article we perform systematic calculations on low-lying states of 33 nuclei with A=202-212, using the nucleon pair approximation of the shell model. We use a phenomenological shell-model Hamiltonian that includes single-particle energies, monopole and quadrupole pairing interactions, and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. The building blocks of our model space include one J=4 valence neutron pair, and one J=4,6,8 valence proton pair, in addition to the usual S and D pairs. We calculate binding energies, excitation energies, electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of low-lying states, and E2 transition rates between low-lying states. Our calculated results are reasonably consistent with available experimental data. The calculated quadrupole moments and magnetic moments, many of which have not yet been measured for these nuclei, are useful for future experimental measurements.


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The real-space recursion method and unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation have been applied to calculate the density of states of various Co perovskite, CeCoO3, SrCoO3 and Sr1-xCexCoO3. We have studied the magnetically ordered states of these Co perovskites in an enlarged double cell, and find its various magnetic structures due to the occupancy of 3d band and its interaction with neighboring Co ions. In this study, we have studied the p-d hybridization of the three Co perovskites, we find t(2g) electrons are localized and the flat e(g) band is responsible for the itinerant behavior, and although the rare earth elements itself contribute little to the DOS at the Fermi energy, the DOS at Fermi energy and the magnetic moment changed consequently because of different valence of Co ions in these compounds and p-d hybridization effect is very important. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Baryon magnetic moments of p, n, Sigma(+), Sigma(-), Xi(0), Xi(-) and the beta decay ratios (G(A)/G(V)) of n -> p, Sigma(-) -> n and Xi(0) -> Sigma(+) are calculated in a colored quark cluster model. With SU(3) breaking, the model gives a good fit to the experimental values of those baryon magnetic moments and the beta decay ratios. Our results show that the orbital motion has a significant contribution to the spin and magnetic moments of those baryons and the strange component. in nucleon is small.


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A fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA) is constructed, where the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single-particle Green's function technique. The full consistency of the calculations is achieved that the same effective Lagrangian is adopted for the ground state and the excited states. The negative energy states in the Dirac sea are also included in the single-particle Green's function in the no-sea approximation. The currents from the vector meson and photon exchanges and the Coulomb interaction in RCRPA are treated exactly. The spin-orbit interaction is included naturally in the relativistic frame. Numerical results of the RCRPA are checked with the constrained relativistic mean-field theory. We study the effects of the inconsistency, particularly the currents and Coulomb interaction in various collective multipole excitations.


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The fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA) has been constructed in the momentum representation in the first part of this paper. In this part we describe the numerical details for solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The numerical results are checked by the inverse energy weighted sum rules in the isoscalar giant monopole resonance, which are obtained from the constraint relativistic mean field theory and also calculated with the integration of the RCRPA strengths. Good agreement between the misachieved. We study the effects of the self-consistency violation, particularly the currents and Coulomb interaction to various collective multipole excitations. Using the fully consistent RCRPA method, we investigate the properties of isoscalar and isovector collective multipole excitations for some stable and exotic from light to heavy nuclei. The properties of the resonances, such as the centroid energies and strength distributions are compared with the experimental data as well as with results calculated in other models.