987 resultados para mir-128a
Entrevista a Eduard Bonet i Guinó
Entrevista a Carles Cuadras Avellana
Entrevista a Josep Carreras Barnés
Article sobre el perfil dels estudiants de la Universitat de Girona a l' inici de la seva creació
L'ensenyament de les matemàtiques i les ciències segons Baldiri Reixac. Baldiri Reixac enfoca l'ensenyament de les ciéncies i de les matemátiques sota l'óptica de l'experiència quotidiana. Vol relacionar l'explicació, freqüentmenc abstracta per la naturalesa propia del tema que exposa, amb les coses que els nois veuen, coneixen, senten i amb les que viuen
Entrevista en Ramon Carbó-Dorca sobre la semblança molecular quantica
Entrevista a Emili Ros Rahola, gastroenteròleg gironí
Entrevista a Enric Canadell, fisicoquímic gironí
Entrevista en Lluís Oliver, químic gironí
End-stage renal diseases (ESRD) are becoming more frequent in HIV-infected patients. In Europe there is little information about HIV-infected patients on dialysis. A cross-sectional multicenter survey in 328 Spanish dialysis units was conducted in 2006. Information from 14,876 patients in dialysis was obtained (81.6% of the Spanish dialysis population). Eighty-one were HIV infected (0.54%; 95% CI, 0.43-0.67), 60 were on hemodialysis, and 21 were on peritoneal dialysis. The mean (range) age was 45 (28-73) years. Seventy-two percent were men and 33% were former drug users. The mean (range) time of HIV infection was 11 (1-27) years and time on dialysis was 4.6 (0.4-25) years. ESRD was due to glomerulonephritis (36%) and diabetes (15%). HIV-associated nephropathy was not reported. Eighty-five percent were on HAART, 76.5% had a CD4 T cell count above 200 cells, and 73% had undetectable viral load. Thirty-nine percent of patients met criteria for inclusion on the renal transplant (RT) waiting list but only 12% were included. Sixty-one percent had HCV coinfection. HCV-coinfected patients had a longer history of HIV, more previous AIDS events, parenteral transmission as the most common risk factor for acquiring HIV infection, and less access to the RT waiting list (p < 0.05). The prevalence of HIV infection in Spanish dialysis units in 2006 was 0.54% HCV coinfection was very frequent (61%) and the percentage of patients included on the Spanish RT waiting list was low (12%).
Publicado en la Sección Quiz de la revista.
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are characterized by a high expression of IL-2 receptor α chain (CD25) and of forkhead box P3 (FOXP3), the latter being essential for their development and function. Another major player in the regulatory function is the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated molecule-4 (CTLA-4) that inhibits cytotoxic responses. However, the regulation of CTLA-4 expression remains less well explored. We therefore studied the microRNA signature of circulating CD4(+) Tregs isolated from adult healthy donors and identified a signature composed of 15 differentially expressed microRNAs. Among those, miR-24, miR-145, and miR-210 were down-regulated in Tregs compared with controls and were found to have potential target sites in the 3'-UTR of FOXP3 and CTLA-4; miR-24 and miR-210 negatively regulated FOXP3 expression by directly binding to their two target sites in its 3'-UTR. On the other hand, miR-95, which is highly expressed in adult peripheral blood Tregs, positively regulated FOXP3 expression via an indirect mechanism yet to be identified. Finally, we showed that miR-145 negatively regulated CTLA-4 expression in human CD4(+) adult peripheral blood Tregs by binding to its target site in CTLA-4 transcript 3'-UTR. To our knowledge, this is the first identification of a human adult peripheral blood CD4(+) Treg microRNA signature. Moreover, unveiling one mechanism regulating CTLA-4 expression is novel and may lead to a better understanding of the regulation of this crucial gene.
L’objectiu del projecte és la construcció d’una nau industrial al terme municipal de Gualta,Baix Empordà (Girona), amb la finalitat de conservar i comercialitzar fruita dolça ( poma i pera). La nau disposarà de tres cambres d’atmosfera controlada, la capacitat de les quals serà de tres-centes tones de fruita l’any. L’edifici, de 1.000 m2, s’utilitzarà per emmagatzemar, manipular i comercialitzar la fruita però també hi haurà una part important de l’edifici destinat a ser utilitzat com a magatzem de les eines del camp i de diferents productes fitosanitaris i adobs
Pregnancy and obesity are frequently associated with diminished insulin sensitivity, which is normally compensated for by an expansion of the functional β cell mass that prevents chronic hyperglycemia and development of diabetes mellitus. The molecular basis underlying compensatory β cell mass expansion is largely unknown. We found in rodents that β cell mass expansion during pregnancy and obesity is associated with changes in the expression of several islet microRNAs, including miR-338-3p. In isolated pancreatic islets, we recapitulated the decreased miR-338-3p level observed in gestation and obesity by activating the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor GPR30 and the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) receptor. Blockade of miR-338-3p in β cells using specific anti-miR molecules mimicked gene expression changes occurring during β cell mass expansion and resulted in increased proliferation and improved survival both in vitro and in vivo. These findings point to a major role for miR-338-3p in compensatory β cell mass expansion occurring under different insulin resistance states.