758 resultados para media and television


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This thesis provides a reading of the different forms of representation that can be attributed to the character Tashi, the protagonist of the novel Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992), written by the African American writer Alice Walker. Before this work Tashi had already appeared in two previous novels by Walker, first, in The Color Purple (1982) and then, as a mention, in The Temple of My Familiar (1989). With Tashi, the author introduces the issue of female circumcision, a ritual Tashi submits herself to at the beginning of her adult life. The focus of observation lies in the ways in which the author’s anger is transformed into a means of creative representation. Walker uses her novel Possessing the Secret of Joy openly as a political instrument so that the expression “female mutilation” (term used by the author) receives ample attention from the media and critics in general. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate to what extent Walker’s social engagement contributes to the development of her work and to what extent it undermines it. For the analysis of the different issues related to “female genital cutting”, the term I use in this thesis, the works of feminist critics and writers such as Ellen Gruenbaum, Lightfoot-Klein, Nancy Hartsock, Linda Nicholson, Efrat Tseëlon and the Egyptian writer and doctor Nawal El Saadawi will be consulted. I hope that this thesis can contribute as an observation about Alice Walker’s use of her social engagement in the creation of her fictional world.


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The impact of digitization was felt before it could be described and explained. The Mapping Digital Media project is a way of catching up, an ambitious attempt at depicting and understanding the progress and effects of digitization on media and communications systems across the world. The publication of over 50 country reports provides the most comprehensive picture to date on the changes undergone by journalism, news production, and the media as a result of the transition of broadcasting from analog to digital and the advent of the internet. These extensive reports, all sharing the same structure, cover issues such as media consumption, public media, changes in journalism, digital activism, new regulation, and business models. Reports have been published from nine Latin American countries: Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. Given the recent evolution of Brazil’s media landscape and regulation, and its position as a regional reference, few reports have generated as much expectation as the Brazilian one. This excellent text is key to understanding digitization in Brazil, in Latin America, and in the world at large.


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This paper uses a unique dataset of political corruption, constructed from municipal audit reports obtained from Brazil’s randomized anti-corruption program, to test whether reelection incentives affect the level of rent extraction of incumbent politicians. In order to identify reelection incentives, we use the existence of a term limit in Brazil’s municipal elections. We find that in municipalities where mayors are in their second and final term, there is significantly more corruption compared to similar municipalities where mayors are in their first-term. In particular, in municipalities with second-term mayors there is, on average, R$188,431 more diversion of resources and the incidence of irregularities is 23% higher. We also find more pronounced effects where the costs of rent-extraction are lower (municipalities without media and judicial presence), and the density of pivotal voters is higher (more political competition). Finally, we show that first-term mayors, while less corrupt, have a larger incidence of poor administration suggesting that there may exist a trade-off between corruption and quality in public good provision.


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The acronym BRICS was a fad among the media and global investors. Now, the acronym sounds passé. However, the group of countries remains important, from both political and economic reasons. They have a large aggregate size, 28% of the global GDP and 42% of the world’s population, high growth potential due to the current significant misallocation of resources and relatively low stock of human capital, structural transformation is in progress and one of them, China, is taking steps to become a global power and a challenger to the US dominance. This paper provides a brief overview of the five economies, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. We focus on some aspects of their history, the Chinese initiatives in international finance and geopolitical strategic moves, their growth experience and structural transformation over the last 35 years, trade and investment integration into the global economy and among themselves, the growth challenges faced by their economies and the potential gains to the Brazilian economy from a stronger integration with the other BRICS. In association with its efforts to be a global power, China aims to become a major player in global finance and to achieve the status of global currency for the renminbi, which would be the first currency of an emerging economy to attain such position. Despite the similarities, the BRICS encompass very diverse economies. In the recent decades, China and India showed stellar growth rates. On the other hand, Brazil, Russia and South Africa have expanded just in line with global output growth with the Russian economy exhibiting high volatility. China is by far the largest economy, and South Africa the smallest, the only BRICS economy with a GDP lower than US$ 1 trillion. Russia abandoned communism almost 25 years ago, but reversed many of the privatizations of 90’s. China is still ruled by communism, but has a vibrant private sector and recently has officially declared market forces to play a dominant role in its economy. Brazil, Russia and South Africa are global natural resources powerhouses and commodity exporters while China and India are large commodity importers. Brazil is relatively closed to international trade of goods and services, in marked contrast to the other four economies. Brazil, India and South Africa are dependent on external capital flows whereas China and Russia are capital exporters. India and South Africa have younger populations and a large portion living below the poverty line. Despite its extraordinary growth experience that lifted many millions from poverty, China still has 28% of its population classified as poor. Russia and China have much older populations and one of their challenges is to deal with the effects of a declining labor force in the near future. India, China and South Africa face a long way to urbanization, while Brazil and Russia are already urbanized countries. China is an industrial economy but its primary sector still absorbs a large pool of workers. India is not, but the primary sector employs also a large share of the labor force. China’s aggregate demand structure is biased towards investment that has been driving its expansion. Brazil and South Africa have an aggregate demand structure similar to the developed economies, with private consumption accounting for approximately 70%. The same similarity applies to the supply side, as in both economies the share of services nears 70%. The development problem is a productivity problem, so microeconomic reforms are badly needed to foster long-term growth of the BRICS economies since they have lost steam due a variety of factors, but fundamentally due to slower total factor productivity growth. China and India are implementing ambitious reform programs, while Brazil is dealing with macroeconomic disequilibria. Russia and South Africa remain mute about structural reforms. There are some potential benefits to Brazil to be extracted from a greater economic integration with the BRICS, particularly in natural resources intensive industries and services. Necessary conditions to the materialization of those gains are the removal of the several sources of resource misallocation and strong investment in human capital.


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This paper examines two aspects. First, the symbolic dimension of politics and some of the elements that make up this universe, as the scenario, the representation, the myth, the spectacle, the media and the political and electoral marketing. We assume that the policy brings together a set of traits related to both reason and the human subjectivity, and can not be summed up in just a few calculations based on rationality. In the case of elections, in a process (ritual, according Irlys Barrier) of choice, there is a meeting of two systems of representations: to that transmitted by a political actor, in a scene from a particular context, based on a life trajectory unique, and the other from the public, crossed by social relations, situations own wishes, desires, expectations and unique perspectives. Between them there are the means of mass media (especially television), and with them the advent of language media and advertising applied to politics, changing the layout of public visibility and inaugurating what Rejane Accioly Carvalho will call the "aesthetics of mostrabilidade". This does not necessarily mean a preponderance of media on politics as a whole but only its adaptation to that with regard to contact with the public, the ad extra portion of the policy, according to Wilson Gomes. In a second aspect, try to apply these elements to a specific study to verify them in building an effective public image, in this case, the current governor of Rio Grande do Norte, Wilma de Faria. The concept of public image is from the book of Wilson Gomes The transformation was visible in the mass media, and relates to a conceptual image to fix "personality traits" through political history, personal conduct, action of image makers and the public reception. For this we will review some videos aired on Free Time for political propaganda in the years 2002 and 2006.


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O presente trabalho avaliou a PCR na detecção de leptospiras em sêmen e urina de dez touros sorologicamente reagentes, comparando seus resultados com aqueles obtidos por outras técnicas de diagnóstico. Foram realizadas duas colheitas de materiais em dias alternados. As amostras de sêmen e de urina foram separadas em alíquotas para visualização direta em microscopia de campo escuro, inoculação em hamsters (apenas para o sêmen), isolamento em meio de cultura e PCR. Nenhum hamster apresentou positividade na prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM); fragmentos de rins e fígado desses animais foram utilizados para a tentativa de isolamento em meio de cultura, sendo positivo o cultivo a partir do rim de hamster inoculado com semen de um touro, e do fígado de hamsters inoculados com o semen de três touros. O isolamento em meio de cultura foi negativo para todas as amostras de sêmen, mas foi positivo para cinco amostras de urina. Na PCR não houve resultado positivo para as amostras de sêmen, e apenas uma amostra de urina apresentou resultado positivo, sendo coincidente com uma das culturas positivas. Não foi possível visualizar leptospiras em nenhuma das amostras por exame direto em microscopia de campo escuro.


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The sportive television spectacle shows up like a media phenomenon which evidence performances and techniques that further on the community realized in the quotidian sportive practices into a show and play mixer, that more and more, sensibility the viewers. In this scenery , this research is about the relation between sportive television spectacle and viewer by the aesthetics perspective, and discussed the sport in the Physical Education context with the focus in the contributions to teaching in the school. The research, to the methodological view, uses the discuss analysis and realizes a qualitative study in two interdependent moments. In the first, analysis the dada collated in the Education, sport and television workshop. In the second, turns about TV images of sportive television spectacle to appreciated, to support a discuss of these phenomenon s aesthetics elements, looking for the relation established between the sportive television spectacle and viewer. The analysis s emphasis is in the sensations by sportive television spectacle, as well in the aesthetic elements problems promoted by this experience, from the two basics concepts, to know: the aesthetic and the synaesthetic perception. The analysis s corpus is composed by Esporte Espetacular TV program. Identify, in the sportive television spectacle appreciation, four big discuss axis of great importance between sportive television spectacle and viewer understanding: the relation space and time, the belonging feeling, the language interlacing, and beauty models. Understand in the analysis that, in the sportive TV scenery, occurs a construction image that seduces and involves the viewer through the aesthetics elements. From that discuss axis reflect about teaching sport in the school, main concern to the materialization a sport model only. Aims unfolding about space and time construction yet, and about the multiplicity language for to work in the school. Positions that no absolute rules, but that check the TV sport by the seduction promoted in the viewers through the aesthetics elements transmit


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Based on the genetic analysis of the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa genome, five media with defined composition were developed and the growth abilities of this fastidious prokaryote were evaluated in liquid media and on solid plates. All media had a common salt composition and included the same amounts of glucose and vitamins but differed in their amino acid content. XDM1 medium contained amino acids threonine, serine, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid, for which complete degradation pathways occur in X fastidiosa; XDM2 included serine and methionine, amino acids for which biosynthetic enzymes are absent, plus asparagine and glutamine, which are abundant in the xylem sap; XDM3 had the same composition as XDM2 but with asparagine replaced by aspartic acid due to the presence of complete degradation pathway for aspartic acid; XDM4 was a minimal medium with glutamine as a sole nitrogen source; XDM5 had the same composition as XDM4, plus methionine. The liquid and solidified XDM2 and XDM3 media were the most effective for the growth of X. fastidiosa. This work opens the opportunity for the in silico design of bacterial defined media once their genome is sequenced. (C) 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main objective of this study is to investigate the meanings of body and costume as essential components of television journalists aesthetic discourse, as exemplified by the presenters of Jornal Nacional, from Rede Globo. The study is inspired on the paths proposed by semiotics, and combines this approach with other techniques of scientific investigation to identify the meanings of this non-verbal communication form. For that, this work uses the concept of communication proposed by the Palo Alto School s authors, more specifically the concept of Watzlawick et al. (2005), which understands communication like relation and inherent of human beings. The precepts of complex thought and the hologramatic principle of Morin (1990), which value the union and the need to connect the knowledge of elements or parts to that of the systems these parts constitute, is also present in the thinking that guides the work. Throughout the chapters, we elucidate our understanding of body and television as media, and fashion and television journalism as languages. This work approaches a televisual history of Jornal Nacional in order to better understand the aesthetic proposed by television news over time, its presenters and costumes. The elements that are part of the televisual language s expression and content are addressed so that we can better understand the importance of body and presenters costume in this context. Finally, we conduct an analysis of the meanings of television journalism presenters body and costume through their stereotypes, their integration into the fashion cycle and also into the televisual analysis of the most important costume elements of Jornal Nacional s presenter couple: colors, models and accessories. We thus seek to strengthen the understanding of the wardrobe inseparable from the body as communication and detail some of their production understanding processes. The women historical role in brazilian television journalism, as well as masculinization of TV journalism environment are important elements to contextualize televisual language thinking in contemporary society. The investigation covers the origins, concepts, proposals, stereotypes, prejudices, reproductions, naturalizations and reinterpretation of the body and the costume of the presenters through time and the relationship between body, fashion and communication


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The school bullying involves all aggressive, intentional, repetitive attitudes, occurring without apparent motivation, adopted by one or more students against another (s) causing pain and anguish, and implemented within an unequal relationship of power, making possible the intimidation of the victim. Its expressions involve defamatory rumors, discrimination, theft or damage to property, harassment, threats, beatings, isolation, exclusion of a person or group, intimidation, intolerance and disrespect. In this study, we sought to identify the design educators have about the bullying, and are known by what means are aware of the problem, is involved when identifying cases of bullying and how to give this speech. This study used for data collection a questionnaire applied to 107 educators from 14 private schools in Natal / RN, who received statistical treatment in the program SPSS and the results analyzed in the light outside of a social and historical reference. Among the results, we found that 83% of the interviewed educators has at least heard about bullying, and the information about the problem are mainly the media, like television, newspapers and magazines. The educators said that the surname and physical attacks are more frequent outbreaks of violence among students and also the most common complaints when they look for help. The necessity for intervention when it identifies a case of bullying is present in 97.03% of respondents and 73.27% of educators are also called by students or school officials to remedy the situations of bullying among students. On the forms of intervention employed, the most common is the conversation and warning the students involved. It is suggested that the intensification of studies related to the subject and the development of actions and programs antibullying involving the school community (educators, parents, students, employees), in partnership with social segments like Tutelar Council and others related to the protection of children and adolescent


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This thesis is consisted of a theoretical and empirical study about the treatment given by media, particularly on telejournalism, to violence against women. It aims to analyze and reflect about the role of media, particularly television, on the process of reproduction of patriarchy system of gender on the context of Brazilian society, from content and narrative news about crimes committed against Andreia Rodrigues and Eliza Samudio. In light of the critical perspective, we seek to apprehend the particularities of patriarchy as a system of domination and subjugation of women, and also reveal the involvement of traditional means of media on reproduction and maintenance of inequality between men and women. To apprehend that reality, we had as guidance a critical social theory, grounded in historical-dialectical materialism which enabled us to apprehend the phenomenon under investigation actually enrolled in a dynamic and contradictory reality. The research had qualitative approach. We appeal to the specialized literature of the area from classical and contemporary authors. We conducted a content analysis of categorized matters, and interviews with individuals involved in issues of gender and / or communication. The critical examination of the matters indicated that television journalism is permeated by the contradictions inherent in social life, means that states and restates the ideology of ruling classes, their values and worldviews, but also express conflicts and social demands. The study revealed that prevails on television playing stereotypes and gender inequalities. We could also see that violence against women gets a sensationalist overblown approach and with no insights on the social relations that determine and base it.


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We address the question about the velocity of signals carried by Bessel beams wave packets propagating in vacuum and having well defined wavefronts in time. We find that this problem in analogous to that of propagation of usual plane wave packets within dispersive media and conclude that the signal velocity cannot be superluminal. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Muitos fungos termofílicos são conhecidos como sendo produtores de lipases e o potencial dessas enzimas nas reações de esterificação (reação inversa à hidrólise), há muito tem sido reconhecida. O aspecto do micélio e diversas observações microscópicas foram efetuadas em Thermomyces lanuginosus cultivado em Placas de Petri com meios de culturas YpSs (extrato de levedura + amido + agar) e mais quatro variações na fonte de carbono neste meio. As matérias-primas usadas e avaliadas foram pentaeritritol, ácido oléico e dioleato de pentaeritritol como possíveis fontes de carbono disponíveis ao microrganismo são comumente encontradas na indústria química como intermediários clássicos na síntese de diversos ésteres. Com o crescimento de Thermomyces lanuginosus em todos os meios propostos e a manutenção da capacidade de reprodução mostramos ser esse fungo altamente promissor em futuros trabalhos de biocatálise com microrganismos vivos.


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O presente trabalho objetivou investigar se meios de cultura utilizados em teste de viabilidade afetam a germinação de conídios de cinco isolados de Lecanicillium lecanii, cinco de Beauveria bassiana e quatro de Paecilomyces fumosoroseus. Os testes foram realizados em lâminas de microscopia contendo um dos seguintes meios de cultura: Ágar-água (AA), Meio Mínimo (MM), Batata, dextrose e ágar (BDA), Batata, dextrose, ágar e 1% de extrato de levedura (BDAL), Sabouraud, dextrose, ágar e extrato de levedura (SDAL) e Meio Completo (MC). Delimitaram-se três áreas por lâmina e em cada uma aplicou-se 0,05mL de uma suspensão com concentração de 5,5 x 105 conídios ml-1. Para cada isolado foi realizado um bioensaio, com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. Avaliou-se a germinação 15 horas após incubação, a 26±0,5ºC. Os meios de cultura influíram na capacidade de germinação das três espécies estudadas, ocorrendo variações inter e intraespecíficas. Verificou-se que os meios Completo e BDA proporcionaram as maiores porcentagens de germinação dos isolados de L. lecanii, sendo que e as menores foram obtidas nos meios SDAL e AA. Os meios ricos em nutrientes (BDA, BDAL e Completo) favoreceram a germinação dos isolados de B. bassiana, o que não ocorreu com os meios pobres (AA e MM). Nos meios Completo e BDA foram obtidas as maiores porcentagens de germinação dos isolados de P. fumosoroseus. As menores percentagens, por sua vez, foram obtidas no meio SDAL. Entretanto, alguns isolados apresentaram alta germinação em meios pobres em nutrientes (AA e MM).