993 resultados para mechanical processes


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This study aimed to analyze the economic viability of the third milking in production systems using mechanical milking in a closed circuit, aiming to provide technicians and farmers with information to assist them in decision-making. Specifically, it intended: (a) to estimate the cost of one milking; (b) to estimate the cost of the third milking; (c) to develop a mathematical equation to estimate the minimum amount of milk produced with two milkings, from which it would be economically feasible to do the third milking. Data were collected from three dairy farms, from November 2010 to March 2011, keeping a twice-a-day milking frequency, with three data collections in each farm, totalizing nine collections. Considering the average data, it would be feasible to do the third milking if the average milk yield per day of lactating cows in a twice-a-day milking frequency was greater than or equal to 24.43 kg of milk.


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The role of middle management is essential when managing integrative and emergent strategy formation processes. We stand out the importance of its role connecting micro and macro organizational level offering a very important contribution when examining the strategy-as-practice perspective and integrative strategy formation process. The main goal of this research is to analyse the relationship between the integrative strategy formation process and the roles of middle management under the strategy-as-practice perspective. To check it out we adopted a qualitative methodology droving a case analysis in a Spanish University. Data was collected by means of personal interviews with members of different levels of the Institution, documents analysis and direct observation. In advance of some results we find out that the University develops an integrative strategy formation process and confers to middle management an important role extended all over the organization.


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Magma flow in dykes is still not well understood; some reported magnetic fabrics are contradictory and the potential effects of exsolution and metasomatism processes on the magnetic properties are issues open to debate. Therefore, a long dyke made of segments with different thickness, which record distinct degrees of metasomatism, the Messejana-Plasencia dyke (MPD), was studied. Oriented dolerite samples were collected along several cross-sections and characterized by means of microscopy and magnetic analyses. The results obtained show that the effects of metasomatism on rock mineralogy are important, and that the metasomatic processes can greatly influence anisotropy degree and mean susceptibility only when rocks are strongly affected by metasomatism. Petrography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and bulk magnetic analyses show a high-temperature oxidation-exsolution event, experienced by the very early Ti-spinels, during the early stages of magma cooling, which was mostly observed in central domains of the thick dyke segments. Exsolution reduced the grain size of the magnetic carrier (multidomain to single domain transformation), thus producing composite fabrics involving inverse fabrics. These are likely responsible for a significant number of the 'abnormal' fabrics, which make the interpretation of magma flow much more complex. By choosing to use only the 'normal' fabric for magma flow determination, we have reduced by 50 per cent the number of relevant sites. In these sites, the imbrication angle of the magnetic foliation relative to dyke wall strongly suggests flow with end-members indicating vertical-dominated flow (seven sites) and horizontal-dominated flow (three sites).


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When a paleomagnetic pole is sought for in an igneous body, the host rocks should be subjected to a contact test to assure that the determined paleopole has the age of the intrusion. If the contact test is positive, it precludes the possibility that the measured magnetization is a later effect. Therefore, we investigated the variations of the remanent magnetization along cross-sections of rocks hosting the Foum Zguid dyke (southern Morocco) and the dyke itself. A positive contact test was obtained, but it is mainly related with Chemical/Crystalline Remanent Magnetization due to metasomatic processes in the host-rocks during magma intrusion and cooling, and not only with Thermo-Remanent Magnetization as ordinarily assumed in standard studies. Paleomagnetic data obtained within the dyke then reflect the Earth magnetic field during emplacement of this well-dated (196.9 +/- 1.8 Ma) intrusion.


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Esta dissertação insere-se num projecto de investigação relacionado com o papel que a madeira apresenta na construção nos tempos de hoje, necessário para obtenção do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil. A madeira apresenta, enquanto material de construção, especificidades únicas: é um material orgânico, ao contrário da pedra, do aço e do betão; é um material combustível, sem que isto implique necessariamente uma baixa resistência ao fogo; é um material tradicional, presente em pavimentos e coberturas de edifícios antigos e é, paradoxalmente, um material novo, adoptado em arrojadas obras de arquitectura contemporânea. Estas características, associadas à necessidade de garantir a sustentabilidade da construção e de conservar e reabilitar o património edificado, tornam essencial o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do material, dos seus processos de degradação química e biológica, dos meios de protecção e do comportamento de elementos estruturais ao fogo. As estruturas em madeira têm tido uma procura crescente no nosso país, revelando-se uma opção interessante, como alternativa a estruturas de aço ou de betão. No entanto, por configurarem ainda soluções estruturais, materiais e processos construtivos pouco comuns entre nós, considera-se que não estão suficientemente divulgados os instrumentos de que podemos e devemos dispor para a garantia da qualidade destas estruturas. É apresentado um estudo de viabilidade económica no âmbito do nosso país, comparando casas em madeira, modulares pré-fabricadas, com casas cuja construção é feita em alvenaria e betão armado, de forma a poder comparar os custos para ambas as soluções construtivas. Para tal, foram realizadas visitas a empresas, fábricas e a obras com o objectivo de entender como funciona o processo de fabrico de uma casa pré-fabricada em madeira.


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With accelerated market volatility, faster response times and increased globalization, business environments are going through a major transformation and firms have intensified their search for strategies which can give them competitive advantage. This requires that companies continuously innovate, to think of new ideas that can be transformed or implemented as products, processes or services, generating value for the firm. Innovative solutions and processes are usually developed by a group of people, working together. A grouping of people that share and create new knowledge can be considered as a Community of Practice (CoP). CoP’s are places which provide a sound basis for organizational learning and encourage knowledge creation and acquisition. Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoP's) can perform a central role in promoting communication and collaboration between members who are dispersed in both time and space. Nevertheless, it is known that not all CoP's and VCoP's share the same levels of performance or produce the same results. This means that there are factors that enable or constrain the process of knowledge creation. With this in mind, we developed a case study in order to identify both the motivations and the constraints that members of an organization experience when taking part in the knowledge creating processes of VCoP's. Results show that organizational culture and professional and personal development play an important role in these processes. No interviewee referred to direct financial rewards as a motivation factor for participation in VCoPs. Most identified the difficulty in aligning objectives established by the management with justification for the time spent in the VCoP. The interviewees also said that technology is not a constraint.


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Paper to be presented at the ESREA Conference Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education, 7-8 December, 2006, Université Catholique Louvain, Louvain–la-Neuve, Belgium


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This article describes work performed on the assessment of the levels of airborne ultrafine particles emitted in two welding processes metal-active gas (MAG) of carbon steel and friction-stir welding (FSW) of aluminium in terms of deposited area in alveolar tract of the lung using a nanoparticle surface area monitor analyser. The obtained results showed the dependence from process parameters on emitted ultrafine particles and clearly demonstrated the presence of ultrafine particles, when compared with background levels. The obtained results showed that the process that results on the lower levels of alveolar-deposited surface area is FSW, unlike MAG. Nevertheless, all the tested processes resulted in important doses of ultrafine particles that are to be deposited in the human lung of exposed workers.


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The diaphragm is a muscular membrane separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities, and its motion is directly linked to respiration. In this study, using data from a 59-year-old female cadaver obtained from the Visible Human Project, the diaphragm is reconstructed and, from the corresponding solid object, a shell finite element mesh is generated and used in several analyses performed with the ABAQUS 6.7 software. These analyses consider the direction of the muscle fibres and the incompressibility of the tissue. The constitutive model for the isotropic strain energy as well as the passive and active strain energy stored in the fibres is adapted from Humphrey's model for cardiac muscles. Furthermore, numerical results for the diaphragmatic floor under pressure and active contraction in normal and pathological cases are presented.


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Research on the use of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) as recycled aggregate (in particular crushed concrete) for the production of new concrete has by now established the feasibility of this environmentally-friendly use of otherwise harmful waste. However, contrary to conventional concrete (CC), no large applications of concrete made with recycled concrete have been made and there is still a lack of knowledge in some areas of production and performance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). One issue concerns curing conditions: these greatly affect the performance of concrete made on site and some potential users of RAC wonder how RAC is affected by far-from-ideal curing conditions. This paper shows the main results of experiments to determine the influence of different curing conditions on the mechanical performance of concrete made with coarse recycled aggregate from crushed concrete. The properties analyzed include compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and abrasion resistance. The general conclusion in terms of mechanical performance is that RAC is affected by curing conditions roughly in the same way as CC. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is on variable-speed wind turbines with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). Three different drive train mass models and three different topologies for the power-electronic converters are considered. The three different topologies considered are respectively a matrix, a two-level and a multilevel converter. A novel control strategy, based on fractional-order controllers, is proposed for the wind turbines. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the behaviour of the wind turbines during a converter control malfunction, considering the fractional-order controllers. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Emotion although being an important factor in our every day life it is many times forgotten in the development of systems to be used by persons. In this work we present an architecture for a ubiquitous group decision support system able to support persons in group decision processes. The system considers the emotional factors of the intervenient participants, as well as the argumentation between them. Particular attention will be taken to one of components of this system: the multi-agent simulator, modeling the human participants, considering emotional characteristics, and allowing the exchanges of hypothetic arguments among the participants.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Taxonomia Zoológica), 11 de Outubro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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