971 resultados para mandioca "chips"
La soja y el maní son cultivos de gran importancia en la provincia de Córdoba y en la Argentina. La utilización de proteínas vegetales se ha incrementado notablemente debido a su alto valor nutricional y a sus atributos funcionales deseables. Las harinas de soja y de maní, subproductos de la extracción de aceite, presentan un alto contenido de proteínas vegetales de excelente calidad nutricional, de bajo precio y con escaso nivel de aprovechamiento en la industria alimenticia. Los concentrados de proteínas de soja son poco utilizados en la elaboración de alimentos, además el desarrollo de concentrados de proteínas de maní puede proveer a la industria de un nuevo ingrediente con alto contenido de proteínas para la formulación y fortificación de alimentos tradicionales. Los postres listos para consumir disponibles en el mercado, están formados por mezclas de almidón gelificado y derivados lácteos, sobre los que se agregan diversos aditivos alimentarios (como sacarosa, aromatizantes, espesantes, etc.). La incorporación de proteínas vegetales puede ser una eficaz forma de incrementar el nivel de proteínas y, en consecuencia, el valor nutricional de estos productos. Además de ser una alternativa a los alimentos elaborados con proteínas animales. Pese a que Córdoba es un gran productor de soja y maní, sus derivados no son empleados actualmente como ingredientes en este tipo de alimentos.El objetivo general de este proyecto es estudiar el efecto de la incorporación de proteínas de origen vegetal sobre las propiedades físico-químicas y funcionales de sistemas alimenticios basados en almidón gelatinizado, prestando fundamental atención a las interacciones que se establecen entre las diferentes moléculas. Se planifica obtener concentrados de proteínas a partir de harina desgrasada de soja y de maní y estudiar su composición y sus propiedades funcionales. Se elaborarán mezclas de los concentrados con almidones de maíz, mandioca y trigo. Se estudiará el comportamiento termo-mecánico de las mezclas y la calidad de los geles mediante la cantidad de agua liberada, el perfil reológico y el color. También se realizarán análisis sensoriales para la selección de los parámetros de calidad de los geles y se estudiarán la digestibilidad de las proteínas y del almidón. Al mismo tiempo se estudiarán las interacciones químicas y físicas entre los distintos componentes. Los resultados servirán para generar y difundir conocimientos sobre la relación entre las interacciones y la calidad de los productos, lo que facilitará la optimización de formulaciones y procesos.
La batata se ubica en el séptimo lugar como cultivo destinado a la alimentación humana, y en el quinto luego de arroz, trigo, maíz y mandioca. Globalmente, existen 8 millones de hectáreas plantadas con batata y, aproximadamente el 95% de esa superficie se ubica en más de un centenar de países en desarrollo. En Argentina, la región pampeana (Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Santa Fe) y el NEA representan el 83% de la superficie plantada. Córdoba y Buenos Aires constituyen las principales provincias productoras. A pesar de su importancia potencial en la alimentación humana y animal, como producto exportable y para industrialización, se viene registrando una marcada reducción en el área cultivada con esta hortícola y, entre las causas más relevantes que determinan este fenómeno, se encuentran las enfermedades virales. Históricamente estas patologías han sido la principal limitante en la producción de este cultivo en Argentina y, especialmente en Córdoba. Recientemente y, tras brindar solución al grave problema ocasionado por el “enanismo clorótico” (Sweet potato chlorotic dwarf disease), virosis que afectó al cv Morada INTA en la década del 90, se observó, en nuestra provincia, la aparición de una severa sintomatología viral en lotes de producción implantados con el cv Arapey INIA, genotipo de creciente difusión en el cultivo por sus buenas características agronómicas. En virtud de dicha sintomatología, se sugiere que en la nueva patología viral se halla involucrado más de un agente etiológico y que la misma produce daños económicos en la producción de Arapey INIA. Por otra parte, la identificación de el/los virus presentes en la nueva patología es el primer eslabón para la búsqueda de resistencia a los mismos. Se supone, además, que, en germoplasma selecto de batata existen fuentes de resistencia a el/los virus involucrados y, que, al menos uno de los agentes patógenos de esta virosis de Arapey INIA, es transmitido por moscas blancas. Se propone, como paso inicial para el control de la nueva etiología: caracterizar biológica, serológica y molecularmente a el/los virus involucrados en ella; preparar reactivos de diagnóstico para los mismos y evaluar la gravedad de esta virosis a través de la estimación de su incidencia, prevalencia y severidad y de los daños que provoca sobre los componentes de rendimiento, en zonas productoras de la provincia de Córdoba. Por otra parte y, debido a que una de las principales formas de control de estas enfermedades es a través del empleo de germoplasma resistente y, considerando que la mayoría de los cultivares comerciales de batata, incluído Arapey INIA poseen escasa variabilidad genética por ser monoclonales, se pretende explorar molecularmente para genes de resistencia en aproximadamente 30 genotipos (clones) promisorios procedentes de la EEA INTA San Pedro ( Bs.As.), empleados como parentales en policruzamientos, además de hacerlo en el genotipo bajo estudio (Arapey INIA).
Os nematóides Radopholus similis e Helicotylenchus multicinctus são importantes inimigos da bananicultura no Brasil e alhures. Afim de verificar a susceptibilidade dos cultivares Prata e Mysore à infestação pelos mesmos, foram conduzidos dois experimentos de campo no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Mandioca e Fruticultura, em Cruz das Almas, BA. Os dois cultivares se revelaram tolerantes aos dois nematóides, sendo a sua reprodução menor nestas bananeiras do que em plantas do cultivar nanicão, referido como testemunha. Prate revelou-se o pior hospedeiro.
Uma lista de novas referências e ocorrências para ácaros tetraniquídeos da mandioca é apresentada.
Salientando os diversos aspectos a atender, para a solução racional do problema da alimentação na Amazônia, aliás já fixados em 1941 pela Comissão que traçou as linhas gerais de um plano de saneamento dessa vasta região, aludem os A.A. às realizações já empreendidas dentro do programa traçado, e que versaram apenas sôbre os hábitos alimentares de um grande núcleo de população e sôbre o valor nutritivo de alguns elementos pouco conhecidos da fauna e da flora locais. Abordam, à guisa de ensaio, neste trabalho, o ponto concernente ao planejamento de regimes adequados, que se adaptem tanto às exigências, como as possibilidades regionais. Frisam, então, de início, as bases racionais a que devem eles obedecer respeito não só à redução do total de calorias, fornecidas, nos seus 2/3, por hidratos de carbono e ao qual se subordinam as cotas das três principais vitaminas do complexo B,* como também a restrição, igualmente indicada, da taxa de proteínas; respeito, ainda, as cotas recomendáveis das vitaminas A e C e de cálcio, dando aí especial atenção ao detalhe da sua aproveitabilidade. Referem, de passagem, à conveniência de não se descurar do problema do ferro alimentar, em face das endemias reinantes na região e das dificuldades para fazer, artificialmente, o enriquecimento marcial dos regimes, já que, para instituí-los, partem do principio de ser vantajoso lançar mão de recursos de produção local, sem ficar em marcada dependência de grandes centres distribuidores regionais. Mostrando as dificuldades para a utilização, na escala desejada, da carne e leite de vaca, como artigos básicos de regime e apontam, entre os percalços, os inerentes ao transporte e conservação desses alimentos apresentam uma tabela básica, para o adulto em trabalho moderado, a qual lhe fornece 2.600 calorias diárias e obedece aos pontos fundamentais já aludidos. Nela figuram: os peixes, cujas variedades de pequeno porte poderão, com vantagem, ser consumidas fritas ou torradas, com espinhas; o amendoim; as verduras de produção econômica na Amazônia, incluídas na lista as ramas de batata doce, da mandioca e do inhame; essas raízes e tubérculos feculentos, de parceria com o cara; a farinha de mandioca, de grande uso na região; frutas, em que e, alias, rica a flora local; melado ou rapadura, como boa fonte de açucarados, cálcio e ferro; gorduras de origem animal e vegetal. Detêm-se, a propósito de cada um desses alimentos, sôbre o seu valor nutritivo e as possibilidades reais de produção local ou regional. Enumeram, por fim, vários outros, a que, similarmente, será possível recorrer, em maior ou menor escala criação de animais domésticos, caças, carne e ovos de tartaruga, arroz, raízes, brotos de palmeiras, feijão de vara, castanhas de sapucaia, do caju e do Para numa demonstração de ser possível a Amazônia valer-se, de muito, a si própria, no tocante à alimentação das suas populações.
El projecte "Laboratori virtual de sistemes digitals" és un simulador de l'aula de pràctiques de l'assignatura de sistemes digitals, desenvolupat en Java. Integra tots els components que es troben els estudiants de la matèria quan han de realitzar les pràctiques: placa, xips, cables, generador d'ones, oscil·loscopi.... I es permetrà així la implementació i prova de circuits digitals. També pretén ser una eina útil pel funcionament de la part pràctica de l'assignatura, sent un recurs gratuït i accessible gràcies a Internet.
El calidoscopi és una joguina que converteix fragments de vidre acolorit en patrons infinitament variats mitjançant l'ús de miralls. Hi ha quelcom satisfactori en els patrons –els necessitem per crear significat, i trobem bellesa en la seva simetria. No obstant, els sistemes complexos desobeeixen les fórmules simples. Per exemple, és impossible descriure una cosa tan prosaica com el comportament del fum mentre ascendeix fent servir les matemàtiques clàssiques. Agafant en préstec idees de diferents disciplines, podem considerar l'alfabetització informacional com una invitació per als nostres estudiants per jugar amb la imprevisible varietat de l'experiència humana i descobrir patrons que els resultin plens de significat.
Exploring Parallels Between Molecular Changes Induced in PNS by Aging and Demyelinating Neuropathies
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is involved in many age-dependent neurological deficits, including numbness, pain, restless legs, trouble with walking and balance that are commonly found in the elderly. These symptoms generally result from demyelination and/or loss of axonal integrity. However, the precise identity of age-regulated molecular changes in either neuronal or glial compartments of the nerve is unclear. Interestingly, these deficiencies are also present in inherited neuropathies, where the expressivity of the rapid and early onset phenotypes is undeniably more severe than in normal aging. Nevertheless, especially the molecular changes underlying loss of axonal integrity in neuropathy condition are also poorly understood. To unravel molecular mechanisms affected by PNS aging, we used wildtype mice at 17 time-points from day of birth until senescence (28 months-old). For the neuropathy study, we focused on 56 day-old Schwann cell-specific neuropathy-inducing mutants, MPZCre/1/ LpinfE2-3/fE2-3 and MPZCre/1/ScapfE1/fE1 mice, that have, at this age, already developed neuropathic symptoms. Transcriptomes of dissected Schwann cell-containing endoneurium or sensory neuron-containing dorsal root ganglia have been analyzed throughout time or genotypes, using Illumina Bead Chips. Following data validation, we identified groups of differentially expressed genes in the development, aging and in the neuropathic mutants, in both glial and neuronal compartments. We detected substantial differences in the dynamics of changes in gene expression during development and aging between these two compartments. Furthermore, considering the above-mentioned phenotypic similarities, we integrated aging and mutant data. Interestingly, we observed that there are some parallels at the molecular level between processes involved in aging, which leads to less severe and more progressive PNS alterations, and in the rapid onset peripheral neuropathies. Apart from helping the understanding of molecular alterations underlying age-related PNS phenotypes, this data should also contribute to the identification of pathways that could be used as targets for therapeutical approaches to prevent complications associated with both aging and inherited forms of neuropathies.
As computer chips implementation technologies evolve to obtain more performance, those computer chips are using smaller components, with bigger density of transistors and working with lower power voltages. All these factors turn the computer chips less robust and increase the probability of a transient fault. Transient faults may occur once and never more happen the same way in a computer system lifetime. There are distinct consequences when a transient fault occurs: the operating system might abort the execution if the change produced by the fault is detected by bad behavior of the application, but the biggest risk is that the fault produces an undetected data corruption that modifies the application final result without warnings (for example a bit flip in some crucial data). With the objective of researching transient faults in computer system’s processor registers and memory we have developed an extension of HP’s and AMD joint full system simulation environment, named COTSon. This extension allows the injection of faults that change a single bit in processor registers and memory of the simulated computer. The developed fault injection system makes it possible to: evaluate the effects of single bit flip transient faults in an application, analyze an application robustness against single bit flip transient faults and validate fault detection mechanism and strategies.
La tecnologia GPGPU permet paral∙lelitzar càlculs executant operacions aritmètiques en els múltiples processadors de que disposen els xips gràfics. S'ha fet servir l'entorn de desenvolupament CUDA de la companyia NVIDIA, que actualment és la solució GPGPU més avançada del mercat. L'algorisme de neuroimatge implementat pertany a un estudi VBM desenvolupat amb l'eina SPM. Es tracta concretament del procés de segmentació d'imatges de ressonància magnètica cerebrals, en els diferents teixits dels quals es composa el cervell: matèria blanca, matèria grisa i líquid cefaloraquidi. S'han implementat models en els llenguatges Matlab, C i CUDA, i s'ha fet un estudi comparatiu per plataformes hardware diferents.
Computer chips implementation technologies evolving to obtain more performance are increasing the probability of transient faults. As this probability grows and on-chip solutions are expensive or tend to degrade processor performance, the efforts to deal with these transient faults in higher levels (such as the operating system or even at the application level) are increasing. Mostly, these efforts are trying to avoid silent data corruptions using hardware, software and hybrid based techniques to add redundancy to detect the errors generated by the transient faults. This work presents our proposal to improve the robustness of applications with source code based transformation adding redundancy. Also, our proposal takes account of the tradeoff between the improved robustness and the overhead generated by the added redundancy.
As part of the development of the database Bgee (a dataBase for Gene Expression Evolution), we annotate and analyse expression data from different types and different sources, notably Affymetrix data from GEO and ArrayExpress, and RNA-Seq data from SRA. During our quality control procedure, we have identified duplicated content in GEO and ArrayExpress, affecting ∼14% of our data: fully or partially duplicated experiments from independent data submissions, Affymetrix chips reused in several experiments, or reused within an experiment. We present here the procedure that we have established to filter such duplicates from Affymetrix data, and our procedure to identify future potential duplicates in RNA-Seq data. Database URL: http://bgee.unil.ch/
BACKGROUND: DNA sequence integrity, mRNA concentrations and protein-DNA interactions have been subject to genome-wide analyses based on microarrays with ever increasing efficiency and reliability over the past fifteen years. However, very recently novel technologies for Ultra High-Throughput DNA Sequencing (UHTS) have been harnessed to study these phenomena with unprecedented precision. As a consequence, the extensive bioinformatics environment available for array data management, analysis, interpretation and publication must be extended to include these novel sequencing data types. DESCRIPTION: MIMAS was originally conceived as a simple, convenient and local Microarray Information Management and Annotation System focused on GeneChips for expression profiling studies. MIMAS 3.0 enables users to manage data from high-density oligonucleotide SNP Chips, expression arrays (both 3'UTR and tiling) and promoter arrays, BeadArrays as well as UHTS data using MIAME-compliant standardized vocabulary. Importantly, researchers can export data in MAGE-TAB format and upload them to the EBI's ArrayExpress certified data repository using a one-step procedure. CONCLUSION: We have vastly extended the capability of the system such that it processes the data output of six types of GeneChips (Affymetrix), two different BeadArrays for mRNA and miRNA (Illumina) and the Genome Analyzer (a popular Ultra-High Throughput DNA Sequencer, Illumina), without compromising on its flexibility and user-friendliness. MIMAS, appropriately renamed into Multiomics Information Management and Annotation System, is currently used by scientists working in approximately 50 academic laboratories and genomics platforms in Switzerland and France. MIMAS 3.0 is freely available via http://multiomics.sourceforge.net/.
Many of us start the New Year with the best of intentions to lose weight, get fitter and eat well. It's that sense of new possibilities and fresh beginnings that can also help motivate changes in lifestyle. The Public Health Agency advises that making small changes to your own and your family's lifestyle can have a significant impact on improving overall health. Taking time to reflect, and making a plan, can all help. Choosing healthier food and increasing your physical activity will help maintain a healthy weight and prevent unwanted weight gain, which can have serious implications for a person's physical and mental health as it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, respiratory problems, joint pain and depression.What can I do to improve my health?Make 1 or 2 small changes at a time - don't try to change your lifestyle radically or all at once as you're more likely to fail. Small changes in what you eat, or how active you are, are easier to make and more likely to be maintained.Mary Black, Assistant Director of Health and Wellbeing Improvement, PHA, said: "The New Year brings a time when many people reflect on their lives and very often eating more healthily is one of things they identify for change. I recommend setting a couple of small, achievable targets that can then be continued in the long term, for example:Eat breakfast everyday;Eat an extra portion of vegetables every day;Swap deep fried chips for oven chips;Choose fruit for between-meal snacks instead of a biscuit or bun;Begin to enjoy a hot drink on its own without feeling the need to have something sweet at the same time.Be active. Any sort of activity will be good for you. Think about how you can be more active each day. This doesn't have to involve running a marathon or joining a gym. Some suggestions include:· Go for walks with the children/family or friends. It's free! Walk on your lunch break;· Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator;· Park further away and walk to work/school;· Get off the bus a stop earlier and walk the rest;· Minimise the amount of time you are sitting down - take breaks from the computer at work or watching TV at home and walk around;· Children and adults can build up to the recommended daily activity levels in 10 minute sessions rather than doing it all in one session.Adults need at least 30 minutes, five days a week of moderate physical activity and children need 60 minutes of physical activity every day.Mary continued "It's easy for people to get into the habit of spending their spare time sitting down - watching TV, playing computer games, listening to their MP3 players - but being active will help you maintain a healthy weight and generally make you feel better. It can also improve your mood, reduce anxiety and protect against depression."It is what you do most of the time that really matters, so if you eat too much or don't exercise on any one day, don't worry too much - just accept it and get back to your new way of eating and being more active as soon as possible.
The latest results from the study paint a picture of how these families are faring across a range of areas in their lives including their health, family life and financial and economic circumstances. In general the findings show that three-year-olds in Ireland are in good health with a few notable public health and related issues (including overweight and obesity), there is overall stability in family structures over the short term and that the recession has had a substantial effect on families with young children over the last number of years. These are the first longitudinal findings from the study. The first wave of fieldwork with the families of the Infant Cohort included approximately 11,100 nine-month-olds, their parents and carers. Interviews began in September 2008 and were completed in March 2009. Interviews for the second round of interviews with this cohort took place between January and August 2011. A total of 90% of the original sample of nine-month-olds were successfully re-interviewed. (A full download of the results released today, presented in three briefing documents can be found by clicking here. Key findings include: Health â?¢ Most of the children were described as being in good health; 75% were rated as very healthy and a further 23% were rated as healthy, but a few minor problems. Girls were more likely to be reported as very healthy (78%) compared with boys (72%). â?¢ One in four or almost one quarter of three-year-old children were overweight (19%) or obese (6%). â?¢ Childrenâ?Ts weight was related to household social class. 5% of children in families in the professional/managerial group were classified as obese at three years of age compared with 9% of those in the most disadvantaged social class group. However, at least one-fifth of children in every social class were overweight. â?¢ Childrens consumption of energy-dense foods such as crisps, sweets, chips, and non-diet fizzy drinks increased as parental education fell. 63% of children whose mother had a lower secondary education or less ate at least one portion of crisps compared with 36% of those from degree-level backgrounds, although consumption of biscuits/chocolates was over 70% for both groups of children. â?¢ Two-thirds (66%) of three-year-olds had received at least one course of antibiotics in the 12 months preceding the interview. Children with a full medical card (35% of the sample) or a GP-only medical card (5% of the sample) were more likely to have received a course of antibiotics than â?¢ Children with a full medical card received a higher number of antibiotic courses on average (2.6) compared with those without a medical card (2.1). â?¢ Just under 16% of three-year-old children were reported as having at least one longstanding illness, condition or disability. The most commonly reported illness types included Asthma (5.8%), Eczema/Skin allergies (3.9%) and Food/digestive allergies (1.2%) Family Life and Childcare â?¢ While the overall distribution of family structure was stable, there have been transitions from one-parent families to two-parent families and vice-versa over the 27 months between interview â?" approximately 2 to 3 percent in each direction. â?¢ 50% of three year olds were in some form of non-parental childcare for eight or more hours a week. The most common form used was centre-based childcare which almost tripled between nine months and three years, from 11% to 30%. â?¢ A similar percentage of grandparents were caring for children at both nine months and three years, 12% and 11% respectively. A total of 10% of three-year-olds were being minded by a childminder, an increase of 3 percentage points from when the children were nine months of age. â?¢ Children who were in some form of non-parental childcare were spending an average of 23 hours a week in their main type of childcare. â?¢ At time of interview the vast majority of mothers reported that they had regular contact with the Study Childâ?Ts grandparents (91%). In offering support to parents, grandparents were most likely to babysit (50%), and buy clothes (40%) at least on a monthly basis. One-parent families were more likely than two-parent families to receive financial support from grandparents with just under one-third (66%) of one-parent families receiving financial support from grandparents at least once every three months. â?¢ The most frequently used discipline technique was â?~discussing or explaining why the behaviour was wrongâ?T, with 63% of mothers saying they always did this. â?¢ 12% of mothers said they used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline now and again and less than 1% used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline more frequently. Over half reported that they never smacked the Study Child. Financial and Economic Circumstances â?¢ Just over half (53%) of mothers of three-year-olds worked outside the home, 38% said they were on home duties and 6% said they were unemployed. â?¢ The biggest change in terms of the work status of three-year-oldsâ?T parents was an increase in the percentage of unemployed fathers â?" 6% when the child was nine months rising to almost 14% when s/he was three years of age. â?¢ 61% of families of three-year-olds reported experiencing difficulties in making â?~ends meetâ?T. This was a substantial increase from 44% in the first round of interviews when the children were nine-months-old. â?¢ Almost two thirds (63%) of all families with three-year-olds reported that the recession had had a very significant or significant effect on them. â?¢ The most frequently recorded effects were: a reduction in wages (63%); canâ?Tt afford luxuries (54%), social welfare reduction (53%) and canâ?Tt afford/cut back on basics (32%). Growing Up in Ireland is a Government funded study tracking the development of two nationally representative cohorts of children: an Infant Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine months and subsequently at three years of age; and a Child Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine years and subsequently at 13 years of age. The study is being conducted by a consortium of researchers led by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Trinity College Dublin. For Further Information Please Contact: Jillian Heffernan Communications Officer, Growing Up in Ireland Tel: 01 896 3378 Mobile: 087 9016880This resource was contributed to our repository by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.