961 resultados para lime stabilisation
OBJECTIVE: To report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in athletic injuries of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) subsheath, assessing the utility of gadolinium-enhanced (Gd) fat-saturated (FS) T1-weighted sequences with wrist pronation and supination. METHODS: Sixteen patients (13 male, three female; mean age 30.3 years) with athletic injuries of the ECU subsheath sustained between January 2003 and June 2009 were included in this retrospective study. Initial and follow-up 1.5-T wrist MRIs were performed with transverse T1-weighted and STIR sequences in pronation, and Gd FS T1-weighted sequences with wrist pronation and supination. Two radiologists assessed the type of injury (A to C), ECU tendon stability, associated lesions and rated pulse sequences using a three-point scale: 1=poor, 2=good and 3=excellent. RESULTS: Gd-enhanced FS T1-weighted transverse sequences in supination (2.63) and pronation (2.56) were most valuable, compared with STIR (2.19) and T1-weighted (1.94). Nine type A, one type B and six type C injuries were found. There were trends towards diminution in size, signal intensity and enhancement of associated pouches on follow-up MRI and tendon stabilisation within the ulnar groove. CONCLUSION: Gd-enhanced FS T1-weighted sequences with wrist pronation and supination are most valuable in assessing and follow-up athletic injuries of the ECU subsheath on 1.5-T MRI.
The two goals of this project stated in the Proposal were: (1) study lime diffusion in clayey soils, and (2) find the role of MgO in soil-dolomitic lime stabilization. Because of the practice significance of these goals we temporarily overstaffed this project, giving somewhat a "crash" program. As a result, proposed work was finished up early (as were the funds), and more important, some of the findings were early enough and of sufficient merit to put into field trials in the Fall of 1964. The work now being completed and the funds all being expended, this Final Report is therefore submitted before the anticipated project termination date.
Comparison of Various Commercial Hydrated Limes for Reducing Soil Plasticity, HR-82 and HR-106, 1964
Atterberg limits tests were performed on mixtures of gumbotil soil and the various chief chemical compounds found in hydrated limes. The results were then checked with commercial hydrated limes of varying chemical compositions. Results indicate that among the major constituents of hydrated limes Ca(OH)2 is most effective in reducing soil plasticity. MgO shows a moderate effect, but Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3 show practically no effect. There is, however, practically no difference between different types or between the same type of commercial hydrated limes for the reduction of soil plasticity. The choice of lime for soil-lime stabilization should, therefore, be dictated by the relative price and pozzolanic strength characteristics of the lime.
Several primary techniques have been developed through which soil aggregate road material properties may be improved. Such techniques basically involve a mechanism of creating a continuous matrix system of soil and/or aggregate particles, interlocked through the use of some additive such as portland cement, lime, or bituminous products. Details by which soils are stabilized vary greatly, but they are dependent on the type of stabilizing agent and nature of the soil, though the overall approach to stabilization has the common feature that improvement is achieved by some mechanism(s) forcing individual particles to adhere to one another. This process creates a more rigid material, most often capable of resisting the influx of water during freezing, loss of strength due to high moisture content and particle dispersion during thawing, and loss of strength due to migration of fines and/or water by capillarity and pumping. The study reported herein, took a new and relatively different approach to strengthening of soils, i.e., improvement of roadway soils and/or soil-aggregate materials by structural reinforcement with randomly oriented fibers. The purpose of the study was to conduct a laboratory and field investigation into the potential of improving (a) soil-aggregate surfaced and subgrade materials, including those that are frost-prone and/or highly moisture susceptible, and (b) localized base course materials, by uniting such materials through fibrous reinforcement. The envisioned objective of the project was the development of a simple construction technique(s) that could be (a) applied on a selective basis to specific areas having a history of poor performance, or (b) used for improvement of potential base materials prior to surfacing. Little background information on such purpose and objective was available. Though the envisioned process had similarities to fibrous reinforced concrete, and to fibrous reinforced resin composites, the process was devoid of a cementitious binder matrix and thus highly dependent on the cohesive and frictional interlocking processes of a soil and/or aggregate with the fibrous reinforcement; a condition not unlike the introduction of reinforcing bars into a concrete sand/aggregate mixture without benefit of portland cement. Thus the study was also directed to answering some fundamental questions: (1) would the technique work; (2) what type or types of fibers are effective; (3) are workable fibers commercially available; and (4) can such fibers be effectively incorporated with conventional construction equipment, and employed in practical field applications? The approach to obtaining answers to these questions, was guided by the philosophy that an understanding of basic fundamentals was essential to developing a body of engineering knowledge, that would serve as the basis for eventual development of design procedures with fibrous products for the applications previously noted.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the suitability of various stones which play an important role in the properties of compacted mixtures in asphalt treated bases. The determination of the effect of water temperature on the cohesion of the mixes is investigated. A number of stones were prepared for the test. Attention is paid to the particular source of stone with the corresponding test results. A preliminary study of the effect of lime when added to mixed aggregate was also conducted. The purpose of this study is to provide needed information on the cohesive characteristics of asphalt treated bases using a wide range of stones. This study is also to evaluate the suitability of the various stone sources.
The problems of laboratory compaction procedures, the effect of gradation and mineralogy on shearing strength, and effect of stabilizing agents on shearing strength of granular base course mixes are discussed. For the materials tested, a suitable laboratory compaction procedure was developed which involves the use of a vibratory table to prepare triaxial test specimens. A computer program has been developed to facilitate the analysis of the test data of the effect of gradation and mineralogy on shearing strength of soils. The effects of the following materials have been selected for evaluation as stabilizing agents’ portland cement, sodium and calcium chloride, lime organic cationic waterproofer, and asphaltic materials.
The problems of laboratory compaction procedures, the effect of gradation and mineralogy on shearing strength, and effect of stabilizing agents on shearing strength of granular base course mixes are discussed. For the materials tested, a suitable laboratory compaction procedure was developed which involves the use of a vibratory table to prepare triaxial test specimens. A computer program has been developed to facilitate the analysis of the test data of the effect of gradation and mineralogy on shearing strength of soils. The effects of the following materials have been selected for evaluation as stabilizing agents’ portland cement, sodium and calcium chloride, lime organic cationic waterproofer, and asphaltic materials.
Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1964 (November)
The problems of laboratory compaction procedures, the effect of gradation and mineralogy on shearing strength, and effect of stabilizing agents on shearing strength of granular base course mixes are discussed. For the materials tested, a suitable laboratory compaction procedure was developed which involves the use of a vibratory table to prepare triaxial test specimens. A computer program has been developed to facilitate the analysis of the test data of the effect of gradation and mineralogy on shearing strength of soils. The effects of the following materials have been selected for evaluation as stabilizing agents’ portland cement, sodium and calcium chloride, lime organic cationic waterproofer, and asphaltic materials.
The Iowa Department of Transportation Materials Laboratory personnel developed a process to produce a road deicer consisting of sand grains coated with calcium magnesium acetate (CMA). Research project HR-253 was established to explore commercial production of the CMA/sand deicer by an independent contractor. About 60 tons of the deicer was produced at a ready-mix concrete facility and evaluated in the field during the 1983-1984 winter season. The initial contracted production of CMA/sand deicer under research project HR-253 identified two major problems: (1) excessive unreacted lime in the final product, and (2) formation of spherical lumps within the product requiring subsequent size reduction. It was recommended in the HR-253 report that additional deicer be produced as a continuation of the project in order to address these problems and further develop the production process. A contract was negotiated with W. G. Block Co. to produce and deliver 50 tons of additional deicer. This addendum report covers this production effort including descriptions and results of all modifications of equipment and process procedures used.
The Antalya nappes (western Taurides-Turkey)*consist of several tectonic units which document the*Southern Neotethyan paleomargin from the Arabo-African*shallow shelf to the oceanic crust.*The Kerner Gorge Units (Upper Antalya nappes)*show a full stratigraphical succession from Ordovician*to Late Cretaceous. A carbonate platform regime*appeared during Late Permian times and existed up*to the early Middle Triassic. For detailed investigations*on the Permo-Triassic boundary, two lithostratigraphic*profiles have been selected: the Curuk*dag and the Kerner Gorge sections.*The main results presented in this paper are : 1) the Late Permian Pamucak Formation (Midian-*Dzhulfian) consists of calcareous algae-foraminiferae*bearing black limestones, locally rich in*brachiopods, crinoids and bryozoae : 2) this black limestone is overlain by an oolitic*grainstone. In the Curuk dag section, the oolitic horizon*is capped by a thin level of calcrete type; emersive*conditions are also inferred by a strong diagenetic*change within the oolitic deposit : 3) the first Early Triassic fossils, appearing*within or above the oolitic grainstone, are microforaminifera*and Pseudoclaraia wangi (late Griesbachian*in age). In the Curuk dag, a rich Early Triassic*microforaminifera association seems linked to a microbiallite*boundstone facies : 4) the overlying unfossiliferous lime mudstone,*the oolitical thick bedded grainstone, the variegated*marly limestone and the vermicular limestone facies*are present. not only in southern Turkey but seem*constant through ' the entire peri arabo-african platform.*Striking similarities appear between the studied*profiles and the Bellerophon-Werfen succession in the*Southern Alps..
Au regard des agressions environnementales constantes que la peau doit endurer, l'équilibre fragile entre l'expression et la répression des gènes épidermiques, nécessaire à la différentiation et la prolifération des kératinocytes, pourrait facilement être perturbé en l'absence des mécanismes de stabilisation robustes. La présence d'un système neuroendocrinien local est donc importante afin de coordonner une réponse aux éventuelles irritations. En effet, l'expression de plusieurs neurohormones, des neurotransmetteurs et des neuropeptides, y compris des dérivés pro-opiomélanocortine comme la ß-endorphine et [Met5]-enképhaline, ainsi que l'expression du récepteur 8-opioïde (DOR) a été démontré dans la peau. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels ils modulent la fonction des kératinocytes sont mal connus. Le présent travail démontre que la voie de signalisation DOR active spécifiquement la voie ERK 1/2 MAPK dans les lignées cellulaires de kératinocytes humains, inhibant la prolifération des cellules et entraîne une diminution de l'épaisseur épidermique dans un modèle organotypique de peau. De plus, l'expression de DOR retarde nettement l'induction de la kératine 10 (KRT 10) et la kératine 1 (KRT 1) dans une modèle 2D de différentiation in vitro, et supprime l'induction de KRT 10 dans un modèle organotypique de peau. Ceci est accompagné de la dérégulation de l'involucrine (IVL), la loricrine (LOR) et la fïlaggrin (FLG), résultant en une induction nettement réduite de leur expression lors de l'initiation de la différentiation in vitro. De plus, POU2F3 a été identifié comme un facteur de transcription régulant les gènes de différentiation des kératinocytes modulés par DOR. Il a été démontré que la régulation négative de POU2F3 via la voie DOR-ERK affecte les principaux aspects de la fonction des kératinocytes. Toutefois, il est évident que des facteurs supplémentaires influencent la fonctionnalité de la voie DOR elle-même. Le calcium et le contact cellule-cellule augmentent la quantité des récepteurs à la surface cellulaire des kératinocytes. Les kératinocytes dont les récepteurs sont internalisés ne répondent pas de la même manière que ceux possédant des récepteurs fonctionnels localisée à la membrane. Ce travail suggère que lors de signaux intrinsèques ou extrinsèques spécifiques, les kératinocytes sont capable de répondre via le système opioïdergique neuro-epidermique. Cette réponse doit être spatialement et temporairement contrôlée afin d'éviter un déséquilibre de l'homéostasie épidermique et un retard de cicatrisation. La compréhension de ce processus très complexe pourrait permettre à terme le développement de meilleurs traitements des affections cutanées pathologiques. En complément des études précédentes sur des souris DOR-défïcientes, ces données suggèrent que l'activation de DOR dans les kératinocytes humains influence la morphogenèse et l'homéostasie de l'épiderme, et pourrait jouer un rôle lors du processus de cicatrisation. - In view of the constant environmental assaults that the skin must endure, the delicate balance of an eloquent sequence of epidermal gene expression and repression, that is required for appropriate differentiation and proliferation of keratinocytes, might easily become derailed in the absence of robust stabilizing mechanisms. The presence of a local neuroendocrine system is thereby important to coordinate a response towards irritations. In fact, the expression of several neurohormones, neurotransmitters, and neuropeptides, including proopiomelanocortin derivatives, such as ß- endorphin and [Met5]-enkephalin has been shown in skin, as well as expression of the 6-opioid receptor (DOR). However, there is currently a lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which their signalling modulates keratinocyte function. The present work demonstrates that DOR signalling specifically activates the ERK 1/2 MAPK pathway in human keratinocyte cell lines. This activation inhibits cell proliferation, resulting in decreased epidermal thickness in an organotypic skin model. Furthermore, DOR expression markedly delays induction of keratin intermediate filament Keratin 10 (KRT 10) and KRT 1 during in vitro differentiation, and abolishes the induction of KRT 10 in the organotypic skin model. This is accompanied by deregulation of involucrin (IVL), loricrin (LOR), and filaggrin (FLG), illustrated by a markedly reduced induction of their expression upon initiation of differentiation in vitro. Additionally, POU2F3 was identified as a transcription factor mediating the DOR induced regulation of keratinocyte differentiation related genes. It was revealed that DOR-mediated ERK-dependent downregulation of this factor affects key aspects of keratinocyte function. However, it is evident that additional triggers influence the functionality of the DOR itself. Calcium at concentrations above 0.1 mM and cell-cell contact both enhance the presence of receptor molecules on the keratinocytes cell surface. Keratinocytes with internalized receptor do not respond to DOR ligands in the same way as keratinocytes with a functional membrane localized receptor.
Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) applies nutrient ratios instead of the isolated concentration values of each nutrient in interpretation of tissue analysis. The objectives of this research were to establish adequate DRIS norms for 'Valencia' sweet orange irrigated commercial groves budded on three rootstocks and correlate indexes of nutrition balance with yield. Experiments were conducted in São Paulo State, Brazil. Rootstocks Rangpur lime, Caipira sweet orange, and Poncirus trifoliata, with more than six years old and yield above 40 ton ha-1 were utilized. Data referred to yield, tree spacing, rootstock and foliar concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and B in non fruiting terminals for each grove were processed for the years 1994 through 1998. DRIS indexes were calculated by Nick criterion for choosing the ratio order of the nutrients and Jones calculation method of the ratio functions. Indexes of nutritional balance calculated from DRIS norms presented high correlation with yield for the three scion/rootstock combinations. DRIS norms defined in this research are valid, since leaf sampling is done on non fruiting terminals and the grove is irrigated.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is known to have a high requirement for K and to be very sensitive to low soil pH. Most of K reaches plant roots by diffusion in the soil. As K interacts with Ca and Mg, liming can interfere in K movement in the soil, affecting eventually the plant nutrition. The objective of this work was to study the effect of dolomitic lime and 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 g kg-1 of K on the supply of K to cotton roots. Cotton plants were grown up to 40 days in 5 L pots containing a Dark Red Latosol (Typic Haplusthox) with 68% and 16% of sand and clay, respectively. There was an increase in dry matter yields and in K accumulation due to K fertilization. Root interception of soil K was also increased by K application, but was not affected by lime. Mass flow and diffusion increased linearly with K levels up to 60 mg kg-1, in pots with lime. In pots without lime the amount of K reaching the roots by diffusion increased up to 45 mg kg-1, but decreased at the highest K level. Accordingly, there was more K reaching the roots through mass flow at the highest K level. This happened because there were more fine roots in pots without lime, at the highest K level. As the roots grew closer, there was a stronger root competition leading to a decrease in the amount of K diffused to cotton roots.
Sweet orange trees grafted on selected rootstocks fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
The majority of citrus trees in Brazil are grafted on 'Rangpur lime' (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock. Despite its good horticultural performance, search for disease tolerant rootstock varieties to improve yield and longevity of citrus groves has increased. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield efficiency of sweet oranges on different rootstocks fertilized with N, P, and potassium. Tree growth was affected by rootstock varieties; trees on 'Swingle' citrumelo [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × C. paradisi Macf.] presented the smallest canopy (13.3 m³ in the fifth year after tree planting) compared to those on 'Rangpur lime' and 'Cleopatra' mandarin [C. reshni (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] grown on the same grove. Although it was observed an overall positive relationship between canopy volume and fruit yield (R² = 0.95**), yield efficiency (kg m-3) was affected by rootstocks, which demonstrated 'Rangpur lime' superiority in relation to Cleopatra. Growth of citrus trees younger than 5-yr-old might be improved by K fertilization rates greater than currently recommended in Brazil, in soils with low K and subjected to nutrient leaching losses.
BACKGROUND: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) improve the outcome of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), but treatment failure is frequent, and prognosis then bleak. Smaller trials in this setting suggested activity for sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinases and RAF serine/threonine kinases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy of sorafenib, starting dose 400mg twice daily, in a large community-based cohort of 124 patients treated in 12 European and one United States (U.S.) cancer centre. All but one patient had a WHO performance score 0-2. All had failed both imatinib and sunitinib, 68 patients nilotinib and 26 had failed investigational therapy, too. RESULTS: Twelve (10%) patients responded to sorafenib and 70 (57%) patients achieved disease stabilisation. Sorafenib was moderately tolerated, and toxicity reported in 56% of the patients. Rash, hand-foot-syndrome and diarrhea occurred frequently. Sorafenib dosage was reduced in a third of patients, but this did not have an impact on progression-free survival (PFS) (p=0.15). Median PFS was 6.4months (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.6-8.0months) and median overall survival (OS) 13.5months (95% CI, 10.0-21.0months). Patients with a good performance status and those who responded to sorafenib had a significant better PFS. CONCLUSION: We conclude that sorafenib is active in GIST resistant to imatinib, sunitinib and nilotinib. These results warrant further investigation of sorafenib or similar molecules in GIST.