952 resultados para interaction genotype-environment
3D crop reconstruction with a high temporal resolution and by the use of non-destructive measuring technologies can support the automation of plant phenotyping processes. Thereby, the availability of such 3D data can give valuable information about the plant development and the interaction of the plant genotype with the environment. This article presents a new methodology for georeferenced 3D reconstruction of maize plant structure. For this purpose a total station, an IMU, and several 2D LiDARs with different orientations were mounted on an autonomous vehicle. By the multistep methodology presented, based on the application of the ICP algorithm for point cloud fusion, it was possible to perform the georeferenced point clouds overlapping. The overlapping point cloud algorithm showed that the aerial points (corresponding mainly to plant parts) were reduced to 1.5%–9% of the total registered data. The remaining were redundant or ground points. Through the inclusion of different LiDAR point of views of the scene, a more realistic representation of the surrounding is obtained by the incorporation of new useful information but also of noise. The use of georeferenced 3D maize plant reconstruction at different growth stages, combined with the total station accuracy could be highly useful when performing precision agriculture at the crop plant level.
Accessibility is an essential concept widely used to evaluate the impact of transport and land-use strategies in urban planning and policy making. Accessibility is typically evaluated by using separately a transport model or a land-use model. This paper embeds two accessibility indicators (i.e., potential and adaptive accessibility) in a land use and transport interaction (LUTI) model in order to assess transport policies implementation. The first aim is to define the adaptive accessibility, considering the competition factor at territorial level (e.g. workplaces and workers). The second aim is to identify the optimal implementation scenario of policy measures using potential and adaptive accessibility indicators. The analysis of the results in terms of social welfare and accessibility changes closes the paper. Two transport policy measures are applied in Madrid region: a cordon toll and increase bus frequency. They have been simulated through the MARS model (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator, i.e. LUTI model). An optimisation procedure is performed by MARS for maximizing the value of the objective function in order to find the optimal policy implementation (first best). Both policy measures are evaluated in terms of accessibility. Results show that the introduction of the accessibility indicators (potential and adaptive) influence the optimal value of the toll price and bus frequency level, generating different results in terms of social welfare. Mapping the difference between potential and adaptive accessibility indicator shows that the main changes occur in areas where there is a strong competition among different land-use opportunities.
This document is a summary of the Bachelor thesis titled “VHDL-Based System Design of a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for Haptic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)” written by Pablo de Miguel Morales, Electronics Engineering student at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM Madrid, Spain) during an Erasmus+ Exchange Program at the Beuth Hochschule für Technik (BHT Berlin, Germany). The tutor of this project is Dr. Prof. Hild. This project has been developed inside the Neurobotics Research Laboratory (NRL) in close collaboration with Benjamin Panreck, a member of the NRL, and another exchange student from the UPM Pablo Gabriel Lezcano. For a deeper comprehension of the content of the thesis, a deeper look in the document is needed as well as the viewing of the videos and the VHDL design. In the growing field of automation, a large amount of workforce is dedicated to improve, adapt and design motor controllers for a wide variety of applications. In the specific field of robotics or other machinery designed to interact with humans or their environment, new needs and technological solutions are often being discovered due to the existing, relatively unexplored new scenario it is. The project consisted of three main parts: Two VHDL-based systems and one short experiment on the haptic perception. Both VHDL systems are based on a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) which is a control loop designed by the NRL and mainly developed by Dr. Prof. Hild. The CSL is a control loop whose main characteristic is the fact that it does not use any external sensor to measure the speed or position of the motor but the motor itself. The motor always generates a voltage that is proportional to its angular speed so it does not need calibration. This method is energy efficient and simplifies control loops in complex systems. The first system, named CSL Stay In Touch (SIT), consists in a one DC motor system controller by a FPGA Board (Zynq ZYBO 7000) whose aim is to keep contact with any external object that touches its Sensing Platform in both directions. Apart from the main behavior, three features (Search Mode, Inertia Mode and Return Mode) have been designed to enhance the haptic interaction experience. Additionally, a VGA-Screen is also controlled by the FPGA Board for the monitoring of the whole system. This system has been completely developed, tested and improved; analyzing its timing and consumption properties. The second system, named CSL Fingerlike Mechanism (FM), consists in a fingerlike mechanical system controlled by two DC motors (Each controlling one part of the finger). The behavior is similar to the first system but in a more complex structure. This system was optional and not part of the original objectives of the thesis and it could not be properly finished and tested due to the lack of time. The haptic perception experiment was an experiment conducted to have an insight into the complexity of human haptic perception in order to implement this knowledge into technological applications. The experiment consisted in testing the capability of the subjects to recognize different objects and shapes while being blindfolded and with their ears covered. Two groups were done, one had full haptic perception while the other had to explore the environment with a plastic piece attached to their finger to create a haptic handicap. The conclusion of the thesis was that a haptic system based only on a CSL-based system is not enough to retrieve valuable information from the environment and that other sensors are needed (temperature, pressure, etc.) but that a CSL-based system is very useful to control the force applied by the system to interact with haptic sensible surfaces such as skin or tactile screens. RESUMEN. Este documento es un resumen del proyecto fin de grado titulado “VHDL-Based System Design of a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for Haptic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)” escrito por Pablo de Miguel, estudiante de Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM Madrid, España) durante un programa de intercambio Erasmus+ en la Beuth Hochschule für Technik (BHT Berlin, Alemania). El tutor de este proyecto ha sido Dr. Prof. Hild. Este proyecto se ha desarrollado dentro del Neurorobotics Research Laboratory (NRL) en estrecha colaboración con Benjamin Panreck (un miembro del NRL) y con Pablo Lezcano (Otro estudiante de intercambio de la UPM). Para una comprensión completa del trabajo es necesaria una lectura detenida de todo el documento y el visionado de los videos y análisis del diseño VHDL incluidos en el CD adjunto. En el creciente sector de la automatización, una gran cantidad de esfuerzo está dedicada a mejorar, adaptar y diseñar controladores de motor para un gran rango de aplicaciones. En el campo específico de la robótica u otra maquinaria diseñada para interactuar con los humanos o con su entorno, nuevas necesidades y soluciones tecnológicas se siguen desarrollado debido al relativamente inexplorado y nuevo escenario que supone. El proyecto consta de tres partes principales: Dos sistemas basados en VHDL y un pequeño experimento sobre la percepción háptica. Ambos sistemas VHDL están basados en el Cognitive Sesnorimotor Loop (CSL) que es un lazo de control creado por el NRL y cuyo desarrollador principal ha sido Dr. Prof. Hild. El CSL es un lazo de control cuya principal característica es la ausencia de sensores externos para medir la velocidad o la posición del motor, usando el propio motor como sensor. El motor siempre genera un voltaje proporcional a su velocidad angular de modo que no es necesaria calibración. Este método es eficiente en términos energéticos y simplifica los lazos de control en sistemas complejos. El primer sistema, llamado CSL Stay In Touch (SIT), consiste en un sistema formado por un motor DC controlado por una FPGA Board (Zynq ZYBO 7000) cuyo objetivo es mantener contacto con cualquier objeto externo que toque su plataforma sensible en ambas direcciones. Aparte del funcionamiento básico, tres modos (Search Mode, Inertia Mode y Return Mode) han sido diseñados para mejorar la interacción. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado el control a través de la FPGA Board de una pantalla VGA para la monitorización de todo el sistema. El sistema ha sido totalmente desarrollado, testeado y mejorado; analizando su propiedades de timing y consumo energético. El segundo sistema, llamado CSL Fingerlike Mechanism (FM), consiste en un mecanismo similar a un dedo controlado por dos motores DC (Cada uno controlando una falange). Su comportamiento es similar al del primer sistema pero con una estructura más compleja. Este sistema no formaba parte de los objetivos iniciales del proyecto y por lo tanto era opcional. No pudo ser plenamente desarrollado debido a la falta de tiempo. El experimento de percepción háptica fue diseñado para profundizar en la percepción háptica humana con el objetivo de aplicar este conocimiento en aplicaciones tecnológicas. El experimento consistía en testear la capacidad de los sujetos para reconocer diferentes objetos, formas y texturas en condiciones de privación del sentido del oído y la vista. Se crearon dos grupos, en uno los sujetos tenían plena percepción háptica mientras que en el otro debían interactuar con los objetos a través de una pieza de plástico para generar un hándicap háptico. La conclusión del proyecto fue que un sistema háptico basado solo en sistemas CSL no es suficiente para recopilar información valiosa del entorno y que debe hacer uso de otros sensores (temperatura, presión, etc.). En cambio, un sistema basado en CSL es idóneo para el control de la fuerza aplicada por el sistema durante la interacción con superficies hápticas sensibles tales como la piel o pantallas táctiles.
Severe jaundice leading to kernicterus or death in the newborn is the most devastating consequence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC; G-6-PD) deficiency. We asked whether the TA repeat promoter polymorphism in the gene for uridinediphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase 1 (EC; UDPGT1), associated with benign jaundice in adults (Gilbert syndrome), increases the incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in G-6-PD deficiency. DNA from term neonates was analyzed for UDPGT1 polymorphism (normal homozygotes, heterozygotes, variant homozygotes), and for G-6-PD Mediterranean deficiency. The variant UDPGT1 promoter allele frequency was similar in G-6-PD-deficient and normal neonates. Thirty (22.9%) G-6-PD deficient neonates developed serum total bilirubin ≥ 257 μmol/liter, vs. 22 (9.2%) normals (P = 0.0005). Of those with the normal homozygous UDPGT1 genotype, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was similar in G-6-PD-deficients and controls (9.7% and 9.9%). In contrast, in the G-6-PD-deficient neonates, those with the heterozygous or homozygous variant UDPGT1 genotype had a higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia than corresponding controls (heterozygotes: 31.6% vs. 6.7%, P < 0.0001; variant homozygotes: 50% vs. 14.7%, P = 0.02). Among G-6-PD-deficient infants the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was greater in those with the heterozygous (31.6%, P = 0.006) or variant homozygous (50%, P = 0.003) UDPGT1 genotype than in normal homozygotes. In contrast, among those normal for G-6-PD, the UDPGT1 polymorphism had no significant effect (heterozygotes: 6.7%; variant homozygotes: 14.7%). Thus, neither G-6-PD deficiency nor the variant UDPGT1 promoter, alone, increased the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia, but both in combination did. This gene interaction may serve as a paradigm of the interaction of benign genetic polymorphisms in the causation of disease.
Antigenic peptide loading of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules is enhanced by lysosomal pH and catalyzed by the HLA-DM molecule. The physical mechanism behind the catalytic activity of DM was investigated by using time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy (TRFA) and fluorescence binding studies with the dye 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS). We demonstrate that the conformations of both HLA-DM and HLA-DR3, irrespective of the composition of bound peptide, are pH sensitive. Both complexes reversibly expose more nonpolar regions upon protonation. Interaction of DM with DR shields these hydrophobic domains from the aqueous environment, leading to stabilization of the DM and DR conformations. At lysosomal pH, the uncovering of additional hydrophobic patches leads to a more extensive DM–DR association. We propose that DM catalyzes class II peptide loading by stabilizing the low-pH conformation of DR, favoring peptide exchange. The DM–DR association involves a larger hydrophobic surface area with DR/class II-associated invariant chain peptides (CLIP) than with stable DR/peptide complexes, explaining the preferred association of DM with the former. The data support a release mechanism of DM from the DM–DR complex through reduction of the interactive surface, upon binding of class II molecules with antigenic peptide or upon neutralization of the DM–DR complex at the cell surface.
Anionic lipids play a variety of key roles in biomembrane function, including providing the immediate environment for the integral membrane proteins that catalyze photosynthetic and respiratory energy transduction. Little is known about the molecular basis of these lipid–protein interactions. In this study, x-ray crystallography has been used to examine the structural details of an interaction between cardiolipin and the photoreaction center, a key light-driven electron transfer protein complex found in the cytoplasmic membrane of photosynthetic bacteria. X-ray diffraction data collected over the resolution range 30.0–2.1 Å show that binding of the lipid to the protein involves a combination of ionic interactions between the protein and the lipid headgroup and van der Waals interactions between the lipid tails and the electroneutral intramembrane surface of the protein. In the headgroup region, ionic interactions involve polar groups of a number of residues, the protein backbone, and bound water molecules. The lipid tails sit along largely hydrophobic grooves in the irregular surface of the protein. In addition to providing new information on the immediate lipid environment of a key integral membrane protein, this study provides the first, to our knowledge, high-resolution x-ray crystal structure for cardiolipin. The possible significance of this interaction between an integral membrane protein and cardiolipin is considered.
Mutant, but not wild-type p53 binds with high affinity to a variety of MAR-DNA elements (MARs), suggesting that MAR-binding of mutant p53 relates to the dominant-oncogenic activities proposed for mutant p53. MARs recognized by mutant p53 share AT richness and contain variations of an AATATATTT “DNA-unwinding motif,” which enhances the structural dynamics of chromatin and promotes regional DNA base-unpairing. Mutant p53 specifically interacted with MAR-derived oligonucleotides carrying such unwinding motifs, catalyzing DNA strand separation when this motif was located within a structurally labile sequence environment. Addition of GC-clamps to the respective MAR-oligonucleotides or introducing mutations into the unwinding motif strongly reduced DNA strand separation, but supported the formation of tight complexes between mutant p53 and such oligonucleotides. We conclude that the specific interaction of mutant p53 with regions of MAR-DNA with a high potential for base-unpairing provides the basis for the high-affinity binding of mutant p53 to MAR-DNA.
We have investigated the role of 2′-OH groups in the specific interaction between the acceptor stem of Escherichia coli tRNACys and cysteine-tRNA synthetase. This interaction provides for the high aminoacylation specificity observed for cysteine-tRNA synthetase. A synthetic RNA microhelix that recapitulates the sequence of the acceptor stem was used as a substrate and variants containing systematic replacement of the 2′-OH by 2′-deoxy or 2′-O-methyl groups were tested. Except for position U73, all substitutions had little effect on aminoacylation. Interestingly, the deoxy substitution at position U73 had no effect on aminoacylation, but the 2′-O-methyl substitution decreased aminoacylation by 10-fold and addition of the even bulkier 2′-O-propyl group decreased aminoacylation by another 2-fold. The lack of an effect by the deoxy substitution suggests that the hydrogen bonding potential of the 2′-OH at position U73 is unimportant for aminoacylation. The decrease in activity upon alkyl substitution suggests that the 2′-OH group instead provides a monitor of the steric environment during the RNA–synthetase interaction. The steric role was confirmed in the context of a reconstituted tRNA and is consistent with the observation that the U73 base is the single most important determinant for aminoacylation and therefore is a site that is likely to be in close contact with cysteine-tRNA synthetase. A steric role is supported by an NMR-based structural model of the acceptor stem, together with biochemical studies of a closely related microhelix. This role suggests that the U73 binding site for cysteine-tRNA synthetase is sterically optimized to accommodate a 2′-OH group in the backbone, but that the hydroxyl group itself is not involved in specific hydrogen bonding interactions.
Protein–protein interaction plays a major role in all biological processes. The currently available genetic methods such as the two-hybrid system and the protein recruitment system are relatively limited in their ability to identify interactions with integral membrane proteins. Here we describe the development of a reverse Ras recruitment system (reverse RRS), in which the bait used encodes a membrane protein. The bait is expressed in its natural environment, the membrane, whereas the protein partner (the prey) is fused to a cytoplasmic Ras mutant. Protein–protein interaction between the proteins encoded by the prey and the bait results in Ras membrane translocation and activation of a viability pathway in yeast. We devised the expression of the bait and prey proteins under the control of dual distinct inducible promoters, thus enabling a rapid selection of transformants in which growth is attributed solely to specific protein–protein interaction. The reverse RRS approach greatly extends the usefulness of the protein recruitment systems and the use of integral membrane proteins as baits. The system serves as an attractive approach to explore novel protein–protein interactions with high specificity and selectivity, where other methods fail.
Aerosol particles are ubiquitous in the troposphere and exert an important influence on global climate and the environment. They affect climate through scattering, transmission, and absorption of radiation as well as by acting as nuclei for cloud formation. A significant fraction of the aerosol particle burden consists of minerals, and most of the remainder— whether natural or anthropogenic—consists of materials that can be studied by the same methods as are used for fine-grained minerals. Our emphasis is on the study and character of the individual particles. Sulfate particles are the main cooling agents among aerosols; we found that in the remote oceanic atmosphere a significant fraction is aggregated with soot, a material that can diminish the cooling effect of sulfate. Our results suggest oxidization of SO2 may have occurred on soot surfaces, implying that even in the remote marine troposphere soot provided nuclei for heterogeneous sulfate formation. Sea salt is the dominant aerosol species (by mass) above the oceans. In addition to being important light scatterers and contributors to cloud condensation nuclei, sea-salt particles also provide large surface areas for heterogeneous atmospheric reactions. Minerals comprise the dominant mass fraction of the atmospheric aerosol burden. As all geologists know, they are a highly heterogeneous mixture. However, among atmospheric scientists they are commonly treated as a fairly uniform group, and one whose interaction with radiation is widely assumed to be unpredictable. Given their abundances, large total surface areas, and reactivities, their role in influencing climate will require increased attention as climate models are refined.
The chemical and isotopic compositions of oceanic biogenic and authigenic minerals contain invaluable information on the evolution of seawater, hence on the history of interaction between tectonics, climate, ocean circulation, and the evolution of life. Important advances and greater understanding of (a) key minor and trace element cycles with various residence times, (b) isotopic sources and sinks and fractionation behaviors, and (c) potential diagenetic problems, as well as developments in high-precision instrumentation, recently have been achieved. These advances provided new compelling evidence that neither gradualism nor uniformitarianism can explain many of the new important discoveries obtained from the chemistry and isotopic compositions of oceanic minerals. Presently, the best-developed geochemical proxies in biogenic carbonates are 18O/16O and Sr/Ca ratios (possibly Mg/Ca) for temperature; 87Sr/86Sr for input sources, Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios for phosphate and alkalinity concentrations, respectively, thus also for ocean circulation; 13C/12C for ocean productivity; B isotopes for seawater pH;, U, Th isotopes, and 14C for dating; and Sr and Mn concentrations for diagenesis. The oceanic authigenic minerals most widely used for chemical paleoceanography are barite, evaporite sulfates, and hydrogenous ferromanganese nodules. Marine barite is an effective alternative monitor of seawater 87Sr/86Sr, especially where carbonates are diagenetically altered or absent. It also provides a high-resolution record of seawater sulfate S isotopes, (evaporite sulfates only carry an episodic record), with new insights on factors affecting the S and C cycles and atmospheric oxygen. High-resolution studies of Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes of well-dated ferromanganese nodules contain invaluable records on climate driven changes in oceanic circulation.
Platelets roll on stimulated endothelium in vivo: an interaction mediated by endothelial P-selectin.
P-selectin, found in storage granules of platelets and endothelial cells, can be rapidly expressed upon stimulation. Mice lacking this membrane receptor exhibit a severe impairment of leukocyte rolling. We observed that, in addition to leukocytes, platelets were rolling in mesenteric venules of wild-type mice. To investigate the role of P-selectin in this process, resting or activated platelets from wild-type or P-selectin-deficient mice were fluorescently labeled and transfused into recipients of either genotype. Platelet-endothelial interactions were monitored by intravital microscopy. We observed rolling of either wild-type or P-selectin-deficient resting platelets on wild-type endothelium. Endothelial stimulation with the calcium ionophore A23187 increased the number of platelets rolling 4-fold. Activated P-selectin-deficient platelets behaved similarly, whereas activated wild-type platelets bound to leukocytes and were seen rolling together. Platelets of either genotype, resting or activated, interacted minimally with mutant endothelium even after A23187 treatment. The velocity of platelet rolling was 6- to 9-fold greater than that of leukocytes. Our results demonstrate that (i) platelets roll on endothelium in vivo, (ii) this interaction requires endothelial but not platelet P-selectin, and (iii) platelet rolling appears to be independent of platelet activation, indicating constitutive expression of a P-selectin ligand(s) on platelets. We have therefore observed an interesting parallel between platelets and leukocytes in that both of these blood cell types roll on stimulated vessel wall and that this process is dependent on the expression of endothelial P-selectin.
Nanomedicine is a new branch of medicine, based on the potentiality and intrinsic properties of nanomaterials. Indeed, the nanomaterials ( i.e. the materials with nano and under micron size) can be suitable to different applications in biomedicine. The nanostructures can be used by taking advantage of their properties (for example superparamagnetic nanoparticles) or functionalized to deliver the drug in a specific target, thanks the ability to cross biological barriers. The size and the shape of 1D-nanostructures (nanotubes and nanowires) have an important role on the cell fate: their morphology plays a key role on the interaction between nanostructure and the biological system. For this reason the 1D nanostructure are interesting for their ability to mime the biological system. An implantable material or device must therefore integrate with the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM), a complex network of proteins with structural and signaling properties. Innovative techniques allow the generation of complex surface patterns that can resemble the structure of the ECM, such as 1D nanostructures. NWs based on cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC), either bare (3C-SiC NWs) or surrounded by an amorphous shell (3C-SiC/SiO2 core/shell NWs), and silicon oxycarbide nanowires (SiOxCy NWs) can meet the chemical, mechanical and electrical requirements for tissue engineering and have a strong potential to pave the way for the development of a novel generation of implantable nano-devices. Silicon oxycarbide shows promising physical and chemical properties as elastic modulus, bending strength and hardness, chemical durability superior to conventional silicate glasses in aggressive environments and high temperature stability up to 1300 °C. Moreover, it can easily be engineered through functionalization and decoration with macro-molecules and nanoparticles. Silicon carbide has been extensively studied for applications in harsh conditions, as chemical environment, high electric field and high and low temperature, owing to its high hardness, high thermal conductivity, chemical inertness and high electron mobility. Also, its cubic polytype (3C) is highly biocompatible and hemocompatible, and some prototypes of biomedical applications and biomedical devices have been already realized starting from 3C-SiC thin films. Cubic SiC-based NWs can be used as a biomimetic biomaterial, providing a robust and novel biocompatible biological interface . We cultured in vitro A549 human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells and L929 murine fibroblast cells over core/shell SiC/SiO2, SiOxCy and bare 3C-SiC nanowire platforms, and analysed the cytotoxicity, by indirect and direct contact tests, the cell adhesion, and the cell proliferation. These studies showed that all the nanowires are biocompatible according to ISO 10993 standards. We evaluated the blood compatibility through the interaction of the nanowires with platelet rich plasma. The adhesion and activation of platelets on the nanowire bundles, assessed via SEM imaging and soluble P-selectin quantification, indicated that a higher platelet activation is induced by the core/shell structures compared to the bare ones. Further, platelet activation is higher with 3C-SiC/SiO2 NWs and SiOxCyNWs, which therefore appear suitable in view of possible tissue regeneration. On the contrary, bare 3C-SiC NWs show a lower platelet activation and are therefore promising in view of implantable bioelectronics devices, as cardiovascular implantable devices. The NWs properties are suitable to allow the design of a novel subretinal Micro Device (MD). This devices is based on Si NWs and PEDOT:PSS, though the well know principle of the hybrid ordered bulk heterojunction (OBHJ). The aim is to develop a device based on a well-established photovoltaic technology and to adapt this know-how to the prosthetic field. The hybrid OBHJ allows to form a radial p–n junction on a nanowire/organic structure. In addition, the nanowires increase the light absorption by means of light scattering effects: a nanowires based p-n junction increases the light absorption up to the 80%, as previously demonstrated, overcoming the Shockley-Queisser limit of 30 % of a bulk p-n junction. Another interesting employment of these NWs is to design of a SiC based epicardial-interacting patch based on teflon that include SiC nanowires. . Such contact patch can bridge the electric conduction across the cardiac infarct as nanowires can ‘sense’ the direction of the wavefront propagation on the survival cardiac tissue and transmit it to the downstream surivived regions without discontinuity. The SiC NWs are tested in terms of toxicology, biocompatibility and conductance among cardiomyocytes and myofibroblasts.
Geralmente, nos experimentos genótipo por ambiente (G × E) é comum observar o comportamento dos genótipos em relação a distintos atributos nos ambientes considerados. A análise deste tipo de experimentos tem sido abordada amplamente para o caso de um único atributo. Nesta tese são apresentadas algumas alternativas de análise considerando genótipos, ambientes e atributos simultaneamente. A primeira, é baseada no método de mistura de máxima verossimilhança de agrupamento - Mixclus e a análise de componentes principais de 3 modos - 3MPCA, que permitem a análise de tabelas de tripla entrada, estes dois métodos têm sido muito usados na área da psicologia e da química, mas pouco na agricultura. A segunda, é uma metodologia que combina, o modelo de efeitos aditivos com interação multiplicativa - AMMI, modelo eficiente para a análise de experimentos (G × E) com um atributo e a análise de procrustes generalizada, que permite comparar configurações de pontos e proporcionar uma medida numérica de quanto elas diferem. Finalmente, é apresentada uma alternativa para realizar imputação de dados nos experimentos (G × E), pois, uma situação muito frequente nestes experimentos, é a presença de dados faltantes. Conclui-se que as metodologias propostas constituem ferramentas úteis para a análise de experimentos (G × E) multiatributo.
As análises biplot que utilizam os modelos de efeitos principais aditivos com inter- ação multiplicativa (AMMI) requerem matrizes de dados completas, mas, frequentemente os ensaios multiambientais apresentam dados faltantes. Nesta tese são propostas novas metodologias de imputação simples e múltipla que podem ser usadas para analisar da- dos desbalanceados em experimentos com interação genótipo por ambiente (G×E). A primeira, é uma nova extensão do método de validação cruzada por autovetor (Bro et al, 2008). A segunda, corresponde a um novo algoritmo não-paramétrico obtido por meio de modificações no método de imputação simples desenvolvido por Yan (2013). Também é incluído um estudo que considera sistemas de imputação recentemente relatados na literatura e os compara com o procedimento clássico recomendado para imputação em ensaios (G×E), ou seja, a combinação do algoritmo de Esperança-Maximização com os modelos AMMI ou EM-AMMI. Por último, são fornecidas generalizações da imputação simples descrita por Arciniegas-Alarcón et al. (2010) que mistura regressão com aproximação de posto inferior de uma matriz. Todas as metodologias têm como base a decomposição por valores singulares (DVS), portanto, são livres de pressuposições distribucionais ou estruturais. Para determinar o desempenho dos novos esquemas de imputação foram realizadas simulações baseadas em conjuntos de dados reais de diferentes espécies, com valores re- tirados aleatoriamente em diferentes porcentagens e a qualidade das imputações avaliada com distintas estatísticas. Concluiu-se que a DVS constitui uma ferramenta útil e flexível na construção de técnicas eficientes que contornem o problema de perda de informação em matrizes experimentais.