998 resultados para hydrothermal crystal growth


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Crystallization of amorphous germanium (a-Ge) by laser or electron beam heating is a remarkably complex process that involves several distinct modes of crystal growth and the development of intricate microstructural patterns on the nanosecond to ten microsecond time scales. Here we use dynamic transmission electron microscopy (DTEM) to study the fast, complex crystallization dynamics with 10 nm spatial and 15 ns temporal resolution. We have obtained time-resolved real-space images of nanosecond laser-induced crystallization in a-Ge with unprecedentedly high spatial resolution. Direct visualization of the crystallization front allows for time-resolved snapshots of the initiation and roughening of the dendrites on submicrosecond time scales. This growth is followed by a rapid transition to a ledgelike growth mechanism that produces a layered microstructure on a time scale of several microseconds. This study provides insights into the mechanisms governing this complex crystallization process and is a dramatic demonstration of the power of DTEM for studying time-dependent material processes far from equilibrium.


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Crystals growing from solution, the vapour phase and from supercooled melt exhibit, as a rule, planar faces. The geometry and distribution of dislocations present within the crystals thus grown are strongly related to the growth on planar faces and to the different growth sectors rather than the physical properties of the crystals and the growth methods employed. As a result, many features of generation and geometrical arrangement of defects are common to extremely different crystal species. In this paper these commoner aspects of dislocation generation and configuration which permits one to predict their nature and distribution are discussed. For the purpose of imaging the defects a very versatile and widely applicable technique viz. x-ray diffraction topography is used. Growth dislocations in solution grown crystals follow straight path with strongly defined directions. These preferred directions which in most cases lie within an angle of ±15° to the growth normal depend on the growth direction and on the Burger's vector involved. The potential configuration of dislocations in the growing crystals can be evaluated using the theory developed by Klapper which is based on linear anisotropic elastic theory. The preferred line direction of a particular dislocation corresponds to that in which the dislocation energy per unit growth length is a minimum. The line direction analysis based on this theory enables one to characterise dislocations propagating in a growing crystal. A combined theoretical analysis and experimental investigation based on the above theory is presented.


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The morphology and crystal growth of poly(l-lactic acid), PLLA have been studied from the melt as a function of undercooling and molecular weight using hot stage microscopy. Attention has been given to the application of growth rate equation on the growth rate data of PLLA and thus various nucleation parameters have been calculated. The criteria of Regime I and Regime II types of crystallization has been applied for the evaluation of substrate lengths.


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Presented in this letter is a critical discussion of a recent paper on experimental investigation of the enthalpy, entropy and free energy of formation of gallium nitride (GaN) published in this journal [T.J. Peshek, J.C. Angus, K. Kash, J. Cryst. Growth 311 (2008) 185-189]. It is shown that the experimental technique employed detects neither the equilibrium partial pressure of N-2 corresponding to the equilibrium between Ga and GaN at fixed temperatures nor the equilibrium temperature at constant pressure of N-2. The results of Peshek et al. are discussed in the light of other information on the Gibbs energy of formation available in the literature. Entropy of GaN is derived from heat-capacity measurements. Based on a critical analysis of all thermodynamic information now available, a set of optimized parameters is identified and a table of thermodynamic data for GaN developed from 298.15 to 1400 K.


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A solvothermal reaction of ZnO, boric acid (B(OH)(3)), and aliphatic airlines in a water-pyridine mixture gave four zinc borate phases of different dimensionalities: [Zn(B4O8H2)(C3H10N2)], I (one-dimensional); [Zn(B4O8H2)(C3H10N2)] H2O, II (two-dimensional); [Zn(B5O10H3)(C10H24N4)]center dot H2O, III (two-dimensional): and [Zn-2(B8O15H2)(C3H10N2)(2)], IV (three-dimensional). The structures are formed by the connectivity involving polyborate chains and layers with Zn2+ species. In all the compounds, the amine molecules act its file ligand binding either the same or different zn centers. The formation of two different structures, II and IV, from the same amine by varying the reaction time is noteworthy. Transformation studies on II indicate that the formation of IV. from II, is facile and has been investigated for the first time. Two of file compounds, I and III, exhibit activity for second-order nonlinear optical behavior. The UV exposure of the sample indicates the absorption of all the UV radiation suggesting that the zinc borate compounds could be exploited for UV-blocking applications. The compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, UV-vis, photoluminescence, and NMR studies.


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The occurrence of concomitant polymorphism in 3-fluoro-N-(3-fluorophenyl) benzamide has been identified to be due to the disorder in the crystal structure. Of the two modifications, the plate form (Form I) crystallizes in the monoclinic centrosymmetric space group C2/c with Z = 4, and the needle form (Form II) crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group P21 with Z = 2. An interesting positional disorder at the bridging atoms in both forms holds the molecular conformation identical, while subtle variations brought by N−H···O hydrogen bonds along with weak C−H···F and F···F interactions result in packing polymorphism.


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A solvothermal reaction of Al2O3, H3BO3, pyridine, and H2O at 180 degrees C/7 days in the presence of organic amine molecules gave rise to four new aluminoborates, [(C6H18N2)(AlB6O13H3)], I; [(C5H16N2) (AlB5O10)]center dot 2H(2)O, II; [(C5H16N2)-(AlB5O10)], III; and [(C5H17N3)(AlB5O10)] center dot H2O, IV, with two- and three-dimensional structures. All the structures have been formed by the connectivity involving Al3+ ions and [B5O10] cyclic pentaborate units. In 1, the 3-connected trigonal nodes form a layer that resembles a graphite structure has been observed. The compounds II, III, and IV, have 4-connected nodes that forms a diamond related three-dimensional structure. The formation of solvatomorphs in II and III is noteworthy and has been observed first time in a family of amine template aluminoborates. A comparison of the various aluminoborate structures reveals subtle relationships between the organic amines (length of the amines) and the final framework structures. The compounds have been characterized using a variety of techniques including IR, second-order optical behavior, and MAS NMR studies.


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This paper reports the observation of a reversible disassembly process for a previously reported octanuclear Cu(II) complex with imidazole. To identify the factors responsible for the process, five Cu(II) complexes of different nuclearity with different amino acid-derived tetradentate ligands were structurally characterized. The results show that the coordination geometry preference of Cu(II), the tendency of imidazole to act as in-plane ligand, and H-bonding played important role in the formation and disassembly of the octanuclear complex. A general scheme describing the effect of different amino acid side arms, solvents, and exogenous ligands on the nuclearity of the Cu(II) complexes has been presented. The crystals of the complexes also showed formation of multifaceted networks in the resulting complexes.


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Experimental charge density distributions in two known conformational polymorphs (orange and yellow) of coumarin 314 dye are analyzed based on multipole modeling of X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K. The experimental results are compared with the charge densities derived from multipole modeling of theoretical structure factors obtained from periodic quantum calculation with density functional theory (DFT) method and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The presence of disorder at the carbonyl oxygen atom of ethoxycarbonyl group in the yellow form, which was not identified earlier, is addressed here. The investigationof intermolecular interactions, based on Hirshfeld surface analysis and topological properties via quantum theory of atoms in molecule and total electrostatic interaction energies, revealed significant differences between the polymorphs. The differences of electrostatic nature in these two polymorphic forms were unveiled via construction of three-dimensional deformation electrostatic potential maps plotted over the molecular surfaces. The lattice energies evaluated from ab initio calculations on the two polymorphic forms indicate that the yellow form is likely to be the most favorable thermodynamically. The dipole moments derived from experimental and theoretical charge densities and also from Lorentz tensor approach are compared with the single-molecule dipole moments. In each case, the differences of dipole moments between the polymorphs are identified.


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Thin films of antimony-doped tin oxide (SnO2:Sb) were prepared by spray pyrolysis using stannous chloride (SnCl2) and antimony trichloride (SbCl3) as precursors. The antimony doping was varied from 0 to 4 wt%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the surface morphology to be very smooth, yet grainy in nature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows films to have preferred orientation, which varies with the extent of antimony doping: undoped films prefer the (2 1 1) orientation, while the (3 0 1) orientation is preferred for doping levels of 0.5 and 1.0 wt%. For higher doping levels, the (2 0 0) orientation is preferred. This difference in preferred orientations is reflected in the SEM of the films. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals that film roughness is not affected by antimony doping. The minimum sheet resistance (2.17 ohm/square) achieved in the present study is lower than values reported to date in SnO2:Sb films prepared from SnCl2 precursor. The Hall mobility of undoped SnO2 films was found to be 109.52 cm(2)/V s, which reduces to 2.55 cm(2)/ Vs for the films doped with 4 wt% of Sb. On the other hand, the carrier concentration, which is 1.23 x 10(19) cm(-3) in undoped films, increases to 2.89 x 10(21) cm(-3) for the films doped with 4 wt% of Sb. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure determination of the anhydrous form of any organic compound has been a challenge because of solvent incorporation during crystallization. A device to grow anhydrous forms of low melting organic solids based on vaporization and condensation by a gradient cooling technique has been designed. Its utility has been evaluated by growing anhydrous forms of ciprofloxacin, midazolam, and ofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin crystallizes in triclinic P (1) over bar, midazolam in monoclinic P2(1)/n, and ofloxacin in the C2/c space group. Comparative studies on the conformational features with solvated structure show no significant variation in the aromatic moieties.


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Structural information on the solid forms of efavirenz, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, is limited, although various polymorphic forms of this drug have been patented. We report here structural studies of four new crystal forms a pure form, a cyclohexane solvate, and cocrystals with 1,4-cyclohexanedione and 4,4'-bipyridine. Temperature dependent single-crystal to single-crystal phase transitions are observed for the pure form and for the cyclohexane solvate with an increase in the number of symmetry independent molecules, Z', upon a lowering of temperature. Other issues related to these solid forms, such as thermal stability, conformational flexibility, and high Z' occurrences, are addressed by using a combined experimental and computational approach.


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Charge density analysis from both experimental and theoretical points of view on two molecular complexes: one is formed between nicotinamide and salicylic acid, and the other formed between nicotinamide and oxalic acid brings out the quantitative topological features to distinguish a cocrystal from a salt.


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Detailed investigation of the charge density distribution in concomitant polymorphs of 3-acetylcoumarin in terms of experimental and theoretical densities shows significant differences in the intermolecular features when analyzed based on the topological properties via the quantum theory of atoms in molecules. The two forms, triclinic and monoclinic (Form A and Form B), pack in the crystal lattice via weak C-H---O and C-H---pi interactions. Form A results in a head-to-head molecular stack, while Form B generates a head-to-tail stack. Form A crystallizes in PI (Z' = 2) and Form B crystallizes in P2(1)/n (Z = 1). The electron density maps of the polymorphs demonstrate the differences in the nature of the charge density distribution in general. The charges derived from experimental and theoretical analysis show significant differences with respect to the polymorphic forms. The molecular dipole moments differ significantly for the two forms. The lattice energies evaluated at the HF and DFT (B3LYP) methods with 6-31G** basis set for the two forms clearly suggest that Form A is the thermodynamically stable form as compared to Form B. Mapping of electrostatic potential over the molecular surface shows dominant variations in the electronegative region, which bring out the differences between the two forms.