966 resultados para heterotrophic plate count
The Eifel volcanism is part of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP) and is located in the Rhenish Massif, close to the Rhine and Leine Grabens. The Quaternary Eifel volcanism appears to be related to a mantle plume activity. However, the causes of the Tertiary Hocheifel volcanism remain debated. We present geochronological, geochemical and isotope data to assess the geotectonic settings of the Tertiary Eifel volcanism. Based on 40Ar/39Ar dating, we were able to identify two periods in the Hocheifel activity: from 43.6 to 39.0 Ma and from 37.5 to 35.0 Ma. We also show that the pre-rifting volcanism in the northernmost Upper Rhine Graben (59 to 47 Ma) closely precede the Hocheifel volcanic activity. In addition, the volcanism propagates from south to north within the older phase of the Hocheifel activity. At the time of Hocheifel volcanism, the tectonic activity in the Hocheifel was controlled by stress field conditions identical to those of the Upper Rhine Graben. Therefore, magma generation in the Hocheifel appears to be caused by decompression due to Middle to Late Eocene extension. Our geochemical data indicate that the Hocheifel magmas were produced by partial melting of a garnet peridotite at 75-90 km depth. We also show that crustal contamination is minor although the magmas erupted through a relatively thick continental lithosphere. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions suggest that the source of the Hocheifel magmas is a mixing between depleted FOZO or HIMU-like material and enriched EM2-like material. The Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to have a common enriched end-member. However, the other sources are likely to be distinct. In addition, the Hocheifel lavas share a depleted component with the other Tertiary CEVP lavas. Although the Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to originate from different sources, the potential involvement of a FOZO-like component would indicate the contribution of deep mantle material. Thus, on the basis of the geochemical and isotope data, we cannot rule out the involvement of plume-type material in the Hocheifel magmas. The Ko’olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) has been initiated in order to evaluate the long-term evolution of Ko’olau volcano and obtain information about the Hawaiian mantle plume. High precision Pb triple spike data, as well as Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP lavas and Honolulu Volcanics (HVS) reveal compositional source variations during Ko’olau growth. Pb isotopic compositions indicate that, at least, three Pb end-members are present in Ko’olau lavas. Changes in the contributions of each component are recorded in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes stratigraphy. The radiogenic component is present, at variable proportion, in all three stages of Ko’olau growth. It shows affinities with the least radiogenic “Kea-lo8” lavas present in Mauna Kea. The first unradiogenic component was present in the main-shield stage of Ko’olau growth but its contribution decreased with time. It has EM1 type characteristics and corresponds to the “Ko’olau” component of Hawaiian mantle plume. The second unradiogenic end-member, so far only sampled by Honololu lavas, has isotopic characteristics similar to those of a depleted mantle. However, they are different from those of the recent Pacific lithosphere (EPR MORB) indicating that the HVS are not derived from MORB-related source. We suggest, instead, that the HVS result from melting of a plume material. Thus the evolution of a single Hawaiian volcano records the geochemical and isotopic changes within the Hawaiian plume.
Erkrankungen des Skelettapparats wie beispielsweise die Osteoporose oder Arthrose gehören neben den Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen und Tumoren zu den Häufigsten Erkrankungen des Menschen. Ein besseres Verständnis der Bildung und des Erhalts von Knochen- oder Knorpelgewebe ist deshalb von besonderer Bedeutung. Viele bisherige Ansätze zur Identifizierung hierfür relevanter Gene, deren Produkte und Interaktionen beruhen auf der Untersuchung pathologischer Situationen. Daher ist die Funktion vieler Gene nur im Zusammenhang mit Krankheiten beschrieben. Untersuchungen, die die Genaktivität bei der Normalentwicklung von knochen- und knorpelbildenden Geweben zum Ziel haben, sind dagegen weit weniger oft durchgeführt worden. rnEines der entwicklungsphysiologisch interessantesten Gewebe ist die Epiphysenfuge der Röhrenknochen. In dieser sogenannten Wachstumsfuge ist insbesondere beim fötalen Gewebe eine sehr hohe Aktivität derjenigen Gene zu erwarten, die an der Knochen- und Knorpelbildung beteiligt sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher aus der Epiphysenfuge von Kälberknochen RNA isoliert und eine cDNA-Bibliothek konstruiert. Von dieser wurden ca. 4000 Klone im Rahmen eines klassischen EST-Projekts sequenziert. Durch die Analyse konnte ein ungefähr 900 Gene umfassendes Expressionsprofil erstellt werden und viele Transkripte für Komponenten der regulatorischen und strukturbildenden Bestandteile der Knochen- und Knorpelentwicklung identifiziert werden. Neben den typischen Genen für Komponenten der Knochenentwicklung sind auch deutlich Bestandteile für embryonale Entwicklungsprozesse vertreten. Zu ersten gehören in erster Linie die Kollagene, allen voran Kollagen II alpha 1, das mit Abstand höchst exprimierte Gen in der fötalen Wachstumsfuge. Nach den ribosomalen Proteinen stellen die Kollagene mit ca. 10 % aller auswertbaren Sequenzen die zweitgrößte Gengruppe im erstellten Expressionsprofil dar. Proteoglykane und andere niedrig exprimierte regulatorische Elemente, wie Transkriptionsfaktoren, konnten im EST-Projekt aufgrund der geringen Abdeckung nur in sehr geringer Kopienzahl gefunden werden. Allerdings förderte die EST-Analyse mehrere interessante, bisher nicht bekannte Transkripte zutage, die detaillierter untersucht wurden. Dazu gehören Transkripte die, die dem LOC618319 zugeordnet werden konnten. Neben den bisher beschriebenen drei Exonbereichen konnte ein weiteres Exon im 3‘-UTR identifiziert werden. Im abgeleiteten Protein, das mindestens 121 AS lang ist, wurden ein Signalpeptid und eine Transmembrandomäne nachgewiesen. In Verbindung mit einer möglichen Glykosylierung ist das Genprodukt in die Gruppe der Proteoglykane einzuordnen. Leicht abweichend von den typischen Strukturen knochen- und knorpelspezifischer Proteoglykane ist eine mögliche Funktion dieses Genprodukts bei der Interaktion mit Integrinen und der Zell-Zellinteraktion, aber auch bei der Signaltransduktion denkbar. rnDie EST-Sequenzierungen von ca. 4000 cDNA-Klonen können aber in der Regel nur einen Bruchteil der möglichen Transkripte des untersuchten Gewebes abdecken. Mit den neuen Sequenziertechnologien des „Next Generation Sequencing“ bestehen völlig neue Möglichkeiten, komplette Transkriptome mit sehr hoher Abdeckung zu sequenzieren und zu analysieren. Zur Unterstützung der EST-Daten und zur deutlichen Verbreiterung der Datenbasis wurde das Transkriptom der bovinen fötalen Wachstumsfuge sowohl mit Hilfe der Roche-454/FLX- als auch der Illumina-Solexa-Technologie sequenziert. Bei der Auswertung der ca. 40000 454- und 75 Millionen Illumina-Sequenzen wurden Verfahren zur allgemeinen Handhabung, der Qualitätskontrolle, dem „Clustern“, der Annotation und quantitativen Auswertung von großen Mengen an Sequenzdaten etabliert. Beim Vergleich der Hochdurchsatz Blast-Analysen im klassischen „Read-Count“-Ansatz mit dem erstellten EST-Expressionsprofil konnten gute Überstimmungen gezeigt werden. Abweichungen zwischen den einzelnen Methoden konnten nicht in allen Fällen methodisch erklärt werden. In einigen Fällen sind Korrelationen zwischen Transkriptlänge und „Read“-Verteilung zu erkennen. Obwohl schon simple Methoden wie die Normierung auf RPKM („reads per kilo base transkript per million mappable reads“) eine Verbesserung der Interpretation ermöglichen, konnten messtechnisch durch die Art der Sequenzierung bedingte systematische Fehler nicht immer ausgeräumt werden. Besonders wichtig ist daher die geeignete Normalisierung der Daten beim Vergleich verschieden generierter Datensätze. rnDie hier diskutierten Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Analysen zeigen die neuen Sequenziertechnologien als gute Ergänzung und potentiellen Ersatz für etablierte Methoden zur Genexpressionsanalyse.rn
The recent advent of Next-generation sequencing technologies has revolutionized the way of analyzing the genome. This innovation allows to get deeper information at a lower cost and in less time, and provides data that are discrete measurements. One of the most important applications with these data is the differential analysis, that is investigating if one gene exhibit a different expression level in correspondence of two (or more) biological conditions (such as disease states, treatments received and so on). As for the statistical analysis, the final aim will be statistical testing and for modeling these data the Negative Binomial distribution is considered the most adequate one especially because it allows for "over dispersion". However, the estimation of the dispersion parameter is a very delicate issue because few information are usually available for estimating it. Many strategies have been proposed, but they often result in procedures based on plug-in estimates, and in this thesis we show that this discrepancy between the estimation and the testing framework can lead to uncontrolled first-type errors. We propose a mixture model that allows each gene to share information with other genes that exhibit similar variability. Afterwards, three consistent statistical tests are developed for differential expression analysis. We show that the proposed method improves the sensitivity of detecting differentially expressed genes with respect to the common procedures, since it is the best one in reaching the nominal value for the first-type error, while keeping elevate power. The method is finally illustrated on prostate cancer RNA-seq data.
AIMS: To identify the rates and reasons for plate removal (PR) among patients treated for facial fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of files of 238 patients. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients (20.2%) had plates removed. The reason for removal was objective in 33.3% and subjective in 29.2%. The most common subjective reason was cold sensitivity, and the most common objective reason was wound dehiscence/infection. Women had PR for subjective reasons more often than men (p=0.018). Removal was performed more often for subjective reasons after zygomatico-orbital fractures than after mandibular fractures (p=0.002). Plates inserted in the mandible from an intraoral approach were removed more frequently than extraorally inserted mandibular plates, intraorally inserted maxillary plates, and extraorally inserted plates in other locations (p<0.001). Orbital rim plates had a higher risk of being removed than maxillary or frontal bone plates (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Subjective discomfort is a notable reason for PR among Finnish patients, suggesting that the cold climate has an influence on the need for removal. Patients receiving mandibular osteosynthesis with miniplates from an intraoral approach are at risk of hardware removal because of wound dehiscence/infection and loose/broken hardware, reminding us that more rigid fixation devices should not be forgotten despite the widespread use of miniplates.
Current guidelines suggest that primary prophylaxis for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PcP) can be safely stopped in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients who are receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and who have a CD4 cell count >200 cells/microL. There are few data regarding the incidence of PcP or safety of stopping prophylaxis in virologically suppressed patients with CD4 cell counts of 101-200 cells/microL.
Nonunions of pediatric subtrochanteric femur fractures are exceedingly rare and have to date not been reported in the literature. We present the case of an 11-year-old boy who developed such a nonunion after open reduction internal fixation using a pediatric locked proximal femur plate. Using an adult proximal humerus locking plate, adequate proximal fixation of the nonunion was obtained. Furthermore, previously placed distal screw holes were safely bridged and the biomechanical environment around the nonunion site improved. Uneventful healing was possible with the use of adjuvant bone grafting. No short- or midterm complications occurred. Although other implants can certainly be adapted to a use different than that of its original design, the present case suggests that adult proximal humerus locking plates may be a safe option for revision surgery of the proximal pediatric femur.
Background Although CD4 cell count monitoring is used to decide when to start antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-1 infection, there are no evidence-based recommendations regarding its optimal frequency. It is common practice to monitor every 3 to 6 months, often coupled with viral load monitoring. We developed rules to guide frequency of CD4 cell count monitoring in HIV infection before starting antiretroviral therapy, which we validated retrospectively in patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Methodology/Principal Findings We built up two prediction rules (“Snap-shot rule” for a single sample and “Track-shot rule” for multiple determinations) based on a systematic review of published longitudinal analyses of CD4 cell count trajectories. We applied the rules in 2608 untreated patients to classify their 18 061 CD4 counts as either justifiable or superfluous, according to their prior ≥5% or <5% chance of meeting predetermined thresholds for starting treatment. The percentage of measurements that both rules falsely deemed superfluous never exceeded 5%. Superfluous CD4 determinations represented 4%, 11%, and 39% of all actual determinations for treatment thresholds of 500, 350, and 200×106/L, respectively. The Track-shot rule was only marginally superior to the Snap-shot rule. Both rules lose usefulness for CD4 counts coming near to treatment threshold. Conclusions/Significance Frequent CD4 count monitoring of patients with CD4 counts well above the threshold for initiating therapy is unlikely to identify patients who require therapy. It appears sufficient to measure CD4 cell count 1 year after a count >650 for a threshold of 200, >900 for 350, or >1150 for 500×106/L, respectively. When CD4 counts fall below these limits, increased monitoring frequency becomes advisable. These rules offer guidance for efficient CD4 monitoring, particularly in resource-limited settings.