566 resultados para hematoxylin-eosin


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The photoelectrode of Eosin-Y sensitised DSSC was modified by incorporating Au-nanoparticles to enhance the power conversion efficiency via scattering from surface plasmon polaritons. Size dependence of Au nanoparticle on conversion efficiency was performed in DSSC for the first time by varying the particle size from 20 to 94 nm. It was found that, the conversion efficiency is highly dependent on the size of the Au nanoparticles. For larger particles (>50 nm), the efficiency was found to be increased due to constructive interference between the transmitted and scattered waves from the Au nanoparticle while for smaller particles, the efficiency decreases due to destructive interference. Also a reduction in the V-oc was observed in general, due to the negative shifting of the TiO2 Fermi level on the adsorption of Au nanoparticle. This shift was negligible for larger particles. When 94 nm size particles were employed the conversion efficiency was doubled from 0.74% to 1.52%. This study points towards the application of the scattering effect of metal nanoparticle to enhance the conversion efficiency in DSSCs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the quest for more efficient photoanodes in the photoelectrochemical oxidation processes for organic pollutant degradation and mineralisation in water treatment, we present the synthesis, characterisation and photoelectrochemical application of expanded graphite-TiO2 composite (EG-TiO2) prepared using the sol-gel method with organically modified silicate. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analyser, ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, Raman spectrometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were employed for the characterisation of the composites. The applicability of the EG-TiO2 as photoanode material was investigated by the photoelectrochemical degradation of p-nitrophenol as a target pollutant in a 0.1 M Na2SO4 (pH 7) solution at a current density of 5 mA cm(-2). After optimising the TiO2 loading, initial p-nitrophenol concentration, pH and current density, a removal efficiency of 62% with an apparent kinetic rate constant of 10.4 x 10(-3) min(-1) was obtained for the photoelectrochemical process as compared to electrochemical oxidation and photolysis, where removal efficiencies of 6% and 24% were obtained respectively after 90 min. Furthermore, the EG-TiO2 electrode was able to withstand high current density due to its high stability. The EG-TiO2 electrode was also used to degrade 0.3 x 10(-4) M methylene blue and 0.1 x 10(-4) M Eosin Yellowish, leading to 94% and 47% removal efficiency within 120 reaction time. This confirms the suitability of the EG-TiO2 electrode to degrade other organic pollutants.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as alterações no tecido cardíaco e pulmonar de camundongos dislipidêmicos, esquistossomóticos e seus controles que haviam sido eutanasiados com 9 (fase aguda) e 17 (fase crônica) semanas de infecção. Foram estudados quatro grupos de camundongos, segundo a dieta e tempo de infecção: dieta padrão (SCa e SCc), dieta hiperlipídica (HFCa e HFCc), dieta padrão infectados (ISCa e ISCc) e dieta hiperlipídica infectados (IHFCa e IHFCc). O coração e o pulmão foram retirados, seccionados e os fragmentos foram submetidos a processamento histológico e corados com Hematoxilina e Eosina e Picrosirius red. Foram realizadas análises histopatológicas dos dois órgãos, além de estudos estereológico (dissector óptico) e morfométrico (vasos, cardiomiócitos e quantificação de colágeno) do coração. Os grupos foram comparados pelos Testes T de Student e/ou ANOVA. Todos os animais com dieta hiperlipídica, infectados ou não, apresentaram menor densidade de número e número total de cardiomiócitos (p<0,05), além de vasos intramiocárdicos com lúmen mais reduzido e paredes mais espessas que os controles, independente da semana em que foram eutanasiados. Os cardiomiócitos dos grupos IHFCa e IHFCc estavam mais hiperplásicos (p<0,0001) e continham mais colágeno ao redor (p<0,05) que os dos demais grupos estudados. Os corações dos grupos IHFC, nas duas fases, apresentaram maior quantidade de nichos inflamatórios, inúmeras regiões contendo coagulação de fibras cardíacas, maior número de áreas com desaparecimento de fibras e proliferação de fibroblastos quando comparados aos grupos ISC. Os pulmões de camundongos do grupo IHFCc apresentaram aumento do número de reações granulomatosas e infiltrados perivasculares quando comparados aos demais grupos infectados. Esses dados sugerem que a infecção por S. mansoni causa danos às estruturas miocárdica e pulmonar que se intensificam com a interação com a dieta rica em lipídios.


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Ruptura do tendão calcâneo é uma das lesões tendíneas mais frequentes. Embora a maioria dos trabalhos sugira que o exercício seja benéfico na cicatrização tendínea, não há consenso sobre o efeito do antiinflamatório neste contexto. Trabalhos experimentais tentam reproduzir lesão aguda deste tendão, em diferentes espécies animais. Neste estudo, descrevemos uma técnica de tenotomia completa do tendão calcâneo direito em ratos e, em seguida, avaliamos os efeitos do uso do antiinflamatório e do exercício aeróbico, isoladamente e em combinação, sobre a proliferação celular e o perfil biomecânico do tendão calcâneo, durante o processo de cicatrização após tenotomia. Estudo experimental com 156 ratos machos adultos, da raça Wistar, com idade média de 3 meses e peso médio de 300g. Após anestesia com tiopental e com auxílio da microscopia de luz, foi realizada incisão longitudinal posterior de cinco milímetros, em direção proximal, a partir da tuberosidade posterior do calcâneo da pata direita do rato. Foi feito corte transversal do tendão calcâneo, a sete milímetros da tuberosidade do calcâneo, com preservação do tendão plantar. Utilizamos as técnicas de Hematoxilina e Eosina, Picrosirius-red e Resorcina-fucsina de Weigert para avaliação da cicatrização tendínea e das fibras dos sistemas colágeno e elástico. Após a tenotomia, metade dos animais receberam tenoxicam intramuscular por 7 dias e no 8o dia iniciou-se protocolo de exercício em esteira na metade de cada grupo. Os ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos de tratamento: A sem antiinflamatório E sem exercício (controle); B com antiinflamatório E com exercício; C sem antiinflamatório E com exercício; D com antiinflamatório E sem exercício. Os animais foram eutanasiados com 1, 2, 4 e 8 semanas após a tenotomia, para avaliação histológica pelo PCNA, e biomecânica através do teste de resistência à tração e da medida do ciclo locomotor. Foram realizados análise de variância, teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o método de Bonferroni, no programa R Project, versão 2.11.1. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 1 minuto e 24 segundos, sem complicações observadas até a 8a semana pós-operatória. Observamos proliferação celular e fibrilogênese com duas semanas, e diminuição da celularidade e das fibras elásticas na 8a semana, além de mudanças na organização estrutural do sistema colágeno. Encontramos pico da imunomarcação com PCNA na 2a semana em todos os grupos, exceto no grupo A, cujo pico aconteceu com 1 semana da tenotomia. Evidenciamos resistência à tração significativamente maior (p=0,02) nos ratos submetidos ao exercício, 8 semanas após ruptura. Nos grupos com antiinflamatório, observamos um ciclo locomotor mais estável durante todo o tempo avaliado. Consideramos a técnica cirúrgica experimental de tenotomia completa do tendão calcâneo, realizada com auxílio da microscopia de luz e preservação do tendão plantar, simples, rápida, com sinais de cicatrização tendínea normal e de fácil reprodução em ratos. O exercício aeróbico, iniciado precocemente após tenotomia completa do tendão calcâneo, é significativamente benéfico na sua recuperação biomecânica e o uso combinado com antiinflamatório confere maior estabilidade na marcha, o que pode proteger contra rerruptura tendínea em ratos


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Acredita-se que os primeiros progenitores da hematopoese definitiva surjam da diferenciação do endotélio da aorta dorsal, na altura da região da Aorta-Gônada-Mesonefros (AGM). Com o intuito de estudar esta região e o fenótipo das células do endotélio da aorta dorsal nesta posição topográfica, ovos galados de Gallus gallus domesticus L. foram incubados em chocadeira, classificados em estádios de E16 a E25 e processados histotecnologicamente para obtenção de secções seriadas na altura da região AGM. Estas passaram por coloração por Hematoxilina-Eosina, histoquímica para PAS, PAS-diastase e Alcian Blue pH 1.0 e pH 2.5, histoquímica por lectinas fluoresceinadas e imunofluorescência para moléculas de superfície, citoesqueleto e matriz extracelular. Foi observada hipertrofia endotelial no assoalho da aorta nos estádios observados, o qual se apresentava positivo ao PAS, com ocorrência frequente de vacuolizações basais PAS negativas, e o surgimento ocasional de grupamentos celulares intravasculares. Nestes, as células que se destacavam da membrana basal do endotélio expressavam progressivamente mais material PAS positivo, o qual, no entanto, em nenhum momento pareceu se tratar de glicogênio. Em relação às glicosaminoglicanas, notamos a presença predominante de ácido hialurônico por todo o mesênquima da região e em outras estruturas como periferia da notocorda, tubo neural e mesoderma lateral. Ocorreu co-expressão de fibronectina e α-actina de músculo liso em células circunjacentes à aorta, na face ventral do vaso. GFAP e BMP-4 são expressas entre as células do tubo neural e em sua periferia, assim como na notocorda do embrião. As lectinas Abrus precatorius, Lens culinarise Ricinus communis mostraram-se positivas principalmente na região subedotelial do assoalho da aorta nos estádios observados neste trabalho. Bandeiraea simplicifolia exibiu pouca marcação na aorta dorsal e a Arachis hypogeae foi negativa. Outras estruturas da região AGM também expressaram resíduos de açúcares revelados por estas lectinas, tais como: notocorda, tubo neural, mesênquima, intestino primitivo e saco vitelínico. Estes resultados acrescentam elementos morfológicos e bioquímicos ao conhecimento sobre a região AGM de embriões de galinha e sobre o endotélio, possivelmente hemogênico, da aorta dorsal.


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A Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional (DMG) pode ser definida como intolerância a carboidrato durante a gravidez e estima-se que pode afetar 10-22% de todas as pacientes grávidas. Durante a gravidez podem surgir diversas complicações para o feto como risco elevado de aborto espontâneo, anormalidades congênitas e morbidade e mortalidade neonatal. Entretanto, podem surgir também alterações morfofuncionais em diversos órgãos da mãe diabética, porém isso não é bem estabelecido. Investigar se haverá ou não alterações bioquímicas e histopatológicas em diversos órgãos, como hipófise, útero, placenta e pâncreas de ratas grávidas com diabetes mellitus durante e no final da gravidez e compará-las . Além disso, investigar se há alteração na matriz extracelular (MEC) da hipófise desses animais. No 5 dia de vida, ratas Wistar foram divididas em dois grupos: um tratado com estreptozotocina (Grupo Diabético / DIAB), na dose de 90 mg/kg, subcutâneo e outro grupo, que foi tratado com veículo (tampão citrato/CTR). Aos 90 dias de vidas, foram submetidas ao cruzamento. Após isso, foram sacrificadas no 11 e 21 dia de gravidez. Foram avaliados glicemia e bioquímica maternal e número de implantes .O pâncreas, útero, placenta e hipófises foram coradas com Hematoxilina e Eosina e somente as hipófises foram coradas com Massom e Picrosirius, para avaliação da MEC.Os animais diabéticos tanto do 11 quanto do 21 dia apresentaram uma redução no número de implantes, menor peso e maior glicemia e colesterol total, em relação aos animais controle independente do dia da gravidez. Não foi verificada diferença dos níveis de triglicerídeos entre os grupos não diabéticos e diabéticos, independente dos dias. Entretanto, os animais diabéticos que finalizaram o período de gestação apresentaram uma maior glicemia maternal em relação ao grupo diabético do 11 dia. Pâncreas de ratas diabéticas do 21 dia apresentaram vacuolização intracitoplasmática das ilhotas, insulite,migração de células inflamatórias, espessamento da parede do vaso e fibrose periductal e vascular. Essas alterações foram verificadas com bem menor intensidade nos animais diabéticos do 11 dia. Foi verificado que a placenta de animais diabéticos apresenta congestão na interface materno-fetal, migração celular, maior concentração de vasos maternos e fetais, mas em forma irregular , necrose e vacuolização. A hipófise de animais diabéticos mostraram células cromófobas agregadas, aumento da espessura de fibras de colágeno vermelhas da MEC, em contraste com o controle, que foi visualizado fibras em verde e em formato de feixe. A diabetes desempenhou um total remodelamento da hipófise. Gravidez de animais diabeticos mostraram maior dano ao pâncreas e placenta, especialmente no final da gravidez. Em consequência dessa alterações, esses animais diabéticos apresentaram hiperglicemia, maior colesterol total, porém menor peso materno, número de implantes e sem alterações nos triglicerídeos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a demonstrar remodelamento tecidual em alguns elementos da MEC na hipófise, como espessamento da camada da MEC e fibras de colágeno em verde. Alterações da MEC da hipófise são provavelmente devido ao processo de diabetes na gestação.


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Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) is valuable fish that Khuzastan fisheries office propagated it artificially in Susangerd Fish Propagation Center every year. Pituitary gland is used for this aim but female fish lost their fertilization power after 2-3 years, so in present research, new hormone, that is called Ghrelin. The aims of this research are histology, hormonal, zygote and larval generation studies and comparing the results with each other. Ghrelin is a multifunctional peptidyl hormone which increases GTH-II in fish, amphibian, and birds and mammalian so its effect on Benni sexual maturation was studied. Human Ghrelin (hGRL) was obtained from ANASPEC, Canada, with 28 amino acids. In the present study, three levels of ghrelin including 0 (sham treatments), 0.10 (treatment 1) and 0.15 μg/g (treatment 2) body wt and one level of pituitary gland 4000 μg/g (pituitary treatment) with two replications were used. 56 specimens were injected intraperitonealy and their ghrelin level was evaluated immediately after injection and after 24 h. Control fish(n=16) were just injected by physiological saline. For hormonal studies sham and experimental fish(n=40) were anesthetized with MS-222 at a concentration of 250 mg l-1, and blood samples were collected and kept at 4ْC, then spun to collect serum. Serum samples were stores at -20ْC until the RIA for CTH-II. For histology studies immediately after injection a piece of ovary was collected from control fish (Sham zero) after being anesthetized. The sampled ovaries were fixed in Buin solution and embedded in paraffin, and stained to Sections of 5–6 μm using haematoxylin and eosin. The ovarian samples were performed with a compound microscope. Histology and micrometry studies had done. The mature oocytes had given from mature fish, then weighted and the working fecundity were counted. The mature oocytes fertilized, the eggs were incubated and the percentage of fertilization was calculated. After 72h the eggs hatched and the percentage of hatch was counted. The percentage of hindrance was calculated after 6 days. Hormonal results indicate that ghrelin and pituitary increase significantly the GTH-II level in comparison to sham. Macroscopic observations (before taking ovary) showed that ovaries with green colored have couple oval structure located in the abdominal cavity. Microscopic studies of dissected ovaries indicated simultaneous growth of 127 oocytes with 6 stages. The type of the ovary is asynchronous. The results indicated that both of the ghrelin treatment increased the percentage of mature follicles followed by decrease of immature follicles. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between the number of mature and immature follicles. Average diameter of follicle in both of the ghrelin treatment was significantly (P<0.05) declined in the stages of the vitellogenesis when the result compared to the other treatment. Just treatment 1 and pituitary treatment can give mature oocytes. The fecundity of pituitary treatment significantly increase in comparision to ghrelin treatment (P<0.05). In food-restricted fish where endogenous ghrelin levels are known to be increased, a chronic administration of ghrelin induces overt negative effect in releasing mature oocytes. The percentage of fertilization was significantly increase (P<0.05) in ghrelin t. in comparison to pituitary t. and the percentage of hatch was significantly increase (P<0.05) in pituitary t. in comparison to ghrelin t. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in terms of percentage of hindrance between treatments. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that ghrelin has positive effect on the level of GTH-II, oocyte maturation, ovarian vitellogenesis and the number of mature follicles of Barbus sharpeyi ovary. Increasing of the mature follicles number reduces their average diameter, indicating stimulating effect of ghrelin in sexual maturation of Barbus sharpeyi.The ghrelin and pituitary treatment have equal chance in the post-stage of spawning.


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A kind of optical pH sensor was demonstrated that is based on a pH-sensitive fluorescence dye-doped (eosin) cellulose acetate (CA) thin-film modified microstructured polymer optical fiber (MPOF). It was obtained by directly inhaling an eosin-CA-acetic acid mixed solution into array holes in a MPOF and then removing the solvent (acetic acid). The sensing film showed different fluorescence intensities to different pH solutions in a pH range of 2.5-4.5. Furthermore, the pH response range could be tailored through doping a surfactant, hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), in the sensing film. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Fasciolosis is a parasitic infection by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, which costs the global agricultural community over US $2 billion per year. Its prevalence is rising due to factors such as climate change and drug resistance. ATP-dependent membrane transporters are considered good potential drug targets as they are essential for cellular processes and are in an exposed, accessible position in the cell. Immunolocalisation studies demonstrated that a plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) was localised to the parenchymal tissue in F. hepatica. The coding sequence for a F. hepatica PMCA (FhPMCA) has been obtained. This sequence encodes a 1,163 amino acid protein which contains motifs which are commonly conserved in PMCAs. Molecular modelling predicted that the protein has 10 transmembrane segments which include a potential calcium ion binding site and phosphorylation motif. FhPMCA interacts with the calmodulin-like protein FhCaM1, but not the related proteins FhCaM2 or FhCaM3, in a calcium-ion dependent manner. This interaction occurs through a region in the C-terminal region of FhPMCA which most likely adopts an a-helical conformation. When FhPMCA was heterologously expressed in a budding yeast strain deleted for its PMCA (Pmc1p), it restored viability. Microsomes prepared from these yeast cells had calcium ion stimulated ATPase activity which was inhibited by the known PMCA inhibitors, bisphenol and eosin. The potential of FhPMCA as a new drug target is discussed.


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In the summer of 1990 an epizootic infection caused by a morbillivirus (DMV) killed several thousand striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1991 and 1992 the epizootic reached Italian and Greek waters. The infection by DMV in the acute period of the epizootic caused encephalitis, pneumonia and depletion of lymph nodes. After 1990, the systemic infection apparently disappeared from the Catalonian coast, giving way to cases of chronic infection of the CNS. Dolphins that died between 1991 and May 1994 were necropsied, and investigated for lesions due to DMV, and for the presence of morbillivirus antigen in tissues. Encephalitis occurred in 6 dolphins in which DMV antigen was demonstrated in the CNS and which were without lesions or antigen in other, non-nervous tissues. Inflammatory lesions, gliosis, and DMV antigen decreased in density and amount from cerebral grey matter, through the thalamic areas to the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum was usually spared. Lesions consisted of non-suppurative encephalitis, with diffuse gliosis and glial nodules and neuronophagia, and loss of neurons. Perivascular cuffing of lymphocytes and plasma cells was present in the cerebral cortex and the white matter beneath the cortex. Multinucleate syncytia were not detected in any of the dolphins. The haemagglutinin of DMV was detected mainly in neurons in the cerebral cortical areas. There was no clear relationship between the presence and amount of DMV antigen and the density or chronicity of lesions. Viral inclusions were seen in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections in 3/6 dolphins, principally in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of neurons. In the immunoperoxidase stained sections, dense granular deposits of chromogen, similar to viral inclusions, were evident in all 6 dolphins. The change in the distribution of lesions and of DMV antigen, from systemic to localized in the CNS, and the clustering of systemic DMV infections in the first four months of the epizootic, giving rise to sporadic occurrence of local CNS infection in the subsequent four years, as well as the chronic nature of the CNS lesions, which closely resembles subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, strongly support the existence of a chronic morbillivirus infection in the striped dolphin, as a delayed consequence of the 1990 epizootic.


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The discovery and clinical application of molecular biomarkers in solid tumors, increasingly relies on nucleic acid extraction from FFPE tissue sections and subsequent molecular profiling. This in turn requires the pathological review of haematoxylin & eosin (H&E) stained slides, to ensure sample quality, tumor DNA sufficiency by visually estimating the percentage tumor nuclei and tumor annotation for manual macrodissection. In this study on NSCLC, we demonstrate considerable variation in tumor nuclei percentage between pathologists, potentially undermining the precision of NSCLC molecular evaluation and emphasising the need for quantitative tumor evaluation. We subsequently describe the development and validation of a system called TissueMark for automated tumor annotation and percentage tumor nuclei measurement in NSCLC using computerized image analysis. Evaluation of 245 NSCLC slides showed precise automated tumor annotation of cases using Tissuemark, strong concordance with manually drawn boundaries and identical EGFR mutational status, following manual macrodissection from the image analysis generated tumor boundaries. Automated analysis of cell counts for % tumor measurements by Tissuemark showed reduced variability and significant correlation (p < 0.001) with benchmark tumor cell counts. This study demonstrates a robust image analysis technology that can facilitate the automated quantitative analysis of tissue samples for molecular profiling in discovery and diagnostics.


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The technique of sentinel lymph node (SLN) dissection is a reliable predictor of metastatic disease in the lymphatic basin draining the primary melanoma. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is emerging as a highly sensitive technique to detect micrometastases in SLNs, but its specificity has been questioned. A prospective SLN study in melanoma patients was undertaken to compare in detail immunopathological versus molecular detection methods. Sentinel lymphadenectomy was performed on 57 patients, with a total of 71 SLNs analysed. SLNs were cut in slices, which were alternatively subjected to parallel multimarker analysis by microscopy (haematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemistry for HMB-45, S100, tyrosinase and Melan-A/MART-1) and RT-PCR (for tyrosinase and Melan-A/MART-1). Metastases were detected by both methods in 23% of the SLNs (28% of the patients). The combined use of Melan-A/MART-1 and tyrosinase amplification increased the sensitivity of PCR detection of microscopically proven micrometastases. Of the 55 immunopathologically negative SLNs, 25 were found to be positive on RT-PCR. Notably, eight of these SLNs contained naevi, all of which were positive for tyrosinase and/or Melan-A/MART-1, as detected at both mRNA and protein level. The remaining 41% of the SLNs were negative on both immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Analysis of a series of adjacent non-SLNs by RT-PCR confirmed the concept of orderly progression of metastasis. Clinical follow-up showed disease recurrence in 12% of the RT-PCR-positive immunopathology-negative SLNs, indicating that even an extensive immunohistochemical analysis may underestimate the presence of micrometastases. However, molecular analyses, albeit more sensitive, need to be further improved in order to attain acceptable specificity before they can be applied diagnostically.