425 resultados para gastroesophageal reflux


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Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se a síntese de -cetoésteres, a partir da acilação do ácido de Meldrum usando diferentes ácidos graxos, com cadeias saturadas e insaturadas. Inicialmente, foi realizado o experimento utilizando o ácido palmítico (1e) como modelo para obtenção de cloreto de ácido graxo, usando ácido de Meldrum e piridina como catalisador. Porém, após um longo tempo de reação, o -cetoéster palmítico (4e) foi obtido com baixo rendimento, não ultrapassando os 20%. Posteriormente, os experimentos foram realizados utilizando o ácidos graxos 1e, ácido de Meldrum (2), DCC, DMAP, e piridina à temperatura ambiente sob a atmosfera de nitrogênio. No entanto, o protocolo utilizado resultou no β-cetoéster 4e com rendimentos moderados. Em seguida examinou-se o efeito da adição do ácido de Meldrum após a adição dos ácido graxos e DCC. Neste caso, após a adição do DCC aos ácido graxos 1a-j foi observada a formação imediata das O-aciluréias graxas. A seguir a adição de 2,0 equiv de ácido de Meldrum (2) em diclorometano, revelou a formação dos respectivos enol graxos 3a-j. Posteriormente, os β- cetoésteres 4a-j foram obtidos a partir da reação do enol com o metanol. Este protocolo modificado proporcionou o aumento nos rendimentos (74 a 84%) dos β-cetoéster 4a-j. Após, o β-cetoéster 4k foi sintetizado em 75% utilizando o ácido de Meldrum (2) e ácido ricinoléico (1k), obtido a partir do biodiesel de mamona, à temperatura ambiente e sob a atmosfera de nitrogênio. Portanto, foi desenvolvido um método simples para obter β-cetoésteres graxos, a partir do ácido de Meldrum com cadeias graxas diversificadas utilizando DCC e DMAP. Além disso, o presente trabalho relata pela primeira vez a síntese de novos β-cetoésteres graxos derivados dos ácidos oléico, elaídico, ricinoléico, linoléico e linolênico.


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This work aims at obtaining nanoparticles of iron oxide, the magnetite one (Fe3O4), via synthesis by thermal decomposition through polyol. Thus, two routes were evaluated: a simple decomposition route assisted by reflux and a hydrothermal route both without synthetic air atmosphere using a synthesis temperature of 260ºC. In this work observed the influence of the observe of surfactants which are generally applied in the synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles decreasing cluster areas. Further, was observed pure magnetite phase without secondary phases generally found in the iron oxide synthesis, a better control of crystallite size, morphology, crystal structure and magnetic behavior. Finally, the introduction of hydroxyl groups on the nanoparticles surface was analyzed besides its employment in the polymer production with OH radicals. The obtained materials were characterized by XRD, DLS, VSM, TEM, TG and DSC analyses. The results for the magnetite obtainment with a particle size greater than 5 nm and smaller than 11 nm, well defined morphology and good magnetic properties with superparamagnetic behavior. The reflux synthesis was more efficient in the deposition of the hydroxyl groups on the nanoparticles surface


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Background: Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is one of the most common causes of urinary tract obstruction in children. Several methods are used to diagnose upper urinary tract obstruction including renal ultrasonography (US), intravenous pyelogram (IVP), diuretic renography (DR), magnetic resonance urography (MRU) and antegrade or retrograde pyelography. Nowadays it is suggested to use diuretic renography as the best method for diagnosing of UPJO. There is no comparative study between IVP and DR scan for diagnosis of UPJO in children. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare IVP with furosemide injection and diuretic renography in diagnosis of clinically significant UPJO. Patients and Methods: This was a cross sectional study performed in 153 UPJO suspected children (121 boys, 32 girls) based on US findings in cases presented with urinary tract infection (UTI), prenatal hydronephrosis, abdominal/flank pain, abdominal mass and hematuria. Renal ultrasound was used as an initial screening tool for detection of urinary tract abnormality. Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) was ruled out by voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). Serum creatinin, blood urea nitrogen, urinalysis and urine culture was screened in all cases. IVP with furosemide and DR were performed as soon as possible after the mentioned workup. Results: During a five year period, 46 out of 153 patients were diagnosed as UPJO based on diuretic renography: the age ranged from 4 months to 13 years (mean: 3.1 ± 0.78 years). There was a significant higher (76%) proportion of UPJO in the boys and in the left side (78%). The sensitivity of IVP with furosemide injection in diagnosis of UPJO was 91.3% whereas DR was accepted as standard for diagnostic procedure in diagnosis of UPJO. Conclusions: Although DR is accepted as the best method for diagnosis of UPJO, we found a small sensitivity difference between IVP and DR in kidneys with normal or near normal function. In many settings such as small cities lacking facilities for advanced isotope imaging technology, use of IVP with diuretic maybe an acceptable procedure for diagnosis of UPJO.


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Purpose: To synthesize a series of analogues of 1,3,4-oxadiazole and to evaluate their antibacterial activity. Methods: Ethyl piperidin-4-carboxylate (1) was mixed with 4-toluenesulfonyl chloride (2) in benignant conditions to yield ethyl 1-(4-toluenesulfonyl)piperidin-4-carboxylate (3) and then 1-(4- toluenesulfonyl)piperidin-4-carbohydrazide (4). Intermolecular cyclization of 4 into 2-mercapto-5-(1-(4- toluenesulfonyl) piperidin-4-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole (5) was obtained on reflux with CS2 in the presence of KOH. Molecule 5 was stirred with alkyl halides, 6a-i, in DMF in the presence of LiH to synthesize the final compounds, 7a-i. The structures of these molecules were elucidated by Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and electron impact mass spectrometry (EI-MS). Antibacterial activity was evaluated against five bacterial strains, namely, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, with ciprofloxacin used as standard antibacterial agent. Results: Out of nine synthesized derivatives, compound 7a was the most active against three bacterial strains, S. typhi, E. coli and P. aeruginosa, with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 9.11 ± 0.40, 9.89 ± 0.45 and 9.14 ± 0.72 μM, respectively, compared with 7.45 ± 0.58, 7.16 ± 0.58 and 7.14 ± 0.18 μM, respectively, for the reference standard (ciprofloxacin). Similarly, compounds 7a - 7c showed relatively good antibacterial activity against B. subtilis strain while compound 7e - 7g revealed good results against S. typhi bacterial strain. Conclusion: The results indicate that S-substituted derivatives of the parent compound are more effective antibacterial agents than the parent compound, even with minor differences in substituents


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La construction des chemins de fer portugais a eu, jusqu’en 1891, pour l’objectif principal de combler le retard économique du pays. Par suite de l’échec des entrepreneurs anglais, notamment Morton Petto, ce furent les hommes d’affaires et les capitaux qui jouèrent le rôle majeur, grâce notamment l’intervention des Pereire, puis celle de CIC, principal soutien des initiatives de l’entrepreneur espagnol D. José de Salamanca, enfin la Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas et la Banque Ottomane. L’influence Saint-simonienne s’exerçait sur les ingénieurs formés à l’École Polytechnique de Lisbonne et bénéficiait la généralisation du modèle français de la concession. À partir des années 1890, ce système entra en crise, favorisant une influence allemand grandissante, tant en terme d’investissement qu’à travers la formation des ingénieurs, notamment ceux de l’Institut Supérieur Technique de Lisbonne, Le reflux des investissements étrangères, à partir de la crise de 1892, poussa l’État dans la voie de la nationalisation en 1899, dans qu’ensuite ne suisse survenir une relance de la construction ferroviaires. Après la Seconde Guerre mondial, les chemins de fer furent confiés à un unique exploitant national, la Compagnie des chemins de fer Portugais.