798 resultados para focus group, dialogisme, interactions verbales
Background: In Sweden, midwives play prominent supportive role in antenatal care by counselling and promoting healthy lifestyles. This study aimed to explore how Swedish midwives experience the counselling of pregnant women on physical activity, specifically focusing on facilitators and barriers during pregnancy. Also, addressing whether the midwives perceive that their own lifestyle and body shape may influence the content of the counselling they provide. Methods: Eight focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted with 41 midwives working in antenatal care clinics in different parts of Sweden between September 2013 and January 2014. Purposive sampling was applied to ensure a variation in age, work experience, and geographical location. The FGD were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using manifest and latent content analysis. Results: The main theme- "An on-going individual adjustment" was built on three categories: "Counselling as a challenge"; "Counselling as walking the thin ice" and "Counselling as an opportunity" reflecting the midwives on-going need to adjust their counselling depending on each woman's specific situation. Furthermore, counselling pregnant women on physical activity was experienced as complex and ambiguous, presenting challenges as well as opportunities. When midwives challenged barriers to physical activity, they risked being rejected by the pregnant women. Despite risking rejection, the midwives tried to promote increased physical activity based on their assessment of individual needs of the pregnant woman. Some participants felt that their own lifestyle and body shape might negatively influence the counselling; however, the majority of participants did not agree with this perspective. Conclusions: Counselling on physical activity during pregnancy may be a challenging task for midwives, characterized by on-going adjustments based on a pregnant woman's individual needs. Midwives strive to find individual solutions to encourage physical activity. However, to improve their counselling, midwives may benefit from further training, also organizational and financial barriers need to be addressed. Such efforts might result in improved opportunities to further support pregnant women's motivation for performance of physical activity.
Background In the Neonatal health – Knowledge into Practice (NeoKIP) trial in Vietnam, local stakeholder groups, supported by trained laywomen acting as facilitators, promoted knowledge translation (KT) resulting in decreased neonatal mortality. In general, as well as in the community-based NeoKIP trial, there is a need to further understand how context influences KT interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thus, the objective of this study was to explore the influence of context on the facilitation process in the NeoKIP intervention. Methods A secondary content analysis was performed on 16 Focus Group Discussions with facilitators and participants of the stakeholder groups, applying an inductive approach to the content on context through naïve understanding and structured analysis. Results The three main-categories of context found to influence the facilitation process in the NeoKIP intervention were: (1) Support and collaboration of local authorities and other communal stakeholders; (2) Incentives to, and motivation of, participants; and (3) Low health care coverage and utilization. In particular, the role of local authorities in a KT intervention was recognized as important. Also, while project participants expected financial incentives, non-financial benefits such as individual learning were considered to balance the lack of reimbursement in the NeoKIP intervention. Further, project participants recognized the need to acknowledge the needs of disadvantaged groups. Conclusions This study provides insight for further understanding of the influence of contextual aspects to improve effects of a KT intervention in Vietnam. We suggest that future KT interventions should apply strategies to improve local authorities’ engagement, to identify and communicate non-financial incentives, and to make disadvantaged groups a priority. Further studies to evaluate the contextual aspects in KT interventions in LMICs are also needed.
BACKGROUND: A large proportion of the annual 3.3 million neonatal deaths could be averted if there was a high uptake of basic evidence-based practices. In order to overcome this 'know-do' gap, there is an urgent need for in-depth understanding of knowledge translation (KT). A major factor to consider in the successful translation of knowledge into practice is the influence of organizational context. A theoretical framework highlighting this process is Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS). However, research linked to this framework has almost exclusively been conducted in high-income countries. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the perceived relevance of the subelements of the organizational context cornerstone of the PARIHS framework, and also whether other factors in the organizational context were perceived to influence KT in a specific low-income setting. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted in a district of Uganda, where focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were conducted with midwives (n = 18) and managers (n = 5) within the catchment area of the general hospital. The interview guide was developed based on the context sub-elements in the PARIHS framework (receptive context, culture, leadership, and evaluation). Interviews were transcribed verbatim, followed by directed content analysis of the data. RESULTS: The sub-elements of organizational context in the PARIHS framework--i.e., receptive context, culture, leadership, and evaluation--also appear to be relevant in a low-income setting like Uganda, but there are additional factors to consider. Access to resources, commitment and informal payment, and community involvement were all perceived to play important roles for successful KT. CONCLUSIONS: In further development of the context assessment tool, assessing factors for successful implementation of evidence in low-income settings--resources, community involvement, and commitment and informal payment--should be considered for inclusion. For low-income settings, resources are of significant importance, and might be considered as a separate subelement of the PARIHS framework as a whole.
BACKGROUND: In northern Vietnam the Neonatal health - Knowledge Into Practice (NeoKIP, Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN44599712) trial has evaluated facilitation as a knowledge translation intervention to improve neonatal survival. The results demonstrated that intervention sites, each having an assigned group including local stakeholders supported by a facilitator, lowered the neonatal mortality rate by 50% during the last intervention year compared with control sites. This process evaluation was conducted to identify and describe mechanisms of the NeoKIP intervention based on experiences of facilitators and intervention group members. METHODS: Four focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with all facilitators at different occasions and 12 FGDs with 6 intervention groups at 2 occasions. Fifteen FGDs were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated into English, and analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Four themes and 17 sub-themes emerged from the 3 FGDs with facilitators, and 5 themes and 18 sub-themes were identified from the 12 FGDs with the intervention groups mirroring the process of, and the barriers to, the intervention. Facilitators and intervention group members concurred that having groups representing various organisations was beneficial. Facilitators were considered important in assembling the groups. The facilitators functioned best if coming from the same geographical area as the groups and if they were able to come to terms with the chair of the groups. However, the facilitators' lack of health knowledge was regarded as a deficit for assisting the groups' assignments. FGD participants experienced the NeoKIP intervention to have impact on the knowledge and behaviour of both intervention group members and the general public, however, they found that the intervention was a slow and time-consuming process. Perceived facilitation barriers were lack of money, inadequate support, and the function of the intervention groups. CONCLUSIONS: This qualitative process evaluation contributes to explain the improved neonatal survival and why this occurred after a latent period in the NeoKIP project. The used knowledge translation intervention, where facilitators supported multi-stakeholder coalitions with the mandate to impact upon attitudes and behaviour in the communes, has low costs and potential for being scaled-up within existing healthcare systems.
BACKGROUND: Pre- and post-migration trauma due to forced migration may impact negatively on parents' ability to care for their children. Little qualitative work has examined Somali-born refugees' experiences. The aim of this study is to explore Somali-born refugees' experiences and challenges of being parents in Sweden, and the support they need in their parenting. METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was undertaken. Data were collected from four focus group discussions (FGDs) among 23 Somali-born mothers and fathers living in a county in central Sweden. Qualitative content analysis has been applied. RESULTS: A main category, Parenthood in Transition, emerged as a description of a process of parenthood in transition. Two generic categories were identified: Challenges, and Improved parenting. Challenges emerged from leaving the home country and being new and feeling alienated in the new country. In Improved parenting, an awareness of opportunities in the new country and ways to improve their parenting was described, which includes how to improve their communication and relationship with their children. The parents described a need for information on how to culturally adapt their parenting and obtain support from the authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Parents experienced a process of parenthood in transition. They were looking to the future and for ways to improve their parenting. Schools and social services can overcome barriers that prevent lack of knowledge about the new country's systems related to parenthood. Leaving the home country often means separation from the family and losing the social network. We suggest that staff in schools and social services offer parent training classes for these parents throughout their children's childhood, with benefits for the child and family.
Background. ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’, defined as when caregivers’ sing for or together with persons with dementia care situations, has been shown to facilitate the caring situation, and enhance positive and decrease negative expressions in persons with dementia. No studies about singing during mealtimes have been conducted, and this project was designed to elucidate this. However, since previous studies have shown that there is a risk that persons with dementia will start to sing along with the caregiver, the caregiver in this study hummed such that the person with dementia did not sing instead of eat. Aim. To describe professional caregivers’ experiences of humming during meal time while feeding persons with dementia. Method. An intervention with caregivers humming was implemented during lunch time. Focus group interviews were conducted to fetch the caregivers experiences. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Results. The caregivers described that humming disseminated relaxation and joy, and awakened memories about the songs hummed which encouraged the persons with the dementia to join in the songs. They also described that humming seemed to make the persons with dementia associate with mealtime and could make them eat more. However it also revealed suspiciousness and agitation from the persons with dementia. Conclusion. Humming during mealtime revealed mainly positive as well as some negative influences. More and larger studies are needed to be able to draw general conclusions.
This research explores the downstream perceptions of liquid carton board versus competing materials in packaging applications for juice. The methodology used is focus groups. The context is sustainability and functional performance, and related potential implications for the beverage industry value chain. The purpose is to get a deeper insight and understanding of functionality in relation to juice beverage packaging. The results confirm that there is no optimal packaging for every juice product, but a multitude, depending on the distribution channel, retail outlet, customer preferences, and context of consumption. There are some general packaging preferences, but the main deciding criteria for purchase seem to be the product characteristics in terms of quality, taste, brand, price and shelf life. For marketing reasons, packaging has to be adopted to the product and its positioning, liquid carton board packaging seem to have some functional advantages in distribution and is considered as sustainable and functional among many consumers. Major drawbacks seem to be shape limitations, lack of transparency, and lack of a “premium look”. To improve packaging performance and avoid sub-optimization, actors in the beverage industry value chain need to be integrated in development processes.
Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada com 462 alunos de graduação em administração, na região da grande São Paulo, sobre a percepção deles como consumidores, avaliando-se o comportamento inovador em relação à existência de recompensa para empresas que apresentam responsabilidade socioambiental. Partiu-se de um levantamento bibliográfico nas publicações da área e de um focus group com especialistas e gestores da área e em seguida se procedeu à elaboração de um do tipo Likert com 28 assertivas. Para a análise de dados foi empregado o método de modelagem de equações estruturais, buscando-se estabelecer uma avaliação causal entre dois constructos importância e reconhecimento por parte de consumidores das empresas socioambientalmente corretas. Foram mensurados também cinco itens sociodemográficos dos participantes. Como resultado obteve-se um valor do grau de aderência entre os dois constructos de 0,86, indicando haver tal relação causal forte. Assim, este estudo permitiu comprovar a existência de inovação no comportamento do consumidor, que passa a recompensar, na decisão de compra, empresas socioambientalmente responsáveis.
GIULIANI, Thais de Almeida. Liderança em Resorts: um estudo dos estilos praticados no Brasil. 2012. 136p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)- Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2012.
A mudança tornou-se uma constante na vida moderna, como fator de sobrevivência para as organizações que buscam, no redimensionamento, a visualização da adaptação à evolução do ambiente externo. Neste processo de mudança que, em muitas oportunidades, torna-se doloroso, gerando ansiedade, perda da autoconfiança e resistências, o sucesso empresarial passa a depender não somente de novos modelos organizacionais, mas também da satisfação integral das pessoas, no atendimento às necessidades e aspirações humanas, calcado na idéia de humanização do trabalho, e na responsabilidade social da empresa. O presente estudo é de natureza qualitativa, apresentada em estudo de caso, visando analisar as mudanças organizacionais e seus reflexos na qualidade de vida, tanto no trabalho como fora dele, segundo percepção e reação dos empregados de duas empresas do ramo alimentício situadas no Vale do Taquari. Numa primeira etapa foi realizada entrevista semi-estruturada com os gestores das empresas em estudo, responsáveis pelas estratégias de mudanças implementadas e, numa segunda etapa, foram realizados focus group ou grupos focais com os empregados, com a intenção de identificar as percepções e reações dos mesmos frente às mudanças mais significativas implementadas nas empresas nos últimos anos, bem como o significado de qualidade de vida, tanto no trabalho quanto fora dele. A pesquisa identificou reflexos positivos e negativos na percepção da mudança organizacional no significado de qualidade de vida para os empregados. Os aspectos positivos mais significativos para os mesmos relacionaram-se ao crescimento da empresa como fator de orgulho e perspectiva de desenvolvimento, tanto pessoal como profissional, bem como a estabilidade proveniente de trabalharem em empresas sólidas e em expansão. Por outro lado, apontou alguns fatores negativos, como a perda do ambiente familiar característico das empresas pesquisadas, em virtude do aumento no número de empregados, e uma maior profissionalização.
O novo contexto empresarial baseado na busca de qualidade e produtividade, torna necessário novas políticas e estratégias na gestão de recursos humanos. Percebe-se então, que as empresas adotam novos padrões de relações de trabalho, tais como, novas formas de compensação. Através deste trabalho, procurou-se investigar os planos de benefícios sociais oferecidos pelas empresas do setor metal-mecânico do Rio Grande do Sul, qual o propósito na oferta desses planos e como os trabalhadores, assim como o sindicato dos metalúrgicos, percebem essas políticas. Com base na investigação de natureza qualitativa, apresentam-se três estudos de caso realizados em três regiões do Estado, sendo: o primeiro no 1º pólo industrial ¾ Porto Alegre ¾ o segundo no 2º pólo industrial ¾ região da Serra ¾ e o terceiro em uma região agrícola ¾ região Noroeste. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas com os gerentes de recursos humanos das empresas e um representante sindical e, com os trabalhadores, através da técnica de focus-group-research. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que o propósito das empresas consiste em atração e manutenção de trabalhadores produtivos através de investimentos em uma melhor qualidade de vida. Em contrapartida, os trabalhadores desenvolvem um comprometimento maior para com as organizações que se preocupam com a sua qualidade de vida e a de suas famílias. Na visão do representante sindical, esses planos são importantes para a competitividade das empresas e valorizados pelos trabalhadores, principalmente, diante da atual conjuntura social.
An increasing interest in society towards a tourist questions inspire studies for the new city plans. The objective of this plans is development the structure for attract more tourists. The objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of the new carnival street groups in South Zone in Rio de Janeiro. The study was based on quality data - two focus group ¿ one of them is a young person who lived in South Zone and the other with young person who lived in North Zone. Both groups has experience which street carnival. The focus groups agree with the idea of the South Zone street carnival is happiness, used of different fantasy, security and freedom, but disagree about the choice of many groups and the responsibility of organization. Both groups said the main problem is de size of groups and in the future this group limits the popular participation.
Este trabalho de conclusão aborda a satisfação de clientes em uma organização sem fins lucrativos. Através de um estudo de caso, procedeu-se uma avaliação qualitativa por meio de observação participante do pesquisador, percepções dos professores e acadêmicos envolvidos no atendimento prestado pelo Serviço de Nutrição do Centro Universitário Franciscano- UNIFRA, e também dos usuários finais do serviço. Objetivou-se, assim, avaliar como a satisfação de clientes é gerenciada neste serviço, usando-se as variáveis de pesquisa: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas como norteadoras das investigações efetuadas. Com o intuito de atingir os propósitos do estudo, o público envolvido no atendimento, composto por coordenador do serviço e professores, foi ouvido por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. No público constituído de acadêmicos que prestam o atendimento e usuários do serviço foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista de grupos focalizados. Para o tratamento dos dados coletados procedeu-se a sua descrição, análise e interpretação. A análise dos resultados foi apresentada em blocos que contemplam: estratégia, sistemas e pessoas. As opiniões emitidas pelos públicos consultados e a observação do pesquisador apontaram acertos e oportunidades de melhoria no serviço prestado, dando indicativos de dimensões importantes para o gerenciamento da satisfação de clientes deste serviço.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a avaliação da percepção dos profissionais de tecnologia de informação quanto aos benefícios atribuídos a arquitetura orientada a serviço (SOA). Em busca deste objetivo, e visando uma melhor compreensão do tema, estudos teóricos foram desenvolvidos abordando os seguintes assuntos: Arquitetura de Software, Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio (BPM) e Arquiteturas Orientadas a Serviços (SOA). A partir do referencial teórico e de um grupo de foco – composto por seis profissionais experientes em SOA – oito hipóteses foram levantadas, representando os principais benefícios atribuídos a estas arquiteturas. Um questionário foi então preparado e, a partir dele, 66 respostas válidas foram obtidas. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se de estatísticas descritivas e dos testes estatísticos não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e qui-quadrado, buscando a validação, ou rejeição, das hipóteses apresentadas. Como resultado, em suma, percebe-se que, apesar da recente adoção das SOAs pelas empresas brasileiras, parece haver uma consonância entre seus profissionais de TI quanto aos benefícios desta nova abordagem para projetos de tecnologia da informação. Evidencia-se também a grande importância de disciplinas como governança e planejamento para a garantia do sucesso na implantação de projetos baseados nestas arquiteturas.
Com vários propósitos, inclusive o de redução de custos e o de facilitar a obtenção das informações desejadas pelo usuário, muitas empresas prestadoras de serviços ao consumidor adotam em suas CATs (Centrais de Atendimento Telefônico) recursos tecnológicos de automação da interação. Examinando-se sob a ótica dos usuários das CATs, estes poderão ter expectativas sobre o serviço que encontrarão e manifestar preferências com relação aos recursos de interação automática. As CATs, ao utilizarem tecnologias de automação da interação, podem estar ou não satisfazendo as expectativas e as preferências dos usuários. Para a determinação de argumentos que suportem as proposições levantadas durante a revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, realizou-se uma pesquisa dividida em três partes: a) um focus group com alguns usuários de CATs; b) um estudo de campo com usuários de CATs; c) entrevistas com especialistas (levantamento de experiência). Com a técnica Análise de Preferência, propõe-se um modelo das preferências dos usuários em relação ao atendimento automático em CATs. Esse modelo, em princípio, não é generalizável devido às características do processo de amostragem utilizado nesse estudo exploratório. Determinaram-se três grupos distintos de usuários, de acordo com a similaridade entre suas preferências. Determinaram-se usos da tecnologia de atendimento automático que estão em sintonia com as preferências dos usuários. Finalmente, usando os conceitos do Balanced Scorecard, propõe-se um modelo de avaliação gerencial para o uso da tecnologia de atendimento automatizado nas Centrais de Atendimento Telefônico das empresas prestadoras de serviços ao consumidor.