942 resultados para equilibrium partition coefficient
In this paper we provide a thorough characterization of the asset returns implied by a simple general equilibrium production economy with Chew–Dekel risk preferences and convex capital adjustment costs. When households display levels of disappointment aversion consistent with the experimental evidence, a version of the model parameterized to match the volatility of output and consumption growth generates unconditional expected asset returns and price of risk in line with the historical data. For the model with Epstein–Zin preferences to generate similar statistics, the relative risk aversion coefficient needs to be about 55, two orders of magnitude higher than the available estimates. We argue that this is not surprising, given the limited risk imposed on agents by a reasonably calibrated stochastic growth model.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Les modèles sur réseau comme ceux de la percolation, d’Ising et de Potts servent à décrire les transitions de phase en deux dimensions. La recherche de leur solution analytique passe par le calcul de la fonction de partition et la diagonalisation de matrices de transfert. Au point critique, ces modèles statistiques bidimensionnels sont invariants sous les transformations conformes et la construction de théories des champs conformes rationnelles, limites continues des modèles statistiques, permet un calcul de la fonction de partition au point critique. Plusieurs chercheurs pensent cependant que le paradigme des théories des champs conformes rationnelles peut être élargi pour inclure les modèles statistiques avec des matrices de transfert non diagonalisables. Ces modèles seraient alors décrits, dans la limite d’échelle, par des théories des champs logarithmiques et les représentations de l’algèbre de Virasoro intervenant dans la description des observables physiques seraient indécomposables. La matrice de transfert de boucles D_N(λ, u), un élément de l’algèbre de Temperley- Lieb, se manifeste dans les théories physiques à l’aide des représentations de connectivités ρ (link modules). L’espace vectoriel sur lequel agit cette représentation se décompose en secteurs étiquetés par un paramètre physique, le nombre d de défauts. L’action de cette représentation ne peut que diminuer ce nombre ou le laisser constant. La thèse est consacrée à l’identification de la structure de Jordan de D_N(λ, u) dans ces représentations. Le paramètre β = 2 cos λ = −(q + 1/q) fixe la théorie : β = 1 pour la percolation et √2 pour le modèle d’Ising, par exemple. Sur la géométrie du ruban, nous montrons que D_N(λ, u) possède les mêmes blocs de Jordan que F_N, son plus haut coefficient de Fourier. Nous étudions la non diagonalisabilité de F_N à l’aide des divergences de certaines composantes de ses vecteurs propres, qui apparaissent aux valeurs critiques de λ. Nous prouvons dans ρ(D_N(λ, u)) l’existence de cellules de Jordan intersectorielles, de rang 2 et couplant des secteurs d, d′ lorsque certaines contraintes sur λ, d, d′ et N sont satisfaites. Pour le modèle de polymères denses critique (β = 0) sur le ruban, les valeurs propres de ρ(D_N(λ, u)) étaient connues, mais les dégénérescences conjecturées. En construisant un isomorphisme entre les modules de connectivités et un sous-espace des modules de spins du modèle XXZ en q = i, nous prouvons cette conjecture. Nous montrons aussi que la restriction de l’hamiltonien de boucles à un secteur donné est diagonalisable et trouvons la forme de Jordan exacte de l’hamiltonien XX, non triviale pour N pair seulement. Enfin nous étudions la structure de Jordan de la matrice de transfert T_N(λ, ν) pour des conditions aux frontières périodiques. La matrice T_N(λ, ν) a des blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels et intersectoriels lorsque λ = πa/b, et a, b ∈ Z×. L’approche par F_N admet une généralisation qui permet de diagnostiquer des cellules intersectorielles dont le rang excède 2 dans certains cas et peut croître indéfiniment avec N. Pour les blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels, nous montrons que les représentations de connectivités sur le cylindre et celles du modèle XXZ sont isomorphes sauf pour certaines valeurs précises de q et du paramètre de torsion v. En utilisant le comportement de la transformation i_N^d dans un voisinage des valeurs critiques (q_c, v_c), nous construisons explicitement des vecteurs généralisés de Jordan de rang 2 et discutons l’existence de blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels de plus haut rang.
This paper examines a dynamic game of exploitation of a common pool of some renewable asset by agents that sell the result of their exploitation on an oligopolistic market. A Markov Perfect Nash Equilibrium of the game is used to analyze the effects of a merger of a subset of the agents. We study the impact of the merger on the equilibrium production strategies, on the steady states, and on the profitability of the merger for its members. We show that there exists an interval of the asset's stock such that any merger is profitable if the stock at the time the merger is formed falls within that interval. That includes mergers that are known to be unprofitable in the corresponding static equilibrium framework.
Isora fibre-reinforced natural rubber (NR) composites were cured at 80, 100, 120 and 150°C using a low temperature curing accelerator system. Composites were also prepared using a conventional accelerator system and cured at 150°C. The swelling behavior of these composites at varying fibre loadings was studied in toluene and hexane. Results show that the uptake of solvent and volume fraction of rubber due to swelling was lower for the low temperature cured vulcanizates which is an indication of the better fibre/rubber adhesion. The uptake of aromatic solvent was higher than that of aliphatic solvent, for all the composites. As the fibre content increased, the solvent uptake decreased, due to the superior solvent resistance of the fibre and good fibre-rubber interactions. The bonding agent improved the swelling resistance of the composites due to the strong interfacial adhesion. Due to the improved adhesion between the fibre and rubber, the ratio of the change in volume fraction of rubber due to swelling to the volume fraction of rubber in the dry sample (V,) was found to decrease in the presence of bonding agent. At a fixed fibre loading, the alkali treated fibre composite showed a lower percentage swelling than untreated one for both systems showing superior rubber-fibre interactions.
Natural rubber/isora fibre composites were cured at various temperatures. The solvent swelling characteristics of natural rubber composites containing both untreated and alkali treated fibres were investigated in aromatic and aliphatic solvents like toluene, and n-hexane. The diffusion experiments were conducted by the sorption gravimetric method. The restrictions on elastomer swelling exerted by isora fibre as well as the anisotropy of swelling of the composite have been confirmed by this study. Composite cured at 100°C shows the lowest percentage swelling. The uptake of aromatic solvent is higher than that of aliphatic solvent for the composites cured at all temperatures. The effect of fibre loading on the swelling behaviour of the composite was also investigated in oils like petrol, diesel, lubricating oil etc. The % swelling index and swelling coefficient of the composite were found to decrease with increase in fibre loading. This is due to the increased hindrance exerted by the fibres at higher fibre loadings and also due to the good fibre-rubber interactions. Maximum uptake of solvent was observed with petrol followed by diesel and then lubricating oil. The presence of bonding agent in the composites restrict the swelling considerably due to the strong interfacial adhesion. At a fixed fibre loading, the alkali treated fibre composite showed lower percentage swelling compared to the untreated one.
Many finite elements used in structural analysis possess deficiencies like shear locking, incompressibility locking, poor stress predictions within the element domain, violent stress oscillation, poor convergence etc. An approach that can probably overcome many of these problems would be to consider elements in which the assumed displacement functions satisfy the equations of stress field equilibrium. In this method, the finite element will not only have nodal equilibrium of forces, but also have inner stress field equilibrium. The displacement interpolation functions inside each individual element are truncated polynomial solutions of differential equations. Such elements are likely to give better solutions than the existing elements.In this thesis, a new family of finite elements in which the assumed displacement function satisfies the differential equations of stress field equilibrium is proposed. A general procedure for constructing the displacement functions and use of these functions in the generation of elemental stiffness matrices has been developed. The approach to develop field equilibrium elements is quite general and various elements to analyse different types of structures can be formulated from corresponding stress field equilibrium equations. Using this procedure, a nine node quadrilateral element SFCNQ for plane stress analysis, a sixteen node solid element SFCSS for three dimensional stress analysis and a four node quadrilateral element SFCFP for plate bending problems have been formulated.For implementing these elements, computer programs based on modular concepts have been developed. Numerical investigations on the performance of these elements have been carried out through standard test problems for validation purpose. Comparisons involving theoretical closed form solutions as well as results obtained with existing finite elements have also been made. It is found that the new elements perform well in all the situations considered. Solutions in all the cases converge correctly to the exact values. In many cases, convergence is faster when compared with other existing finite elements. The behaviour of field consistent elements would definitely generate a great deal of interest amongst the users of the finite elements.
The Setschenow parameter and thermodynamic parameters of transfer of 2- and 4- hydroxybenzoic acids from water to salt solutions have been reported. The data have been rationalised by considering the structure breaking effects of the ions of the salts, the localized hydrolysis model, the internal pressure theory and the theory of water structure due to Symons.
The study of simple chaotic maps for non-equilibrium processes in statistical physics has been one of the central themes in the theory of chaotic dynamical systems. Recently, many works have been carried out on deterministic diffusion in spatially extended one-dimensional maps This can be related to real physical systems such as Josephson junctions in the presence of microwave radiation and parametrically driven oscillators. Transport due to chaos is an important problem in Hamiltonian dynamics also. A recent approach is to evaluate the exact diffusion coefficient in terms of the periodic orbits of the system in the form of cycle expansions. But the fact is that the chaotic motion in such spatially extended maps has two complementary aspects- - diffusion and interrnittency. These are related to the time evolution of the probability density function which is approximately Gaussian by central limit theorem. It is noticed that the characteristic function method introduced by Fujisaka and his co-workers is a very powerful tool for analysing both these aspects of chaotic motion. The theory based on characteristic function actually provides a thermodynamic formalism for chaotic systems It can be applied to other types of chaos-induced diffusion also, such as the one arising in statistics of trajectory separation. It was noted that there is a close connection between cycle expansion technique and characteristic function method. It was found that this connection can be exploited to enhance the applicability of the cycle expansion technique. In this way, we found that cycle expansion can be used to analyse the probability density function in chaotic maps. In our research studies we have successfully applied the characteristic function method and cycle expansion technique for analysing some chaotic maps. We introduced in this connection, two classes of chaotic maps with variable shape by generalizing two types of maps well known in literature.
The formation of coherently strained three-dimensional (3D) islands on top of the wetting layer in the Stranski-Krastanov mode of growth is considered in a model in 1 + 1 dimensions accounting for the anharmonicity and nonconvexity of the real interatomic forces. It is shown that coherent 3D islands can be expected to form in compressed rather than expanded overlayers beyond a critical lattice misfit. In expanded overlayers the classical Stranski-Krastanov growth is expected to occur because the misfit dislocations can become energetically favored at smaller island sizes. The thermodynamic reason for coherent 3D islanding is incomplete wetting owing to the weaker adhesion of the edge atoms. Monolayer height islands with a critical size appear as necessary precursors of the 3D islands. This explains the experimentally observed narrow size distribution of the 3D islands. The 2D-3D transformation takes place by consecutive rearrangements of mono- to bilayer, bi- to trilayer islands, etc., after the corresponding critical sizes have been exceeded. The rearrangements are initiated by nucleation events, each one needing to overcome a lower energetic barrier than the one before. The model is in good qualitative agreement with available experimental observations.
Development of Malayalam speech recognition system is in its infancy stage; although many works have been done in other Indian languages. In this paper we present the first work on speaker independent Malayalam isolated speech recognizer based on PLP (Perceptual Linear Predictive) Cepstral Coefficient and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The performance of the developed system has been evaluated with different number of states of HMM (Hidden Markov Model). The system is trained with 21 male and female speakers in the age group ranging from 19 to 41 years. The system obtained an accuracy of 99.5% with the unseen data