1000 resultados para equilíbrio econômico


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The importance of urban solid waste integrated systems is characterized by the several components of these systems, which are, basically, formed by physical, chemical and biological methods. This article, characterizes these methods and, which is also important, identifies the several and potential environmental impacts of those techniques. It's also extremely important to make a study of the economic rentability of those infrastructures and, also, characterize the quantitative energetic contributions of some components of these systems. This study was analysed and their results are presented in this article.


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El mito al que se refiere el título no es una creación contemporánea. La idea de las infraestructuras como una fuerza con la virtud, por si misma, de iniciar procesos de desarrollo ha revestido rasgos típicos de 'mito' desde hace al menos siglo y medio, La fiebre ferroviaria del siglo XIX constituyen dos buenos ejemplos de la fuerza que ha tenido el mito en España: en ambos casos, las infraestructuras se percibieron, casi sin discusión, como solución definitiva a los problemas del país, y como tales entraron a formar parte del discurso político de la época.


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Durante el último medio siglo se ha producido un movimiento constante de aproximación entre las economías que hoy forman la Unión Europea. Tan sólo algunas escasas y pasajeras vacilaciones han enturbiado un proceso que ha sido intenso y persistente. El fenómeno en sí mismo ha constituido la mejor confirmación de la teoría del crecimiento neoclásica, según la cual, cuando un conjunto de economías con rasgos estructurales relativamente similares inicia un proceso de integración, es de esperar un movimiento de convergencia entre sus niveles de renta per cápita. Sin embargo, la experiencia de este pasado inmediato contrasta con momentos más remotos en el tiempo, en los cuales el incremento de intercambios entre las economías europeas no se tradujo en absoluto en una aproximación mutua. A lo largo del medio siglo anterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial, a pesar de la intensa profundización en sus relaciones, las economías europeas adolecieron de una marcada incapacidad para converger entre sí. La economía española, en concreto, mantuvo inalterada su distancia relativa con respecto a los países más desarrollados de Europa y fue incapaz de adelantarse mínimamente en la carrera del crecimiento.


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A brief comment about general characteristics of polysaccharide was presented. Brazilian trade of polysaccharides was obtained from the "Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior" - Brazil. A list of these products was prepared and their price and amount analyzed in the period of 1998-2007. Some chemical properties and application of polysaccharides from our biodiversity was described. In this review they were classified by origin, in vegetal (exudate, seed, fruit, seaweed), animal and bacteria source. There is a trade deficit that can be reverted if part of the accumulated scientific knowledge was used to promote the national economic development in the field.


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Natural products have been, historically, very important for Brazil. Coffee, sugar and soy were some examples that prove this economical significance. A project that involves phytoproducts should be guide by three main axis: agriculture management for the plants; pharmaceutical; support the national industry and academy. In Brazil, pharmaceutical products contribute negatively to the commerce balance showing an enormous technological dependence in this economical sector. The consolidation of the phytoproduct's chain in Brazil could contribute for the development of the pharmaceutical sector in order to help all domains in natural products area.


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The thermodynamic equilibrium is a state defined by conditions which depend upon some characteristics of the system. It requires thermal, mechanical, chemical and phase equilibrium. Continuum thermodynamics, its radical restriction usually called homogeneous processes thermodynamics, as well as the classical thermodynamic science of reversible processes, each of them defines equilibrium in a differing way. But these definitions lead to the same physical contents.


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In the last years, a great interest in nonequilibrium systems has been witnessed. Although the Master Equations are one of the most common methods used to describe these systems, the literature about these equations is not straightforward due to the mathematical framework used in their derivations. The goals of this work are to present the physical concepts behind the Master Equations development and to discuss their basic proprieties via a matrix approach. It is also shown how the Master Equations can be used to model typical nonequilibrium processes like multi-wells chemical reactions and radiation absorption processes.


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This work compared activated carbon, activated earth, diatomaceous earth, chitin and chitosan to removal acid blue 9, food yellow 3 and FD&C yellow nº 5 dyes from aqueous solutions with different pH values (2-10). In the best process condition for each dye, equilibrium studies were carried out at different temperatures (from 298 to 328 K) and Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich models were fitted with experimental data. In addition, entropy change, Gibbs free energy change and enthalpy change were obtained in order to verify the thermodynamic adsorption behavior.


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In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe 500. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for anionic contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using HT-Fe 500 was achieved using batch adsorption experiments. The adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir-Freundlich model showed to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 25.93 and 48.31 mg g-1, respectively, for temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC.


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On undergraduate courses, practical classes represent periods in which students can verify the concepts presented in theoretical classes. Conversely, the teaching internship in graduate programs allows these students to incorporate pedagogical practices into their experience, predominantly involving observation and reproduction of methods adopted by supervisors. We propose internship teaching as a period for reflection on our pedagogical practice and present a methodology for an experimental physical chemistry classroom. The students can interact with the experiment and instructor, furthering the study of ternary systems while developing their skills for investigative work.


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Activated carbon was produced from the water hyacinth (CAA) by impregnation with ZnCl2 (1:2), followed by pyrolysis at 700 ºC, under N2. CAA was used for the adsorption of phenol, m-cresol and o-cresol from aqueous solutions, using batch adsorption. The effects of contact time, pH, temperature and concentration on sorption were investigated. Adsorption capacity, calculated using the Langmuir model proved to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 163.7, 130.2 and 142.3 mg g-1 for phenol, m-cresol and o-cresol, respectively, at 45 ºC. Thermodynamic data at the solid-liquid interface suggests an endothermic, spontaneous and environmentally-friendly process.


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Educational institutions are not being effective, because they do not give individuals what they need to integrate into postmodern society, nor produce citizens that postmodern society needs. Shortcomings include the scientific literacy and cognitive domain levels attained, with an aggravating waning interest in science among pre-university students. We present an inquiry module, an inquiry dynamic, as an education resource for the study of perturbations of a chemical equilibrium state by pre-university or university students of basic chemistry, to contribute to the relevance and popularity of science, potentiation of science literacy and development of cognition. Here we describe an investigation with pre-university students.


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O artigo busca mostrar a aplicabilidade do conceito de "afinidades eletivas" para tratar das relações entre o pensamento econômico, a literatura e a filosofia. Em particular destaca-se o pensamento institucionalista, a escola histórica alemã e o pensamento neoclássico


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Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar o ciclo de corte e o estoque de colheita ótimo, no qual a taxa anual do crescimento da floresta se iguala à taxa anual de juros oferecida pelo mercado de capital. A pesquisa foi conduzida na Unidade de Manejo Florestal (UMF) da Fazenda Tracajás (02º35'53"S e 47º47'10"W), empresa Nova Era Agroflorestal, município de Paragominas, Estado do Pará, Brasil. A unidade de manejo florestal foi estratificada em classes I, II e III de estoques volumétricos, empregando-se análises de agrupamento e discriminante. Em cada classe de estoque foram instaladas aleatoriamente cinco parcelas de 100 x 100 m (1,0 ha), para medição dos indivíduos com dap > 15 cm. No centro de cada parcela foi instalada uma subparcela de 10 x 100 m (0,1 ha), para medição dos indivíduos com 5 cm < dap < 15 cm. Na classe I de estoque, os ciclos econômicos ótimos foram de 13, 12 e 8 anos; na classe II, de 18, 12 e 12 anos; e na classe III, de 22, 12 e 14 anos, a um incremento médio anual de 3,0 m³/ha/ano. Verificaram-se maiores taxas de remuneração do capital investido no manejo nos menores ciclos de corte, independentemente dos níveis de colheita do estoque comercial. Maiores incrementos anuais em volume resultaram em maiores taxas de valoração da floresta. Maiores volumes colhidos implicaram ciclos de corte mais longos numa mesma taxa de crescimento da floresta. Contudo, dentro de certos limites, maiores volumes colhidos podem resultar biologicamente em maiores taxas de crescimento do estoque remanescente. Isso ocorre, sobretudo, quando se aplicam tratamentos silviculturais.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a importância do setor florestal para o desenvolvimento do Estado do Espírito Santo, através de sua participação e dos seus multiplicadores de impacto nos indicadores sociais e econômicos, como na constituição do valor da produção, na geração de empregos e rendas, na arrecadação de impostos e na formação de divisas oriundas do saldo da balança comercial. Foram empregados modelos econômicos de equilíbrio geral, através da análise da Matriz de Insumo-Produto. Os resultados indicaram que o setor florestal é importante para o desenvolvimento social e econômico desse estado, tanto na contribuição dos indicadores quanto na dos multiplicadores de impacto da economia.