769 resultados para endless rolling
This paper traces the development of a software tool, based oil a combination of artificial neural networks (ANN) and a few process equations. aiming to serve as a backup operation instrument in the reference generation for real-time controllers of a steel tandem cold mill By emulating the mathematical model responsible for generating presets under normal operational conditions, the system works as ail option to maintain plant operation in the event of a failure in the processing unit that executes the mathematical model. The system, built from the production data collected over six years of plant operation, steered to the replacement of the former backup operation mode (based oil a lookup table). which degraded both product quality and plant productivity. The study showed that ANN are appropriated tools for the intended purpose and that by this instrument it is possible to achieve nearly the totality of the presets needed by this land of process. The text characterizes the problem, relates the investigated options to solve it. justifies the choice of the ANN approach, describes the methodology and system implementation and, finally, shows and discusses the attained results. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
The objective of this study was to evaluate the allelophatic potential ethanol extract of leaves of Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan (angico) and Astronium graveolens Jacq (aroeira) on the biomonitor germination of Brassica chinensis (Malaysia's cabbage) and Lactuca sativa (lettuce). For the test of allelopathy was the bioassay of germination of B. chinensis and L. sativa using solutions of ethanol extracts in different concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mg / mL) with continuous light for 11 days. The experimental and control groups were divided into the Petri dish containing 50 seeds of B. chinensis and L. sativa each. Were performed six replicates for each concentration of extract of leaves of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens and the negative control (water). The rolling action of the treatments was performed by quantitative observation and monitoring of germination every six hours. The results show that the ethanol extract of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens presents allelopathic potential, regardless of the concentration used, but with answers dose-dependent, and thus able to interfere directly in germination, average speed and time of germination biomonitor of B. chinensis and L. sativa.
The first studies with constructed wetlands undertaken in Brazil were the result of observations made from the Amazon flood plains. The first attempt to use this capacity to change the quality of the water, in the sense of purification performed in Brazil using constructed wetland systems, was made by Salati et al. After that, new technologies were developed in a focused attempt to increase the efficiency of the system and reduce investments. Over these 18 years, persuading the Brazilian scientific community as well as the environmental control agencies to give due attention to this kind of research has required endless efforts. Only in recent years have major institutions responsible for sewage treatment and potable water supply been concerned with this type of technology for solving real problems. These institutions are as follows: SABESP (Basic Sanitation Company of Sao Paulo State), SANEPAR (Sanitation Company of Parana State) and CESP (Electric Company of Sao Paulo State). One of the private institutions that has systematically worked in the design and projects of constructed wetlands is the Institute of Applied Ecology. This institution has enhanced and developed a water depuration system based on the purifying capacity of the soil. The wetlands with filtering soils are systems formed by overlapping layers of crushed stone, gravel and soil planted with rice. This technology has been used in sewage treatment and also in water supply systems.
Galectin-1 (Gal-1), the prototype of a family of β -galactoside-binding proteins, has been shown to attenuate experimental acute and chronic inflammation. In view of the fact that endothelial cells (ECs), but not human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), expressed Gal-1 we tested here the hypothesis that the protein could modulate leukocyte-EC interaction in inflammatory settings. In vitro, human recombinant (hr) Gal-1 inhibited PMN chemotaxis and trans-endothelial migration. These actions were specific as they were absent if Gal-1 was boiled or blocked by neutralizing antiserum. In vivo, hrGal-1 (optimum effect at 0.3 μg equivalent to 20 pmol) inhibited interleukin-1β-induced PMN recruitment into the mouse peritoneal cavity. Intravital microscopy analysis showed that leukocyte flux, but not their rolling velocity, was decreased by an anti-inflammatory dose of hrGal-1. Binding of biotinylated Gal-1 to resting and post-adherent human PMNs occurred at concentrations inhibitory in the chemotaxis and transmigration assays. In addition, the pattern of Gal-1 binding was differentially modulated by PMN or EC activation. In conclusion, these data suggest the existence of a previously unrecognized function of Gal-1, that is inhibition of leukocyte rolling and extravasation in experimental inflammation. It is possible that endogenous Gal-1 may be part of a novel anti-inflammatory loop in which the endothelium is the source of the protein and the migrating PMNs the target for its anti-inflammatory action.
We present a simple mathematical model of a wind turbine supporting tower. Here, the wind excitation is considered to be a non-ideal power source. In such a consideration, there is interaction between the energy supply and the motion of the supporting structure. If power is not enough, the rotation of the generator may get stuck at a resonance frequency of the structure. This is a manifestation of the so-called Sommerfeld Effect. In this model, at first, only two degrees of freedom are considered, the horizontal motion of the upper tip of the tower, in the transverse direction to the wind, and the generator rotation. Next, we add another degree of freedom, the motion of a free rolling mass inside a chamber. Its impact with the walls of the chamber provides control of both the amplitude of the tower vibration and the width of the band of frequencies in which the Sommerfeld effect occur. Some numerical simulations are performed using the equations of motion of the models obtained via a Lagrangian approach.
Grain refinement of low carbon steel via the warm deformation of martensite during torsion testing was investigated. At the beginning of straining, laths with high dislocation density were observed. After large deformations, a ferrite matrix with grain size close to 1μm and dispersed cementite particles were attained.
The aim of this paper consists in presenting a method of simulating the warpage in 7xxx series aluminium alloy plates. To perform this simulation finite element software MSC.Patran and MSC.Marc were used. Another result of this analysis will be the influence on material residual stresses induced on the raw material during the rolling process upon the warpage of primary aeronautic parts, fabricated through machining (milling) at Embraer. The method used to determinate the aluminium plate residual stress was Layer Removal Test. The numerical algorithm Modified Flavenot Method was used to convert layer removal and beam deflection in stress level. With such information about the level and profile of residual stresses become possible, during the step that anticipate the manufacturing to incorporate these values in the finite-element approach for modelling warpage parts. Based on that warpage parameter surely the products are manufactured with low relative vulnerability propitiating competitiveness and price. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Calathea louisae is an herbaceous ornamental plant native of Brazil whose cut foliage has potential to be used as a new product for the local ornamental market, as well as the international market, due to its decorative dark green leaves with greenish white splotches along midrib, and purple undersides. The objective of this study was to evaluate pulse treatments of benzyladenine and gibberellic acid for maintaining quality and extending keepability of foliage. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with three replications (three stems in each vase) and seven treatments: distilled water (control) and pulsing cut petioles in benzyladenine or gibberellic acid for 4 h at 100, 250 and 500 mg L-1. The senescence symptoms were characterized by leaf rolling and a decrease in the angle formed between leaf and petiole as a response to water stress. Gibberellic acid or benzyladenine pulse treatments (250 and 500 mg L-1) significantly extended the longevity of cut foliage compared to the control. Gibberellic acid pulse (250 and 500 mg L-1) maintained leaves' green coloration and brightness for a longer time compared to control and benzyladenine pulse. Pulsing with gibberellic acid or benzyladenine (at all tested concentrations) maintained upright leaves for a longer time, showing a significantly higher angle between leaf and petiole compared to control. Foliage pulsed with gibberellic acid (500 mg L-1) showed a significantly higher leaf relative water content, a significantly smaller loss of accumulated fresh mass percentage compared to control and other gibbberellic acid and benzyladenine treatments.
A lot sizing and scheduling problem prevalent in small market-driven foundries is studied. There are two related decision levels: (1) the furnace scheduling of metal alloy production, and (2) moulding machine planning which specifies the type and size of production lots. A mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation of the problem is proposed, but is impractical to solve in reasonable computing time for non-small instances. As a result, a faster relax-and-fix (RF) approach is developed that can also be used on a rolling horizon basis where only immediate-term schedules are implemented. As well as a MIP method to solve the basic RF approach, three variants of a local search method are also developed and tested using instances based on the literature. Finally, foundry-based tests with a real-order book resulted in a very substantial reduction of delivery delays and finished inventory, better use of capacity, and much faster schedule definition compared to the foundry's own practice. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marantaceae leaves have a contrasting color pattern and a decorative design which are interesting traits for its use as cut foliage. No postharvest research has been carried out on the potential as cut foliage for species of Ctenanthe, a member of the Marantaceae. Grey-maranta (Ctenathe setosa) is an herbaceous ornamental plant native of Brazil whose cut foliage has potential to be used as new crop product for local and international ornamental markets. The objective of this study was to evaluate pulse treatments to extend the longevity of foliage. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with three replications and eight treatments: distilled water; pulsing cut petioles-ends in citric acid (pH = 2.8/1h); 2% sucrose (4h); 1% sucrose plus 200 mg L-1 citric acid (4h); 0.01% Tween® 20 (4h); 100 mg L -1 benzyladenine plus 0.01% Tween® 20 (4h); 100 mg L-1 gibberellic acid plus 0.01% Tween® 20 (4h); and maintenance of cut petiole in holding solution with commercial sodium hypochlorite (0.5 mL L-1). The senescence symptoms were mainly characterized by leaf rolling and by a decrease in the angle formed between leaf and petiole as a response to water deficit stress. Gibberellic acid or benzyladenine pulse treatments significantly extended longevity (6 days compared to control) and maintained leaves' green coloration and brightness for a longer time compared to control. However, only the benzyladenine plus Tween® 20 pulse maintained leaves in an erect form for a longer time, showing a significantly higher angle between leaf and petiole compared to control. Also, foliage pulsed with benzyladenine plus Tween® 20 showed a significant smallest loss of accumulated fresh mass percentage compared to control by the T test as to parallelism of treatments lines.
An economical electricity generating system is developed, i.e., a boiler and turbine with a capacity ≤ 100 kw, to occupy a niche market where the existing steam systems are not economically viable. A Tesla turbine is used. It has been modified to provide greater torque, outperforming the deficiency inherent in the original Tesla turbine. It can operate with saturated steam produced by a boiler heated by biomass, gas, biodiesel, etc. The microgenerator consumes locally available fuel and can bring energy to millions of rural living Brazilians, where some kind of biomass is abundant. The Tesla turbine is compact, has no moving parts, and has endless application possibilities. A prototype system is also created to produce electricity with a boiler and generator.
The residues generation is a quite serious problem in several industrial areas and also in the lumbering area. The search for the elimination or reduction of the volume of generated residues is endless, however limited, resulting in the search for a proper destination or better use, instead of simply burning it. A lot of uses and services are commonly proposed, but with low aggregated value to the residue. This work shows the usage viability of different discarded residues and wood composites in the production of an electric guitar. Cupiúba, ipê and jatobá residues have been used besides wood composites of pinus. The residues and wood composites have shown appropriate resistance, surfacing quality and design terms, and could be used to substitute the traditionally wood used in the production of the instrument as well as in other products of similar characteristics and with larger aggregated value.
The aluminum alloy 2524 (Al-Cu-Mg) was developed during the 90s mainly to be employed in aircraft fuselage panels, replacing the standard Al 2024. In the present analysis the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of 2524-T3 was investigated, regarding the influence of three parameters: load ratio, pre strain and crack plane orientation of the material. The pre strain of aluminum alloys is usually performed in order to obtain a more homogeneous precipitates distribution, accompanied by an increase in the yield strength. In this work, it was evaluated the resistance of Al 2524-T3 sheet samples to the fatigue crack growth, having L-T and T-L crack orientations. FCG tests were performed under constant amplitude loading at three distinct positive load ratios. The three material conditions were tested: as received(AR), pre strained longitudinally (SL) and transversally (ST) in relation to rolling direction. In order to describe FCG behavior, two-parameter kinetic equations were compared: a Paris-type potential model and a new exponential equation introduced in a previous work conducted by our research group. It was observed that the exponential model, which takes into account the deviations from linearity presented by da/dN versus AK data, describes more adequately the FCG behavior of Al 224-T3 in relation to load ratio, pre strain effects and crack plane orientation. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
We present a detailed description of the predatory behavior of the beetle Canthon virens Mannerheim, 1829, on the leafcutter ant Atta sp. We observed 51 acts of predation, which were also recorded on film and subjected to behavioral analysis. Canthon virens exhibited 28 behaviors while predating upon Atta sp. queens. Adult beetles search for queens while flying in a zigzag pattern, 15 to 20cm above the ground. After catching a queen, the predator stands on its back and starts cutting the queen cervix. Once the prey is decapitated, the predator rolls it until an insurmountable obstacle is reached. The distance from the site of predation to the obstacle can vary widely and is unpredictable. The beetle rolling the queen also buries it in a very peculiar way: first, it digs a small hole and pulls the queen inside, while another beetle is attached to the prey. The burial process takes many hours (up to 12) and may depend on the hardness of the soil and the presence of obstacles. In general, one or two beetles are found in a chamber with the queen after it is buried. They make the brood balls, which serve as food for the offspring. This study contributes to the knowledge of the predatory behavior of Canthon virens, a predator poorly studied in Brazil and widespread in the country. Copyright © 2012 Luiz Carlos Forti et al.