994 resultados para electrical detection


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Current state of the art techniques for landmine detection in ground penetrating radar (GPR) utilize statistical methods to identify characteristics of a landmine response. This research makes use of 2-D slices of data in which subsurface landmine responses have hyperbolic shapes. Various methods from the field of visual image processing are adapted to the 2-D GPR data, producing superior landmine detection results. This research goes on to develop a physics-based GPR augmentation method motivated by current advances in visual object detection. This GPR specific augmentation is used to mitigate issues caused by insufficient training sets. This work shows that augmentation improves detection performance under training conditions that are normally very difficult. Finally, this work introduces the use of convolutional neural networks as a method to learn feature extraction parameters. These learned convolutional features outperform hand-designed features in GPR detection tasks. This work presents a number of methods, both borrowed from and motivated by the substantial work in visual image processing. The methods developed and presented in this work show an improvement in overall detection performance and introduce a method to improve the robustness of statistical classification.


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The work described in this thesis focuses on the development of an innovative bioimpedance device for the detection of breast cancer using electrical impedance as the detection method. The ability for clinicians to detect and treat cancerous lesions as early as possible results in improved patient outcomes and can reduce the severity of the treatment the patient has to undergo. Therefore, new technology and devices are continually required to improve the specificity and sensitivity of the accepted detection methods. The gold standard for breast cancer detection is digital x-ray mammography but it has some significant downsides associated with it. The development of an adjunct technology to aid in the detection of breast cancers could represent a significant patient and economic benefit. In this project silicon substrates were pattern with two gold microelectrodes that allowed electrical impedance measurements to be recorded from intact tissue structures. These probes were tested and characterised using a range of in vitro and ex vivo experiments. The end application of this novel sensor device was in a first-in-human clinical trial. The initial results of this study showed that the silicon impedance device was capable of differentiating between normal and abnormal (benign and cancerous) breast tissue. The mean separation between the two tissue types 4,340 Ω with p < 0.001. The cancer type and grade at the site of the probe recordings was confirmed histologically and correlated with the electrical impedance measurements to determine if the different subtypes of cancer could each be differentiated. The results presented in this thesis showed that the novel impedance device demonstrated excellent electrochemical recording potential; was biocompatible with the growth of cultured cell lines and was capable of differentiating between intact biological tissues. The results outlined in this thesis demonstrate the potential feasibility of using electrical impedance for the differentiation of biological tissue samples. The novelty of this thesis is in the development of a new method of tissue determination with an application in breast cancer detection.


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Due to the growing concerns associated with fossil fuels, emphasis has been placed on clean and sustainable energy generation. This has resulted in the increase in Photovoltaics (PV) units being integrated into the utility system. The integration of PV units has raised some concerns for utility power systems, including the consequences of failing to detect islanding. Numerous methods for islanding detection have been introduced in literature. They can be categorized into local methods and remote methods. The local methods are categorically divided into passive and active methods. Active methods generally have smaller Non-Detection Zone (NDZ) but the injecting disturbances will slightly degrade the power quality and reliability of the power system. Slip Mode Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method (SMS IDM) is an active method that uses positive feedback for islanding detection. In this method, the phase angle of the converter is controlled to have a sinusoidal function of the deviation of the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) voltage frequency from the nominal grid frequency. This method has a non-detection zone which means it fails to detect islanding for specific local load conditions. If the SMS IDM employs a different function other than the sinusoidal function for drifting the phase angle of the inverter, its non-detection zone could be smaller. In addition, Advanced Slip Mode Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method (Advanced SMS IDM), which has been introduced in this thesis, eliminates the non-detection zone of the SMS IDM. In this method the parameters of SMS IDM change based on the local load impedance value. Moreover, the stability of the system is investigated by developing the dynamical equations of the system for two operation modes; grid connected and islanded mode. It is mathematically proven that for some loading conditions the nominal frequency is an unstable point and the operation frequency slides to another stable point, while for other loading conditions the nominal frequency is the only stable point of the system upon islanding occurring. Simulation and experimental results show the accuracy of the proposed methods in detection of islanding and verify the validity of the mathematical analysis.


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The problem of decentralized sequential detection is studied in this thesis, where local sensors are memoryless, receive independent observations, and no feedback from the fusion center. In addition to traditional criteria of detection delay and error probability, we introduce a new constraint: the number of communications between local sensors and the fusion center. This metric is able to reflect both the cost of establishing communication links as well as overall energy consumption over time. A new formulation for communication-efficient decentralized sequential detection is proposed where the overall detection delay is minimized with constraints on both error probabilities and the communication cost. Two types of problems are investigated based on the communication-efficient formulation: decentralized hypothesis testing and decentralized change detection. In the former case, an asymptotically person-by-person optimum detection framework is developed, where the fusion center performs a sequential probability ratio test based on dependent observations. The proposed algorithm utilizes not only reported statistics from local sensors, but also the reporting times. The asymptotically relative efficiency of proposed algorithm with respect to the centralized strategy is expressed in closed form. When the probabilities of false alarm and missed detection are close to one another, a reduced-complexity algorithm is proposed based on a Poisson arrival approximation. In addition, decentralized change detection with a communication cost constraint is also investigated. A person-by-person optimum change detection algorithm is proposed, where transmissions of sensing reports are modeled as a Poisson process. The optimum threshold value is obtained through dynamic programming. An alternative method with a simpler fusion rule is also proposed, where the threshold values in the algorithm are determined by a combination of sequential detection analysis and constrained optimization. In both decentralized hypothesis testing and change detection problems, tradeoffs in parameter choices are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations.


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This paper studies the impact of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) in two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems. In particular, the effective signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is derived for each source node, considering four different linear detection schemes, namely, uncompensated (Uncomp) scheme, maximal-ratio-combining (MRC), zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) based schemes. For each proposed scheme, the outage probability (OP) is investigated over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels, and exact closed-form expressions are derived for the first three schemes. Based on the closed-form OP expressions, an adaptive detection mode switching scheme is designed for minimizing the OP of both sources. An important observation is that, regardless of the channel conditions and transmit powers, the ZF-based scheme should always be selected if the target SINR is larger than 3 (4.77dB), while the MRC-based scheme should be avoided if the target SINR is larger than 0.38 (-4.20dB).


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Finding rare events in multidimensional data is an important detection problem that has applications in many fields, such as risk estimation in insurance industry, finance, flood prediction, medical diagnosis, quality assurance, security, or safety in transportation. The occurrence of such anomalies is so infrequent that there is usually not enough training data to learn an accurate statistical model of the anomaly class. In some cases, such events may have never been observed, so the only information that is available is a set of normal samples and an assumed pairwise similarity function. Such metric may only be known up to a certain number of unspecified parameters, which would either need to be learned from training data, or fixed by a domain expert. Sometimes, the anomalous condition may be formulated algebraically, such as a measure exceeding a predefined threshold, but nuisance variables may complicate the estimation of such a measure. Change detection methods used in time series analysis are not easily extendable to the multidimensional case, where discontinuities are not localized to a single point. On the other hand, in higher dimensions, data exhibits more complex interdependencies, and there is redundancy that could be exploited to adaptively model the normal data. In the first part of this dissertation, we review the theoretical framework for anomaly detection in images and previous anomaly detection work done in the context of crack detection and detection of anomalous components in railway tracks. In the second part, we propose new anomaly detection algorithms. The fact that curvilinear discontinuities in images are sparse with respect to the frame of shearlets, allows us to pose this anomaly detection problem as basis pursuit optimization. Therefore, we pose the problem of detecting curvilinear anomalies in noisy textured images as a blind source separation problem under sparsity constraints, and propose an iterative shrinkage algorithm to solve it. Taking advantage of the parallel nature of this algorithm, we describe how this method can be accelerated using graphical processing units (GPU). Then, we propose a new method for finding defective components on railway tracks using cameras mounted on a train. We describe how to extract features and use a combination of classifiers to solve this problem. Then, we scale anomaly detection to bigger datasets with complex interdependencies. We show that the anomaly detection problem naturally fits in the multitask learning framework. The first task consists of learning a compact representation of the good samples, while the second task consists of learning the anomaly detector. Using deep convolutional neural networks, we show that it is possible to train a deep model with a limited number of anomalous examples. In sequential detection problems, the presence of time-variant nuisance parameters affect the detection performance. In the last part of this dissertation, we present a method for adaptively estimating the threshold of sequential detectors using Extreme Value Theory on a Bayesian framework. Finally, conclusions on the results obtained are provided, followed by a discussion of possible future work.


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We consider an LTE network where a secondary user acts as a relay, transmitting data to the primary user using a decode-and-forward mechanism, transparent to the base-station (eNodeB). Clearly, the relay can decode symbols more reliably if the employed precoder matrix indicators (PMIs) are known. However, for closed loop spatial multiplexing (CLSM) transmit mode, this information is not always embedded in the downlink signal, leading to a need for effective methods to determine the PMI. In this thesis, we consider 2x2 MIMO and 4x4 MIMO downlink channels corresponding to CLSM and formulate two techniques to estimate the PMI at the relay using a hypothesis testing framework. We evaluate their performance via simulations for various ITU channel models over a range of SNR and for different channel quality indicators (CQIs). We compare them to the case when the true PMI is known at the relay and show that the performance of the proposed schemes are within 2 dB at 10% block error rate (BLER) in almost all scenarios. Furthermore, the techniques add minimal computational overhead over existent receiver structure. Finally, we also identify scenarios when using the proposed precoder detection algorithms in conjunction with the cooperative decode-and-forward relaying mechanism benefits the PUE and improves the BLER performance for the PUE. Therefore, we conclude from this that the proposed algorithms as well as the cooperative relaying mechanism at the CMR can be gainfully employed in a variety of real-life scenarios in LTE networks.


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Field effect transistors (FETs) based on organic materials were investigated as sensors for detecting 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapors. Several FET devices were fabricated using two types of semiconducting organic materials, solution processed polymers deposited by spin coating and, oligomers (or small molecules) deposited by vacuum sublimation. When vapors of nitroaromatic compounds bind to thin films of organic materials which form the transistor channel, the conductivity of the thin film increases and changes the transistor electrical characteristic. The use of the amplifying properties of the transistor represents a major advantage over conventional techniques based on simple changes of resistance in polymers frequently used in electronic noses.


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Unknown RFID tags appear when the unread tagged objects are moved in or tagged objects are misplaced. This paper studies the practically important problem of unknown tag detection while taking both time-efficiency and energy-efficiency of battery-powered active tags into consideration. We first propose a Sampling Bloom Filter which generalizes the standard Bloom Filter. Using the new filtering technique, we propose the Sampling Bloom Filter-based Unknown tag Detection Protocol (SBF-UDP), whose detection accuracy is tunable by the end users. We present the theoretical analysis to minimize the time and energy costs. SBF-UDP can be tuned to either the time-saving mode or the energy-saving mode, according to the specific requirements. Extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol. The experimental results show that SBF-UDP considerably outperforms the previous related protocols in terms of both time-efficiency and energy-efficiency. For example, when 3 or more unknown tags appear in the RFID system with 30 000 known tags, the proposed SBF-UDP is able to successfully report the existence of unknown tags with a confidence more than 99%. While our protocol runs 9 times faster than the fastest existing scheme and reducing the energy consumption by more than 80%.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a surgical technique to treat certain neurologic and psychiatric conditions, relies on pre-determined stimulation parameters in an open-loop configuration. The major advancement in DBS devices is a closed-loop system that uses neurophysiologic feedback to dynamically adjust stimulation frequency and amplitude. Stimulation-driven neurochemical release can be measured by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV), but existing FSCV electrodes rely on carbon fiber, which degrades quickly during use and is therefore unsuitable for chronic neurochemical recording. To address this issue, we developed durable, synthetic boron-doped diamond-based electrodes capable of measuring neurochemical release in humans. Compared to carbon fiber electrodes, they were more than two orders-of-magnitude more physically-robust and demonstrated longevity in vitro without deterioration. Applied for the first time in humans, diamond electrode recordings from thalamic targets in patients (n = 4) undergoing DBS for tremor produced signals consistent with adenosine release at a sensitivity comparable to carbon fiber electrodes. (Clinical trials # NCT01705301).


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Prostate cancer is the most common non-dermatological cancer amongst men in the developed world. The current definitive diagnosis is core needle biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasound. However, this method suffers from low sensitivity and specificity in detecting cancer. Recently, a new ultrasound based tissue typing approach has been proposed, known as temporal enhanced ultrasound (TeUS). In this approach, a set of temporal ultrasound frames is collected from a stationary tissue location without any intentional mechanical excitation. The main aim of this thesis is to implement a deep learning-based solution for prostate cancer detection and grading using TeUS data. In the proposed solution, convolutional neural networks are trained to extract high-level features from time domain TeUS data in temporally and spatially adjacent frames in nine in vivo prostatectomy cases. This approach avoids information loss due to feature extraction and also improves cancer detection rate. The output likelihoods of two TeUS arrangements are then combined to form our novel decision support system. This deep learning-based approach results in the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.80 and 0.73 for prostate cancer detection and grading, respectively, in leave-one-patient-out cross-validation. Recently, multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) has been utilized to improve detection rate of aggressive prostate cancer. In this thesis, for the first time, we present the fusion of mp-MRI and TeUS for characterization of prostate cancer to compensates the deficiencies of each image modalities and improve cancer detection rate. The results obtained using TeUS are fused with those attained using consolidated mp-MRI maps from multiple MR modalities and cancer delineations on those by multiple clinicians. The proposed fusion approach yields the AUC of 0.86 in prostate cancer detection. The outcomes of this thesis emphasize the viable potential of TeUS as a tissue typing method. Employing this ultrasound-based intervention, which is non-invasive and inexpensive, can be a valuable and practical addition to enhance the current prostate cancer detection.


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Power system policies are broadly on track to escalate the use of renewable energy resources in electric power generation. Integration of dispersed generation to the utility network not only intensifies the benefits of renewable generation but also introduces further advantages such as power quality enhancement and freedom of power generation for the consumers. However, issues arise from the integration of distributed generators to the existing utility grid are as significant as its benefits. The issues are aggravated as the number of grid-connected distributed generators increases. Therefore, power quality demands become stricter to ensure a safe and proper advancement towards the emerging smart grid. In this regard, system protection is the area that is highly affected as the grid-connected distributed generation share in electricity generation increases. Islanding detection, amongst all protection issues, is the most important concern for a power system with high penetration of distributed sources. Islanding occurs when a portion of the distribution network which includes one or more distributed generation units and local loads is disconnected from the remaining portion of the grid. Upon formation of a power island, it remains energized due to the presence of one or more distributed sources. This thesis introduces a new islanding detection technique based on an enhanced multi-layer scheme that shows superior performance over the existing techniques. It provides improved solutions for safety and protection of power systems and distributed sources that are capable of operating in grid-connected mode. The proposed active method offers negligible non-detection zone. It is applicable to micro-grids with a number of distributed generation sources without sacrificing the dynamic response of the system. In addition, the information obtained from the proposed scheme allows for smooth transition to stand-alone operation if required. The proposed technique paves the path towards a comprehensive protection solution for future power networks. The proposed method is converter-resident and all power conversion systems that are operating based on power electronics converters can benefit from this method. The theoretical analysis is presented, and extensive simulation results confirm the validity of the analytical work.