903 resultados para early life-history
Algal blooms are naturally occurring phenomena in the aquatic environment. These blooms cause mass mortalities of wild and farmed fish and shellfish, human intoxications which sometimes result in death, alteration of marine trophic structure through adverse effects on larvae and other life history stages of commercially important species and death of marine animals. Occurrences of harmful algal blooms and associated mortality have been reported along the coastal waters of India since the early period of the last century. The present study was taken up to study the dynamics of major phytoplankton blooms, which occur along the Kerala coast. The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of Vizhinjam and Chombala, their species diversity and community structure is presented and the major algal blooms recorded along the coast of Kerala during the study period is described and their occurrence is related to the hydrographic and meteorological variations. There is a clear evident from these works in the Indian region that the fishes avoid areas where these harmful algae bloom, either due to the toxicity or due to some irritant property of the chemicals secreted by the algae. Taxonomic diversity studies indicated a change in the community structure of commercial finfishes, crustaceans and molluscs due to the bloom of C.marina and funnel plots indicated the deviation in taxonomic distinctness during the bloom period from theoretical mean for the region.
The main objectives of the present study has been the collection of the larvae of some of the important and less studied demersal fishes of the South, West Coast of India, preparation of their life history series, statistical analysis of the morphometric characters, spatial as well as temporal distribution of the larvae in relation to the chief hydrographic parameters such as temperature, salinity and oxygen, so as to delineate the spawning areas and seasons of these fish populations. The informations regarding the kind and amount of bottom fish resources along the Indian Coast are scanty. Even though the flat fish resources of Indian waters contributes a singificant share in the total marine fish landings the detailed studies on biology and fishery have been conducted only for ‘Malabar Sole‘ (Cynoglossus macrostomus) while the reminder species of this group are inadequately known. Lizard fishes (order Myctophiphormes) are always present in the miscellaneous catch in all seasons but an adequate knowledge of the potential resources of this group is wanting. The Bombay duck, coming under the same order, is one of the most heavily fished species particularly along the Maharashtra Gujarat coasts but its early developmental stages are not studied. Hence the present study will contribute to a better understanding of the demersal fishery resources of the South West Coast of India
A criança quando inicia a educação pré-escolar, já sabe muitas coisas sobre o mundo que a rodeia através do seu meio familiar e sociocultural. O conjunto de estimulações fornecidas, desde muito cedo, faz com que a criança desenvolva o potencial cognitivo e afetivo. O desenvolvimento e as aprendizagens adquiridas dependem das estimulações realizadas pelo meio envolvente e da qualidade das interações logo desde o nascimento. Este processo antes da entrada na escola é movido pelo desejo de saber da criança e a sua exploração do meio, passando com o início da escolaridade a ser movido por necessidades externas à criança. O aluno é confrontado com um currículo formal com objetivos prévios de aprendizagem que, por vezes, podem estar além dos seus desejos de descoberta ou da sua história de vida. A aprendizagem da leitura é uma construção que tem início antes da entrada no 1º ciclo através do desenvolvimento da linguagem oral e do contacto com a cultura escrita, que permite novas modalidades de comunicação, nova capacidade de simbolizar e de dominar o meio envolvente. O sucesso escolar vai depender quer das aprendizagens prévias quer da capacidade de adaptação e integração no meio escolar. Foi nosso propósito verificar se existem habilidades cognitivas antecedentes que predizem o sucesso da leitura. O interesse por este estudo prende-se com a necessidade que professores e restantes profissionais da educação têm em compreender e analisar com cuidado a situação de entrada na aprendizagem da leitura de cada uma das crianças. Escolhemos, baseado na literatura científica, duas habilidades que testamos previamente em alunos do 1.º ano: a consciência fonológica e o vocabulário. Entre Março e Junho foi aplicado um teste de leitura/descodificação. O estudo é de tipo correlacional que se situa entre o estudo descritivo e uma abordagem experimental. Constatamos que na análise dos resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa, não observamos correlação entre os níveis da consciência fonológica e a leitura e o vocabulário e a leitura, não permitindo afirmar que existe uma relação preditora de uma dessas habilidades com a competência leitora.
Populations of Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) have declined markedly in North America since the early 1980s. When considering alternatives for achieving population recovery, it would be useful to understand how the rate of population growth is functionally related to the underlying vital rates and which vital rates affect population growth rate the most if changed (which need not be those that influenced historical population declines). To establish a more quantitative basis for learning about life history and population dynamics of Lesser Scaup, we summarized published and unpublished estimates of vital rates recorded between 1934 and 2005, and developed matrix life-cycle models with these data for females breeding in the boreal forest, prairie-parklands, and both regions combined. We then used perturbation analysis to evaluate the effect of changes in a variety of vital-rate statistics on finite population growth rate and abundance. Similar to Greater Scaup (Aythya marila), our modeled population growth rate for Lesser Scaup was most sensitive to unit and proportional change in adult female survival during the breeding and non-breeding seasons, but much less so to changes in fecundity parameters. Interestingly, population growth rate was also highly sensitive to unit and proportional changes in the mean of nesting success, duckling survival, and juvenile survival. Given the small samples of data for key aspects of the Lesser Scaup life cycle, we recommend additional research on vital rates that demonstrate a strong effect on population growth and size (e.g., adult survival probabilities). Our life-cycle models should be tested and regularly updated in the future to simultaneously guide science and management of Lesser Scaup populations in an adaptive context.
We examine the extent of population-level differentiation in life history traits of Pogonatum aloides, Polytrichum commune and Polytrichum juniperinum (Polytrichaceae) between upland and lowland localities within Britain. Reciprocal transplant studies are used to estimate the relative importance of genetic versus environmental effects on observed differences. We demonstrate significant life history differentiation between moss populations, and show that at least some of these are genetically determined, although environment and phenotypic plasticity are also significant components of the observed variation. The transplant experiments indicate divergence among populations in plasticity of male reproductive effort and of investment in vegetative shoots by females. Two tradeoffs are identified; one between the number and the size of spores, and the second between reproduction by spores versus vegetative reproduction. The patterns of life history variation observed between populations of Polytrichum juniperinum are consistent with selection along these implied tradeoff curves, and we propose that they reflect selective pressures arising from the spatial and demographic distribution of mortality at upland versus lowland sites. The results underscore the need for more studies of intra-specific life history variation in mosses.
It has recently been proposed that life-history evolution is subject to a fundamental size-dependent constraint. This constraint limits the rate at which biomass can be produced so that production per unit of body mass is inevitably slower in larger organisms than in smaller ones. Here we derive predictions for how changes in body size and production rates evolve in different lifestyles subject to this constraint. Predictions are tested by using data on the mass of neonate tissue produced per adult per year in 637 placental mammal species and are generally supported. Compared with terrestrial insectivores with generalized primitive traits, mammals that have evolved more specialized lifestyles have divergent massspecific production rates: (i) increased in groups that specialize on abundant and reliable foods: grazing and browsing herbivores (artiodactyls, lagomorphs, perissoclactyls, and folivorous rodents) and flesh-eating marine mammals (pinnipeds, cetaceans); and (ii) decreased in groups that have lifestyles with reduced death rates: bats, primates, arboreal, fossorial, and desert rodents, bears, elephants, and rhinos. Convergent evolution of groups with similar lifestyles is common, so patterns of productivity across mammalian taxa reflect both ecology and phylogeny. The overall result is that groups with different lifestyles have parallel but offset relationships between production rate and body size. These results shed light on the evolution of the fast-slow life-history continuum, suggesting that variation occurs along two axes corresponding to body size and lifestyle.
Environmental conditions during the early life stages of birds can have significant effects on the quality of sexual signals in adulthood, especially song, and these ultimately have consequences for breeding success and fitness. This has wide-ranging implications for the rehabilitation protocols undertaken in wildlife hospitals which aim to return captive-reared animals to their natural habitat. Here we review the current literature on bird song development and learning in order to determine the potential impact that the rearing of juvenile songbirds in captivity can have on rehabilitation success. We quantify the effects of reduced learning on song structure and relate this to the possible effects on an individual's ability to defend a territory or attract a mate. We show the importance of providing a conspecific auditory model for birds to learn from in the early stages post-fledging, either via live- or tape-tutoring and provide suggestions for tutoring regimes. We also highlight the historical focus on learning in a few model species that has left an information gap in our knowledge for most species reared at wildlife hospitals.
Myxozoans, belonging to the recently described Class Malacosporea, parasitise freshwater bryozoans during at least part of their life cycle, but no complete malacosporean life cycle is known to date. One of the 2 described malacosporeans is Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of salmonid proliferative kidney disease. The other is Buddenbrockia plumatellae, so far only found in freshwater bryozoans. Our investigations evaluated malacosporean life cycles, focusing on transmission from fish to bryozoan and from bryozoan to bryozoan. We exposed bryozoans to possible infection from: stages of T bryosalmonae in fish kidney and released in fish urine; spores of T bryosalmonae that had developed in bryozoan hosts; and spores and sac stages of B. plumatellae that had developed in bryozoans. Infections were never observed by microscopic examination of post-exposure, cultured bryozoans and none were detected by PCR after culture. Our consistent negative results are compelling: trials incorporated a broad range of parasite stages and potential hosts, and failure of transmission across trials cannot be ascribed to low spore concentrations or immature infective stages. The absence of evidence for bryozoan to bryozoan transmissions for both malacosporeans strongly indicates that such transmission is precluded in malacosporean life cycles. Overall, our results imply that there may be another malacosporean host which remains unidentified, although transmission from fish to bryozoans requires further investigation. However, the highly clonal life history of freshwater bryozoans is likely to allow both long-term persistence and spread of infection within bryozoan populations, precluding the requirement for regular transmission from an alternate host.
1. The freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo, in common with other sessile, benthic freshwater taxa, has an unusual life history: sex occurs during a relatively brief period near the start of the growing season, and overwintering occurs in the form of asexually produced dormant propagules (statoblasts). Consistent observed heterozygosity (Ho) deficits in C. mucedo populations have previously suggested that inbreeding is common, although a possible contribution of a Wahlund effect to low Ho could not be discounted. 2. We have used microsatellite data in the first study based on codominant markers to genetically characterise maternal colonies and larval offspring of C. mucedo . The 'population' represented by the larvae was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which has previously been found in only one of 39 populations of C. mucedo . At least 64% of larvae were the products of outcrossing. We suggest that the unusual early timing of sex may be a strategy to maximise rates of outcrossing within populations of sessile freshwater invertebrates.
This article discusses inductee music service teachers (to 25 years of age). It explores how their lives, as perceived, shape current identities in teaching and result in several career problems. Respondents were drawn from a comprehensive life history study of 28 Local Education Authority employees. Of this larger cohort, four were age 25 years and below, and the remaining 24 teachers made retrospective comments. Data were collected and analysed between October 2002 and March 2004. Principal findings suggest that schooling failed to address these educators' needs as musical learners; key childhood experiences were external of schools. This often resulted in an idealistic trajectory, in teenage years, towards an occupation as a performer. An occupation in music education was entirely disregarded. Consequently, inductees now consider training experiences an inappropriate platform for their professional lives. Managing group teaching and children's behaviour engenders considerable anxiety. Music service work is also deemed a transient state of affairs. There are implications for training, retention and professional development.
Life-history theories of the early programming of human reproductive strategy stipulate that early rearing experience, including that reflected in infant-parent attachment security, regulates psychological, behavioral, and reproductive development. We tested the hypothesis that infant attachment insecurity, compared with infant attachment security, at the age of 15 months predicts earlier pubertal maturation. Focusing on 373 White females enrolled in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, we gathered data from annual physical exams from the ages of 9½ years to 15½ years and from self-reported age of menarche. Results revealed that individuals who had been insecure infants initiated and completed pubertal development earlier and had an earlier age of menarche compared with individuals who had been secure infants, even after accounting for age of menarche in the infants’ mothers. These results support a conditional-adaptational view of individual differences in attachment security and raise questions about the biological mechanisms responsible for the attachment effects we discerned.
Although the role of the academic head of department (HoD) has always been important to university management and performance, an increasing significance given to bureaucracy, academic performance and productivity, and government accountability has greatly elevated the importance of this position. Previous research and anecdotal evidence suggests that as academics move into HoD roles, usually with little or no training, they experience a problem of struggling to adequately manage key aspects of their role. It is this problem – and its manifestations – that forms the research focus of this study. Based on the research question, “What are the career trajectories of academics who become HoDs in a selected post-1992 university?” the study aimed to achieve greater understanding of why academics become HoDs, what it is like being a HoD, and how the experience influences their future career plans. The study adopts an interpretive approach, in line with social constructivism. Edited topical life history interviews were undertaken with 17 male and female HoDs, from a range of disciplines, in a post-1992 UK university. These data were analysed using coding, categorisation and theme formation techniques and developing profiles of each of the respondents. The findings from this study suggest that academics who become HoDs not only need the capacity to assume a range of personal and professional identities, but need to regularly adopt and switch between them. Whether individuals can successfully balance and manage these multiple identities, or whether they experience major conflicts and difficulties within or between them, greatly affects their experiences of being a HoD and may influence their subsequent career decisions. It is claimed that the focus, approach and analytical framework - based on the interrelationships between the concepts of socialisation, identity and career trajectory - provide a distinct and original contribution to knowledge in this area. Although the results of this study cannot be generalised, the findings may help other individuals and institutions move towards a firmer understanding of the academic who becomes HoD - in relation to theory, practice and future research.
Dispersal is a key process in population and evolutionary ecology. Individual decisions are affected by fitness consequences of dispersal, but these are difficult to measure in wild populations. A long-term dataset on a geographically closed bird population, the Mauritius kestrel, offers a rare opportunity to explore fitness consequences. Females dispersed further when the availability of local breeding sites was limited, whereas male dispersal correlated with phenotypic traits. Female but not male fitness was lower when they dispersed longer distances compared to settling close to home. These results suggest a cost of dispersal in females. We found evidence of both short- and long-term fitness consequences of natal dispersal in females, including reduced fecundity in early life and more rapid aging in later life. Taken together, our results indicate that dispersal in early life might shape life history strategies in wild populations.
Background The low expression polymorphism of the MAOA gene in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with antisocial behaviour disorders. These have their origins in early life, but it is not known whether MAOA G × E occurs in infants. We therefore examined whether MAOA G × E predicts infant anger proneness, a temperamental dimension associated with later antisocial behaviour disorders. In contrast to previous studies, we examined MAOA G × E prospectively using an observational measure of a key aspect of the infant environment, maternal sensitivity, at a specified developmental time point. Methods In a stratified epidemiological cohort recruited during pregnancy, we ascertained MAOA status (low vs. high expression alleles) from the saliva of 193 infants, and examined specific predictions to maternal report of infant temperament at 14 months from maternal sensitivity assessed at 29 weeks of age. Results Analyses, weighted to provide general population estimates, indicated a robust interaction between MAOA status and maternal sensitivity in the prediction of infant anger proneness (p = .003) which became stronger once possible confounders for maternal sensitivity were included in the model (p = .0001). The interaction terms were similar in males (p = .010) and females (p = .016), but the effects were different as a consequence of an additional sex of infant by maternal sensitivity interaction. Conclusions This prospective study provides the first evidence of moderation by the MAOA gene of effects of parenting on infant anger proneness, an important early risk for the development of disruptive and aggressive behaviour disorders.
Settlement is a critical process in the life history of crabs, and thus affecting the abundance, distribution and structure of estuarine communities. The spatial pattern of settlement of megalopae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas along a longitudinal estuarine gradient (Mira River Estuary, Portugal) was examined, as well as its effects on the juvenile population. To measure megalopal settlement, four replicate collectors were deployed in six equally spaced stations along the estuarine axis. Juveniles were collected on the same locations with a quadrat randomly deployed on the substrate. To assess fine-scale megalopal settlement within a curved region of the estuary, replicate collectors were deployed on both margins along Moinho da Asneira curve. Megalopae settled differently along the six longitudinal points, with a tendency to attenuate their settlement upstream. Within the curved region, megalopae preferentially settled on the left margin collectors, probably due to the weaker velocity speeds felt on this margin. Concerning the overall juvenile density, there were significant differences among the stations distributed along the estuary, but they did no reflect a longitudinal dispersion attenuation pattern. Size-frequency distribution of the juvenile population showed that the average size is higher on the left margin. Recruits (carapace length between 1.0 mm and 3.4 mm) were more abundant on the upstream stations. Density of early juveniles (3.4 mm-6.5 mm) and juveniles (6.5 mm-10 mm) was more stable throughout the estuary axis than that of recruits. This distribution pattern may result from tidal excursion processes or mechanisms to avoid biotic interactions, such as predation and competition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.