920 resultados para current state analysis
Investments in training measures can only be considered effective if the transfer of the learned contents to practical situations is continuously successful. In this context the scientific and professional discourse regarding the effectiveness of further education, especially regarding training transfer, has intensified considerably. This analysis provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the current state of international empirical research regarding major influencing factors of learning transfer in the context of formalized further vocational training. Our review of literature differentiates the most important influencing factors on the micro-level of the specific individual characteristics of the participants, the meso-level of measure-specific characteristics of the field of learning, as well as institutional characteristics of the work environment at the macro-level. Decades of transfer research brings forth a wealth of information regarding factors which influence the learning transfer. The current analysis systematizes these results and clarifies that the current state of research regarding the determinants of the process of learning transfer shows clear trends. But there are also some inconsistent findings. Thus the question of which factors positively influence the success of learning transfer is well-studied for the micro-level in particular. The article shows that there is still a research deficit concerning the major determinants of learning transfer at the meso- and macro-level. Finally, in this context this article identifies promising directions for future research. (DIPF/Orig.)
Os espaços verdes públicos urbanos são muito importantes no contexto urbano. Influenciam de diversas formas na qualidade de vida das populações, proporcionando benefícios ambientais, sociais e econômicos. A fim de avaliar a disponibilidade destes espaços na cidade de Bragança, foram realizadas análises utilizando indicadores, com apoio dos software ArcGIS 9.3 e QGis 2.14.0-Essen, que permitiram avaliar a oferta destes espaços nas suas diferentes tipologias e categorias dimensionais. Para o efeito foram aplicados os indicadores: Percentagem de espaços verdes, Espaços verdes per capita, Distância média, Índice de Área Verde por Área de Implantação e Índice de Área Verde por Área Coberta. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à aplicação de inquéritos a fim de avaliar as perceções e atitudes de uma amostra da população de Bragança, realizando análises descritivas e estatísticas, com recurso ao software SPSS17, buscando descrever a atual relação com os espaços verdes e usando testes não paramétricos para identificar diferenças entre subgrupos da amostra, numa análise centrada em dois níveis: a escala urbana e a escala de Bairro. Procurando avaliar possíveis alterações futuras, foram testados cenários realistas, um correspondendo à introdução de espaços verdes em terrenos na posse da Autarquia e outro considerando a ampliação das áreas verdes previstas no Plano de Urbanização de Bragança de 2010. Os Resultados permitiram identificar diferenças relevantes na oferta de espaços verdes da cidade. Aplicando os indicadores foi possível verificar que existe a concentração de espaços verdes de maior dimensão na zona central da cidade, denotando um claro desequilíbrio na introdução de novos espaços em zonas de expansão urbana. Os inquéritos aplicados possibilitaram constatar que os inquiridos que possuem maior disponibilidade de espaços verdes em seu bairro de residência apresentam respostas mais satisfatórias em relação a acessibilidade e a aparência visual e paisagística dos bairros. Da análise de cenários resulta que com a implantação de novos espaços verdes, para as duas análises, ocorreria uma melhoria da oferta e distribuição dos espaços verdes na cidade permitindo um maior reequilíbrio face à concentração na zona central, melhorando a acessibilidade para toda a população.
Hardware vendors make an important effort creating low-power CPUs that keep battery duration and durability above acceptable levels. In order to achieve this goal and provide good performance-energy for a wide variety of applications, ARM designed the big.LITTLE architecture. This heterogeneous multi-core architecture features two different types of cores: big cores oriented to performance and little cores, slower and aimed to save energy consumption. As all the cores have access to the same memory, multi-threaded applications must resort to some mutual exclusion mechanism to coordinate the access to shared data by the concurrent threads. Transactional Memory (TM) represents an optimistic approach for shared-memory synchronization. To take full advantage of the features offered by software TM, but also benefit from the characteristics of the heterogeneous big.LITTLE architectures, our focus is to propose TM solutions that take into account the power/performance requirements of the application and what it is offered by the architecture. In order to understand the current state-of-the-art and obtain useful information for future power-aware software TM solutions, we have performed an analysis of a popular TM library running on top of an ARM big.LITTLE processor. Experiments show, in general, better scalability for the LITTLE cores for most of the applications except for one, which requires the computing performance that the big cores offer.
The examination of Workplace Aggression as a global construct conceptualization has gained considerable attention over the past few years as organizations work to better understand and address the occurrence and consequences of this challenging construct. The purpose of this dissertation is to build on previous efforts to validate the appropriateness and usefulness of a global conceptualization of the workplace aggression construct. ^ This dissertation has been broken up into two parts: Part 1 utilized a Confirmatory Factor Analysis approach in order to assess the existence of workplace aggression as a global construct; Part 2 utilized a series of correlational analyses to examine the relationship between a selection of commonly experienced individual strain based outcomes and the global construct conceptualization assessed in Part 1. Participants were a diverse sample of 219 working individuals from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk participant pool. ^ Results of Part 1 did not show support for a one-factor global construct conceptualization of the workplace aggression construct. However, support was shown for a higher-order five-factor model of the construct, suggesting that it may be possible to conceptualize workplace aggression as an overarching construct that is made up of separate workplace aggression constructs. Results of Part 2 showed support for the relationships between an existing global construct workplace aggression conceptualization and a series of strain-based outcomes. Utilizing correlational analyses, additional post-hoc analyses showed that individual factors such as emotional intelligence and personality are related to the experience of workplace aggression. Further, utilizing moderated regression analysis, the results demonstrated that individuals experiencing high levels of workplace aggression reported higher job satisfaction when they felt strongly that the aggressive act was highly visible, and similarly, when they felt that there was a clear intent to cause harm. ^ Overall, the findings of this dissertation do support the need for a simplification of its current state of measurement. Future research should continue to examine workplace aggression in an effort to shed additional light on the structure and usefulness of this complex construct.^
Non-intrusive monitoring of health state of induction machines within industrial process and harsh environments poses a technical challenge. In the field, winding failures are a major fault accounting for over 45% of total machine failures. In the literature, many condition monitoring techniques based on different failure mechanisms and fault indicators have been developed where the machine current signature analysis (MCSA) is a very popular and effective method at this stage. However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish different types of failures and hard to obtain local information if a non-intrusive method is adopted. Typically, some sensors need to be installed inside the machines for collecting key information, which leads to disruption to the machine operation and additional costs. This paper presents a new non-invasive monitoring method based on GMRs to measure stray flux leaked from the machines. It is focused on the influence of potential winding failures on the stray magnetic flux in induction machines. Finite element analysis and experimental tests on a 1.5-kW machine are presented to validate the proposed method. With time-frequency spectrogram analysis, it is proven to be effective to detect several winding faults by referencing stray flux information. The novelty lies in the implement of GMR sensing and analysis of machine faults.
The reuse of treated wastewater could be a promising measure to attenuate the water scarcity burden. In agriculture, irrigation with wastewater may contribute to improve production yields, reduce the ecological footprint and promote socioeconomic benefits. However, it cannot be considered exempt of adverse consequences in environmental and human health. Apart from the introduction of some biological and chemical hazardous agents, the disturbance of the indigenous soil microbial communities and, thus, of vital soil functions impacting soil fertility may occur. The consequences of these disturbances are still poorly understood. This chapter summarises the physicochemical and microbiological alterations in soil resultant from irrigation with treated wastewater that are described in scientific literature. These alterations, which involve a high complexity of variables (soil, wastewater, climate, vegetal cover), may have impacts on soil quality and productivity. In addition, possible health risks may arise, in particular through the direct or indirect contamination of the food chain with micropollutants, pathogens or antibiotic resistance determinants. The current state of the art suggests that irrigation with treated wastewater may have a multitude of long-term implications on soil productivity and public health. Although further research is needed, it seems evident that the analysis of risks associated with irrigation with treated wastewater must take into account not only the quality of water, but other aspects as diverse as soil microbiota, soil type or the cultivated plant species.
This cumulative dissertation investigates the formation and success of new political parties in developed democracies from the perspective of the programmatic competition between parties (see. introduction in chapter 1). It starts by arguing that the current state of the programmatic supply by existing parties is a central determinant for the likelihood of new party formation (chapter 2). A low programmatic diversity of existing parties creates scope for programmatic innovations by new parties. The dissertation establishes a connection between the literature on new parties and niche parties by analyzing the latter as typical cases of innovating new parties (chapter 3). For this purpose, the author combines two concepts with corresponding measures in order to capture the programmatic profiles of parties. Nicheness refers to differences in the emphasis of topics between a given party and its counterparts while programmatic concentration shows the narrowness of a given policy profile. Chapter 4 investigates how the variation in the programmatic profiles of niche parties affect their long-term electoral performance. Previous studies on niche parties have not fully taken into account the evolutionary aspect of the programmatic profiles of these parties. Acknowledging the variation in programmatic profiles between niche parties and over time, the article argues that the electoral effects of nicheness and programmatic concentration as programmatic features of niche parties vary over their lifecycle. The literature on new parties assumes that they can benefit from the poor representation of parts of the electorate by existing parties. This strand of research provides plausible results, but it operates on the macro level, which is problematic for theoretical and methodological reasons. The study in chapter 5 overcomes these problems through a multilevel analysis of the vote choice between new parties, existing parties and abstention.
Die Arbeit geht dem Status quo der unternehmensweiten Suche in österreichischen Großunternehmen nach und beleuchtet Faktoren, die darauf Einfluss haben. Aus der Analyse des Ist-Zustands wird der Bedarf an Enterprise-Search-Software abgeleitet und es werden Rahmenbedingungen für deren erfolgreiche Einführung skizziert. Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf eine im Jahr 2009 durchgeführte Onlinebefragung von 469 österreichischen Großunternehmen (Rücklauf 22 %) und daran anschließende Leitfadeninterviews mit zwölf Teilnehmern der Onlinebefragung. Der theoretische Teil verortet die Arbeit im Kontext des Informations- und Wissensmanagements. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Ansatz der Enterprise Search, ihrer Abgrenzung gegenüber der Suche im Internet und ihrem Leistungsspektrum. Im empirischen Teil wird zunächst aufgezeigt, wie die Unternehmen ihre Informationen organisieren und welche Probleme dabei auftreten. Es folgt eine Analyse des Status quo der Informationssuche im Unternehmen. Abschließend werden Bekanntheit und Einsatz von Enterprise-Search-Software in der Zielgruppe untersucht sowie für die Einführung dieser Software nötige Rahmenbedingungen benannt. Defizite machen die Befragten insbesondere im Hinblick auf die übergreifende Suche im Unternehmen und die Suche nach Kompetenzträgern aus. Hier werden Lücken im Wissensmanagement offenbar. 29 % der Respondenten der Onlinebefragung geben zudem an, dass es in ihren Unternehmen gelegentlich bis häufig zu Fehlentscheidungen infolge defizitärer Informationslagen kommt. Enterprise-Search-Software kommt in 17 % der Unternehmen, die sich an der Onlinebefragung beteiligten, zum Einsatz. Die durch Enterprise-Search-Software bewirkten Veränderungen werden grundsätzlich positiv beurteilt. Alles in allem zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Enterprise-Search-Strategien nur Erfolg haben können, wenn man sie in umfassende Maßnahmen des Informations- und Wissensmanagements einbettet.
Al interior de la empresa ECOSISTEC S.A.S. existe un problema que está erosionando la rentabilidad y está comprometiendo la perdurabilidad de esta empresa, con el planteamiento de este proyecto aplicado se podrá resolver el problema de reputación que tiene a la empresa en un estado crítico y que ha limitado considerablemente su desempeño a través de los últimos años. A través de un análisis externo e interno, y de la aplicación de diferentes metodologías al interior de esta empresa se espera poder conocer la situación actual de la misma y del mercado colombiano, lo que a la final permitirá encontrar una solución óptima que mejore el estado actual de esta organización mejorando la cuota de mercado y la imagen que tienen los potenciales clientes de ECOSISTEC S.A.S.
La asfixia perinatal es la principal causa de muerte en la primera semana de vida la nivel mundial, los niños que sufren esta complicación y sobreviven pueden presentar trastornos neurológicos de diferente nivel de compromiso que inciden en su desarrollo personal y social. Las cifras de muerte por este problema de salud han disminuido de manera importante, sin embargo en el reporte de la Organización Mundial de Salud (OPS) del 2010, la asfixia perinatal es causa del 29% de muertes infantiles en los países de América Latina y el Caribe 2. Es necesario conocer además la extensión del daño neurológico que sufren estos niños, con este fin se desarrolló un estudio piloto en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi de Bogotá, en el cual se determinó la concentración de un marcador metabólico de daño cerebral, la proteína S100B en suero de 60 recién nacidos sanos, con el objetivo de analizar la asociación del mismo con el peso al nacer, la edad gestacional y el diagnóstico. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre este marcador y las variables analizadas que puede asociarse al pequeño número de pacientes, sin embargo han sentado las bases para el desarrollo de un estudio que incluya varios hospitales de Bogotá y sobre todo la determinación del mismo en recién nacidos con diagnóstico de hipoxia en el período perinatal, lo cual aportará información del grado de la alteración que puedan tener a nivel cerebral y contribuya al mejor manejo evolutivo con la aplicación de medidas de intervención en estadios tempranos de la vida.
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso urbano territorial del Municipio de Quibdó con respecto a las acciones de ordenamiento y la gestión de los servicios públicos en sus unidades de estudio, Zona Centro, Zona Norte y barrio Niño Jesús. En la primera parte, se describe la importancia de los servicios públicos en la mejora de la calidad de vida de la gente y se desarrolla un recuento histórico de las formas de prestación de los servicios públicos y su situación actual en el municipio. En la segunda parte se describen los principales acciones de Ordenamiento Territorial y, se analiza la forma como estos pudieron guiar, o no, el proceso de ordenamiento territorial del municipio. Finalmente, a partir de elementos como el POT, encuestas focalizadas y fenómenos como el desplazamiento, se analizan los principales factores que afectaron el proceso de ordenamiento territorial y moldearon un nuevo territorio.
This paper proposes a process for the classifi cation of new residential electricity customers. The current state of the art is extended by using a combination of smart metering and survey data and by using model-based feature selection for the classifi cation task. Firstly, the normalized representative consumption profi les of the population are derived through the clustering of data from households. Secondly, new customers are classifi ed using survey data and a limited amount of smart metering data. Thirdly, regression analysis and model-based feature selection results explain the importance of the variables and which are the drivers of diff erent consumption profi les, enabling the extraction of appropriate models. The results of a case study show that the use of survey data signi ficantly increases accuracy of the classifi cation task (up to 20%). Considering four consumption groups, more than half of the customers are correctly classifi ed with only one week of metering data, with more weeks the accuracy is signifi cantly improved. The use of model-based feature selection resulted in the use of a signifi cantly lower number of features allowing an easy interpretation of the derived models.
Resumo: Este artigo é uma súmula de um diagnóstico social, coordenado pelos autores, que teve como objetivo compreender as dinâmicas e as relações inter e intra organizacionais das Misericórdias do distrito de Évora. O trabalho desenvolvido tem por base uma metodologia de diagnóstico desenvolvida pelos autores deste artigo, tendo como estratégia analítica a análise de redes sociais e a análise prospetiva, através das quais se elabora um quadro sobre o estado atual das Misericórdias, procede-se a um mapeamento da rede e perspetivam-se estratégias de ação coletiva para as instituições. Palavras-Chave: Misericórdias, diagnóstico social, estratégias de ação coletiva. Abstract: This article is a summary of a social diagnosis, coordinated by the authors, which aimed to understand the dynamics and inter and intra organizational relationships of the Mercies of the Évora district. The work is based on a diagnostic methodology developed by the authors of this article, the analytical strategy to social network analysis and prospective analysis, through which draw up a picture of the current state of Mercies, proceed to a mapping network and perspetivam up collective action strategies for the institutions. Keywords: Mercies, social diagnosis, collective action strategies.
In this thesis, a thorough investigation on acoustic noise control systems for realistic automotive scenarios is presented. The thesis is organized in two parts dealing with the main topics treated: Active Noise Control (ANC) systems and Virtual Microphone Technique (VMT), respectively. The technology of ANC allows to increase the driver's/passenger's comfort and safety exploiting the principle of mitigating the disturbing acoustic noise by the superposition of a secondary sound wave of equal amplitude but opposite phase. Performance analyses of both FeedForwrd (FF) and FeedBack (FB) ANC systems, in experimental scenarios, are presented. Since, environmental vibration noises within a car cabin are time-varying, most of the ANC solutions are adaptive. However, in this work, an effective fixed FB ANC system is proposed. Various ANC schemes are considered and compared with each other. In order to find the best possible ANC configuration which optimizes the performance in terms of disturbing noise attenuation, a thorough research of \gls{KPI}, system parameters and experimental setups design, is carried out. In the second part of this thesis, VMT, based on the estimation of specific acoustic channels, is investigated with the aim of generating a quiet acoustic zone around a confined area, e.g., the driver's ears. Performance analysis and comparison of various estimation approaches is presented. Several measurement campaigns were performed in order to acquire a sufficient duration and number of microphone signals in a significant variety of driving scenarios and employed cars. To do this, different experimental setups were designed and their performance compared. Design guidelines are given to obtain good trade-off between accuracy performance and equipment costs. Finally, a preliminary analysis with an innovative approach based on Neural Networks (NNs) to improve the current state of the art in microphone virtualization is proposed.
La tesi consiste nella descrizione del complessivo background storico-letterario, archeologico e digitale necessario per la realizzazione di un Atlante digitale dell’antica Grecia antica sulla base della raccolta e analisi dei dati e delle informazioni contenute nella Periegesi di Pausania. Grazie all’impiego degli applicativi GIS, ed in particolare di ArcGIS online, è stato possibile creare un database georiferito contenente le informazioni e le descrizioni fornite dal testo; ogni identificazione di un sito storico è stata inoltre confrontata con lo stato attuale della ricerca archeologica, al fine di produrre uno strumento innovativo tanto per a ricerca storico-archeologica quanto per lo studio e la valutazione dell’opera di Pausania. Nello specifico il lavoro consiste in primo esempio di atlante digitale interamente basato sull’interpretazione di un testo classico attraverso un processo di georeferenziazione dei suoi contenuti. Per ogni sito identificato è stata infatti specificato il relativo passo di Pausania, collegando direttamente Il dato archeologico con la fonte letteraria. Per la definizione di una tassonomia efficace per l’analisi dei contenuti dell’opera o, si è scelto di associare agli elementi descritti da Pausania sette livelli (layers) all’interno della mappa corrispondenti ad altrettante categorie generali (città, santuari extraurbani, monumenti, boschi sacri, località, corsi d’acqua, e monti). Per ciascun elemento sono state poi inserite ulteriori informazioni all’interno di una tabella descrittiva, quali: fonte, identificazione, età di appartenenza, e stato dell’identificazione.