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Nanoconfined synthesized crystalline fullerene mesoporous carbon (C60-FMC) with bimodal pore architectures of 4.95 nm and 10-15 nm pore sizes characterized by XRD, TEM, nitrogen adsorption/ desorption isotherm and solid-state NMR, and the material was used for protein immobilization. The solid-state 13C NMR spectrum of C60-FMC along with XRD, BET and TEM confirms the formation of fullerene mesoporous carbon structure C60-FMC. The immobilization of albumin (from bovine serum, BSA) protein biomolecule in a buffer solution at pH 4.7 was used to determine the adsorption properties of the C60-FMC material and its structural changes investigated by FT-IR. We demonstrated that the C60-FMC with high surface area and pore volumes have excellent adsorption capacity towards BSA protein molecule. Protein adsorption experiments clearly showed that the C60-FMC with bimodal pore architectures (4.95 nm and 10-15 nm) are suitable material to be used for protein adsorption


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Iron(III) complexes [Fe(L)(2)]Cl (1-3), where L is monoanionic N-salicylidene-arginine (sal-argH for 1), hydroxynaphthylidene-arginine (nap-argH for 2) and N-salicylidene-lysine (sal-lysH for 3), were prepared and their DNA binding and photo-induced DNA cleavage activity studied. Complex 3 as its hexafluorophosphate salt [Fe(sal-lysH)(2)](PF6)center dot 6H(2)O (3a) was structurally characterized by single crystal Xray crystallography. The crystals belonged to the triclinic space group P-1. The complex has two tridentate ligands in FeN2O4 coordination geometry with two pendant cationic amine moieties. Complexes 1 and 2 with two pendant cationic guanidinium moieties are the structural models for the antitumor antibiotics netropsin. The complexes are stable and soluble in water. They showed quasi-reversible Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple near 0.6 V in H2O-0.1 M KCl. The high-spin 3d(5)-iron(III) complexes with mu(eff) value of similar to 5.9 mu(B) displayed ligand-to-metal charge transfer electronic band near 500 mm in Tris-HCl buffer. The complexes show binding to Calf Thymus (CT) DNA. Complex 2 showed better binding propensity to the synthetic oligomer poly(dA)center dot poly(dT) than to CT-DNA or poly(dG)center dot poly(dC). All the complexes displayed chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent and cleaved supercoiled pUC19 DNA to its nicked circular form. They exhibited photo-induced DNA cleavage activity in UV-A light and visible light via a mechanistic pathway that involves the formation of reactive hydroxyl radical species. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Raffinose oligosaccharides (RO) are the major factors responsible for flatulence following ingestion of soybean-derived products. Removal of RO from seeds or soymilk would then have a positive impact on the acceptance of soy-based foods. In this study, alpha-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was entrapped in gelatin using formaldehyde as the hardener. The immobilization yield was 64.3% under the optimum conditions of immobilization. The immobilized alpha-galactosidase showed a shift in optimum pH from 4.8 to 5.4 in acetate buffer. The optimum temperature also shifted from 50 degrees C to 57 degrees C compared with soluble enzyme. Immobilized alpha-galactosidase was used in batch, repeated batch and continuous mode to degrade RO present in soymilk. In the repeated batch, 45% reduction of RO was obtained in the fourth cycle. The performance of immobilized alpha-galactosidase was tested in a fluidized bed reactor at different flow rates and 86% reduction of RO in soymilk was obtained at 25 ml h(-1) flow rate. The study revealed that immobilized alpha-galactosidase in continuous mode is efficient in reduction of RO present in soymilk.


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In modern evolutionary divergence analysis the role of geological information extends beyond providing a timescale, to informing molecular rate variation across the tree. Here I consider the implications of this development. I use fossil calibrations to test the accuracy of models of molecular rate evolution for placental mammals, and reveal substantial misspecification associated with life history rate correlates. Adding further calibrations to reduce dating errors at specific nodes unfortunately tends to transfer underlying rate errors to adjacent branches. Thus, tight calibration across the tree is vital to buffer against rate model errors. I argue that this must include allowing maximum bounds to be tight when good fossil records permit, otherwise divergences deep in the tree will tend to be inflated by the interaction of rate errors and asymmetric confidence in minimum and maximum bounds. In the case of placental mammals I sought to reduce the potential for transferring calibration and rate model errors across the tree by focusing on well-supported calibrations with appropriately conservative maximum bounds. The resulting divergence estimates are younger than others published recently, and provide the long-anticipated molecular signature for the placental mammal radiation observed in the fossil record near the 66 Ma Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.


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A new ternary iron(III) complex [FeL(dpq)] containing dipyridoquinoxaline (dpq) and 2,2-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzyl)aminoacetic acid (H3L) is prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The high-spin complex with a FeN3O3 core shows a quasi-reversible iron(III)/iron(II) redox couple at -0.62 V (vs SCE) in DMF/0.1 M TBAP and a broad visible band at 470 nm in DMF/Tris buffer. Laser photoexcitation of this phenolate (L)-to-iron(III) charge-transfer band at visible wavelengths including red light of >= 630 nm leads to cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA to its nicked circular form via a photoredox pathway forming hydroxyl radicals.


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The StreamIt programming model has been proposed to exploit parallelism in streaming applications on general purpose multi-core architectures. This model allows programmers to specify the structure of a program as a set of filters that act upon data, and a set of communication channels between them. The StreamIt graphs describe task, data and pipeline parallelism which can be exploited on modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), as they support abundant parallelism in hardware. In this paper, we describe the challenges in mapping StreamIt to GPUs and propose an efficient technique to software pipeline the execution of stream programs on GPUs. We formulate this problem - both scheduling and assignment of filters to processors - as an efficient Integer Linear Program (ILP), which is then solved using ILP solvers. We also describe a novel buffer layout technique for GPUs which facilitates exploiting the high memory bandwidth available in GPUs. The proposed scheduling utilizes both the scalar units in GPU, to exploit data parallelism, and multiprocessors, to exploit task and pipelin parallelism. Further it takes into consideration the synchronization and bandwidth limitations of GPUs, and yields speedups between 1.87X and 36.83X over a single threaded CPU.


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This study investigates the relationships between work stressors and organizational performance in terms of the quality of care provided by the long-term care facilities. Work stressors are first examined in relation to the unit's structural factors, resident characteristics, and to the unit specialization. The study is completed by an investigation into the associations of work stressors such as job demands or time pressure, role ambiguity, resident-related stress, and procedural injustice to organizational performance. Also the moderating effect of job control in the job demands organizational performance relationship is examined. The study was carried out in the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Survey data were drawn from 1194 nursing employees in 107 residential-home and health-center inpatient units in 1999 and from 977 employees in 91 units in 2002. Information on the unit resident characteristics and the quality of care was provided by the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI). The results showed that large unit size or lower staffing levels were not consistently related to work stressors, whereas the impairments in residents' physical functioning in particular initiated stressful working conditions for employees. However, unit specialization into dementia and psychiatric residents was found to buffer the effects that the resident characteristics had on employee appraisals of work stressors, in that a high proportion of behavioral problems was related to less time pressure and role conflicts for employees in specialized units. Unit specialization was also related to improved team climates and the organizational commitment of employees. Work stressors associated with problems in care quality. Time pressure explained most of the differences between units in how the employees perceived the quality of physical and psychosocial care they provide for the residents. A high level of job demands in the unit was also found to be related to some increases in all clinical quality problems. High job control buffered the effects of job demands on the quality of care in terms of the use of restraints on elderly residents. Physical restraint and especially antipsychotic drug use were less prevalent in units that combined both high job demands and high control for employees. In contrast, in high strain units where heavy job demands coincided with a lack of control for employees, quality was poor in terms of the frequent use of physical restraints. In addition, procedural injustice was related to the frequent use of antianxiety of hypnotic drugs for elderly residents. The results suggest that both job control and procedural justice may have improved employees' abilities to cope when caring for the elderly residents, resulting in better organizational performance.


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The direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c (cyt-c) has been investigated on exfoliated graphite (EG) electrodes. The as-polished and roughened (using SiC emery sheet) EG surfaces are inactive for the direct electron transfer. However, when the EG electrode was sonicated before the experiment, a pair of redox waves were obtained for freely diffusing cyt-c in the solution phase. The formal potential was found to be 0.01 V (vs. SCE) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at a pH of 7.1. The electrochemical response for the adsorbed cyt-c on sonicated EG electrodes, which is shown to have carbonyl functional groups on its surface, shows nearly reversible voltammograms in the same electrolyte. However, the formal potential in the adsorbed state is more negative than that observed for the solution phase cyt-c. A structure based on an open heme conformation proposed by Hildebrandt and Stockburger is probably present on the EG surface. It is suggested that the electrochemistry at the EG electrode is essentially governed by favourable electrostatic interactions.


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We consider an optimal power and rate scheduling problem for a multiaccess fading wireless channel with the objective of minimising a weighted sum of mean packet transmission delay subject to a peak power constraint. The base station acts as a controller which, depending upon the buffer lengths and the channel state of each user, allocates transmission rate and power to individual users. We assume perfect channel state information at the transmitter and the receiver. We also assume a Markov model for the fading and packet arrival processes. The policy obtained represents a form of Indexability.


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Films of CuInSe2 were deposited onto glass substrates by a hot wall deposition method using bulk CuInSe2 as a source material. All the deposited CuInSe2 films were found to be polycrystalline in nature exhibiting the chalcopyrite structure with the crystallite orientation along (101),(112),(103),(211),(220),(312) and (400) directions. The photocurrent was found to increase with increase in film thickness and also with increase of light intensity. Photocurrent spectra show a peak related to the band-to-band transition. The spectral response of CuInSe2 thin films was studied by allowing the radiation to pass through a series of interference filters in the wavelength range 700-1200 rim. Films of higher thickness exhibited higher photosensitivity while low thickness films exhibited moderate photosensitivity. CuInSe2-based Solar cells with different types of buffer layers such as US, Cdse, CuInSe2 and CdSe0.7Te0.3 were fabricated. The current and voltage were measured using an optical power meter and an electrometer respectively. The fabricated solar cells were illuminated using 100 mW/cm(2) white light under AM1 conditions. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of phenyl-alpha (alpha PhOGlu), 3-methoxy (3MeOGlu), fluorodeoxy and deoxy derivatives of alpha-D-glucopyranose (Glu) to concanavalin A (conA), pea lectin and lentil lectin were performed at approx. 10 and 25 degrees C in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid/NaOH buffer, pH 6.9, containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions. Apparently the 3-deoxy, 4-deoxy and 6-deoxy as well as the 4-fluorodeoxy and 6-fluorodeoxy derivatives of Glu do not bind to the lectins because no heat release was observed on the addition of aliquots of solutions of these derivatives to the lectin solutions. The binding enthalpies, delta H0b, and entropies, delta S0b, determined from the measurements were compared with the same thermodynamic binding parameters for Glu, D-mannopyranoside and methyl-alpha- D-glucopyranoside (alpha MeOGlu). The binding reactions are enthalpically driven with little change in the heat capacity on binding, and exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation. Differences between the thermodynamic binding parameters can be rationalized in terms of the interactions apparent in the known crystal structures of the methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside-conA [Derewenda, Yariv, Helliwell, Kalb (Gilboa), Dodson, Papiz, Wan and Campbell (1989) EMBO J. 8, 2189-2193] and pea lectin-trimanno-pyranoside [Rini, Hardman, Einspahr, Suddath and Carber (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 10126-10132] complexes. Increases in the entropy change on binding are observed for alpha MeOGlu binding to pea and lentil lectin, for alpha PhOGlu binding to conA and pea lectin, and for 3MeOGlu binding to pea lectin relative to the entropy change for Glu binding, and imply that the phenoxy and methoxy substituents provide additional hydrophobic interactions in the complex. Increases in the binding enthalpy relative to that of Glu are observed for deoxy and fluoro derivatives in the C-1 and C-2 positions and imply that these substituents weaken the interaction with the surrounding water, thereby strengthening the interaction with the binding site.


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The thermodynamics of the binding of derivatives of galactose and lactose to a 14 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin (L-14) from sheep spleen has been studied in 10 nM phosphate/150 mM NaCl/10 mM beta-mercaptoethanol buffer, pH 7.4, and in the temperature range 285-300 K using titration calorimetry. The single-site binding constants of various sugars for the lectin were in the following order: N-acetyl-lactosamine thiodigalactoside > 4-methylumbelliferyl lactoside > lactose > 4-methylumbelliferyl alpha-D-galactoside > methyl-alpha-galactose > methyl-beta-galactose. Reactions were essentially enthalpically driven with the binding enthalpies ranging from -53.8 kJ/mol for thiodigalactoside at 301 K to -2.2 kJ/mol for galactose at 300 K, indicating that hydrogen-bonding and van der Waals interactions provide the major stabilization for these reactions. However, the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-galactose displays relatively favourable entropic contributions, indicating the existence of a non-polar site adjacent to the galactose-binding subsite. From the increments in the enthalpies for the binding of lactose, N-acetyl-lactosamine and thiodigalactoside relative to methyl-beta-galactose, the contribution of glucose binding in the subsite adjacent to that for galactose shows that glucose makes a major contribution to the stability of L-14 disaccharide complexes. Observation of enthalpy-entropy compensation for the recognition of saccharides such as lactose by L-14 and the absence of it for monosaccharides such as galactose, together with the lack of appreciable changes in the heat capacity (delta Cp), indicate that reorganization of water plays an important role in these reactions.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (Me alpha Man), D-mannopyranoside (Man), methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (Me alpha Glu), and D-glucopyranoside (Glu) to concanavalin A (Con A), pea lectin, and lentil lectin were performed at 281 and 292 K in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid-NaOH buffer (pH 6.9) containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn+2 and Ca+2 ions. The site binding enthalpies, delta H, are the same at both temperatures and range from -28.4 +/- 0.9 (Me alpha Man) to -16.6 +/- 0.5 kJ mol-1 (Glu) for Con A, from -26.2 +/- 1.1 (Me alpha Man) to -12.8 +/- 0.4 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for pea lectin, and from -16.6 +/- 0.7 (Me alpha Man) to -8.0 +/- 0.2 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for lentil lectin. The site binding constants range from 17 +/- 1 x 10(3) M-1 (Me alpha Man to Con A at 281.2 K) to 230 +/- 20 M-1 (Glu to lentil lectin at 292.6 K) and exhibit high specificity for Con A where they are in the Me alpha Man:Man:Me alpha Glu:Glu ratio of 21:4:5:1, while the corresponding ratio is 5:2:1.5:1 for pea lectin and 4:2:2:1 for lentil lectin. The higher specificity for Con A indicates more interactions between the amino acid residues at the binding site and the carbohydrate ligand than for the pea and lentil lectin-carbohydrate complexes. The carbohydrate-lectin binding results exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation in that delta Hb (kJ mol-1) = -1.67 +/- 0.06 x 10(4) + (1.30 +/- 0.12)T(K) delta Sb (J mol-1K-1). Differential scanning calorimetry measurements on the thermal denaturation of the lectins and their carbohydrate complexes show that the Con A tetramer dissociates into monomers, while the pea and lentil lectin dimers dissociate into two submonomer fragments. At the denaturation temperature, one carbohydrate binds to each monomer of Con A and the pea and lentil lectins. Complexation with the carbohydrate increases the denaturation temperature of the lectin and the magnitude of the increases yield binding constants in agreement with the determinations from titration calorimetry.


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The thermodynamics of the binding of D-galactopyranoside (Gal), 2-acetamido-2-deoxygalactopyranoside (GalNAc), methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside, and methyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside to the basic agglutinin from winged bean (WBAI) in 0.02 M sodium phosphate and 0.15 M sodium chloride buffer have been investigated from 298.15 to 333.15 K by titration calorimetry and at the denaturation temperature by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). WBAI is a dimer with two binding sites. The titration calorimetry yielded single-site binding constants ranging from 0.56 +/- 0.14 x 10(3) M-1 for Gal at 323.15 K to 7.2 +/- 0.5 x 10(3) M-1 for GalNAc at 298.15 K and binding enthalpies ranging from -28.0 +/- 2.0 kJ mol-1 for GalNAc at 298.15 K to -14.3 +/- 0.1 kJ mol-1 for methyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside at 322.65 K. The denaturation transition consisted of two overlapping peaks over the pH range 5.6-7.4. Fits of the differential scanning calorimetry data to a two-state transition model showed that the low temperature transition (341.6 +/- 0.4 K at pH 7.4) consisted of two domains unfolding as a single entity while the higher temperature transition (347.8 +/- 0.6 K at pH 7.4) is of the remaining WBAI dimer unfolding into two monomers. Both transitions shift to higher temperatures and higher calorimetric enthalpies with increase in added ligand concentration at pH 7.4. Analysis of the temperature increase as a function of added ligand concentration suggests that one ligand binds to the two domains unfolding at 341.6 +/- 0.6 K and one ligand binds to the domain unfolding at 347.8 +/- 0.6 K.


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The doctoral thesis deals with Finnish and foreign expert s analyses of Finland s military strategic position and defence capability, dating back to the early years of the Cold War. Finland s military high command prepared assessments of the country s strategic position and of the capability of the Defence Forces as grounds for defence planning. Since Finland was located on the Cold War dividing line, the foreign powers were also monitoring the development of Finland s situation. The research carried out had access to the armed forces internal assessments, as well as to analyses prepared by the military intelligence services of Sweden, Britain and the United States. One of the working hypotheses was that after the WWII the ability military leadership to estimate the security political needs of the country and the organisation of its defence was severely weakened so that the dangers of the international development were not perceived and the gradual erosion of defence capability was partly unnoticed. This hypothesis proved to be wrong. Even if the Finnish military intelligence was much weaker than during the war, it was able to provide the military leadership with information of the international military development for the most part. The military leadership was also fully aware of the weakening of the defence capability of the country. They faced the difficult task of making the country s political leadership, i.e. President Paasikivi and the government, also understand the gravity of the situation. Only in the last years of his term in office Paasikivi started to believe the warnings of the military. According to another hypothesis, outside observers considered the Finnish armed forces to primarily act as reinforcements for the Soviet Red Army, and they believed that, in the event of a full-scale war, the Finns would not have been able or even willing to resist a Soviet invasion of Sweden and Norway through Finland. The study confirmed that this was approximately the view the Swedes, the British and the Americans had of the Finnish forces. Western and Swedish intelligence assessments did not show confidence in Finland s defence ability and the country was regarded almost as a Soviet satellite. Finland s strategic position was, however, considered slightly different from that of the Soviet-occupied Eastern European countries. Finland had been forced to become part of the Soviet sphere of interest and security system and this was sealed by the Finno-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance in 1948. Finland had little importance to the military interests of the Western powers. In Sweden s defence planning, however, Finland played a significant role as an alarm bell of a possible Soviet surprise attack, as well as defensive frontline and buffer zone.