569 resultados para cave


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This study deals with faunal finds from the Swiss Paleolithic, especially from the Late Glacial. Faunal assemblages from archeological sites as well as off-site finds dated by scientific means are included. In the middle of the Oldest Dryas the large glacial species – mammoth, rhinoceros, cave bear, musk ox – become extinct. During the Early Bølling the last arctic species disappear, and are succeeded by animals like red deer and elk, preferring a moderate climate. From the middle of the Allerød, species typical of a denser forest (roe deer and wild boar) are very frequent.


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In the tropics, geochemical records from stalagmites have so far mainly been used to qualitatively reconstruct changes in precipitation, but several new methods to reconstruct past temperatures from stalagmite material have emerged recently: i) liquide vapor homogenization of fluid inclusion water ii) noble gas concentrations in fluid inclusion water, iii) the partitioning of oxygen isotopes between fluid inclusion water and calcite, and iv) the abundance of the 13C18O16O(‘clumped’) isotopologue in calcite. We present, for the first time, a direct comparison of these four paleo-thermometers by applying them to a fossil stalagmite covering nearly two glaciale interglacial cycles (Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 12 e 9) and to two modern stalagmites, all from northern Borneo. The temperature estimates from the different methods agree in most cases within errors for both the old and recent samples; reconstructed formation temperatures of the recent samples match within 2-sigma errors with measured cave temperatures. However, slight but systematic deviations are observed between noble gas and liquide vapor homogenization temperatures. Whereas the temperature sensitivity of fluid inclusion d18O and clumped isotopes is currently debated, we find that the calibration of Tremaine et al. (2011) for fluid inclusion d18O and a synthetic calcite-based clumped isotope calibration (Ziegler et al., in prep.) yield temperature estimates consistent with the other methods. All methods (with the potential exception of clumped isotopes) show excellent agreement on the amplitude of glaciale interglacial temperature change, indicating temperature shifts of 4-5 C°. This amplitude is similar to the amplitude of Mg/Ca-based regional sea surface temperature records, when correcting for sea level driven changes in cave elevation. Our reconstruction of tropical temperature evolution over the time period from 440 to 320 thousand years ago (ka) adds support to the view that climate sensitivity to varying greenhouse forcing is substantial also in the deep tropics.


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A geochemical investigation has been conducted of a suite of four sediment cores collected from directly beneath the hydrothermal plume at distances of 2 to 25 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal field. As well as a large biogenic component (>80% CaCO3) these sediments record clear enrichments of the elements Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P, and As from hydrothermal plume fallout but only minor detrital background material. Systematic variations in the abundances of "hydrothermal" elements are observed at increasing distance from the vent site, consistent with chemical evolution of the dispersing plume. Further, pronounced Ni and Cr enrichments at specific levels within each of the two cores collected from closest to the vent site are indicative of discrete episodes of additional input of ultrabasic material at these two near-field locations. Radiocarbon dating reveals mean Holocene accumulation rates for all four cores of 2.7 to 3.7 cm.kyr?1, with surface mixed layers 7 to 10+ cm thick, from which a history of deposition from the Rainbow hydrothermal plume can be deduced. Deposition from the plume supplies elements to the underlying sediments that are either directly hydrothermally sourced (e.g., Fe, Mn, Cu) or scavenged from seawater via the hydrothermal plume (e.g., V, P, As). Holocene fluxes into to the cores' surface mixed layers are presented which, typically, are an order of magnitude greater than "background" authigenic fluxes from the open North Atlantic. One core, collected closest to the vent site, indicates that both the concentration and flux of hydrothermally derived material increased significantly at some point between 8 and 12 14C kyr ago; the preferred explanation is that this variation reflects the initiation/intensification of hydrothermal venting at the Rainbow hydrothermal field at this time - perhaps linked to some specific tectonic event in this fault-controlled hydrothermal setting.


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Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. El acercamiento entre ambas figuras deja su huella en el mito, pero sobre todo en el culto. Así, un dios que en Arcadia era venerado en santuarios construidos por la mano del hombre, en el resto de Grecia recibe culto en parajes agrestes, fundamentalmente cuevas. No parece casual el hecho de que también fuera de Arcadia la gruta sea el lugar reservado a los cultos mistéricos, incluidos los dionisíacos


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Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. El acercamiento entre ambas figuras deja su huella en el mito, pero sobre todo en el culto. Así, un dios que en Arcadia era venerado en santuarios construidos por la mano del hombre, en el resto de Grecia recibe culto en parajes agrestes, fundamentalmente cuevas. No parece casual el hecho de que también fuera de Arcadia la gruta sea el lugar reservado a los cultos mistéricos, incluidos los dionisíacos


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Attempts to place Palaeolithic finds within a precise climatic framework are complicated by both uncertainty over the radiocarbon calibration beyond about 21,500 14C years bp (Reimer et al., 2004) and the absence of a master calendar chronology for climate events from reference archives such as Greenland ice cores or speleothems (Svensson et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.08.003). Here we present an alternative approach, in which 14C dates of interest are mapped directly onto the palaeoclimate record of the Cariaco Basin by means of its 14C series (Hughen et al., 2004, doi:10.1126/science.1090300), circumventing calendar age model and correlation uncertainties, and placing dated events in the millennial-scale climate context of the last glacial period. This is applied to different sets of dates from levels with Mousterian artefacts, presumably produced by late Neanderthals, from Gorham's Cave in Gibraltar: first, generally accepted estimates of about 32,000 14C years bp for the uppermost Mousterian levels (Pettitt and Bailey, 2000; Bronk Ramsey et al., 2002, doi:10.1111/1475-4754.00040); second, a possible extended Middle Palaeolithic occupation until about 28,000 14C years bp (Finlayson et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature05195); and third, more contentious evidence for persistence until about 24,000 14C years bp (Finlayson et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature05195). This study shows that the three sets translate to different scenarios on the role of climate in Neanderthal extinction. The first two correspond to intervals of general climatic instability between stadials and interstadials that characterized most of the Middle Pleniglacial and are not coeval with Heinrich Events. In contrast, if accepted, the youngest date indicates that late Neanderthals may have persisted up to the onset of a major environmental shift, which included an expansion in global ice volume and an increased latitudinal temperature gradient. More generally, our radiocarbon climatostratigraphic approach can be applied to any 'snapshot' date from discontinuous records in a variety of deposits and can become a powerful tool in evaluating the climatic signature of critical intervals in Late Pleistocene human evolution.


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Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. El acercamiento entre ambas figuras deja su huella en el mito, pero sobre todo en el culto. Así, un dios que en Arcadia era venerado en santuarios construidos por la mano del hombre, en el resto de Grecia recibe culto en parajes agrestes, fundamentalmente cuevas. No parece casual el hecho de que también fuera de Arcadia la gruta sea el lugar reservado a los cultos mistéricos, incluidos los dionisíacos


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A geochemical investigation was carried out on two sediment cores collected at 2 and 5 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal vent site. Bulk sediment compositions indicate that these cores record clear enrichments in Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P and As from hydrothermal plume fallout (Cave et al., 2002, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00823-2). Sequential dissolution of the bulk sediments has been used to discriminate between a leach (biogenic and oxy-hydroxide) component and a residual phase (detrital and sulphide/sulphate fractions). Major element data (Al, Fe, Ti, Mn, Mg, Ca, Si and index%) reveal that the hydrothermal input, as recorded in the leach phase, is much stronger than apparent from bulk sediment analyses alone. REE patterns for the leach phase record contributions from both biogenic carbonate (mimicking seawater REE patterns) and hydrothermal oxy-hydroxides, with the latter exhibiting positive Eu anomalies (hydrothermal derived) and negative Ce anomalies (seawater derived). Based on major element and REE data, the residue contains contributions from aeolian dust input, local MORB material and a hydrothermal component. Ternary REE mixing calculations indicate that most of the REE within the residual fraction (~80%) is derived from hydrothermal material, while detrital contributions to the REE budget, as deep-sea clay and volcanic debris, are <20%. By combining bulk and REE data for the various end-member components of the residue, we calculate that the chemical composition of the residue hydrothermal end-member is high in Ca (6-15%) and with a Nd/Sr ratio of 0.004. These characteristics indicate the presence of low-solubility hydrothermal sulphate (rather than sulphide) material within the residue component of Rainbow hydrothermal sediments.


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