458 resultados para caule


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CHAPTER 1 - The gummy stem blight, caused by the fungus D. bryoniae, is a disease commonly found in watermelon cultivated in several countries. In Brazil, there are numerous studies related to the disease, but there are not uniform methods for quantifying of disease severity in the field. Thus, we developed a diagrammatic scale based on scanned photos of watermelon leaves infected with D. bryoniae. The scale developed showed levels of 0; 10; 20; 45; 65 and 90% of severity. The scale validation was divided into two parts: initially, 10 evaluators (half with experienced and other half without experience) estimated the disease severity based on the initial observation of 100 photos of watermelon leaves with symptoms of the disease at different severity levels. Before, the same evaluators estimated the disease severity with the support of the scale prepared from the Quant program. Data were analyzed using linear regression and were obtained angular, linear, and correlation coefficients. Based on these data, we determined the accuracy and precision of the evaluations. The correlation coefficients (R2) ranged from 0.88 - 0.97 for the experienced evaluators and from 0.55 - 0.95 for the inexperienced evaluators. The average angular coefficient (A) for inexperienced evaluators was 20.42 and 8.61 with and without the support of diagrammatic scale, respectively. Experienced evaluators showed values of average linear coefficient of 5.30 and 1.68 with and without the support of diagrammatic scale, respectively. The absolute errors analysis indicated that the use of diagrammatic scale contributed to minimize the flaws in the severity levels estimation. The diagrammatic scale proposed shown adequate for gummy stem blight severity evaluation in watermelon. CHAPTER 2 - The gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae) is a disease that affects the productivity of watermelon leading to losses over 40%. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different production systems in control of gummy stem blight in watermelon for to establish efficient methods to combat the disease. There were applied the following treatments: conventional tillage (T1), integrated management (T2) and organic management (T3). In T1 and T2 were applied mineral fertilization and T3 was used bovine manure. There was application of fungicides and insecticides in commercial dose in T1 and T2, being after soil chemical analysis in T2. Disease severity was assessed by grading scale. The experimental design was randomized blocks. The severity of gummy stem blight has increased substantially during the fruit formation. Watermelon plants grown with integrated management (T2) showed lower levels of disease severity, while plants in organic management (T3) exhibited higher levels of severity. We conclude that management based on judicious accompaniments in field represents best way to achieve the phytosanitary aspect adequate for cultivation of watermelon in Tocantins.


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v. 13, n. 2, p. 82-92, 2016.


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The Mediterranean species Cynara cardunculus L. is recognized in the traditional medicine, for their hepatoprotective and choleretic effects. Biomass of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), or cultivated cardoon, may be explored not only for the production of energy and pulp fibers, but also for the extraction of bioactive compounds. The chemical characterization of extractable components, namely terpenic and phenolic compounds, may valorize the cultivated cardoon plantation, due to their antioxidant, antitumoral and antimicrobial activities. In this study, the chemical composition of lipophilic and phenolic fractions of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), cultivated in the south of Portugal (Baixo Alentejo region) was characterized in detail, intending the integral valorization of its biomass. The biological activity of cultivated cardoon extracts was evaluated in terms of antioxidant, human tumor cell antiproliferative and antibacterial effects. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the chemical analysis of lipophilic compounds. Sixty-five lipophilic compounds were identified, from which 1 sesquiterpene lactone and 4 pentacyclic triterpenes were described, for the first time, as cultivated cardoon components, such as: deacylcynaropicrin, acetates of β- and α-amyrin, lupenyl acetate and ψ-taraxasteryl acetate. Sesquiterpene lactones were the major family of lipophilic components of leaves (≈94.5 g/kg), mostly represented by cynaropicrin (≈87.4 g/kg). Pentacyclic triterpenes were also detected, in considerably high contents, in the remaining parts of cultivated cardoon, especially in the florets (≈27.5 g/kg). Taraxasteryl acetate was the main pentacyclic triterpene (≈8.9 g/kg in florets). High pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) was utilized for the chemical analysis of phenolic compounds. Among the identified 28 phenolic compounds, eriodictyol hexoside was reported for the first time as C. cardunculus L. component, and 6 as cultivated cardoon components, namely 1,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid, naringenin 7-O-glucoside, naringenin rutinoside, naringenin, luteolin acetylhexoside and apigenin acetylhexoside. The highest content of the identified phenolic compounds was observed in the florets (≈12.6 g/kg). Stalks outer part contained the highest hydroxycinnamic acids abundance (≈10.3 g/kg), and florets presented the highest flavonoids content (≈10.3 g/kg). The antioxidant activity of phenolic fraction was examined through 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. Stalks outer part, and receptacles and bracts extracts demonstrated the highest antioxidant effect on DPPH (IC50 of 34.35 μg/mL and 35.25 μg/mL, respectively). (cont.) abstract (cont.) The DPPH scavenging effect was linearly correlated with the total contents of hydroxycinnamic acids (r = -0.990). The in vitro antiproliferative activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was evaluated on a human tumor cells line of triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231), one of the most refractory human cancers to conventional therapeutics. After 48 h of exposition, leaves lipophilic extract showed higher inhibitory effect (IC50 = 10.39 μg/mL) than florets lipophilic extract (IC50 = 315.22 μg/mL), upon MDA-MB-231 cellular viability. Pure compound of cynaropicrin, representative of the main compound identified in leaves lipophilic extract, also prevented the cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 (IC50 = 17.86 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were much more resistant to the 48 h- treatment with phenolic extracts of stalks outer part (IC50 = 3341.20 μg/mL) and florets (IC50 > 4500 μg/mL), and also with the pure compound of 1,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (IC50 = 1741.69 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were exposed, for 48 h, to the respective IC50 concentrations of leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin, in order to understand their ability in modelling cellular responses, and consequently important potentially signaling pathways for the cellular viability decrease. Leaves lipophilic extract increased the caspase-3 enzymatic activity, contrarily to pure compound of cynaropicrin. Additionally, leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin caused G2 cell cycle arrest, possibly by upregulating the p21Waf1/Cip1 and the accumulation of phospho-Tyr15-CDK1 and cyclin B1. The inhibitory effects of leaves lipophilic extract and cynaropicrin pure compound, against the MDA-MB-231 cell proliferation, may also be related to the downregulation of phospho-Ser473-Akt. The antibacterial activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was assessed, for the first time, on two multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as the Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and the Gram-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), two of the main bacteria responsible for health care-associated infections. Accordingly, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. Lipophilic and phenolic extracts of florets did not have antibacterial activity on P. aeruginosa PAO1 and MRSA (MIC > 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract did not prevent the P. aeruginosa PAO1 growth, but pure compound of cynaropicrin was slightly active (MIC = 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin blocked MRSA growth (MIC of 1024 and 256 μg/mL, respectively). The scientific knowledge revealed in this thesis, either by the chemical viewpoint, or by the biological viewpoint, contributes for the valorization of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC) biomass. Cultivated cardoon has potential to be exploited as source of bioactive compounds, in conciliation with other valorization pathways, and Portuguese traditional cheeses manufacturing.


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The jabuticaba tree has great potential for commercial exploitation. However, its is very little used. This fact shows to be necessary to do studies that allow understand their growth behavior during the year and, if it is tolerant to frost. So that it can establish management strategies for cultivation in orchard. Other point, it is the fact that the long juvenile period of jabuticaba tree limits its use. However, many species have compound leaves that characterize them as functional compounds, what to posible its commercialization. If the leaf jabuticaba tree also present such nutraceutical compounds, this it may become an alternative source of income until the plant to start its yield. The objectives of this study were to analyze the growth behavior, the occurrence of flowering and fruit set, and the frost tolerance of jabuticaba tree genotypes present in the collection of Native Fruit from UTFPR – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. Associated growth analysis was made evaluation of genetic divergence among these genotypes, checking the adaptive behavior in orchard condition through adaptability and stability analysis based on growth measures to stem and shoots; estimating the repeatability coefficient of stem length of characters and primary shoots, and determine the minimum number of evaluations able to provide certain levels of prediction of the actual value of these individuals. Also determined the genetic divergence among genotypes as the leaves of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, as well as the determination of total phenolics. The genotypes studied were put in orchard in 2009. The growth response in the three cycles was variable between months and genotypes, what it can be difficult the practices in the orchard if it do not use clones. Genotypes 'Silvestre' and 'Açú' showed greater width and leaf area compared with other genotypes, but such behavior is not favored for increased stem growth and primary shoots. Foliar increments in most genotypes occurred in the fall for leaf width, spring for length and leaf area, despite the winter also arise with genotypes, it showed superiority to width and leaf area. Most jabuticabas trees were juvenile stage with only four starting at its transition between the vegetative and reproductive phase. Tolerance to frost was observed in 26 families jabuticabeira of the 29 present in the collection. The diversity among the genotypes was to change with the time, already in each cycle, there was the formation of different groups by the methods used. The methods tested for adaptability and stability of the jabuticaba tree growth behavior did not show the same pattern in the results. The number of measurements needed to predict the actual value of genotypes based on variables evaluated was approximately one to the stem length and four for the shoots based on the method of main components of covariance with 90% probability. he antioxidant activity of the extracts of leaves of jabuticaba tree genotypes were demonstrated high when compared to other species by methods DPPH and ABTS, as well as the amount of phenolic compounds. Genotype 'Silvestre' and 'IAPAR' showed the highest antioxidant activity in the leaves. However, the genetic divergence among genotypes jabuticaba tree from collection of Native Fruit trees at UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos for antioxidant activity leaves showed that they have great homogeneity among them and the low divergence. However, it is recommended as possible hybridization the use as parents, José 4, IAPAR 4 and Fernando Xavier genotypes.


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O cobre é um metal essencial para as plantas, porém considerado tóxico quando em elevadas concentrações na água. No caso de macrófitas aquáticas já foi demonstrado que este metal inibe o processo fotossintético e provoca alterações pigmentares. Neste contexto, expusemos (96h) a macrófita aquática Potamogeton pectinatus (L.) à diferentes concentrações de cobre 1, 10, 100 e 1000 µM para avaliar o potencial bioacumulador da planta, e às concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 µM de Cu para verificar os possíveis efeitos do metal na taxa fotossintética (24 e 96h) em diferentes intensidades luminosas (17, 100, 300 e 500 µmol/m2 /s), no teor pigmentar (96h) e no crescimento das macrófitas (30 dias). Para os experimentos de bioacumulação mantivemos um grupo de plantas controle (sem adição de cobre no meio), enquanto que para os outros testes mantivemos um grupo controle e um grupo em solução nutritiva de Hoagland 100%, que contem cobre e outros micronutrientes em concentrações ideais para sobrevivência e crescimento de P. pectinatus. Nossos resultados mostram que a macrófita P. pectinatus é capaz de acumular altas concentrações de cobre, sendo que este acúmulo aumenta com a elevação dos níveis do metal na água. Apesar de basicamente não haver diferença estatística entre a concentração do metal nos diferentes órgãos da planta, as raízes mostraram-se capazes de acumular mais cobre que as folhas e caule com base no fator de bioconcentração. Com relação aos teores de clorofila “a”, “b” e carotenoides, estes foram menores nas folhas das plantas controle em comparação com as plantas em solução de Hogland, mas esta diferença só foi significativa nas plantas expostas ao cobre, que apresentaram menor concentração dos teores pigmentares já à 1 µM de Cu. Quanto à fotossíntese, em 24h de exposição, novamente observamos um efeito negativo da ausência e presença de cobre nas concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 µM, bem como, um efeito da luminosidade, de forma que as plantas em solução de Hoagland apresentaram maior taxa fotossintética quando em 100 µmol/m2 /s. Em virtude de um aumento na respiração em 96h, a fotossíntese, quando ocorreu, foi menor que em 24h e não diferiu entre os grupos e luminosidade. Em relação ao crescimento, as plantas perderam biomassa, mas mantiveram seus comprimentos e apenas aquelas em solução de Hoagland aumentaram seu número de folhas. Ainda, verificou-se clorose e necrose nas plantas controle e expostas ao cobre. Diante do exposto, concluímos que a macrófita P. pectinatus acumula altas concentrações de cobre, principalmente na raiz, sendo capaz e refletir as concentrações do metal no meio. Esta condição, sugere seu uso no biomonitoramento e fitorremediação de locais contaminados por cobre. Por outro lado, elas mostram-se sensíveis ao metal pela redução no teor pigmentar e fotossíntese, sugerindo estes como mecanismos toxicidade do cobre.


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Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry


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Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry


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The species of the genus Marsdenia, Apocynaceae, are widely used in folk medicine of several countries. In Brazil is found several species belonging to this genus. The in vitro antioxidant, anticoagulant and antiproliferative activities were evaluated to aqueous extracts of stalk, leaf and root of Marsdenia megalantha. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents) the stalk extract showed 76.0 mg/g, while leaf and root extracts 141.3 mg/g and 57.0 mg/g, respectively. The stalk and leaf extracts showed chelating activity around 40% at 1.5 mg/mL, while root extract, at the same concentration showed, 17%. Only the leaf extract showed a significant ability in superoxide scavenging (80% at 0.8 mg/mL). Any extract was able in scavenge hydroxyl, as well anticoagulant activity. The antiproliferative activity of the extracts was evaluated against HeLa tumor cell line. The extracts inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the cell growth. However, the leaf extract showed 80% of inhibition at 1.0 mg/mL, while stalk and root extracts inhibited 63% and 30%, respectively. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by the leaf extract in HeLa, was performed flow cytometry and western blot. The results show that leaf extract induces cell death by apoptosis through an activation caspase-independent pathway. These data indicate that stalk and leaf extracts obtained have potential to be used as antioxidants and anticancer drugs


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The contribution of green manure to soil improvement and crop production depends primarily on biomass production and its chemical composition, which vary depending on the species, region and growing season. The aim of this research was to evaluate the chemical composition of biomass produced by green manures in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil. In order to develop this research, was carried an experiment in Pariquera-Acu, in 2006/2007, in completely randomized blocks design with four treatments (three green manure and spontaneous vegetation) and five replications. At 30, 60, 90 and 120 after sowing samples were collected in 1m(2) of the shoots and determined fresh and dry, and chemical composition biomass. Sunhemp, pigeon pea and mucuna produced, in decreasing order, the largest quantities of biomass and were more efficient than the spontaneous vegetation. The biomass produced by green manure had higher quality than that produced by spontaneous vegetation. Sunhemp and pigeon pea have a higher proportion of dry matter in stems which have low N, high C/N and L/N ratio, variables indicating slow decomposition of residues. The analysis of dry matter partitioned to better indication of the chemical composition of the residues and the prevision of the availability of nutrients in the soil.


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O conhecimento sobre o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira permite melhor eficiência da adubação na produção de hipobiotos (porta-enxertos). Objetivou-se determinar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira cultivada em solução nutritiva. O experimento constituiu de cinco tratamentos, referentes aos tempos de coleta 25; 50; 75; 100 e 125 dias após o transplantio, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em seis repetições. As plantas utilizadas foram obtidas de sementes de frutos de caramboleira 'Malásia', cultivadas em vasos com solução nutritiva. Nos diferentes órgãos dos hipobiotos (folhas, caule e raízes), avaliou-se o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes e os índices nutricionais, a cada 25 dias. O ponto de enxertia (6 mm) foi atingido aos 110 dias após o transplantio. A ordem decrescente dos nutrientes acumulados em cada hipobioto produzido é de (em mg por planta): N = 634; K = 368; Ca = 152; Mg = 106; S = 98; P = 88 (em µg por planta) de: Fe = 2.963; Mn = 2.165; B = 722; Zn =780, e Cu = 96. O acúmulo médio de nutrientes é maior nas folhas > caule = raízes. O período de maior exigência de nutrientes pelos hipobiotos é compreendido entre 25-75 dias após o transplantio. As diferentes taxas de acumulação líquida dos nutrientes, nas diferentes partes da caramboleira, nem sempre acompanham a taxa de acumulação de nutrientes do respectivo órgão.


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A maioria das plantas testadas para remediar áreas contaminadas tem sido para fins alimentares ou florestais. Hoje, o interesse aumentou para culturas energéticas, cuja biomassa poderá ser utilizada para biodiesel, biogás ou calor. Os objetivos deste experimento foram avaliar o potencial remediador de plantas de girassol cultivadas em um Neossolo Litólico contaminado com metais pesados e boro e o efeito da aplicação de compostos orgânicos na fitodisponibilidade de metais e de boro. As doses de compostos orgânicos, torta de filtro e turfa, foram de 0,0, 20; 40 e 80 t ha -1 de C orgânico equivalente em, g por vaso, a: 0,0, 37,4, 74,8 e 112,2 para a torta e 0,0, 60,5, 121,0 e 181,5 para a turfa. Plantas de girassol foram crescidas até o estádio de florescimento. Amostras de solo bem como as da parte aérea (caule e flor) e raízes das plantas de girassol foram submetidas às análises químicas para determinação de macro e micronutrientes e metais pesados. As plantas não apresentaram sintomas de toxidez. A produção de massa seca de todas as partes da planta aumentou com o aumento da adição de matéria orgânica, sendo que a adição de torta de filtro foi o tratamento mais efetivo. A aplicação de matéria orgânica não influenciou a concentração de B e de metais pesados disponíveis no solo, mas os valores estavam altos. Concluiu-se que o girassol tem potencial para ser cultivado na área contaminada estudada, além de ser considerado fitoextrator de B.


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Sob condicoes de campo, e adotando-se um delineamento estatistico de blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e quatro repeticoes, estudou-se o efeito do deficit de agua no solo sobre a incidencia de "podridao-cinzenta-do-caule" causada pelo fungo Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. em feijao. Os tratamentos de 1 a 7 constaram, respectivamente, de 0, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16 e 18 dias sem irrigacao, a partir do inicio da floracao. O solo, antes e apos cada periodo de deficit, foi mantido em condicoes otimas de umidade. As contagens de plantas mortas forma feitas aos 49 dias (final do periodo de deficit do tratamento 7), 63 e 84 dias apos o plantio. No que se refere a mortandade de plantas, causada pelo ataque do fungo, os tratamentos diferiram significativamente ao nivel de 1% de probabilidade. O ataque foi intensificado, a medida que se prolongou o deficit de agua, resultando em 63,9% de plantas mortas apos 18 dias de deficit, e somente 8,6%, nos solos em condicoes otimas de umidade.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Hortofruticultura e Viticultura - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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A couve-flor (Brassica oleracea) faz parte de um grupo de plantas exigentes em boro (B), necessitando de boa disponibilidade, que muitas vezes pode não ser suprido suficientemente pela matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). Existe uma série de variáveis com distintas respostas a adubações com B, principalmente nas relacionadas ao tipo de solo, teor de argila, cultivar, diferentes fontes de nutrientes. A deficiência nutricional causa sintomas característicos da espécie, resultando em danos como a má formação do caule, folhas e inflorescências. No caso desta ultima, podendo inviabilizar a comercialização das mesmas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a couve-flor, sob a aplicação de duas fontes de B, sendo ácido bórico e solubor®, com aplicação de cinco doses. Experimento conduzido sob ambiente protegido, na Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualisado com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2, sendo, cinco doses de (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 mg kg-1 de solo) e duas fontes de B [ácido bórico (17% de B) e solubor® (21% de B)]. A semeadura da cultivar ?Piracicaba Precoce? foi realizada em vasos de 3,0 litros de capacidade, preenchidos com um solo de textura argilosa com 520 g kg-1 de argila. Antes da semeadura foi realizada a calagem para elevar a saturação por bases a 70%. A adubação de semeadura foi realizada com uma solução completa N (150 mg L-1), P e K (100 mg L-1), Cu (1,5 mg L-1), Zn (5 mg L-1) e Fe e Mn (2,5 mg L-1). A adubação com B foi realizada no solo via solução logo após a semeadura, enquanto a com N e K foi parcelada, sendo ½ na semeadura e ½ em cobertura aos 15 dias após a primeira. Avaliaram-se aos 90 dias após a semeadura, a altura da planta, a partir do nível do solo até a inserção da ultima folha, a massa fresca e massa seca das plantas de couve-flor. Não houve diferença significativa na altura de plantas. Os maiores valores de massa fresca e massa seca das plantas de couve-flor foram obtidos nas aplicações de ácido bórico (H3BO3), independente da dose utilizada.