996 resultados para carácter colonial


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The narrative of William Wallace holds a prominent position in the current conception of England as a negative referent for Scotland’s national identity—its binary “Other”, against which Wallace valiantly fought. This article considers a contrasting understanding of Scottish national identity from the late-nineteenth century, and explores the events surrounding the unveiling of a statue of William Wallace in Australia during the year of 1889. It illuminates how settlers interpreted this national hero in such a way that demonstrated loyalty to the Union and Empire, and accommodated a convergence of English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh migrants in a British colonial city. The article highlights how statues, the ceremonies surrounding them, and their public reception help us to investigate the symbolic, ritualistic, and performative dimensions of identity formulation. It considers how public monuments, providing a sense of authority to particular groups, can marginalise others by acting to settle cultural competition, and will reflect on competing interpretations of the statue at its unveiling.


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Nineteenth-century British children’s literature set in Australia and New Zealand fixates on the dangers of colonial environments. This chapter examines four British novels of the period, observing the ways in which they manifest elements of ecological imperialism and environmental racism in order to depict successful settlement. It compares these novels with fantasy fictions by Australian and New Zealand children’s authors that constitute more complicated attempts both to understand and co-exist with the natural environment. The chapter proposes that by the 1890s earlier British anxieties had dissipated in popular Australian and New Zealand fiction, in which child protagonists were newly charged with the ability to interpret and control nature.


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Context Loss of eggs to predators is a major cause of reproductive failure among birds. It is especially pronounced among ground-nesting birds because their eggs are accessible to a wide range of predators. Few studies document the main causes of clutch fate of ground-nesting birds. Aims The main objective of the present study was to identify the major egg predator of red-capped plovers (Charadrius ruficapillus). We also investigated the effectiveness of the following two primary strategies available to the plovers to avoid egg predation: (1) the placement of clutches under vegetative cover and (2) avoiding predators by nesting outside the peak season of predator occurrence. Methods Remote-sensing cameras were deployed on plover nests to identify egg predators and nests were monitored over four breeding seasons to document reproductive success and fate. An experiment using false clutches with model eggs investigated the influence of nest cover on the risk of egg predation throughout the year. Line-transect surveys were conducted to estimate the abundance of egg predators in and around the wetlands. Key results The little raven (Corvus mellori) was the major egg predator identified in 78.6% of red-capped plover clutches and in 92.4% of false clutches that were camera-monitored. The hatching success of plover eggs was not influenced by nest cover (P≤0.36), but model egg survival in false clutches improved significantly with the presence of nest cover (P≤0.02). The abundance of little ravens increased during the plover breeding season and was highly negatively correlated with false clutch survival (rpearson≤-0.768, P≤0.005). Conclusions Little ravens were the major predator of red-capped plover eggs and their abundance increased significantly during the plover breeding season. Any influence of nest cover on hatching success of eggs may have been masked by the extremely high rate of egg loss associated with the increased little raven abundance during the plover breeding season. Implications The high rate of egg predation is likely to have negative consequences on the local red-capped plover population, suggesting management is warranted. Little raven populations have expanded and, thus, their impact as egg predators needs to be investigated especially on threatened species. Journal compilation


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The early development of Australian life insurance was marked by the failure of stock companies to successfully establish a market presence. Mutual insurers emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in response to this gap in supply. The underlying rationale behind their establishment differed but the business model adopted proved remarkably successful. Mutual life insurers dominated the market for life insurance for nearly a century. This chapter investigates mutualism as a business strategy that addressed particular problems associated with doing business in a small and underdeveloped economy. Business and social networks were important facilitators of new business. In addition, most mutual life insurers had a social/philanthropic charter and they were able to utilize this to build business. An outcome of this mix was the emergence of a particular type of entrepreneurship that fostered innovative product development and cemented the role of mutual insurers as market leaders.. The Variety, Choice, Governance, and Regulation of Organizational Forms 2.


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Esta dissertação estuda a cidade colonial ibero-americana, a partir de seu traçado, de sua configuração espacial e como produto da milenar tradição urbana do ocidente, em suas variáveis erudita e popular. Foram analisadas as circunstâncias políticas, econômicas e socioculturais que condicionaram os três séculos do período colonial na Ibero-américa e que influenciaram, de um ou de outro modo, o arranjo espacial das cidades. O trabalho identifica os elementos da arquitetura grega, romana, medieval cristã, muçulmana, renascentista, pré-colombiana e barroca que foram naturalmente selecionados, sintetizados e re-elaborados em sua implementação na cidade ibero-americana. Uma tipologia de malhas urbanas é proposta e, a partir da observação e redesenho de plantas urbanas do período colonial, o trabalho analisa e classifica 21 assentamentos produzidos pela colonização espanhola e portuguesa A análise mostra que a cidade colonial ibero-americana constitui de fato um tipo especifico dentro da categoria maior de cidade tradicional, anterior ao movimento moderno. Por ser uma cidade nova, tem implícita na sua gênese a atividade de planejamento. O traçado em malha é o instrumento regulador essencial. Em seu processo de adaptação às determinantes locais, na busca de uma ordem espacial, o traçado em malha passa por diferentes graus de deformação geométrica, o que condiciona a forma e o posicionamento das partes, ou seja, dos elementos da arquitetura urbana - a praça, a rua, o quarteirão, os edifícios singulares e a estrutura predial de tipos recorrentes de edificação -, gerando assim grande diversidade e riqueza de situações espaciais. O trabalho compara as cidades coloniais espanhola e a portuguesa e consta o predomínio das similaridades pelo fato de terem a malha como denominador comum. As diferenças mais relevantes ficam por conta das implantações, das adaptações ao contexto e de outras circunstâncias específicas, não constituindo fator determinante serem elas espanholas ou portuguesas.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar em que aspectos a desigualdade histórica de formação dos municípios brasileiros foi determinante para as suas condições atuais de desigualdade de terra e renda e sobre qualidade das instituições. Em particular, emprega-se área, latitude, longitude e a data de fundação das Capitanias Hereditárias como determinantes históricos para as instituições atuais dos municípios brasileiros. Considerando controles, tais como área proporcional da capitania, ano de fundação do município, distância de Portugal, tipo de solo, quantidade de chuva, altitude, temperatura média, e variáveis sócio-econômicas municipais, os resultados sugerem que a herança colonial deixada pelas Capitanias Hereditárias foi maior concentração de terras. O resultado é robusto à inclusão de variáveis que capturam o ciclo da cana-de-açúcar, do ouro e efeitos estaduais. Além disso, estima-se efeito ambíguo sobre instituições para os municípios do país.


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Parte 1 de um total de 3 aulas


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A experiência ficcional de Gérard Aké Loba — Kocoumbo, l’étudiant noir(1960), Les fils de Kouretcha (1970), Les dépossédés (1973) e Le sas des parvenus(1990), ancorada na dinâmica de culturas, no respeito e na honorabilidade do Eu e do Outro, centra-se na problemática da utopia e da construção da identidade pós-colonial. Considerando que a Literatura, enquanto sistema semiótico de produção e recepção de textos, se encontra vinculada a uma visão do mundo, iremos ver como nela se manifestam as relações entre o Ocidente (Europeu) e as regiões da África francófona (Costa do Marfim) no percurso das metamorfoses que conduzem ao Pós-Colonialismo. Procuraremos, de igual modo, problematizar a utopia, e também a distopia, comungando da proposta de Éric Aunoble2, para quem estas questões deverão ser compreendidas na sua relação com o tempo e com a historicidade presente por tentarem responder “aux attentes de leurs temps”.