982 resultados para bk: Wolof Schrift


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O autor descreve os mecanismos que levam ao aparecimento da resistência do bacilo de Kock (BK) aos antibacilares. A multirresistência, tal como a monorresistência, pode ser primária ou secundária. Em verdadeiro sentido clínico-epidemiológico há multirresistência quando «in vitro» o BK é resistente à isoniazida (INH) e à rifampicina (RMP). Neste caso a possibilidade de um tratamento eficaz é muito reduzida. São assinalados os factores de risco para o aparecimento da multirresistência. Esta pode ter um expressão mundial, predominando em certos continentes, mas pode ter uma expressão nacional nos grandes centros urbanos ou mesmo institucional, aparecendo até agora ligada aos hospitais, clínicas e instituições que tratam ou apoiam doentes com SIDA. Não é conhecida a prevalência da multirresistência em Portugal, mas os médicos que tratam a Tuberculose em doentes com SIDA conhecem bem o fenómeno. Na criança, a resistência secundária é muito rara e o contágio por uma estirpe multirresistente pode acontecer, embora, até ao momento, tenham sido raros os casos comunicados de TB multirresistente em menores de 15 anos. A suspeição clínica deve ser uma constante e, em todas as crianças com TB doença, deve tentar-se o isolamento do BK e submeter este a um teste de sensibilidade. O autor, aconselhando um alerta máximo em relação à multirresistência, julga prudente, por agora, manter os esquemas terapêuticos até aqui usados na TB doença e os que recomenda para a TB infecção.


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A partir do início dos anos 80, o melhor conhecimento da microbiologia do Bacilo de Kock (BK), bem como da farmacodinamia e da farmacocinética dos antibacilares, permitiu seleccionar 5 tuberculoestáticos de primeira linha e associá-los em esquemas que levaram a um encurtamento substancial no tempo dos regimes antes empregues na terapêutica da TB, quer nas formas simples, quer nas complicadas. O autor enumera algumas propriedades e limitações da isoniazida (INH), rifampicina (RMP), pirazinamida (PZA), estreptomicina (SM) e etambutol (EMB) e apresenta os seus esquemas associativos nas várias formas de TB infantil: TB infecção, TB pulmonar simples ou complicada, TB extrapulmonar. São igualmente apontadas, de maneira protocolada, as indicações da corticoterapia na TB infantil. Em síntese, afirma-se que é necessário tratar correctamente a TB doença e a TB infecção da criança, o que seria dispensado se, em tempo oportuno, fosse accionada, como devia, a principal arma da prevenção da TB infantil: a detecção precoce de todos os casos dos adultos contagiantes e o seu tratamento imediato, correcto e completo.


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Há mais de sete décadas que a vacina com o BCG é utilizada para reforçar a imunidade natural contra a Tuberculose (TB) e, nos seus programas, a Organização Mundial de Saúde recomenda a sua administração universal. A sua eficácia tem sido contestada, mas uma meta-análise recente revelou que o BCG reduz significativamente o risco global de TB em mais de 50%; a protecção contra as formas disseminadas foi de 78% e de 64% em relação à meningite tuberculosa; a protecção em relação à mortalidade foi de 71%. O autor compara as curvas crescentes de vacinação de recém-nascidos em Portugal que em 1993 atingiu mais do que 91% com o decréscimo simultâneo do número de meningites tuberculosas tratadas na Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas — Serviço 2 do Hospital D. Estefânia. Sem querer tirar ilações, e recordando que o BCG não protege contra a infecção primária com o BK nem contra a reinfecção exógena e tem pouco impacto na cadeia de transmissão da doença, o autor considera que sendo Portugal ainda um país de alta prevalência, a vacinação com o BCG continua indicada: em todos os recém-nascidos, nas crianças e adolescentes com provas tuberculínicas negativas a quando de rastreios ocasionais ou programados, e em grupos de alto risco como os profissionais de saúde tuberculino-negativos


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A abordagem da Tuberculose (TB) da criança é diferente da TB do adulto em aspectos da prevenção, terapêutica e do diagnóstico. Destacam-se essas particularidades da TB infantil, sendo que o maior valor predictivo para uma decisão correcta no diagnóstico da TB da criança se apoia nas provas tuberculínicas. Estas são decisivas tanto no diagnóstico da TB doença como na TB infecção da criança, pois ambas devem ser tratadas. O autor denuncia as condições de confusão em que se realizam e interpretam provas tuberculínicas nas unidades de saúde do SNS, sobretudo no ambulatório. As provas tuberculínicas, quer em rastreios programados quer em rastreios ocasionais, são mal interpretadas, levando com frequência ao subdiagnóstico e subnotificação da TB doença e de TB infecção. O autor reafirma que a única prova segura no diagnóstico da TB infecção é a Reacção de Mantoux. Esta prova deve ser considerada um acto médico e só a médicos cabe a sua interpretação. Se este acto for delegado em outros profissionais de saúde, estas devem ter orientações precisas e tão simples como: Independentemente da vacinação com o BCG, 1. todo o indivíduo menor de 15 anos com uma prova de Mantoux superior ou igual a 15 mm deve ser considerado infectado pelo BK e enviado a uma consulta de Pediatria; 2. todo o indivíduo menor de 15 anos com uma reacção de Mantoux entre 10 e 14 mm deve ser enviado à consulta do médico assistente, clínico geral ou pediatra.


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Irgazyme, a commercial xylanase preparation from Trichoderma longibrachiatum, and xylanase D a purified enzyme from Trichoderma harzianum E58 were tested for their ability to enhance peroxide bleaching of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) kraft pulp. A treatment with Irgazyme caused a much larger increase in brightness than did xylanase D. A double xylanase treatment with Irgazyme, before and after peroxide bleaching, resulted in the highest final brightness. Alkaline extraction increased the brightness of Douglas-fir brownstock. Treatment with Irgazyme released more lignin and carbohydrates than did xylanase D. The molecular mass of the lignin extracted from Irgazyme-treated brownstock was much larger than that from the control pulp. The lignin-like macromolecules directly solubilized from peroxide bleached pulps were substantially larger than those solubilized from the brownstock, irrespective of whether they were produced during xylanase or control treatments. This indicates that different kinds of materials were solubilized when a xylanase treatment was applied at different points in the bleaching sequence and raises concerns about the role of lignin entrapment in the mechanism by which xylanase enhances peroxide bleaching.


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Abstract Bradykinin (BK) was shown to stimulate the production of physiologically active metabolites, blood-brain barrier disruption, and brain edema. The aim of this prospective study was to measure BK concentrations in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and ischemic stroke and to correlate BK levels with the extent of cerebral edema and intracranial pressure (ICP). Blood and CSF samples of 29 patients suffering from acute cerebral lesions (TBI, 7; SAH,: 10; ICH, 8; ischemic stroke, 4) were collected for up to 8 days after insult. Seven patients with lumbar drainage were used as controls. Edema (5-point scale), ICP, and the GCS (Glasgow Coma Score) at the time of sample withdrawal were correlated with BK concentrations. Though all plasma-BK samples were not significantly elevated, CSF-BK levels of all patients were significantly elevated in overall (n=73) and early (≤72 h) measurements (n=55; 4.3±6.9 and 5.6±8.9 fmol/mL), compared to 1.2±0.7 fmol/mL of controls (p=0.05 and 0.006). Within 72 h after ictus, patients suffering from TBI (p=0.01), ICH (p=0.001), and ischemic stroke (p=0.02) showed significant increases. CSF-BK concentrations correlated with extent of edema formation (r=0.53; p<0.001) and with ICP (r=0.49; p<0.001). Our results demonstrate that acute cerebral lesions are associated with increased CSF-BK levels. Especially after TBI, subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage CSF-BK levels correlate with extent of edema evolution and ICP. BK-blocking agents may turn out to be effective remedies in brain injuries.


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Background: Immunosuppressive and antivira[ prophy[ actic drugs are needed to prevent acute rejection and infection after organ transplantation. We assessed the effectiveness of a new combined regimen introduced at our transplantation center. Methods: We reviewed at[ consecutive patients who underwent kidney transplantation at our institution over a 5.5-year period, with a follow-up of at [east 6 months. Patients transplanted from 1/2000 to 3/2003 (Period 1) were compared to patients transplanted from 4/2003 to 7/2005 (Period 2). In period 1, patients were treated with Basi[iximab, Cic[osporin, steroids and Mycophenotate or Azathioprine. Prophylaxis with Va[acic[ ovir was prescribed in CMV D+/R- patients; otherwise, a preemptive antivira[ approach was used. In period 2, immunosuppressive drugs were Basi[- iximab, Tacro[imus, steroids and Mycopheno[ate. A 3-month CMV prophylaxis with Va[gancic[ovir was used, except in D-/R- patients. Results: Sixty-three patients were transplanted in period 1 and 70 patients in period 2. Baseline characteristics of both groups were comparable; in particular 17% of patients were CMV D+/R- in period 1 compared to 23% in period 2 (p=0.67). Acute rejection was more frequent in period 1 than in period 2 (40% of patients vs 7%, respectively p<0.001). Nineteen patients (30%) in period 1 were diagnosed with CMV infection/disease that required treatment, compared with 8 patients (11.4%) in period 2 (p = 0.003). Of these 8 patients, at[ had CMV infection/disease after discontinuation of Va[gancic[ovir prophylaxis, 6 were D+/R- (75%), and at[ were treated with oral Va[gancic[ovir. There was no difference between periods in terms of incidence of BK nephropathy, post-transplant [ymphopro[ iferative disease, graft toss, and mortality. Conclusions: These results indicate that a 3-month course of oral Va[gancic[ovir is very effective to prevent CMV infection/disease in kidney transplantation. Late-onset CMV disease is a residual problem in D+/R- patients receiving VGC prophylaxis.


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Bradykinin (BK) a nonapeptide generated in plasma during tissue injury, is involved in many physiological and pathological states. Kinin actions are mediated by specific membrane receptors and involve a complex signal transducer and also second messager mechanisms. Due to its inequivocal relevance, an intensive effort has been focused in recent years to develop selective and competitive BK antagonists. Thus, the development of a new series of peptide BK antagonists has made an important contribution to the understanding of the pharmacological, physiological and pathophysiological role of BK, and this is certain to provide a firm basis for developing new drugs to relieve pain and inflammation. However, BK antagonists derived from peptide origin reported to date have limited clinical use due to their poor oral absortion and short duration of effect. Thus, considerable effort has also been made in developing stable nonpeptide BK antagonists. Up to now, most nonpeptide compounds reported to exhibit BK antagonistic activity have been derived from plants, including many flavonoids, terpenes, and also synthetic substances with various molecular structures. Amongst them, the pregnane glycoside compounds isolated from the plant Mandevilla velutina are the most promising. These compounds are effective in antognizing BK responses in a variety of preparations, and they also exhibit potent and long-lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. The exact mechanism underlying their action however, is not yet completely understood.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Die evangelischen Kirchen wollen Kirchen der Schrift sein. Nach der reformierten Lehre ist die Bibel klar, eindeutig und verständlich. Sie gibt der Kirche Grundlage und Ausrichtung. Die Wirklichkeit aber sieht anders aus: die Bibel ist vieldeutig, man kann mit ihr fast alles begründen. So kommt es, daß die Bibel in unseren evangelischen Kirchen nicht so sehr ein gemeinsames Fundament, sondern eher ein immerwährender Zankapfel zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen ist. In dieser Situation versuchte die Theologische Kommission des Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbundes mit ihrem «Bibelprojekt» Brücken zu schlagen und Gespräche zwischen Vertretern verschiedener Zugangswege zur Bibel zu ermöglichen. Dazu lud sie den Fundamentalisten Prof. Dr. Ernst Lerle, den Evangelikalen Pfr. Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, die Feministin Denise Jornod, den Neutestamentler Prof. Dr. Daniel Marguerat sowie Pfr. Rolf Kaufmann als Vertreter der tiefenpsychologischen und Dr. Kuno Füssel als Vertreter der materialistischen Interpretation zu einem Gespräch ein. «Zankapfel Bibel» ist die Frucht dieses Gespräches: Die sechs Autoren beschreiben ihre grundlegenden Annahmen und Positionen und interpretieren alle denselben Bibeltext (Mk 6,30-44, die Speisung der 5000). Der Herausgeber, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Luz, vergleicht diese verschiedenen Zugangswege und sucht nach Trennendem und Gemeinsamen. Das Buch ist eine Aufforderung und Hilfe zum Gespräch. Es soll daran erinnern, daß die eine Bibel die Grundlage ist, auf die sich alle Zugangswege beziehen. So möchte es mithelfen, daß auch anderswo, in Gemeinden und zwischen Kirchen und Gruppen, solche Gespräche stattfinden können.


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Purpose: Optimal induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapies in renal transplantation are still a matter of debate.Chronic corticosteroid usage is a major cause of morbidity but steroid-free immunosuppression (SF) can result in unacceptably high rates of acute rejection and even graft loss. Methods and materials: We have conducted a prospective openlabelled clinical trial in the Geneva-Lausanne Transplant Network from March 2005 to May 2008. 20 low immunological risk (<20% PRA, no DSA) adult recipients of a primary kidney allograft received a 4-day course of thymoglobulin (1.5 mg/kg/d) with methylprednisolone and maintenance based immunosuppression of tacrolimus and entericcoated mycophenolic acid (MPA). The control arm consisted of 16 matched recipients treated with basiliximab induction, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. Primary endpoints were the percentage of recipients not taking steroids and the percentage of rejection-free recipients at 12 months.Secondary end points were allograft survival at 12 months and significant thymoglobulin and/or other drugs side effects. Results: In the SF group, 85% of the kidney recipients remained steroid-free at 12 months. The 3 cases of steroids introduction were due to one acute tubulo-interstitial rejection occurring at day 11, one tacrolimus withdrawal due to thrombotic microangiopathy and one MPA withdrawal because of multiple sinusitis and CMV reactivations. No BK viremia was detected nor CMV disease. The 6 CMV negative patients who received a positive CMV allograft had a symptomatic primoinfection after their 6-month course valgancyclovir prophylaxis. In the steroid-based group, 3 acute rejection episodes (acute humoral rejection, acute tubulointerstitial Banff IA and vascular Banff IIA) occurred in 2 recipients, 3 BK virus nephropathies were diagnosed between 45 and 135 days post transplant No side effects were associated with thymoglobulin infusion.In the SF group, 4 recipients presented severe leukopenia or agranulocytosis and one recipient had febrile hepatitis leading to transient MPA withdrawal. Discontinuation of MPA was needed in 2 patients for recurrent sinusitis and CMV reactivations. Patient and graft survival was 100% in both groups at 12 month follow-up. Conclusion: Steroid-free with short-course thymoglobulin induction therapy was a safe protocol in low-risk renal transplant recipients. Lower rates of acute rejection and BK virus infections episodes were seen compared to the steroid-based control group. A longer follow-up will be needed to determine whether this SF immunosuppressive regimen will result in higher graft and patient survival.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Worin bestehen Konfliktpotential und Konvergenzfähigkeit religiöser Minderheiten? Religionen weisen häufig dort Konvergenzen auf, wo ihre Mitglieder einen Lebensraum teilen. Wenn also die Grenzen zwischen den Religionen nicht bereits geographisch festgelegt oder auf andere Weise von vornherein gezogen sind, sondern religiöse Gemeinschaften miteinander Berührungsflächen im Alltag haben, ergibt sich daraus häufig eine kommunikative Dynamik. Sie ist abhängig vom Selbstverständnis der betroffenen Religionsgemeinschaften. Wie wird jüdisches Selbstverständnis durch die jeweilige Umwelt geprägt, insbesondere im Kontakt mit west- und osteuropäischer Kultur? Wie versteht sich das Christentum angesichts einer mehrheitlich nichtchristlichen Umwelt? Wie konkretisiert es sich gegenwärtig in Deutschland in besonderen religiös-kulturellen Ausprägungen und in den Kontexten staatlich regulierter Pluralität? Wie versteht sich der Islam in Abgrenzung gegenüber und in Offenheit für Juden und Christen - vom Rekurs auf die Heilige Schrift her, in der Umsetzung mystischer Religiosität in Organisationen, bei der Konzeption von Bildung? Wie verband und verbindet sich islamisches Selbstverständnis mit europäischen Kulturtraditionen? Was ist hinduistisches Selbstverständnis aus der Perspektive der ,,Unberührbaren" und andererseits aus der Perspektive von Hindus in Deutschland? Wie verbinden sich hinduistisches, tibetisch-buddhistisches und Baha'i-Selbstverständnis mit westeuropäischer Kultur? Verbunden mit welchen Potentialen für Konflikt und Frieden stellt sich das jeweilige Selbstverständnis dar bei afro-amerikanischen Religionen, Hexenreligionen und bei der Rezeption esoterischer Traditionen? Beiträge aus Religionswissenschaft und Theologie, Ethnologie und Orientalistik, Soziologie und Politologie thematisieren Chancen und Probleme der auch in Deutschland zunehmend sich herausbildenden multireligiösen Situation.


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This study evaluated the relative occurrences of BK virus (BKV) and JC virus (JCV) infections in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urine samples were analysed from CKD patients and from 99 patients without CKD as a control. A total of 100 urine samples were analysed from the experimental (CKD patients) group and 99 from the control group. Following DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a 173 bp region of the gene encoding the T antigen of the BKV and JCV. JCV and BKV infections were differentiated based on the enzymatic digestion of the amplified products using BamHI endonuclease. The results indicated that none of the patients in either group was infected with the BKV, whereas 11.1% (11/99) of the control group subjects and 4% (4/100) of the kidney patients were infected with the JCV. High levels of urea in the excreted urine, low urinary cellularity, reduced bladder washout and a delay in analysing the samples may have contributed to the low prevalence of infection. The results indicate that there is a need to increase the sensitivity of assays used to detect viruses in patients with CDK, especially given that polyomavirus infections, especially BKV, can lead to a loss of kidney function following transplantation.


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The vascular effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are mediated by the inhibition of the dual action of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE): production of angiotensin II and degradation of bradykinin. The deleterious effect of converting enzyme inhibitors (CEI) on neonatal renal function have been ascribed to the elevated activity of the renin-angiotensin system. In order to clarify the role of bradykinin in the CEI-induced renal dysfunction of the newborn, the effect of perindoprilat was investigated in anesthetized newborn rabbits with intact or inhibited bradykinin B2 receptors. Inulin and PAH clearances were used as indices of GFR and renal plasma flow, respectively. Perindoprilat (20 microg/kg i.v.) caused marked systemic and renal vasodilation, reflected by a fall in blood pressure and renal vascular resistance. GFR decreased, while urine flow rate did not change. Prior inhibition of the B2 receptors by Hoe 140 (300 microg/kg s.c.) did not prevent any of the hemodynamic changes caused by perindoprilat, indicating that bradykinin accumulation does not contribute to the CEI-induced neonatal renal effects. A control group receiving only Hoe 140 revealed that BK maintains postglomerular vasodilation via B2 receptors in basal conditions. Thus, the absence of functional B2 receptors in the newborn was not responsible for the failure of Hoe 140 to prevent the perindoprilat-induced changes. Species- and/or age-related differences in the kinin-metabolism could explain these results, suggesting that in the newborn rabbit other kininases than ACE are mainly responsible for the degradation of bradykinin.


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Selected configuration interaction (SCI) for atomic and molecular electronic structure calculations is reformulated in a general framework encompassing all CI methods. The linked cluster expansion is used as an intermediate device to approximate CI coefficients BK of disconnected configurations (those that can be expressed as products of combinations of singly and doubly excited ones) in terms of CI coefficients of lower-excited configurations where each K is a linear combination of configuration-state-functions (CSFs) over all degenerate elements of K. Disconnected configurations up to sextuply excited ones are selected by Brown's energy formula, ΔEK=(E-HKK)BK2/(1-BK2), with BK determined from coefficients of singly and doubly excited configurations. The truncation energy error from disconnected configurations, Δdis, is approximated by the sum of ΔEKS of all discarded Ks. The remaining (connected) configurations are selected by thresholds based on natural orbital concepts. Given a model CI space M, a usual upper bound ES is computed by CI in a selected space S, and EM=E S+ΔEdis+δE, where δE is a residual error which can be calculated by well-defined sensitivity analyses. An SCI calculation on Ne ground state featuring 1077 orbitals is presented. Convergence to within near spectroscopic accuracy (0.5 cm-1) is achieved in a model space M of 1.4× 109 CSFs (1.1 × 1012 determinants) containing up to quadruply excited CSFs. Accurate energy contributions of quintuples and sextuples in a model space of 6.5 × 1012 CSFs are obtained. The impact of SCI on various orbital methods is discussed. Since ΔEdis can readily be calculated for very large basis sets without the need of a CI calculation, it can be used to estimate the orbital basis incompleteness error. A method for precise and efficient evaluation of ES is taken up in a companion paper