494 resultados para bandsaw blade


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The aim of this work is to develop an automated tool for the optimization of turbomachinery blades founded on an evolutionary strategy. This optimization scheme will serve to deal with supersonic blades cascades for application to Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. The blade geometry is defined using parameterization techniques based on B-Splines curves, that allow to have a local control of the shape. The location in space of the control points of the B-Spline curve define the design variables of the optimization problem. In the present work, the performance of the blade shape is assessed by means of fully-turbulent flow simulations performed with a CFD package, in which a look-up table method is applied to ensure an accurate thermodynamic treatment. The solver is set along with the optimization tool to determine the optimal shape of the blade. As only blade-to-blade effects are of interest in this study, quasi-3D calculations are performed, and a single-objective evolutionary strategy is applied to the optimization. As a result, a non-intrusive tool, with no need for gradients definition, is developed. The computational cost is reduced by the use of surrogate models. A Gaussian interpolation scheme (Kriging model) is applied for the estimated n-dimensional function, and a surrogate-based local optimization strategy is proved to yield an accurate way for optimization. In particular, the present optimization scheme has been applied to the re-design of a supersonic stator cascade of an axial-flow turbine. In this design exercise very strong shock waves are generated in the rear blade suction side and shock-boundary layer interaction mechanisms occur. A significant efficiency improvement as a consequence of a more uniform flow at the blade outlet section of the stator is achieved. This is also expected to provide beneficial effects on the design of a subsequent downstream rotor. The method provides an improvement to gradient-based methods and an optimized blade geometry is easily achieved using the genetic algorithm.


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A relation between Cost Of Energy, COE, maximum allowed tip speed, and rated wind speed, is obtained for wind turbines with a given goal rated power. The wind regime is characterised by the corresponding parameters of the probability density function of wind speed. The non-dimensional characteristics of the rotor: number of blades, the blade radial distributions of local solidity, twist angle, and airfoil type, play the role of parameters in the mentioned relation. The COE is estimated using a cost model commonly used by the designers. This cost model requires basic design data such as the rotor radius and the ratio between the hub height and the rotor radius. Certain design options, DO, related to the technology of the power plant, tower and blades are also required as inputs. The function obtained for the COE can be explored to �nd those values of rotor radius that give rise to minimum cost of energy for a given wind regime as the tip speed limitation changes. The analysis reveals that iso-COE lines evolve parallel to iso-radius lines for large values of limit tip speed but that this is not the case for small values of the tip speed limits. It is concluded that, as the tip speed limit decreases, the optimum decision for keeping minimum COE values can be: a) reducing the rotor radius for places with high weibull scale parameter or b) increasing the rotor radius for places with low weibull scale parameter


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La dinámica estructural estudia la respuesta de una estructura ante cargas o fenómenos variables en el tiempo. En muchos casos, estos fenómenos requieren realizar análisis paramétricos de la estructura considerando una gran cantidad de configuraciones de diseño o modificaciones de la estructura. Estos cambios, ya sean en fases iniciales de diseño o en fases posteriores de rediseño, alteran las propiedades físicas de la estructura y por tanto del modelo empleado para su análisis, cuyo comportamiento dinámico se modifica en consecuencia. Un caso de estudio de este tipo de modificaciones es la supervisión de la integridad estructural, que trata de identificar la presencia de daño estructural y prever el comportamiento de la estructura tras ese daño, como puede ser la variación del comportamiento dinámico de la estructura debida a una delaminación, la aparición o crecimiento de grieta, la debida a la pérdida de pala sufrida por el motor de un avión en vuelo, o la respuesta dinámica de construcciones civiles como puentes o edificios frente a cargas sísmicas. Si a la complejidad de los análisis dinámicos requeridos en el caso de grandes estructuras se añade la variación de determinados parámetros en busca de una respuesta dinámica determinada o para simular la presencia de daños, resulta necesario la búsqueda de medios de simplificación o aceleración del conjunto de análisis que de otra forma parecen inabordables tanto desde el punto de vista del tiempo de computación, como de la capacidad requerida de almacenamiento y manejo de grandes volúmenes de archivos de datos. En la presente tesis doctoral se han revisado los métodos de reducción de elementos .nitos más habituales para análisis dinámicos de grandes estructuras. Se han comparado los resultados de casos de estudio de los métodos más aptos, para el tipo de estructuras y modificaciones descritas, con los resultados de aplicación de un método de reducción reciente. Entre los primeros están el método de condensación estática de Guyan extendido al caso con amortiguamiento no proporcional y posteriores implementaciones de condensaciones dinámicas en diferentes espacios vectoriales. El método de reducción recientemente presentado se denomina en esta tesis DACMAM (Dynamic Analysis in Complex Modal space Acceleration Method), y consiste en el análisis simplificado que proporciona una solución para la respuesta dinámica de una estructura, calculada en el espacio modal complejo y que admite modificaciones estructurales. El método DACMAM permite seleccionar un número reducido de grados de libertad significativos para la dinámica del fenómeno que se quiere estudiar como son los puntos de aplicación de la carga, localizaciones de los cambios estructurales o puntos donde se quiera conocer la respuesta, de forma que al implementar las modificaciones estructurales, se ejecutan los análisis necesarios sólo de dichos grados de libertad sin pérdida de precisión. El método permite considerar alteraciones de masa, rigidez, amortiguamiento y la adición de nuevos grados de libertad. Teniendo en cuenta la dimensión del conjunto de ecuaciones a resolver, la parametrización de los análisis no sólo resulta posible, sino que es también manejable y controlable gracias a la sencilla implementación del procedimiento para los códigos habituales de cálculo mediante elementos .nitos. En el presente trabajo se muestra la bondad y eficiencia del método en comparación con algunos de los métodos de reducción de grandes modelos estructurales, verificando las diferencias entre sí de los resultados obtenidos y respecto a la respuesta real de la estructura, y comprobando los medios empleados en ellos tanto en tiempo de ejecución como en tamaño de ficheros electrónicos. La influencia de los diversos factores que se tienen en cuenta permite identificar los límites y capacidades de aplicación del método y su exhaustiva comparación con los otros procedimientos. ABSTRACT Structural dynamics studies the response of a structure under loads or phenomena which vary over time. In many cases, these phenomena require the use of parametric analyses taking into consideration several design configurations or modifications of the structure. This is a typical need in an engineering o¢ ce, no matter the structural design is in early or final stages. These changes modify the physical properties of the structure, and therefore, the finite element model to analyse it. A case study, that exempli.es this circumstance, is the structural health monitoring to predict the variation of the dynamical behaviour after damage, such as a delaminated structure, a crack onset or growth, an aircraft that suffers a blade loss event or civil structures (buildings or bridges) under seismic loads. Not only large structures require complex analyses to appropriately acquire an accurate solution, but also the variation of certain parameters. There is a need to simplify the analytical process, in order to bring CPU time, data .les, management of solutions to a reasonable size. In the current doctoral thesis, the most common finite element reduction methods for large structures are reviewed. Results of case studies are compared between a recently proposed method, herein named DACMAM (Dynamic Analysis in Complex Modal space Acceleration Method), and different condensation methods, namely static or Guyan condensation and dynamic condensation in different vectorial spaces. All these methods are suitable for considering non-classical damping. The reduction method DACMAM consist of a structural modification in the complex modal domain which provides a dynamic response solution for the reduced models. This process allows the selection of a few degrees of freedom that are relevant for the dynamic response of the system. These d.o.f. are the load application points, relevant structural points or points in which it is important to know the response. Consequently, an analysis with structural modifications implies only the calculation of the dynamic response of the selected degrees of freedom added, but with no loss of information. Therefore, mass, stiffness or damping modifications are easily considered as well as new degrees of freedom. Taking into account the size of the equations to be solved, the parameterization of the dynamic solutions is not only possible, but also manageable and controllable due to the easy implementation of the procedure in the standard finite element solvers. In this thesis, the proposed reduction method for large structural models is compared with other published model order reduction methods. The comparison shows and underlines the efficiency of the new method, and veri.es the differences in the response when compared with the response of the full model. The CPU time, the data files and the scope of the parameterization are also addressed.


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El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido la revisión de la taxonomía infraespecífica de la especie Atriplex halimus L., la delimitación del área geográfica que ocupan sus taxones y su caracterización morfológica. En base a las citas bibliográficas y material de herbario consultado se ha trazado un mapa de distribución de la especie, que delimita su distribución como planta espontánea a la Cuenca Mediterránea, desierto de Siria, Macizo de Hoggar y Sahara Occidental. El resto debe considerarse poblaciones naturalizadas o cultivadas. La taxonomía actual, basada en relaciones filogenéticas, nos indica que lo adecuado es separar las poblaciones de A. halimus en dos clados que se caracterizan por tener diferente nivel de ploidía. Para definir el área de distribución de los clados diploide y tetraploide se ha determinado la ploidía de 19 poblaciones en el espacio comprendido entre las dos áreas de distribución conocidas. Y como resultado el área de distribución de ambos clados puede definirse trazando una recta que une el estrecho de Gibraltar con Estambul, las poblaciones al sur de esta línea son tetraploides a las que habría que añadir las poblaciones del este y sur de la isla de Cerdeña que son también tetraploides. Se han determinado cuales son los parámetros morfológicos que permiten caracterizar ambos clados, para lo cual se han estudiado 52 poblaciones que comprenden toda el área de distribución de la especie. Se han evaluado caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos de valvas fructíferas, plántulas cultivadas en cámara y arbustos de 2 a 4 años situados en la misma parcela. El único elemento fiable para determinar la pertenencia al clado diploide o tetraploide es la medición del nivel de ploidía. Ninguno de los caracteres morfológicos estudiados es plenamente fiable para determinar si los individuos de una población pertenecen al clado diploide o tetraploide a pesar de realizarse las mediciones sobre poblaciones cultivadas en igualdad de condiciones de suelo y clima, y en condiciones muy favorables para la expresión de caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos. Los caracteres cualitativos observados que guardan una mayor correlación con el nivel de ploidía son: la base de las hojas de las plántulas, el porte del arbusto, la ramificación, el ángulo de inserción de las ramas y la longitud de la inflorescencia. Respecto a los datos cuantitativos los más relevantes han sido, la longitud de los cotiledones y la longitud del limbo de la 1ª, 3ª o 5ª hoja de la plántula o la razón entre este valor y la anchura del limbo. ABSTRACT The aim of this Thesis has been in the revision of the infraspecies taxa of Atriplex halimus L., the delimitation of their natural growing area and their morphological characterization. Using references to relevant literature and consultation of herbariums, it has been possible to map the distribution of the species as spontaneous plant in the Mediterranean Basin, Desert of Syria, Massif of Hoggar and Western Sahara. The remaining populations must be considered as naturalized or cultivated. The current taxonomy, based on phylogenetic relationships, indicates that A.halimus should be divided in two clades. These clades are characterized by their different ploidy level. Samples of nineteen populations collected from localizations between the defined distribution area of both clades have been characterized for their ploidy level. As a result, it can be seen that the line of clade separation can be trazed from Istambul tothe Strait of Gibraltar, where the populations north to this line are classified as diploid and those south of the line are clsassified as tetraploid. The only exception of this rule is in Sardinia, hwre populations to the West and South of the Island are also classified as tetraploid. The morphological parameters, which include the characterization of both clades, have been defined, and the study of fifty-two populations from the entire distribution area according to these parameters have been analysed. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the fruit valves have been evaluated, with seedlings grown in a culture chamber, and 2-4 years old shrubs grown in the same orchard. None of the morphological characters under study are fully reliable to determine whether individuals in a population belong to clade diploid or tetraploid. This is despite measurements being made on populations grown under the same conditions of soil and climate, and in very favorable conditions for the expression of qualitative and quantitative traits. The qualitative characteristics that show a higher correlation with the ploidy level are: the base of the leaves of the seedlings, the bearing bush, the branch arrangement, the angle of insertion of the branches and the inflorescence length. With regards to the quantitative data the most relevant were the length of the cotyledons and the length of the blade of the 1st, 3rd or 5th leaves of the seedling, and the ratio of any of this values and the leaf blade width. The only reliable way to determine the diploid or tetraploid clade membership is the measurement of ploidy level.


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Los fenómenos dinámicos pueden poner en peligro la integridad de estructuras aeroespaciales y los ingenieros han desarrollado diferentes estrategias para analizarlos. Uno de los grandes problemas que se plantean en la ingeniería es cómo atacar un problema dinámico estructural. En la presente tesis se plantean distintos fenómenos dinámicos y se proponen métodos para estimar o simular sus comportamientos mediante un análisis paramétrico determinista y aleatorio del problema. Se han propuesto desde problemas sencillos con pocos grados de libertad que sirven para analizar las diferentes estrategias y herramientas a utilizar, hasta fenómenos muy dinámicos que contienen comportamientos no lineales, daños y fallos. Los primeros ejemplos de investigación planteados cubren una amplia gama de los fenómenos dinámicos, como el análisis de vibraciones de elementos másicos, incluyendo impactos y contactos, y el análisis de una viga con carga armónica aplicada a la que también se le añaden parámetros aleatorios que pueden responder a un desconocimiento o incertidumbre de los mismos. Durante el desarrollo de la tesis se introducen conceptos y se aplican distintos métodos, como el método de elementos finitos (FEM) en el que se analiza su resolución tanto por esquemas implícitos como explícitos, y métodos de análisis paramétricos y estadísticos mediante la técnica de Monte Carlo. Más adelante, una vez ya planteadas las herramientas y estrategias de análisis, se estudian fenómenos más complejos, como el impacto a baja velocidad en materiales compuestos, en el que se busca evaluar la resistencia residual y, por lo tanto, la tolerancia al daño de la estructura. Se trata de un suceso que puede producirse por la caída de herramienta, granizo o restos en la pista de aterrizaje. Otro de los fenómenos analizados también se da en un aeropuerto y se trata de la colisión con un dispositivo frangible, el cual tiene que romperse bajo ciertas cargas y, sin embargo, soportar otras. Finalmente, se aplica toda la metodología planteada en simular y analizar un posible incidente en vuelo, el fenómeno de la pérdida de pala de un turbohélice. Se trata de un suceso muy particular en el que la estructura tiene que soportar unas cargas complejas y excepcionales con las que la aeronave debe ser capaz de completar con éxito el vuelo. El análisis incluye comportamientos no lineales, daños, y varios tipos de fallos, y en el que se trata de identificar los parámetros clave en la secuencia del fallo. El suceso se analiza mediante análisis estructurales deterministas más habituales y también mediante otras técnicas como el método de Monte Carlo con el que se logran estudiar distintas incertidumbres en los parámetros con variables aleatorias. Se estudian, entre otros, el tamaño de pala perdida, la velocidad y el momento en el que se produce la rotura, y la rigidez y resistencia de los apoyos del motor. Se tiene en cuenta incluso el amortiguamiento estructural del sistema. Las distintas estrategias de análisis permiten obtener unos resultados valiosos e interesantes que han sido objeto de distintas publicaciones. ABSTRACT Dynamic phenomena can endanger the integrity of aerospace structures and, consequently, engineers have developed different strategies to analyze them. One of the major engineering problems is how to deal with the structural dynamics. In this thesis, different dynamic phenomena are introduced and several methods are proposed to estimate or simulate their behaviors. The analysis is considered through parametric, deterministic and statistical methods. The suggested issues are from simple problems with few degrees of freedom, in order to develop different strategies and tools to solve them, to very dynamic phenomena containing nonlinear behaviors failures, damages. The first examples cover a wide variety of dynamic phenomena such as vibration analysis of mass elements, including impacts and contacts, and beam analysis with harmonic load applied, in which random parameters are included. These parameters can represent the unawareness or uncertainty of certain variables. During the development of the thesis several concepts are introduced and different methods are applied, such as the finite element method (FEM), which is solved through implicit and explicit schemes, and parametrical and statistical methods using the Monte Carlo analysis technique. Next, once the tools and strategies of analysis are set out more complex phenomena are studied. This is the case of a low-speed impact in composite materials, the residual strength of the structure is evaluated, and therefore, its damage tolerance. This incident may occur from a tool dropped, hail or debris throw on the runway. At an airport may also occur, and it is also analyzed, a collision between an airplane and a frangible device. The devise must brake under these loads, however, it must withstand others. Finally, all the considered methodology is applied to simulate and analyze a flight incident, the blade loss phenomenon of a turboprop. In this particular event the structure must support complex and exceptional loads and the aircraft must be able to successfully complete the flight. Nonlinear behavior, damage, and different types of failures are included in the analysis, in which the key parameters in the failure sequence are identified. The incident is analyzed by deterministic structural analysis and also by other techniques such as Monte Carlo method, in which it is possible to include different parametric uncertainties through random variables. Some of the evaluated parameters are, among others, the blade loss size, propeller rotational frequency, speed and angular position where the blade is lost, and the stiffness and strength of the engine mounts. The study does also research on the structural damping of the system. The different strategies of analysis obtain valuable and interesting results that have been already published.


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Asimple semi-empirical model for the aerodynamic behavior of a low-aspect ratio pararotor in autorotation at low Reynolds numbers is presented. The paper is split into three sections: Sec. II deals with the theoretical model derivation, Sec. III deals with the wind-tunnel measurements needed for tuning the theoretical model, and Sec. IV deals with the tuning between the theoretical model and the experimental data. The study is focused on the effect of both the blade pitch angle and the blade roughness and also on the stream velocity, on the rotation velocity, and on the drag of a model. Flow pattern visualizations have also been performed. The value of the free aerodynamic parameters of the semi-empirical model that produces the best fit with the experimental results agrees with the expected ones for the blades at the test conditions. Finally, the model is able to describe the behavior of a pararotor in autorotation that rotates fixed to a shaft, validated for a range of blade pitch angles. The movement of the device is found to be governed by a reduced set of dimensionless parameters.


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El cálculo de cargas de aerogeneradores flotantes requiere herramientas de simulación en el dominio del tiempo que consideren todos los fenómenos que afectan al sistema, como la aerodinámica, la dinámica estructural, la hidrodinámica, las estrategias de control y la dinámica de las líneas de fondeo. Todos estos efectos están acoplados entre sí y se influyen mutuamente. Las herramientas integradas se utilizan para calcular las cargas extremas y de fatiga que son empleadas para dimensionar estructuralmente los diferentes componentes del aerogenerador. Por esta razón, un cálculo preciso de las cargas influye de manera importante en la optimización de los componentes y en el coste final del aerogenerador flotante. En particular, el sistema de fondeo tiene gran impacto en la dinámica global del sistema. Muchos códigos integrados para la simulación de aerogeneradores flotantes utilizan modelos simplificados que no consideran los efectos dinámicos de las líneas de fondeo. Una simulación precisa de las líneas de fondeo dentro de los modelos integrados puede resultar fundamental para obtener resultados fiables de la dinámica del sistema y de los niveles de cargas en los diferentes componentes. Sin embargo, el impacto que incluir la dinámica de los fondeos tiene en la simulación integrada y en las cargas todavía no ha sido cuantificada rigurosamente. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo dinámico para la simulación de líneas de fondeo con precisión, validarlo con medidas en un tanque de ensayos e integrarlo en un código de simulación para aerogeneradores flotantes. Finalmente, esta herramienta, experimentalmente validada, es utilizada para cuantificar el impacto que un modelos dinámicos de líneas de fondeo tienen en la computación de las cargas de fatiga y extremas de aerogeneradores flotantes en comparación con un modelo cuasi-estático. Esta es una información muy útil para los futuros diseñadores a la hora de decidir qué modelo de líneas de fondeo es el adecuado, dependiendo del tipo de plataforma y de los resultados esperados. El código dinámico de líneas de fondeo desarrollado en esta investigación se basa en el método de los Elementos Finitos, utilizando en concreto un modelo ”Lumped Mass” para aumentar su eficiencia de computación. Los experimentos realizados para la validación del código se realizaron en el tanque del École Céntrale de Nantes (ECN), en Francia, y consistieron en sumergir una cadena con uno de sus extremos anclados en el fondo del tanque y excitar el extremo suspendido con movimientos armónicos de diferentes periodos. El código demostró su capacidad para predecir la tensión y los movimientos en diferentes posiciones a lo largo de la longitud de la línea con gran precisión. Los resultados indicaron la importancia de capturar la dinámica de las líneas de fondeo para la predicción de la tensión especialmente en movimientos de alta frecuencia. Finalmente, el código se utilizó en una exhaustiva evaluación del efecto que la dinámica de las líneas de fondeo tiene sobre las cargas extremas y de fatiga de diferentes conceptos de aerogeneradores flotantes. Las cargas se calcularon para tres tipologías de aerogenerador flotante (semisumergible, ”spar-buoy” y ”tension leg platform”) y se compararon con las cargas obtenidas utilizando un modelo cuasi-estático de líneas de fondeo. Se lanzaron y postprocesaron más de 20.000 casos de carga definidos por la norma IEC 61400-3 siguiendo todos los requerimientos que una entidad certificadora requeriría a un diseñador industrial de aerogeneradores flotantes. Los resultados mostraron que el impacto de la dinámica de las líneas de fondeo, tanto en las cargas de fatiga como en las extremas, se incrementa conforme se consideran elementos situados más cerca de la plataforma: las cargas en la pala y en el eje sólo son ligeramente modificadas por la dinámica de las líneas, las cargas en la base de la torre pueden cambiar significativamente dependiendo del tipo de plataforma y, finalmente, la tensión en las líneas de fondeo depende fuertemente de la dinámica de las líneas, tanto en fatiga como en extremas, en todos los conceptos de plataforma que se han evaluado. ABSTRACT The load calculation of floating offshore wind turbine requires time-domain simulation tools taking into account all the phenomena that affect the system such as aerodynamics, structural dynamics, hydrodynamics, control actions and the mooring lines dynamics. These effects present couplings and are mutually influenced. The results provided by integrated simulation tools are used to compute the fatigue and ultimate loads needed for the structural design of the different components of the wind turbine. For this reason, their accuracy has an important influence on the optimization of the components and the final cost of the floating wind turbine. In particular, the mooring system greatly affects the global dynamics of the floater. Many integrated codes for the simulation of floating wind turbines use simplified approaches that do not consider the mooring line dynamics. An accurate simulation of the mooring system within the integrated codes can be fundamental to obtain reliable results of the system dynamics and the loads. The impact of taking into account the mooring line dynamics in the integrated simulation still has not been thoroughly quantified. The main objective of this research consists on the development of an accurate dynamic model for the simulation of mooring lines, validate it against wave tank tests and then integrate it in a simulation code for floating wind turbines. This experimentally validated tool is finally used to quantify the impact that dynamic mooring models have on the computation of fatigue and ultimate loads of floating wind turbines in comparison with quasi-static tools. This information will be very useful for future designers to decide which mooring model is adequate depending on the platform type and the expected results. The dynamic mooring lines code developed in this research is based in the Finite Element Method and is oriented to the achievement of a computationally efficient code, selecting a Lumped Mass approach. The experimental tests performed for the validation of the code were carried out at the `Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) wave tank in France, consisting of a chain submerged into a water basin, anchored at the bottom of the basin, where the suspension point of the chain was excited with harmonic motions of different periods. The code showed its ability to predict the tension and the motions at several positions along the length of the line with high accuracy. The results demonstrated the importance of capturing the evolution of the mooring dynamics for the prediction of the line tension, especially for the high frequency motions. Finally, the code was used for an extensive assessment of the effect of mooring dynamics on the computation of fatigue and ultimate loads for different floating wind turbines. The loads were computed for three platforms topologies (semisubmersible, spar-buoy and tension leg platform) and compared with the loads provided using a quasi-static mooring model. More than 20,000 load cases were launched and postprocessed following the IEC 61400-3 guideline and fulfilling the conditions that a certification entity would require to an offshore wind turbine designer. The results showed that the impact of mooring dynamics in both fatigue and ultimate loads increases as elements located closer to the platform are evaluated; the blade and the shaft loads are only slightly modified by the mooring dynamics in all the platform designs, the tower base loads can be significantly affected depending on the platform concept and the mooring lines tension strongly depends on the lines dynamics both in fatigue and extreme loads in all the platform concepts evaluated.


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Mutations in the nubbin (nub) gene have a phenotype consisting of a severe wing size reduction and pattern alterations, such as transformations of distal elements into proximal ones. nub expression is restricted to the wing pouch cells in wing discs since early larval development. These effects are also observed in genetic mosaics where cell proliferation is reduced in all wing blade regions autonomously, and transformation into proximal elements is observed in distal clones. Clones located in the proximal region of the wing blade cause in addition nonautonomous reduction of the whole wing. Cell lineage experiments in a nub mutant background show that clones respect neither the anterior–posterior nor the dorsal–ventral boundary but that the selector genes have been correctly expressed since early larval development. The phenotypes of nub el and nub dpp genetic combinations are synergistic and the overexpression of dpp in clones in nub wings does not result in overproliferation of the surrounding wild-type cells. We discuss the role of nub in the wing’s proximo–distal axis and in the formation of compartment boundaries.


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We extend and apply theories of filled foam elasticity and failure to recently available data on foods. The predictions of elastic modulus and failure mode dependence on internal pressure and on wall integrity are borne out by photographic evidence of distortion and failure under compressive loading and under the localized stress applied by a knife blade, and by mechanical data on vegetables differing only in their turgor pressure. We calculate the dry modulus of plate-like cellular solids and the cross over between dry-like and fully fluid-filled elastic response. The bulk elastic properties of limp and aging cellular solids are calculated for model systems and compared with our mechanical data, which also show two regimes of response. The mechanics of an aged, limp beam is calculated, thus offering a practical procedure for comparing experiment and theory. This investigation also thereby offers explanations of the connection between turgor pressure and crispness and limpness of cellular materials.


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A number of recent studies have, by necessity, placed a great deal of emphasis on the dental evidence for Paleogene anthropoid interrelationships, but cladistic analyses of these data have led to the erection of phylogenetic hypotheses that appear to be at odds with biogeographic and stratigraphic considerations. Additional morphological data from the cranium and postcranium of certain poorly understood Paleogene primates are clearly needed to help test whether such hypotheses are tenable. Here we describe humeri attributable to Proteopithecus sylviae and Catopithecus browni, two anthropoids from late Eocene sediments of the Fayum Depression in Egypt. Qualitative and morphometric analyses of these elements indicate that humeri of the oligopithecine Catopithecus are more similar to early Oligocene propliopithecines than they are to any other Paleogene anthropoid taxon, and that Proteopithecus exhibits humeral similarities to parapithecids that may be symplesiomorphies of extant (or “crown”) Anthropoidea. The humeral morphology of Catopithecus is consistent with certain narrowly distributed dental apomorphies—such as the loss of the upper and lower second premolar and the development of a honing blade for the upper canine on the lower third premolar—which suggest that oligopithecines constitute the sister group of a clade containing propliopithecines and Miocene-Recent catarrhines and are not most closely related to Proteopithecus as has recently been proposed.


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Photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) were examined in relation to leaf age and orientation. Two varieties (IR72 and IR65598-112-2 [BSI206]) were grown in the field in the Philippines during the dry season under highly irrigated, well-fertilized conditions. Flag leaves were examined 60 and 100 d after transplanting. Because of the upright nature of 60-d-old rice leaves, patterns of photosynthesis were determined by solar movements: light falling on the exposed surface in the morning, a low incident angle of irradiance at midday, and light striking the opposite side of the leaf blade in the afternoon. There was an early morning burst of CO2 assimilation and high levels of saturation of photosystem II electron transfer as incident irradiance reached a maximum level. However, by midday the photochemical efficiency increased again almost to maximum. Leaves that were 100 d old possessed a more horizontal orientation and were found to suffer greater levels of photoinhibition than younger leaves, and this was accompanied by increases in the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle. Older leaves had significantly lower chlorophyll content but only slightly diminished photosynthesis capacity.


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The semidominant mutation Liguleless3-O (Lg3-O) causes a blade-to-sheath transformation at the midrib region of the maize (Zea mays L.) leaf. We isolated a full-length lg3 cDNA containing a knotted1-like family homeobox. Six Lg3-O partial revertant alleles caused by insertion of a Mutator (Mu) transposon and two deletion derivatives were isolated and used to verify that our knotted1-like cDNA corresponds to the LG3 message. In wild-type plants the LG3 mRNA is expressed in apical regions but is not expressed in leaves. In mutant plants harboring any of three dominant lg3 alleles (Lg3-O, -Mlg, and -347), LG3 mRNA is expressed in leaf sheath tissue, indicating that the Lg3 phenotype is due to ectopic expression of the gene. The Lg3-O revertant alleles represent two classes of Lg3 phenotypes that correlate well with the level of ectopic Lg3 expression. High levels of ectopic LG3 mRNA expression results in a severe Lg3 phenotype, whereas weak ectopic Lg3 expression results in a mild Lg3 phenotype. We propose that ectopic Lg3 expression early in leaf development causes the blade-to-sheath transformation, but the level of expression determines the extent of the transformation.


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Although sessile in nature, plants are able to use a number of mechanisms to modify their morphology in response to changing environmental conditions. Differential growth is one such mechanism. Despite its importance in plant development, little is known about the molecular events regulating the establishment of differential growth. Here we report analyses of the nph4 (nonphototropic hypocotyl) mutants of Arabidopsis that suggest that the NPH4 protein plays a central role in the modulation of auxin-dependent differential growth. Results from physiological studies demonstrate that NPH4 activity is conditionally required for a number of differential growth responses, including phototropism, gravitropism, phytochrome-dependent hypocotyl curvature, apical hook maintenance, and abaxial/adaxial leaf-blade expansion. The nph4 mutants exhibited auxin resistance and severely impaired auxin-dependent gene expression, indicating that the defects associated with differential growth likely arise because of altered auxin responsiveness. Moreover, the auxin signaling events mediating phototropism are genetically correlated with the abundance of the NPH4 protein.


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Imaging of chlorophyll autofluorescence by confocal microscopy in intact whole petals of Arabidopsis thaliana has been used to analyze chloroplast development and redifferentiation during petal development. Young petals dissected from unopened buds contained green chloroplasts throughout their structure, but as the upper part of the petal lamina developed and expanded, plastids lost their chlorophyll and redifferentiated into leukoplasts, resulting in a white petal blade. Normal green chloroplasts remained in the stalk of the mature petal. In epidermal cells the chloroplasts were normal and green, in stark contrast with leaf epidermal cell plastids. In addition, the majority of these chloroplasts had dumbbell shapes, typical of dividing chloroplasts, and we suggest that the rapid expansion of petal epidermal cells may be a trigger for the initiation of chloroplast division. In petals of the Arabidopsis plastid division mutant arc6, the conversion of chloroplasts into leukoplasts was unaffected in spite of the greatly enlarged size and reduced number of arc6 chloroplasts in cells in the petal base, resulting in few enlarged leukoplasts in cells from the white lamina of arc6 petals.


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Neste trabalho de doutorado utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada em matrizes cúbicas de espuma de poliuretano e agitação mecânica, com volume total de 5.5 L e volume útil de 4.5 L. A agitação do meio líquido foi realizada com quatro tipos de impelidores (turbina tipo hélice, lâminas planas, lâminas planas inclinadas e lâminas curvas, testados individualmente, sempre em número de 3), com 6 cm de diâmetro. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro etapas experimentais. A etapa 1 objetivou determinar o tempo de mistura no reator para cada tipo de impelidor, ou seja, o tempo necessário para que o meio líquido ficasse totalmente homogêneo. A etapa 2 objetivou selecionar o tipo de impelidor e a respectiva intensidade de agitação que garantisse a minimização da resistência à transferência de massa externa no sistema. As intensidades de agitação testadas variaram de 200 a 1100 rpm, dependendo do tipo de impelidor. A etapa 3 foi realizada com tipo de impelidor e intensidade de agitação definidos na etapa 2, mas variando-se o tamanho da biopartícula (0,5, 1,0, 2,0 e 3,0 cm de aresta). O objetivo desta etapa foi selecionar o tamanho de biopartícula que minimizasse a resistência à transferência de massa interna. De posse das condições operacionais otimizadas (tipo de impelidor, intensidade de agitação e tamanho de partícula de suporte), a etapa 4 constituiu na aplicação das mesmas para o tratamento de um resíduo real, sendo escolhida água residuária de suinocultura. Na etapa 1, os resultados mostraram que os tempos de mistura para todos os tipos de impelidores foram desprezíveis em relação ao tempo total de ciclo. A etapa 2 revelou tempos de partida muito curtos (cerca de 20 dias), em todas as condições testadas, sendo atingidas remoções de DQO próximas de 70%. Além disso, o tipo de impelidor exerceu grande influência na qualidade final do efluente, fato este claramente constatado quando as frações de DQO foram consideradas separadamente (filtrada e suspensa). De acordo com os resultados obtidos na etapa 3, o tamanho da biopartícula teve influência decisiva no desempenho do sistema, nas condições testadas. As velocidades de dissolução foram aparentemente influenciadas pelo empacotamento do leito de espuma, enquanto que o consumo da fração de DQO correspondente às amostras filtradas foi provavelmente influenciado por fatores mais complexos. Finalmente, o teste realizado com resíduo diluído de suinocultura demonstrou que a operação do reator em estudo para o tratamento deste tipo de água residuária é possível. Os dados operacionais mostraram que o reator permaneceu estável durante o período testado. A agitação mecânica provou ser eficiente para melhorar a degradação da DQO suspensa, um dos maiores problemas no tratamento deste tipo de água residuária. Sendo assim, de acordo com os dados experimentais obtidos ao longo do trabalho, pode-se afirmar que a agitação em reatores em batelada mostrou-se importante não somente para proporcionar boas condições de mistura ou melhorar a transferência de massa na fase líquida, mas também para melhorar a solubilização da matéria orgânica particulada, melhorando as velocidades de consumo de matéria orgânica.