509 resultados para abrasion


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A prerequisite for preventive measures is to diagnose erosive tooth wear and to evaluate the different etiological factors in order to identify persons at risk. No diagnostic device is available for the assessment of erosive defects. Thus, they can only be detected clinically. Consequently, erosion not diagnosed in the early stage may render timely preventive measures difficult. In order to assess the risk factors, patient should record their dietary intake for a distinct period of time. Then a dentist can determine the erosive potential of the diet. Particularly, patients with more than four dietary acid intakes have a higher risk for erosion when other risk factors (such as holding the drink in the mouth) are present. Regurgitation of gastric acids (reflux, vomiting, alcohol abuse, etc.) is a further important risk factor for the development of erosion which has to be taken into account. Based on these analyses, an individually tailored preventive program may be suggested to the patients. It may comprise dietary advice, optimization of fluoride regimes, stimulation of salivary flow rate, use of buffering medicaments and particular motivation for nondestructive toothbrushing habits with a low abrasive toothpaste. The frequent use of fluoride gel and fluoride solution in addition to fluoride toothpaste offers the opportunity to reduce somewhat abrasion of tooth substance. It is also advisable to avoid abrasive tooth cleaning and whitening products, since they may remove the pellicle and may render teeth more susceptible to erosion. Since erosion, attrition and abrasion often occur simultaneously all causative components must be taken into consideration when planning preventive strategies.


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In dogs, degenerative joint diseases (DJD) have been shown to be associated with increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in the synovial fluid. The goal of this study was to examine healthy and degenerative stifle joints in order to clarify the origin of LDH in synovial fluid. In order to assess the distribution of LDH, cartilage samples from healthy and degenerative knee joints were investigated by means of light and transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with immunolabeling and enzyme cytochemistry. Morphological analysis confirmed DJD. All techniques used corroborated the presence of LDH in chondrocytes and in the interterritorial matrix of healthy and degenerative stifle joints. Although enzymatic activity of LDH was clearly demonstrated in the territorial matrix by means of the tetrazolium-formazan reaction, immunolabeling for LDH was missing in this region. With respect to the distribution of LDH in the interterritorial matrix, a striking decrease from superficial to deeper layers was present in healthy dogs but was missing in affected joints. These results support the contention that LDH in synovial fluid of degenerative joints originates from cartilage. Therefore, we suggest that (1) LDH is transferred from chondrocytes to ECM in both healthy dogs and dogs with degenerative joint disease and that (2) in degenerative joints, LDH is released from chondrocytes and the ECM into synovial fluid through abrasion of cartilage as well as through enhanced diffusion as a result of increased water content and degradation of collagen.


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The Michigan Department of Transportation is evaluating upgrading their portion of the Wolverine Line between Chicago and Detroit to accommodate high speed rail. This will entail upgrading the track to allow trains to run at speeds in excess of 110 miles per hour (mph). An important component of this upgrade will be to assess the requirement for ballast material for high speed rail. In the event that the existing ballast materials do not meet specifications for higher speed train, additional ballast will be required. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to investigate the current MDOT railroad ballast quality specifications and compare them to both the national and international specifications for use on high speed rail lines. The study found that while MDOT has quality specifications for railroad ballast it does not have any for high speed rail. In addition, the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), while also having specifications for railroad ballast, does not have specific specifications for high speed rail lines. The AREMA aggregate specifications for ballast include the following tests: (1) LA Abrasion, (2) Percent Moisture Absorption, (3) Flat and Elongated Particles, (4) Sulfate Soundness test. Internationally, some countries do require a highly standard for high speed rail such as the Los Angeles (LA) Abrasion test, which is uses a higher standard performance and the Micro Duval test, which is used to determine the maximum speed that a high speed can operate at. Since there are no existing MDOT ballast specification for high speed rail, it is assumed that aggregate ballast specifications for the Wolverine Line will use the higher international specifications. The Wolverine line, however, is located in southern Michigan is a region of sedimentary rocks which generally do not meet the existing MDOT ballast specifications. The investigation found that there were only 12 quarries in the Michigan that meet the MDOT specification. Of these 12 quarries, six were igneous or metamorphic rock quarries, while six were carbonate quarries. Of the six carbonate quarries four were locate in the Lower Peninsula and two in the Upper Peninsula. Two of the carbonate quarries were located in near proximity to the Wolverine Line, while the remaining quarries were at a significant haulage distance. In either case, the cost of haulage becomes an important consideration. In this regard, four of the quarries were located with lake terminals allowing water transportation to down state ports. The Upper Peninsula also has a significant amount of metal based mining in both igneous and metamorphic rock that generate significant amount of waste rock that could be used as a ballast material. The main drawback, however, is the distance to the Wolverine rail line. One potential source is the Cliffs Natural Resources that operates two large surface mines in the Marquette area with rail and water transportation to both Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. Both mines mine rock with a very high compressive strength far in excess of most ballast materials used in the United States and would make an excellent ballast materials. Discussions with Cliffs, however, indicated that due to environmental concerns that they would most likely not be interested in producing a ballast material. In the United States carbonate aggregates, while used for ballast, many times don't meet the ballast specifications in addition to the problem of particle degradation that can lead to fouling and cementation issues. Thus, many carbonate aggregate quarries in close proximity to railroads are not used. Since Michigan has a significant amount of carbonate quarries, the research also investigated using the dynamic properties of aggregate as a possible additional test for aggregate ballast quality. The dynamic strength of a material can be assessed using a split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). The SHPB has been traditionally used to assess the dynamic properties of metal but over the past 20 years it is now being used to assess the dynamic properties of brittle materials such as ceramics and rock. In addition, the wear properties of metals have been related to their dynamic properties. Wear or breakdown of railroad ballast materials is one of the main problems with ballast material due to the dynamic loading generated by trains and which will be significantly higher for high speed rails. Previous research has indicated that the Port Inland quarry along Lake Michigan in the Southern Upper Peninsula has significant dynamic properties that might make it potentially useable as an aggregate for high speed rail. The dynamic strength testing conducted in this research indicate that the Port Inland limestone in fact has a dynamic strength close to igneous rocks and much higher than other carbonate rocks in the Great Lakes region. It is recommended that further research be conducted to investigate the Port Inland limestone as a high speed ballast material.


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When aluminum is allowed to stand in air or is heated in air, a thin oxide film is produced on the metal. If aluminum is made the anode in a suitable electrolyte and a current applied, a coating is obtained which is similar to that produced in air, but may be effected much quicker. This film is thicker, harder, more resistant to corrosion and abrasion, and more adhesive than the natural oxide. The film is porous and makes an excellent adsorptive for dyes and pigments.


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„Geiz ist geil!“ ist das Motto eines Handelshauses. Aber diese Philosophie erweist sich immer häufiger als ungeeignet, längerfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Oftmals wird gerade aus diesem Grund wieder verstärkt auf Qualität geachtet, auf die Qualität von Produkten, auf die Qualität von Herstellungsprozessen, auf die Qualität von Logistikprozessen etc. Dieser Sinneswandel beeinflusst auch alle Verpackungsprozesse, da diese untrennbar mit der Sicherung der Produktqualität und der sicheren Abwicklung aller logistischen Prozesse verbunden ist. Neben der Forderung nach einem wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz als Kernaufgabe der Verpackung müssen jedoch auch zwingende Vorgaben – beispielsweise seitens des Gesetzgebers (z. B. im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Gefahrgutlogistik, im Straßenverkehrsrecht) – beachtet werden. Das führt u. a. dazu, dass alle verpackten Güter so geschützt sein sollten, dass sie den Belastungen im Transportprozess, aber auch den Belastungen aufgrund von Ladungs- und Ladeeinheitensicherungsmaßnahmen standhalten können. Da sich jedoch nicht alle Ladegüter oder Packstücke beliebig für form- oder kraftschlüssige Sicherungsmaßnahmen eignen, sollte bei der Auslegung von Verpackungsmaßnahmen insbesondere der hilfreichen Wirkung von Reibungskräften zur Reduzierung zusätzlicher Sicherungsmaßnahmen Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.


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„Geiz ist geil!“ ist das Motto eines Handelshauses. Aber diese Philosophie erweist sich immer häufiger als ungeeignet, längerfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Oftmals wird gerade aus diesem Grund wieder verstärkt auf Qualität geachtet, auf die Qualität von Produkten, auf die Qualität von Herstellungsprozessen, auf die Qualität von Logistikprozessen etc. Dieser Sinneswandel beeinflusst auch alle Verpackungsprozesse, da diese untrennbar mit der Sicherung der Produktqualität und der sicheren Abwicklung aller logistischen Prozesse verbunden ist. Neben der Forderung nach einem wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz als Kernaufgabe der Verpackung müssen jedoch auch zwingende Vorgaben – beispielsweise seitens des Gesetzgebers (z. B. im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Gefahrgutlogistik, im Straßenverkehrsrecht) – beachtet werden. Das führt u. a. dazu, dass alle verpackten Güter so geschützt sein sollten, dass sie den Belastungen im Transportprozess, aber auch den Belastungen aufgrund von Ladungs- und Ladeeinheitensicherungsmaßnahmen standhalten können. Da sich jedoch nicht alle Ladegüter oder Packstücke beliebig für form- oder kraftschlüssige Sicherungsmaßnahmen eignen, sollte bei der Auslegung von Verpackungsmaßnahmen insbesondere der hilfreichen Wirkung von Reibungskräften zur Reduzierung zusätzlicher Sicherungsmaßnahmen Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.


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OBJECTIVES The paper's aim is to review dentin hypersensitivity (DHS), discussing pain mechanisms and aetiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Literature was reviewed using search engines with MESH terms, DH pain mechanisms and aetiology (including abrasion, erosion and periodontal disease). RESULTS The many hypotheses proposed for DHS attest to our lack of knowledge in understanding neurophysiologic mechanisms, the most widely accepted being the hydrodynamic theory. Dentin tubules must be patent from the oral environment to the pulp. Dentin exposure, usually at the cervical margin, is due to a variety of processes involving gingival recession or loss of enamel, predisposing factors being periodontal disease and treatment, limited alveolar bone, thin biotype, erosion and abrasion. CONCLUSIONS The current pain mechanism of DHS is thought to be the hydrodynamic theory. The initiation and progression of DHS are influenced by characteristics of the teeth and periodontium as well as the oral environment and external influences. Risk factors are numerous often acting synergistically and always influenced by individual susceptibility. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Whilst the pain mechanism of DHS is not well understood, clinicians need to be mindful of the aetiology and risk factors in order to manage patients' pain and expectations and prevent further dentin exposure with subsequent sensitivity.


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The Bodélé Depression (Chad) in the central Sahara/Sahel region of Northern Africa is the most important source of mineral dust to the atmosphere globally. The Bodélé Depression is purportedly the largest source of Saharan dust reaching the Amazon Basin by transatlantic transport. Here, we have undertaken a comprehensive study of surface sediments from the Bodélé Depression and dust deposits (Chad, Niger) in order to characterize geochemically and isotopically (Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes) this dust source, and evaluate its importance in present and past African dust records. We similarly analyzed sedimentary deposits from the Amazonian lowlands in order to assess postulated accumulation of African mineral dust in the Amazon Basin, as well as its possible impact in fertilizing the Amazon rainforest. Our results identify distinct sources of different ages and provenance in the Bodélé Depression versus the Amazon Basin, effectively ruling out an origin for the Amazonian deposits, such as the Belterra Clay Layer, by long-term deposition of Bodélé Depression material. Similarly, no evidence for contributions from other potential source areas is provided by existing isotope data (Sr, Nd) on Saharan dusts. Instead, the composition of these Amazonian deposits is entirely consistent with derivation from in-situ weathering and erosion of the Precambrian Amazonian craton, with little, if any, Andean contribution. In the Amazon Basin, the mass accumulation rate of eolian dust is only around one-third of the vertical erosion rate in shield areas, suggesting that Saharan dust is “consumed” by tropical weathering, contributing nutrients and stimulating plant growth, but never accumulates as such in the Amazon Basin. The chemical and isotope compositions found in the Bodélé Depression are varied at the local scale, and have contrasting signatures in the “silica-rich” dry lake-bed sediments and in the “calcium-rich” mixed diatomites and surrounding sand material. This unexpected finding implies that the Bodélé Depression material is not “pre-mixed” at the source to provide a homogeneous source of dust. Rather, different isotope signatures can be emitted depending on subtle vagaries of dust-producing events. Our characterization of the Bodélé Depression components indicate that the Bodélé “calcium-rich” component, identified here, is most likely released via eolian processes of sand grain saltation and abrasion and may be significant in the overall global budget of dusts carried out by the Harmattan low-level jet during the winter.


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Detrital studies that utilize zircon U–Pb geochronology and fission-track (FT) thermochronometry are subject to a range of potential sources of bias that should be properly evaluated and minimized. Some of them are common to any single-grain mineral analysis (e.g., variable bedrock mineral fertility, hydraulic sorting during transport, selective grain loss during sample processing), whereas others are intrinsic to zircon, and are related to radiation damage and age discordance. In this article, we quantify the impact of intrinsic bias on detrital studies thanks to the analysis of modern detritus shed from the European Alps, and illustrate the general implications on geological interpretations. We show that detrital zircon U–Pb age distributions based on statistically robust datasets are highly reproducible and representative of the parent bedrock ages in the catchment. Arbitrary or selective removal of discordant grain ages can be minimized by using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to identify an appropriate cutoff level. Loss of metamict (α-damaged) zircon has a minor impact on data representativeness, and is mainly controlled by regional metamorphism rather than by mechanical abrasion during river transport. Zircon FT grain-age distributions were found to have poor reproducibility, although age spectra are consistent with bedrock data. However, unlike the U–Pb datasets, U-rich zircon grains (> 1000 ppm) are systematically missed, and undatable grains may exceed 50%. We identify two major sources of distribution bias specific to zircon FT datasets: (i) sediment sources dominated by U-rich zircon grains are markedly underrepresented in the detrital record, because such grains often have uncountable high densities of fission tracks (“U concentration bias”); (ii) sediment sources that shed zircon grains with high levels of α-damage are underrepresented, because these grains are lost during chemical etching for FT revelation (“etching bias”). In the case of multimethod dating on the same grains (e.g., FT and U–Pb double dating), bias affecting detrital zircon FT dating propagates to the entire dataset. These effects may not impact on exhumation-rate studies that utilize the youngest grain ages (i.e., lag-time approach). However, they represent a limiting factor for conventional provenance studies, and generally preclude application of zircon FT dating to sediment budget calculations.


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The bedrock topography beneath the Quaternary cover provides an important archive for the identification of erosional processes during past glaciations. Here, we combined stratigraphic investigations of more than 40,000 boreholes with published data to generate a bedrock topography model for the entire plateau north of the Swiss Alps including the valleys within the mountain belt. We compared the bedrock map with data about the pattern of the erosional resistance of Alpine rocks to identify the controls of the lithologic architecture on the location of overdeepenings. We additionally used the bedrock topography map as a basis to calculate the erosional potential of the Alpine glaciers, which was related to the thickness of the LGM ice. We used these calculations to interpret how glaciers, with support by subglacial meltwater under pressure, might have shaped the bedrock topography of the Alps. We found that the erosional resistance of the bedrock lithology mainly explains where overdeepenings in the Alpine valleys and the plateau occur. In particular, in the Alpine valleys, the locations of overdeepenings largely overlap with areas where the underlying bedrock has a low erosional resistance, or where it was shattered by faults. We also found that the assignment of two end-member scenarios of erosion, related to glacial abrasion/plucking in the Alpine valleys, and dissection by subglacial meltwater in the plateau, may be adequate to explain the pattern of overdeepenings in the Alpine realm. This most likely points to the topographic controls on glacial scouring. In the Alps, the flow of LGM and previous glaciers were constrained by valley flanks, while ice flow was mostly divergent on the plateau where valley borders are absent. We suggest that these differences in landscape conditioning might have contributed to the contrasts in the formation of overdeepenings in the Alpine valleys and the plateau.


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Susceptibility of different restorative materials to toothbrush abrasion and coffee staining Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of different restorative materials to surface alterations after an aging simulation. Methods: Specimens (n=15 per material) of five different restorative materials (CER: ceramic/Vita Mark II; EMP: composite/Empress Direct; LAV: CAD/CAM composite/Lava Ultimate; COM: prefabricated composite/Componeer; VEN: prefabricated composite/Venear) were produced. Whereas CER was glazed, EMP and LAV were polished with silicon polishers, and COM and VEN were left untreated. Mean roughness (Ra and Rz) and colorimetric parameters (L*a*b*), expressed as colour change (E), were measured. The specimens underwent an artificial aging procedure. After baseline measurements (M1), the specimens were successively immersed for 24 hours in coffee (M2), abraded in a toothbrushing simulator (M3), immersed in coffee (M4), abraded (M5) and repeatedly abraded (M6). After each aging procedure (M2-M6), surface roughness and colorimetric parameters were recorded. Differences between the materials regarding Ra/Rz and E were analysed with a nonparametric ANOVA analysis. The level of significance was set at α=0.05. Results: The lowest roughness values were obtained for CER. A significant increase in Ra was detected for EMP, COM and VEN compared to CER. The Ra/Rz values were found to be highly significantly different for the materials and measuring times (M) (p<0.0001). Regarding E most alterations were found for EMP and COM, whereas CER and LAV remained mostly stable. The E values were significantly different for the materials and M (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The ceramic and the CAD/CAM composite were the most stable materials with regard to roughness and colour change and the only materials that resulted in Ra values below 0.2 μm (the clinically relevant threshold). Venears and Componeers were more inert than the direct composite material and thus might be an alternative for extensive restorations in the aesthetic zone.


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Five cats with large, distal extremity abrasion wounds were treated with an autogenous, full-thickness, mesh skin graft. Survival of the mesh grafts in all five cats was considered between 90 and 100%. Successful grafting requires asepsis, an adequately prepared recipient bed consisting of healthy granulation tissue, proper harvesting and preparation of the graft, meticulous surgical technique and strict postoperative care. Factors that are essential for the survival of skin grafts include good contact between the graft and the recipient bed, normal tension on the sutured graft, strict immobilization after grafting and prevention of accumulation of blood or serum under the graft. Meshing the graft provides more graft flexibility over uneven surfaces and allows adequate drainage. In contrast to previous proposals, the authors recommend no bandage change before the fourth day after grafting. Full-thickness mesh skin grafting can be used to successfully treat large distal skin wounds in cats.


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The purpose of this study was to determine if storage for up to 4 h in human saliva results in a decrease of erosive tooth wear (ETW) and in an increase of surface microhardness (SMH) of enamel samples after an erosive attack with subsequent abrasion. Furthermore, we determined the impact of individual salivary parameters on ETW and SMH. Enamel samples were distributed into five groups: group 1 had neither erosion nor saliva treatment; groups 2-5 were treated with erosion, then group 2 was placed in a humid chamber and groups 3-5 were incubated in saliva for 30 min, 2 h, and 4 h, respectively. After erosion and saliva treatments, all groups were treated with abrasion. Surface microhardness and ETW were measured before and after erosion, incubation in saliva, and abrasion. Surface microhardness and ETW showed significant changes throughout the experiment: SMH decreased and ETW increased in groups 2-5, regardless of the length of incubation in saliva. The results of groups 3-5 (exposed to saliva) were not significantly different from those of group 2 (not exposed to saliva). Exposure of eroded enamel to saliva for up to 4 h was not able to increase SMH or reduce ETW. However, additional experiments with artificial saliva without proteins showed protection from erosive tooth wear. The recommendation to postpone toothbrushing of enamel after an erosive attack should be reconsidered.


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Erosive tooth wear in children is a common condition. Besides the anatomical differences between deciduous and permanent teeth, additional histological differences may influence their susceptibility to dissolution. Considering laboratory studies alone, it is not clear whether deciduous teeth are more liable to erosive wear than permanent teeth. However, results from epidemiological studies imply that the primary dentition is less wear resistant than permanent teeth, possibly due to the overlapping of erosion with mechanical forces (like attrition or abrasion). Although low severity of tooth wear in children does not cause a significant impact on their quality of life, early erosive damage to their permanent teeth may compromise their dentition for their entire lifetime and require extensive restorative procedures. Therefore, early diagnosis of erosive wear and adequate preventive measures are important. Knowledge on the aetiological factors of erosive wear is a prerequisite for preventive strategies. Like in adults, extrinsic and intrinsic factors, or a combination of them, are possible reasons for erosive tooth wear in children and adolescents. Several factors directly related to erosive tooth wear in children are presently discussed, such as socio-economic aspects, gastroesophageal reflux or vomiting, and intake of some medicaments, as well as behavioural factors such as unusual eating and drinking habits. Additionally, frequent and excessive consumption of erosive foodstuffs and drinks are of importance.


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A prerequisite for preventive measures is to diagnose erosive tooth wear and to evaluate the different etiological factors in order to identify persons at risk. No diagnostic device is available for the assessment of erosive defects. Thus, they can only be detected clinically. Consequently, erosion not diagnosed at an early stage may render timely preventive measures difficult. In order to assess the risk factors, patients should record their dietary intake for a distinct period of time. Then a dentist can determine the erosive potential of the diet. A table with common beverages and foodstuffs is presented for judging the erosive potential. Particularly, patients with more than 4 dietary acid intakes have a higher risk for erosion when other risk factors are present. Regurgitation of gastric acids is a further important risk factor for the development of erosion which has to be taken into account. Based on these analyses, an individually tailored preventive program may be suggested to the patients. It may comprise dietary advice, use of calcium-enriched beverages, optimization of prophylactic regimes, stimulation of salivary flow rate, use of buffering medicaments and particular motivation for nondestructive toothbrushing habits with an erosive-protecting toothpaste as well as rinsing solutions. Since erosion and abrasion often occur simultaneously, all of the causative components must be taken into consideration when planning preventive strategies but only those important and feasible for an individual should be communicated to the patient.