433 resultados para a-SiO : H


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This is a metamorphic study of mid-P anatectic aluminous gneisses from the Manicouagan and lac du Milieu areas of the central Grenville Province. The rocks are derived from hydrothermally altered felsic protoliths and were metamorphosed at granulite facies conditions during the Grenvillian orogeny. The samples come from three locations separated by several tens of kilometers and exhibit a wide range of textures and bulk compositions. However, they all have the same peak mineral assemblage: garnet + biotite + quartz + K-feldspar +/- plagioclase +/- sillimanite with retrograde cordierite in some, and show evidence of partial melting and melt loss. In terms of mineralogy and bulk composition, the samples were divided into two groups, sillimanite-rich and sillimanite-poor, with a high and low Alumina index in the AFM space, respectively. Phase equilibria modeling in the Na₂O–CaO–K₂O–FeO–MgO–Al₂O₃–SiO₂–H₂O– TiO₂–O (NCKFMASTHO) system using Thermocalc constrained the P–T field of the peak mineral assemblage at 800–900ºC and 6–11kbar, with melt solidification in the range of 800–865ºC and 6–8kbar. The presence of sillimanite inclusions in garnet, and of only scarce, retrograde cordierite, is consistent with moderate dP/dT gradient ‘hairpin’ P– T paths, which were similar between the three locations. This study also investigated the role of Fe3+ on phase stability in mid-P aluminous systems. Fe³⁺ is problematic because although it is incorporated in the NaCKFMASTHO system, it is rarely measured in modeled minerals and rocks and its value is generally assumed. Biotite may contain significant amounts of Fe³⁺, and these were analysed by Mössbauer spectroscopy in selected samples, where they were found to be low (0-4%). In addition, the effect of increasing the bulk Fe³⁺ in the mid-P portion of phase diagrams was modeled. This increase added new minor phases and changed the phase proportions, as well as shifted phase boundaries to a small degree, but P–T paths remained largely unaffected. Finally, the two methods commonly used in phase equilibria modeling to account for melt loss were compared. In some cases there were major differences in the topologies between the ‘melt reintegration’ and ‘adding water’ methods, but the former method is the most consistent with the rock data, and should be the method of choice.


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The Nimish Subgroup igneous suite is a linear belt of volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Dyke Lake area of the southern Labrador Trough. The volcanics are interbedded with the sediments of the Wishart and Sokoman Formations of the Aphebian aged, Knob Lake Group. The sokoman Formation forms a time stratigraphic horizon that separates the lower Petitsikapau Lake Formation from the upper Astray Lake formation of the Nimish Subgroup. The occurrence of these volcanics within the Knob Lake Group is unique relative to Labrador Trough stratigraphy, as elsewhere the Knob Lake Group is a dominantly sedimentary succession and volcanics are restricted to the younger Doublet Group. Stratigraphic relationships between the Nimish Subgroup and the Sokoman formation indicate contemporaneous volcanic, clastic and chemical sedimentary activity. The internal stratigraphy of the Sokoman Formation exhibits a three-fold subdivision that is broadly correlatable with similar subdivisions in the Schefferville "main ore zone", 30 miles to the northwest. A detailed facies and paleogeographic model relating the volcanic activity to iron formation deposition in the Dyke Lake is presented. The rocks of the Dyke Lake area have been affected by lower greenschist facies metamorphism during the Hudsonian orogenic event, circa 1735 my. Geochemical evidence indicates that the igneous rocks of the Nimish Subgroup have been metasomatized with large degrees of mobility in Na₂O, K₂O, CaO, MgO, SiO₂, FeO and Fe₂O₃ suspected. The "immobile trace elements", Ti, Zr, Nb, Y and Ga imply that the Nimish lavas are a mildly alkaline suite that has an alkali basalt-trachyandesite-comendite differentiation scheme. The rare earth element, REE, geochemistry of the Nimish Subgroup is supportive of the alkaline nature of the volcanics and has been used to model the fractional crystallization petrogenesis involved in the two volcanic cycles. The geological, geochemical and geophysical evidence indicates that the Nimish Subgroup lavas are possibly a rift facies, alkaline suite related to the tensional tectonic regime that preceeded the extrusion of voluminous tholeiitic lavas of the Doublet Group.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the Southern Borderland (SOB) Expedition in February-March 1960 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 34 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the HILO Expedition in March-April 1962 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography from, the R/V Stranger. A total of 21 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.


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The cores and dredges described are taken during the MUKLUK expedition of the R/V Spencer Baird in July-August 1957 by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. A total of 31 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps Institute of Oceanography for sampling and study.


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In an earlier paper by two of the authors the conclusion was reached that the 33 recognized species of oxides of Mn could be separated into 3 groups: 1) those which appeared to be persistently supergene in origin, 2) those which appeared to be persistently hypogene, and 3) those which were supergene in some localities and hypogene in other localities. When that paper was written, there were available about 250 X-ray diffraction analyses of mineral specimens, also 35 complete and about 150 partial chemical analyses. The conclusions of that paper were based upon the interpretation of the geologic conditions under which these specimens occurred. Late in the preparation of that paper, it seemed worthwhile to make numerous semiquantitative analyses of specimens, largely from 9 western [U.S.A] states, selected carefully from 5 groups of geologic environments, in the hope that the frequency and percentages of some elements might be distinctive of the several geologic groups. For this purpose, 95 specimens were selected from the 5 groups, as follows: 19 specimens interpreted as supergene oxides by the geologists who collected them, 35 specimens of hypogene vein oxides, 22 specimens of Mn-bearing hot spring aprons, 9 specimens of stratified oxides, and 10 specimens of deep-sea nodules. The spectrographic analyses here recorded indicate that a group of elements - W, Ba, Sr, Be, As, Sb, Tl, and Ge - are present more commonly, and largely in higher percentages, in the hypogene oxide than in the supergene oxides and thus serve to indicate different sources of the Mn. Also, the frequency and percentages of some of these elements indicate a genetic relation of the manganese oxides in hypogene veins, hot spring aprons, and stratified deposits. The analyses indicate a declining percentage of some elements from depth to the surface in these 3 related groups and increasing percentages of some other elements. It is concluded that some of the elements in deep-sea nodules indicate that sources other than rocks decomposed on the continents, probably vulcanism on the floors of the seas, have contributed to their formation.


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Cruise Mn-74-02 of the R/V MOANA WAVE was the second part of the field work of the NSF/IDOE Inter-University Ferromanganese Research Program in 1974, and we gratefully acknowledge the support of the office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration and the Office of Oceanographic Facilities and Support. This program was designed to investigate the origin, growth, and distribution of copper/nickel-rich manganese nodules in the Pacific Ocean. The field effort was designed to satisfy sample requirements of the fifteen principal investigators, while increasing general knowledge of the copper/nickel-rich nodule deposits of the equatorial Pacific. This report is the second of a series of cruise reports designed to assist sample requests for documented nodules, sediment, and water samples so that laboratory results can be realistically compared and related to the environment of nodule growth. Nodule samples and bathymetric and navigational data are archived at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii. Bulk chemical analyses of nodules and reduction of survey data were carried out at Hawaii. Sediment cores were stored at the University of Hawaii and at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The SIO analytical facility provided stratigraphic data on sediment chemistry.


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We present self-consistent, axisymmetric core-collapse supernova simulations performed with the Prometheus-Vertex code for 18 pre-supernova models in the range of 11–28 M ⊙, including progenitors recently investigated by other groups. All models develop explosions, but depending on the progenitor structure, they can be divided into two classes. With a steep density decline at the Si/Si–O interface, the arrival of this interface at the shock front leads to a sudden drop of the mass-accretion rate, triggering a rapid approach to explosion. With a more gradually decreasing accretion rate, it takes longer for the neutrino heating to overcome the accretion ram pressure and explosions set in later. Early explosions are facilitated by high mass-accretion rates after bounce and correspondingly high neutrino luminosities combined with a pronounced drop of the accretion rate and ram pressure at the Si/Si–O interface. Because of rapidly shrinking neutron star radii and receding shock fronts after the passage through their maxima, our models exhibit short advection timescales, which favor the efficient growth of the standing accretion-shock instability. The latter plays a supportive role at least for the initiation of the re-expansion of the stalled shock before runaway. Taking into account the effects of turbulent pressure in the gain layer, we derive a generalized condition for the critical neutrino luminosity that captures the explosion behavior of all models very well. We validate the robustness of our findings by testing the influence of stochasticity, numerical resolution, and approximations in some aspects of the microphysics.


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In order to predict compressive strength of geopolymers prepared from alumina-silica natural products, based on the effect of Al 2 O 3 /SiO 2, Na 2 O/Al 2 O 3, Na 2 O/H 2 O, and Na/[Na+K], more than 50 pieces of data were gathered from the literature. The data was utilized to train and test a multilayer artificial neural network (ANN). Therefore a multilayer feedforward network was designed with chemical compositions of alumina silicate and alkali activators as inputs and compressive strength as output. In this study, a feedforward network with various numbers of hidden layers and neurons were tested to select the optimum network architecture. The developed three-layer neural network simulator model used the feedforward back propagation architecture, demonstrated its ability in training the given input/output patterns. The cross-validation data was used to show the validity and high prediction accuracy of the network. This leads to the optimum chemical composition and the best paste can be made from activated alumina-silica natural products using alkaline hydroxide, and alkaline silicate. The research results are in agreement with mechanism of geopolymerization.

Read More: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000829


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El presente trabajo se realizó en nueve localidades de los municipios de Ciudad Darío, San Ramón y San Dioni sio, departamento de Matagalpa en la época de postrera 2013 . Con el objetivo de evaluar y determinar la adaptabilidad de dos cultivares de maíz locales ( Tuza Morada y Olote Rojo) y dos cultivares mejorados (H - INTA 991 y H - 5). La decisión de los materiales a estudiar estuvo totalmente a cargo de los propios productores en cada comunidad y finca. El diseño en campo consistió en una sola repetición por variedad en cada una de las 16 finca s con dimensiones de 4.50 m de ancho por 10 m de largo para un área total de 45.0 m 2 . La parcela útil fue los 4 surcos centrales de 3.0 m de ancho por 5.0 m de largo para una superficie de 15.0 m 2 . La siembra se realizó al espeque depositando dos semillas por golpe. Para la evaluación se analizaron 14 variables cuantitativ a s mediante estadística descriptiva (medias, varianza , desviación estándar, coeficiente de variación, valores máximos y mínimos). El análisis de adaptabilidad se hizo por medio de regresión lineal . Entre los resultados se destaca que los c ultivares est udiados demostraron una gran variabilidad fenotípica al presentar coeficientes de variación alto (mayor de 20 ), s iendo el cultivar H - 5 el q ue obtuvo la menor variabilidad fenotípica. Aunque no fue posible tener todos los cultivares en las localidades y finca dentro de las localidades cada uno mostro resultado de variabilidad fenotípica en mayor a menor por los altos coeficientes de variación obtenidos que reflejan variabilidad fenotíp ica. Los cultivares locales se destacaron , sobresaliendo el cultivar Olote Rojo el que según el análisis de regresión lineal resultó como el más estable y , el cultivar Tuza Morada con un rendimiento promedio de 2295.5 kg ha - 1 fue el que resultó ser el más adaptable y el que logró el mayor potencial de rendimiento. E l cultivar mejorado H - INTA 991 (con un rendimiento promedio de 1581.16 kg ha - 1 ) respondió muy bien ocupando el segundo lugar en cuanto al potenci al de rendimiento y adaptabilidad.


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In May, June and July 1996, samples wcre collected along one transect greatly influenced by river discharge (eastern side of the gulf), along one transect slightly influence by river discharge (western side), at one station Iocated in the mouth of the main river (River Daugava), at one station located in the center of the Gulf and at several nearshore locations of the western side. Ratios of rnolecular concentrations of in situ dissolved ioorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon, as weIl as enrichment bioassays were llsed to dctcrrnine which nutrient (s) lirnited the potential biomass of phytoplankton. Both comparison of (NO.d-N02+NJ.L): P04 (DIN: DIP) values with Redfic1d's ratio and bioassay inspection led to the sarne conclusions. Phosphorus was clearly the nutrient most limiting for the potcntial biornass of test species in nitrogen- rich waters, which occurred in mid spring, in the upper layer of the southern-eastern part of the Gulf which is greatly influenced by river discharge. In late spring, with the decrease of the total DIN reserve, nitrogen and phosphorus showed an equallimiting role. In deeper layers of this area and out of the river plume (western side and central part of the gulf), nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. In summer, whcn river discharge was the lowest, a11 DIN concentrations but one ranged between 1.6 and 2.6 µM, and the whole area was nitrogen-limited for both the cyanobacterial and the algal test strains. In 74% of the samples for which nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, phosphorus was recorded to be the second potentially limiting nutrient. In contrast, silicon never appeared as limiting the growth potential of either Microcystis aeruginosa or Phaeodactylum tricornutum; phosphorus was the limiting nutrient when DIN: Si03 values were >1 (in May), but DIN: Si03 was <1 when nitrogen was limiting (June and July). The authors conclude that the recently reported decrease of silicon loading in coastal waters and its subsequent enhanced importance in pushing the outcome of species competition towards harmful species may not yet be the most important factor for the Gulf of Riga. Iron appeared for 12% of the tests in the list of nutrients limiting the potential biomass. Tentative results also indicated that a significant fraction of the nitrogen (~,4 µg-atom N 1(-1) taken up by Microcystis aeruginosa may have been in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). It is thus also suggested tentatively that more attention be paid to these nitrients during further research in the Gulf of Riga.


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Carta de Servicios del Servicio de Información y Orientación


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The functional and structural performance of a 5 cm synthetic small diameter vascular graft (SDVG) produced by the copolymerization of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel with low molecular weight dextran (PVA/Dx graft) associated to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-based therapies and anticoagulant treatment with heparin, clopidogrel and warfarin was tested using the ovine model during the healing period of 24 weeks. The results were compared to the ones obtained with standard expanded polyetetrafluoroethylene grafts (ePTFE graft). Blood flow, vessel and graft diameter measurements, graft appearance and patency rate (PR), thrombus, stenosis and collateral vessel formation were evaluated by B-mode ultrasound, audio and color flow Doppler. Graft and regenerated vessels morphologic evaluation was performed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. All PVA/Dx grafts could maintain a similar or higher PR and systolic / diastolic laminar blood flow velocities were similar to ePTFE grafts. CD14 (macrophages) and α-actin (smooth muscle) staining presented similar results in PVA/Dx/MSCs and ePTFE graft groups. Fibrosis layer was lower and endothelial cells were only detected at graft-artery transitions where it was added the MSCs. In conclusion, PVA/Dx graft can be an excellent scaffold candidate for vascular reconstruction, including clinic mechanically challenging applications, such as SDVGs, especially when associated to MSCs-based therapies to promote higher endothelialization and lower fibrosis of the vascular prosthesis, but also higher PR values.