974 resultados para Zn-lignosulfonate
Se presentan los resultados de las fases de evaluación - selección de líneas avanzadas de arroz con alto contenido de zinc a nivel de vivero, evaluación de líneas avanzadas y evaluación multi - ambiental. Estos ensayos se establecieron en condiciones de riego y secano del 2014 y 2015, en el Centro Experimental de Arroz “TAINIC” y en diferentes regiones de secano del sub ciclo invierno del 2015. El Diseño empleado fue de Bloques Incompletos No Balanceados (Alpha Latice ). Se midieron datos de comportamiento agronómico, calidad de grano y contenido de zinc en el grano pulido mediante la metodología de fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX). De los genotipos evaluados se seleccionaron cuatro que combinan características agronómicas, industriales y nu tricionales deseables . Se estableció una relación positiva entre la cantidad de zinc disponible en el suelo y su influencia en la cantidad de zinc encontrada en grano pulido. Se determinó diferencias significativas entre los Genotipos, Ambientes e Interacc ión Genotipo*Ambiente. Se seleccionaron genotipos que presentan un comportamiento adaptativo amplio y genotipos con adaptación específica para cada condición agroclimática y de manejo . Se identificaron dos Mega-ambientes con genotipos en común. En el primero formado por los sitios de Pantasma y Jalapa destaca el genotipo IR31917-45-3-2-1-1SR-5-M(T4). El segundo Mega-ambiente formado por los sitios de Masatepe y San Carlos destaca el genotipo CT18504-4-5-3Vi-2-3P(T14). En los ambientes únicos de Posoltega y Darío los mejores genotipos fueron IR75870-5-8-5-B-2-B-1SR-8-M (T6) y CT19298-(100)-1-2-3-1-4MP (T1) respectivamente. Las variables que más influenciaron en la producción son en primer lugar días a madures, confirmando la tendencia de que a ciclo más extenso del cultivo habrá mayor rendimiento; en segundo lugar, la variable más influyente es longitud de panícula.
Zinc stable isotopes measurements by MC-ICP-MS, validated by laboratory intercalibrations, were performed on wild oysters, suspended particles and filtered river/estuarine water samples to provide new constraints for the use of Zn isotopes as environmental tracers. The samples selected were representative of the long range (400 km) transport of metal (Zn, Cd, etc.) contamination from former Zn-refining activities at Decazeville (i.e. δ66Zn > 1 ‰) and its phasing out, recorded during 30 years in wild oysters from the Gironde Estuary mouth (RNO/ROCCH sample bank). The study also addresses additional anthropogenic sources (urban and viticulture) and focuses on geochemical reactivity of Zn in the turbidity gradient and the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) of the fluvial Gironde Estuary. In this area, dissolved Zn showed a strong removal onto suspended particulate matter (SPM) and progressive enrichment in heavy isotopes with increasing SPM concentrations varying from δ66Zn = -0.02 ‰ at 2 mg/L to +0.90 ‰ at 1310 mg/L. These signatures were attributed to kinetically driven adsorption due to strongly increasing sorption sites in the turbidity gradient and MTZ of the estuary. Oysters from the estuary mouth, contaminated sediments from the Lot River and SPM entering the estuary showed parallel historical evolutions (1979-2010) for Zn/Cd ratios but not for δ66Zn values. Oysters had signatures varying from δ66Zn = 1.43 ‰ in 1983 to 1.18 ‰ in 2010 and were offset by δ66Zn = 0.6 - 0.7 ‰ compared to past (1988) and present SPM from the salinity gradient. Isotopic signatures in river-borne particles entering the Gironde Estuary under contrasting freshwater discharge regimes during 2003-2011 showed similar values (δ66Zn ≈ 0.35 ± 0.03 ‰; 1SD, n=15), i.e. they were neither related to former metal refining activities at least for the past decade nor clearly affected by other anthropogenic sources. Therefore, the Zn isotopic signatures in Gironde oysters reflect the geochemical reactivity of Zn in the estuary rather than signatures of past metallurgical contaminations in the watershed as recorded in contaminated river sediments. The study also shows that the isotopic composition of Zn is strongly fractionated by its geochemical reactivity in the Gironde Estuary, representative of meso-macrotidal estuarine systems.
Wydział Biologii
Effect of foliar application of Cu, Zn, and Mn on yield and quality indicators of winter wheat grain
Micronutrients are part of many crucial physiological plant processes. The combined application of N and micronutrients helps in obtaining grain yield with beneficial technological and consumer properties. The main micronutrients needed by cereals include Cu, Mn, and Zn. The subject of this study was to determine yield, quality indicators (protein content and composition, gluten content, grain bulk density, Zeleny sedimentation index, and grain hardness), as well as mineral content (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe) in winter wheat grain ( Triticum aestivum L.) fertilized by foliar micronutrient application. A field experiment was carried out at the Educational and Experimental Station in Tomaszkowo, Poland. The application of mineral fertilizers (NPK) supplemented with Cu increased Cu content (13.0%) and ω, α/β, and γ (18.7%, 4.9%, and 3.4%, respectively) gliadins in wheat grain. Foliar Zn fertilization combined with NPK increased Cu content (14.9%) as well as high (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) glutenins (38.8% and 6.7%, respectively). Zinc fertilization significantly reduced monomeric gliadin content and increased polymeric glutenin content in grain, which contributed in reducing the gliadin:glutenin ratio (0.77). Mineral fertilizers supplemented with Mn increased Fe content in wheat grain (14.3%). It also significantly increased protein (3.8%) and gluten (4.4%) content, Zeleny sedimentation index (12.4%), and grain hardness (18.5%). Foliar Mn fertilization increased the content of ω, α/β, and γ gliadin fractions (19.9%, 9.5%, and 2.1%, respectively), as well as HMW and LMW glutenins (18.9% and 4.5%, respectively). Mineral NPK fertilization, combined with micronutrients (Cu + Zn + Mn), increased Cu and Zn content in grain (22.6% and 17.7%, respectively). The content of ω, α/β, and γ gliadins increased (20.3%, 10.5%, and 12.1%, respectively) as well as HMW glutenins (7.9%).
En este trabajo se presentan datos de la composición isotópica en carbono y oxígeno de rocas carbonáticas (calizas y dolomías) en el sector Reocín-La Florida (Cantabria). Estos materiales constituyen la roca encajante de importantes mineralizaciones dé Zn-Pb (tipo Mississippi Valley) de edad Cretácica. Las calizas analizadas tienen valores medios del ð13C(PDB) y ð18 O(SMOW) de +3,15 y +27,21, respectivamente. y las dolomías de +2,05 y +25,53, respectivamente. Estos datos sugieren una génesis diferente para ambos tipos de carbonatos, de tal forma que un origen singenético para las mineralizaciones debe ser rechazado. También se analizan otros tipos de carbonatos presentes (calizas de dolomitización y espeleotemas), cuyos datos indican un origen relacionado con aguas meteóricas, dado el empobrecimiento que estos materiales poseen en los isótopos pesados.
En este artículo de la revisión se describen las diferentes rutas para la formación de metales activados de Reike, en particular Zn*, Cu*' Al*, In* y Ni*. Se describe también la síntesisde compuestos orgánicos y organometálicos obtenidos mediante estos metales.
Magnetic ceramics have been widely investigated, especially with respect to intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of these materials. Among the magnetic ceramic materials of technological interest, there are the ferrites. On the other hand, the thermal treatment of ceramic materials by microwave energy has offered various advantages such as: optimization of production processes, high heat control, low consumption of time and energy among others. In this work were synthesized powders of Ni-Zn ferrite with compositions Ni1- xZnxFe2O4 (0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.75 mols) by the polymeric precursor route in two heat treatment conditions, conventional oven and microwave energy at 500, 650, 800 and 950°C and its structural, and morphological imaging. The materials were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/ DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray spectroscopy and energy dispersive (EDS) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed the formation of ferrite with spinel-type cubic structure. The extrinsic characteristics of the powders obtained by microwave calcination and influence significantly the magnetic behavior of ferrites, showing particles ferrimagnéticas characterized as soft magnetic materials (soft), is of great technological interest. The results obtained led the potential application of microwave energy for calcining powders of Ni-Zn ferrite
MnHCF was synthesized by simple co-precipitation method. In this work we investigate the electrochemical behavior of manganese hexacyanoferrate in zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), ZnSO4+MnSO4 and zinc triflate (Zn(OTF)2) aqueous electrolytes. Electrochemical tests were performed by both El-cell which is designed for reflection investigation and coin cell. In cyclic voltammetry curves, we observed redox peaks of both Fe3+/2+ and Mn3+/2+ pairs. The results based on current shows that the capacity of battery is controlled by diffusion process in aqueous electrolyte system. MnHCF undergoes severe dissolution and zinc displacement during cycling. Compared to ZnSO4, anions of Zn (OTF)2 electrolyte are strongly adsorbed on the electrolyte surface, in turn hindering the water oxidation reaction and reducing the decomposition of MnHCF. The MnHCF/Zn battery using 3M Zn (OTF)2 delivers a specific capacity of 41 mAhg-1 at 50 mAg-1 while by using 3M ZnSO4+1M MnSO4 the specific capacity reaches to 400 mAhg-1 for the pure sample and around 250 mAhg-1 for the MnHCF+A. Our results suggest that the anions in the aqueous electrolyte are of great importance to optimize the electrochemical performance of metal hexacyanoferrates. The pre-addition of MnSO4 into ZnSO4 solution is capable of easing the Mn2+ dissolution from the cathode.