947 resultados para World cinemas : transnational perspectives
Bakeriella lata sp. nov. (Brazil, Rondônia), Bakeriella aurata sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) and Bakeriella sulcaticeps sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) are described and illustrated. New geographic records and variation data for B. cristata Evans, 1964, B. floridana Evans, 1964, B. flavicornis Kieffer, 1910, B. incompleta Azevedo, 1994, B. mira Evans, 1997, B. montivaga (Kieffer, 1910), B. olmeca Evans, 1964 and B. subcarinata Evans, 1965 are provided. The male of B. incompleta is described for the first time.
Esta dissertação parte das bases da crítica de Gadamer à consciência estética desde o contexto de fundamentação das ciências naturais e decorrente estabelecimento das ciências humanas. Considerando o posicionamento contrário de Gadamer quanto ao predomínio dos métodos das ciências naturais em todos os âmbitos da experiência humana no mundo, nosso esforço será no sentido de abordar a compreensão da experiência estética. Neste sentido, nos voltaremos para a aisthesis com vistas a caminhar focando na problemática em torno da arte a partir de Platão e Aristóteles, culminando no estabelecimento da estética como campo específico do saber filosófico no pensamento iluminista de Baumgarten. Destarte, o presente escrito voltar-se-á para as bases da consciência estética que se encontram na subjetivação decorrente dos efeitos do pensamento crítico de Kant. Com isso, abordaremos as perspectivas de Gadamer com vistas a liberar a experiência da arte do âmbito da consciência estética, o que, segundo este filósofo, pode ocorrer a partir da assunção de um tipo de experiência que pode ser tomado como verdade mesmo não estando restrito aos métodos das ciências naturais. Partindo desta prerrogativa,Gadamer lança mão da noção de jogo como experiência fora da centralidade subjetiva. Com o redirecionamento da experiência, o fenômeno artístico pode aparecer como parte constitutiva da experiência existencial humana sem estar restrito às faculdades subjetivas.
The article deals with the internationalization of Brazilian businesses in the current decade. In the 1990s, Brazil embraced economic neoliberalism and promoted a huge opening up of its economy. At that time, Brazilian companies had to adapt rapidly. Twenty years later, the country has reinforced its presence in Latin America and has ensured a better position in the global markets, especially by through agricultural exports.
Since Cardoso and during Lula's Administration, the international order has undergone significant changes. These changes have allowed the Brazilian foreign policy to mitigate internal effects of an order established by others and, at the same time, to become an active participant in the formulation of the new order. To democratize globalization became the mainspring of Brazilian foreign policy. In the scope, President Lula has maintained the tradition of formulating and programming foreign policy as a State policy, and also has fostered the logistic strategy of incorporation of Brazil into the international scene.
In 2001, China finally joined the WTO. The accession of China was looked forward to by many WTO members and China itself. However, observers had some fears that the Chinese accession would prove to be a Trojan horse, disrupting the working of the WTO. This paper looks into the Chinese accession and its involvement in the WTO Dispute Settlement and argues that these fears seem so far to be unfounded.
After the transfer of the Portuguese administration to China, Macau kept its role as a bridge between East and West, inspired in the Portuguese settlement 500 years ago. The pragmatism of the Chinese central government, using the Lusophone specificities of this Special Administrative Region, supported the creation of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries, reviving the statute of the Portuguese language and culture in its own territory.
A cidade de Guimarães, no noroeste português, é um espaço imbuído de um forte significado simbólico e cultural. A acreditação pela U.N.E.S.C.O. do seu centro histórico como Património Cultural da Humanidade, em Dezembro de 2001, contribuiu significativamente para aumentar o seu potencial em termos turísticos. Na realidade, desde aquela data, tem-se assistido a um aumento sustentado do número de visitantes. O presente capítulo debruça-se sobre a análise de alguns resultados de um inquérito por questionário aplicado aos residentes do município de Guimarães com o objetivo de avaliar a sua perceção dos benefícios que a atividade turística pode trazer. O inquérito foi implementado entre Janeiro e Março de 2010. Os resultados mostram que aqueles revelam uma perceção favorável dos impactos do turismo e que esta perceção está correlacionada com a idade e o nível de instrução dos inquiridos.
The Museum Of All: Institutional Communication Practices in a Participatory Networked World
Background and Purpose: Precise needle puncture of the kidney is a challenging and essential step for successful percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Many devices and surgical techniques have been developed to easily achieve suitable renal access. This article presents a critical review to address the methodologies and techniques for conducting kidney targeting and the puncture step during PCNL. Based on this study, research paths are also provided for PCNL procedure improvement. Methods: Most relevant works concerning PCNL puncture were identified by a search of Medline/PubMed, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus databases from 2007 to December 2012. Two authors independently reviewed the studies. Results: A total of 911 abstracts and 346 full-text articles were assessed and discussed; 52 were included in this review as a summary of the main contributions to kidney targeting and puncturing. Conclusions: Multiple paths and technologic advances have been proposed in the field of urology and minimally invasive surgery to improve PCNL puncture. The most relevant contributions, however, have been provided by the applicationofmedical imaging guidance, newsurgical tools,motion tracking systems, robotics, andimage processing and computer graphics. Despite the multiple research paths for PCNL puncture guidance, no widely acceptable solution has yet been reached, and it remains an active and challenging research field. Future developments should focus on real-time methods, robust and accurate algorithms, and radiation free imaging techniques